
Mom has taken the habit of turning off the radio and the TV as soon as Tsuna comes home. They don't talk about it.

Tsuna doesn't know whether to be grateful or not. He tells so to Momo, and the creature only goes on a rant about how much his mother loves him which — fair, but it isn't like Tsuna didn't already know. The thing is, Mom enjoys listening to the radio. It occupies her mind while she's doing household chores; washing the dishes, swiping dust off the cabinet, sweeping the floor... She only ever doesn't listen to it while Iemitsu is at home, which is to say, never.

And since Mom enjoys listening to the radio, Tsuna feels guilty.

"You can turn it on," he tells her one day, after coming back to school. "I mean, if you want to listen, of course."

Mom has a tiny frown between her eyebrows. She puts a hand to her cheek, silent for an instant, but then smiles. "If you're sure!" She flicks the radio on, and goes back to her task, humming along with the pop song that just came on.

Tsuna breathes a sigh of relief, and runs to his room before he's unlucky enough to listen to the news.


"Hey there, Missy," Tsuna greets, folding his knees. He gently raps his knuckles under Missy's chin, and she lets out a content, small purr. "Long time no see."

"You saw her yesterday," Momo reminds, as if he needed to be reminded. Missy comes everyday, now.

"Exactly. That was too long ago for my taste." Missy lets out a tiny mew, so Tsuna gently gathers her into his arms, as if he were holding a baby. She doesn't look upset with the change of scenery, only snuggles into his clothes. "What a weird cat." Missy shows her tongue. "You're just lovely, aren't you?" He softly scratches her stomach.

Momo looks suspicious. "Are you sure this is a real cat?"

He grins. "Oh, don't be jealous Momo, you're just as lovely." An embellishment of the truth, really, but, well. He can't possibly tell his only companion that it looks like a monster out of a nightmare.

Momo sniffs.

"What are you doing here, huh?" he asks Missy, continuing on his path home. "Did you just want to visit me? Are you lost?"

Missy mews.

"Yes, yes," Tsuna says seriously, nodding. "I totally understand."

She lets out a long purr, as he scratches the side of her fluffy neck.

"You're hungry?" he exclaims, shocked. "That just won't do! I'm sure the convenience store has some canned tuna... How about it?"

Missy mews in agreement, thrice, rubbing the top of her head against his arm.


He has some trouble opening the can, but Tsuna eventually manages to feed Missy. She purrs at him, all the while gobbling down her food. He sits on a nearby bench, and watches her eat.

"Fascinating, huh?"

Tsuna is startled off the bench from how hard he startles. A small, white and pink figure has appeared on the bench. It's a cat. A ghost cat?

"Ah, Missy!" Tsuna recognizes, clambering up to sit back on the bench. "I, uh, I mean, Welcoming Cat. It's... nice to see you again?"

"Don't sound too thrilled," the Welcoming Cat licks its paw. Tsuna can see the pillows under its paw. So cute. There still is the pink heart mark on its belly. "I suspect that you haven't missed me much."

He moves to deny it, then pauses. "Well, we only met once..." He ducks his head down, hoping to hide a shy smile. "But, truthfully, it is nice to hear of you, Welcoming Cat."

The Welcoming Cat's ear twitches. It looks pleased. Chin up, it turns away from him. "I'm lucky your Guardian isn't here. Where is it?"

Tsuna blinks, and looks around, but there is no trace of Momo. "Ah, now that you say so... Where did Momo go?"

The Welcoming Cat snorts. "Of course. Figures it'd disappear as soon as—" It cuts itself off, feline face souring as if it just ate something disgusting, and turns to look at him. "Magician. Please heed my warning: this Magical Guardian of yours... If it were me, I would not trust it. There is something deeply wrong about this creature."

There is a strange weight to the words, and Tsuna has to swallow. "You mean, something wrong, besides the, uh," he gestures to the entirety of himself, "the everything."

"Yes, besides that," it sounds amused, ears twitching. Tsuna has the urge to scratch the Welcoming Cat just like he does with Missy.

"Well, don't worry about me," Tsuna smiles. "It's pretty obvious to me that there's something wrong with Momo. I mean, besides the," he gestures again, "the everything."

"You are strange," the Welcoming Cat says, getting up. "I... like your company."

"Aww," Tsuna says.

The Welcoming Cat's ears are twitching like crazy, and it looks away from him. "I must go. I have attracted her attention, now." Its eyes settle on him once more, gaze weighted. "I have done my part. I will leave the rest to you."

"Missy! Missy!" someone is calling in the distance.

Tsuna glances up, and when he looks back, the Welcoming Cat has disappeared.

"Missy!" A little girl appears, frail and sickly. Tsuna recognizes her in one instant: Lizzy! Is that what the Welcoming Cat meant? Tsuna will have to thank it next time they meet — if they meet again (he hopes so). "Missy!"

