Bella POV

I just drove past welcome to Santa Carla and carried on driving soon I spotted a petrol station so I drove in to get some petrol and to get directions to a bed and breakfast hotel, once I filled my car with petrol. I walked into the shop "excuse me" I said to the staff in a calm voice as I was walking up to her

She stopped what she was doing and looked at me "can I help you with something?" She asked me in a polite voice with a smile on her face

I smiled at her "can you give me directions to a bed and breakfast" I replied to her in a calm voice which she gave me directions to the nearest bed and breakfast then I paid for the petrol and a sandwich. I got back into my car and ate my chicken salad sandwich then I started driving again

Soon I reached bed and breakfast so I walked inside and headed towards the main desk "I was wondering if you had a spare room for tonight" I asked the man behind the desk with a smile on my face, once I was checked in a room and had the keys "thank you" I said in a shy voice as I grabbed my bag then I walked away from him

I dropped my bag on the bed

I decided to go and explore Santa Carla before it gets to dark "what time do I have to get back?" I asked him in a calm voice which he gave me a leaflet with the times on it "thanks" with that I walked outside while I was looking at the time to see I had to be back at ten o'clock sharp "ok" I murmured as I put the leaflet in my car because I am going to walk there

I started walking towards the boarder to see if there was some where I can stay for awhile and probably find a job to earn a bit of money till I leave again because I don't stay in one place to long soon I stopped walking when I reached the boarder to look around to see where I can go from there

I spotted a video store and started walking towards the store only to see a helped wanted sign in the window which I was going to apply for so I started walking towards the door with my head down only to bumped into someone and I went to fall but arms went around my waist "I'm so sorry" I apologise as I looked up to see a very handsome tall dark hair man

I went to pull away only for him to tightened his hold on me and let out a little growl "um, you're can let go now" I said to him in a shy voice with a smile on my face

He shakes his head at me with a frown on his face "hey I'm Dwayne" he introduced himself with a small smile on his face "what is your name?" He asked me in a calm voice as he let go off me

I opened my mouth to say my name but in the corner of my eye I saw a familiar face who hadn't seen in two years who was going into the comic store. I started to walk away to follow them only for Dwayne to grab my hand so I turned to face him to see a panic look on his face "Bella! My name is Bella" I told him thinking that he wanted to know my name then I pulled my hand away and ran for the comic store but I heard Dwayne's footsteps behind me

I spotted Sam talking to two boys who looked like brothers so I snuck up behind him with a finger on my lips not to tell him that I am here so I covered his eyes "guess who, Sammy-boy" I whispered in his ear knowing he hated that name

He quickly spun around to see me standing there "Be.. Bella" he murmured in a confuse and happy voice

I nodded my head at him next thing I knew I was pulled into a hug then I pulled away "where is Micheal?" I asked him with a smile on my face

He shrugged his shoulders "probably still following the girl from the concert" he told me in annoyed voice while he looked over my shoulder and let out a small laugh "looks like some else has a follower" he said to me when he saw me give him a confuse look

I looked over my shoulder to see Dwayne standing behind me then I faced Sam again "come on, let's go" I said but in the corner of my eyes I saw the two brothers shooting glares our way. I grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him out of the shop to get away from the two brothers and Dwayne "let's go on a few rides" I suggested as I looked at him just in time to see he nodded his head then I saw Dwayne walking behind him "leave me alone" I hissed out so me and Sam started running into the crowds

I was laughing at Sam face after I got off typhoon ride "that was fun" I exclaimed in excited voice with a big grin on my face as I faced him but kept on walking backwards only to bump into someone so I turned around to see it was Sam's mum Lucy "hey Lucy" I said to her in a polite voice

She pulled me into a hug which I returned "where are you staying" she questioned as she pulled away from me

I quickly looked at Sam then back to her "I'm staying at bed and breakfast" I replied to her in a calm voice

She shook her head "you are staying at our house" she ordered me in a firm voice "no buts" she said as she saw me going to say no to her then she looked at Sam "go and get your brother" she told him

I followed after him who spotted Micheal talking to some girl so I stayed where I was while he went to get him which made the girl walk away which made Micheal and Sam walking after her "wait up" I shouted at them as I was rushing over to them

They looked back to see me running after them "hey Mike" I said as I reached them so I followed after them because Micheal started walking again

Micheal suddenly stopped walking and was staring at something

I looked over to see the girl was sitting behind a blonde man on a motorbike and I saw them and Dwayne looked in our direction then I saw Dwayne getting off his motorbike and walking over which made me move behind Micheal "move" I heard him growl out to them

Dwayne shoved them aside then grabbed my hand and pulled me away to his motorbike so he gets on his motorbikie "get on" he commanded as he looked at me

I got on the back of his motorbike and he followed after his friends soon I got off and followed behind them into a cave then I spotted a bed so I laid down and fell asleep