Missy, who was calmly licking her paws until now, begins to mew.

Lizzy glances over, and brightens. She's out of breath, and her knees are shaking just the littlest bit, but she still runs over and skids to her knees to embrace Missy.

"Is this where you've been?" she murmurs into Missy's fur. "I've been looking for you... Mom and Dad will scold me when they notice me coming back..."

Missy mews.

"Hello?" Tsuna greets, getting up. "Are you her owner?"

"Ah, yes, that's me." She gets up, carrying Missy, with a bashful smile. "Thank you for taking care of Missy," she says, taking the liberty to sit down on the bench, too. She's still huffing for breath.

"Oh," Tsuna says in faux surprise. "You know Missy too?"

"Ah," Lizzy says in genuine surprise. "You know Missy's name?"

"Uh, no, I guess, that's just the nickname I gave her," he flounders. "Weird, huh? I guess Missy looks like a miss." Right. Not suspicious at all, Tsuna. At all.

Lizzy only laughs, as Missy slides away from her embrace, settling in the space between the two of them. "Oh, you know, Missy's a boy."

"What?" He glances down at Missy suspiciously.

She nods. "I thought Missy was a girl for a long time, but we had to go to the veterinarian not too long ago, and I learned that Missy was a boy! What a shock!" She doesn't look shocked at all. Her eyes are dancing with mirth.

"Now I feel like a fool," he says, but a smile is on his lips. "And to think I've been thinking of him as a girl all this time... I should have checked before giving him a nickname." He peers down at Missy, who looks like the happiest cat in the world, head rubbing against Lizzy's thigh, and tail waging lazily on Tsuna's shirt. "He doesn't seem to mind."

Lizzy nods, serious. "He's very carefree." Then grins, "He gets it from me."

"My name's Sawada Tsunayoshi, but most people call me Tsuna." He gives a small bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

She flushes. "I, I'm Kobayashi Elizabeth. Um, I, everyone calls me Lizzie, I guess." She bows, too. "Please take care of me."

He tilts his head, absently scratching the back of Missy's neck. "So... you come here often?" Smooth, Tsuna. Smooth.

"Not really. I've just been looking for Missy." She peers down at said cat. "For the past few days, Missy's taken to disappearing for hours on end. I... was worried, so I decided to follow him."

"Really? I met Missy a few days ago, and he keeps coming back every day."

She blinks. "You mean... He's been leaving because he wants to see you?"

He blinks back. "I, I don't know?" Does the Welcoming Cat have any say in this? Is Missy's sudden infatuation with him because of the Welcoming Cat? Momo said that Missy was attracted to him because Tsuna was holding his Heart, but... "I suppose, yes."

Lizzy looks delighted at the situation, though she makes a valiant effort at hiding it. She looks up pensively. "I, um, I guess that— it'd make Missy pretty sad if he weren't able to meet up with you any longer." She glances at him, shy. "But I also don't want Missy to stay outside for hours on end..."

Wow, Tsuna wants to say. He wonders just how Lizzy hasn't managed to make a thousand friends yet. She isn't very smooth, but her attempts at constructing friendship are genuine and endearing.

She doesn't continue, though, face flushed, fingers nervously twisting in Missy's fur.

He takes pity on her — and on himself, too. "I can't say adieu to Missy," he offers. "Would it be alright with you if I visited the both of you, sometimes?"

Missy mews loudly.

"I, yes!" Lizzy exclaims, then regains herself. "I mean, of course you can."

They manage to continue past the awkwardness, and chat for a while, up until Lizzy's phone rings. It's a cute ringtone: a soft lullaby played with cutesy pop song noises.

"It's my Mom," Lizzy announces morosely. "She'll scold me for being out without telling anyone."

Indeed, from his perspective of the call, and the pout on Lizzy's face, it does look like she's being scolded heavily. He can sometimes hear the mother's voice rise, and then fall.

"Do you want me to walk you back home?" he asks, after Lizzy asks if she can walk back home on her own.

It takes her a moment to answer, and she just ends up repeating the question to her mother. "She says that my Dad's already on the way. Can you stay until he comes?"


Lizzy stays on the phone with her mother, but they don't say much more. She only hangs up when they see a silver car arriving in the distance.

"I'm sorry for the bother," she says, regretful, getting up, then gathering Missy in her arms. Missy comes willingly, purring. That cat is always purring.

He gets up, too. "It's really nothing. It was nice meeting you, Lizzy." He smiles down at Missy. "You too, Missy."

Lizzy and Missy get into the car (of which the father never gets out of), and they drive off. Tsuna waves at them until the car can't be seen anymore.

"Congratulations on befriending her." Momo says, suddenly appearing on the bench. Its tail is waving, as usual, except that it's just the tiniest bit off rhythm.

"Ah, Momo!" Tsuna exclaims, picking his Guardian up, cradling it into his arms. "Thank you! And where have you been? I was worried."

Momo's ear twitches. (Like the Welcoming Cat...? Perhaps a habit of magical creatures.) "I sensed the Welcoming Cat's arrival, and figured that my presence would unnerve it, thus making the two of you unable to converse freely."

"Oh, so you went on a stroll?" he teases. "It's nice of you to be considerate." Pff, as if Momo even knows how to be considerate. It most definitely only did this in order to facilitate Blossom's "job".

For once, Momo recognizes the mocking tone. It looks... amused? That's a first!

"Well," Tsuna flounders. "Let's go home, OK?"

They stop by a park, and Tsuna buys himself a popsicle as a reward for befriending Lizzy.

"I'm just worried about Abigail, now," he reveals, after they sit on a park bench. Momo is sitting in plain sight, too, but it doesn't seem too worried about a possible cryptid sighting. "I can reach Lizzy — especially now that I have Missy — but Abigail lives far away. How can I help her?"

"Just holding her Heart is enough."

He frowns. "Yes, but can't we fast-forward the process? I'd like to support her when she finally confesses to everything — if she hasn't already done so."

Momo looks just the tiniest bit cross, but nods. "If so is your wish, then I suppose I could bring you to her. You will have to do the rest of the work."

He laughs, startled, nervous. "I— I honestly didn't expect to get this far. So I would be near her, and then I'd just need to find a way to befriend her..." Someone like him, who has no friends except for a Magical Guardian and a cat. "Alright," he says with conviction he doesn't have, "I can do that. I just need— planning. Yeah, I need to plan it."

But the truth is, Tsuna has no idea how people become friends.

And he certainly won't find help in either Momo or Missy.


When they get home, the radio is on.

Tsuna listens only for one moment, and comes to a decision. He waits until they are in his room to announce it. "I think I'm gonna, you know, try to listen to what people are saying," he says, fingers twisting in the sleeve of his hoodie. "And watch the TV news on it, too."

Momo looks pleased at his decision. "Indeed, it is a good idea to keep an eye on what the public opinion is. It would certainly limit troublesome surprises."

"R-right..." He hadn't fully grasped it until now, it seems, but it is true that not everyone is as accepting as his mother.

"I also advise you to watch over the authorities' press releases about the situation. We do not want any... unfavourable opinion. Who knows what would happen were they to learn your true identity."

"You don't mean—"

"It is a possibility," Momo admits. "Not one I wish to entertain, but certainly possible. For the sake of your family if not your own, you have to be careful about who to trust, Tsuna."

"I, I haven't told anyone, yet," he reminds. "Does it mean we're safe?"

"Possibly." It takes one look at Tsuna's face, and says, "By which I mean, they most likely will never figure it out, as long as you stay careful — which I know you will be."

That sounds vaguely like a threat, but what would he know? He's not well-versed enough. "But, if they did learn about it..." He hushes his voice down, even though he knows no one but Momo is listening. "What do you think they would do? Since I'm the only one able to defeat Strays, then they'd have to keep me alive, but..."

Momo's beady eyes seem to glint. "I would kill them before they could bring you harm."

"What? God! That's not what I meant!" Tsuna laughs, but it sounds awkward and unsure. Momo sounded serious. Would it really...? "I just mean, do you think they would arrest me? I know it's a special occurrence, considering magic is involved, but I'm pretty sure I'm still breaking at least a dozen laws."

"Indeed." It tilts its head, considering. "Perhaps, they would. It would depend on the place and the people."

Tsuna winces. Yes, he guesses some places are more hard-lived than others...

"Tsuna," Momo calls, serious. "Even if I do encourage you to avoid involvement with the government, I promise to protect you no matter what, even may this world vanish."

"Momo," he murmurs, touched, purposefully ignoring how creepy Momo sounds and looks. He smiles. "Thank you, Momo. No matter the circumstances, I'm glad we became friends."

Momo doesn't answer, but something in its composure shifts: perhaps an ear twitches in pleasure, or perhaps its muscles slacken just the lightest. Tsuna isn't sure whether this patchwork of a relationship can be called a friendship, but he's gonna try. Momo and Blossom are a duo: Magician and Guardian, so why can't Tsuna be its friend?


After that, Tsuna really does try to keep up with what people are saying.

"No use blocking my own ears and eyes," he tells Momo. "If I run into things blindly, I'll be at a disadvantage. Especially if the government decides on arresting Blossom."

Momo nods.

Tsuna turns on his computer (lie — he never turns it off, just puts it in sleep mode, like the energy-waster that he is, boo him), and begins with searching news articles.

He skims over them, not having the heart to genuinely read them yet. Most are just summaries of everything that has happened concerning him so far. Others, speculations about what is happening. But all of them have at least a few lines about the government.

Any information about the current state of affairs will be rewarded by the government you reside in, one article says, in a collective effort to find out what is currently happening.

There is a few talks about trying to arrest Blossom, but it seems that those are just speculations. Some wonder why no authorities have tried to put an arrest up for Blossom.

Tsuna is curious, too, but his sense of relief is far greater than any curiosity he has. As long as he's safe, it doesn't matter.

With a big sigh, he searches for a "magical girl fight" video. Most of those that appear are dated, and some even have clickbait titles, which is... understandable, admittedly. Tsuna would clickbait a magical girl fight, too.

He clicks on the one about the Cheerleader, if only because the thumbnail looks more HD than the rest. It's simply titled: "MAGICAL GIRL FIGHT N°2", which, hilariously enough, makes it sound like a bad home made video. The channel probably hosts a video of the first fight, too.

The video begins with Blossom already mid jump — that is to say, the first jump, the one that ended up with him just batted away like an annoying fly. And indeed,

The Cheerleader is saying something, but Tsuna can barely hear it through the blood rushing to his ears. It was already hard enough to live it through once, and now he has to watch himself being beaten down mercilessly by someone he now considers like something akin to a friend.

The rest of the video follows the events, and the cameraman only trembles a little bit. It seems to be caused more by the buildings falling apart from the blows of the Cheerleader, than by true nervousness.

They both stay silent, until the video ends. He turns off the sound when an ad immediately starts playing, and instead turns to frown at Momo.

"She was speaking English... Didn't understand much right now, but I understood what she was saying when we were fighting." He doesn't say a word about the fighting in itself — it's pretty obvious how horrible at it he is.

Momo's tail waves. "That is because you were transformed. The language package has been included in your transformed state."

His what now? "You mean... I just— learn languages whenever I'm in uniform?"

"Rather than learning them, every language is immediately translated into the one you understand."

"...Alright." He frowns, then gasps, "Wait! What about my language? Won't people be able to know where I come from?"

Another are-you-dumb look. For someone unable of true emotions, Momo is just mastering those. "I have assured you multiple times that your identity is being protected."

"Right... So what do they hear when I speak?"

"They hear the language they are most familiar with."

Tsuna gapes, eyes going wide. "That's, um... that's crazy. Magic is really powerful."


He turns back to the computer, still a little stunned. In both videos featuring him, there is not a single hint of him speaking, so it seems as though people haven't figured it out yet, but he doubts it will wait for long. Especially considering how the TV crew was unafraid to come close to the fight last time.

He scrolls down to the comments. As usual, most are complaining about how crazy this all is (and, honestly, he relates so much it hurts).

Feels like I'm tripping.
Show Replies (58)

yo uh... what the frick
Are we sure that this isn't just some crazy art installation?
Hide Replies (3)
Don't we all wish? Seems like it's real though. It's really freaky, but nothing we can do about it, it seems.
Rich Richie Richard
I know we've come far with technology but not that far...
Joly Jolie Johnny
lol i wish

Then, there's one thread of comments that catches his attention.

Is it me or is that Blossom girl just a lil kid? She looks really small, and I'm not talking just compared to that monster, but also the tables of the restaurant. I saw a picture of a journalist standing next to those tables, and the journalist (while being around 160cm, 63 inches for you Americans) is well above Blossom's height. At least one head above, I'd say. Just how young is that girl?
Show replies (127)


Momo hums thoughtfully. "I didn't expect them to figure it out this soon."

He turns to face it, and the sight of its impassive face just— "Why do you sound so nonchalant? This is my identity at stake here! You keep telling me to keep my identity secret..." He slumps, hands holding his head. "I thought my magic would keep my identity hidden...? It's only my second apparition, yet they've already figured that out."

Momo patiently waits until he has finished to answer. "You misunderstand. They may figure things out about you — your general height, your age group — but they will never figure out your identity unless it is in their faces — in other words, if you transform in front of them, if you tell them yourself, or if you make it excessively obvious. I assure you, comments, videos, and forums speculating about your height and age won't lead to any identity reveal."

He only feels marginally relieved, frowning. "Alright," he says slowly. "If you say so."

In frustration, he hastily clicks on another video, obnoxiously titled "IS BLOSSOM REALLY A MAGICAL GIRL?" in all caps. It's by a young man named Kugga.

The video starts on a rapid montage of the times Blossom has dealt the finishing blows, followed by him entering the door leading to the Strays' Heart Jewels. The title card appears, in a magnificent pink font. Everyone seems to have accepted pink as Blossom's default color.

The Youtuber begins with a basic retelling of all events until now. Tsuna skips around until he lands to a good part.

"Now," Kugga is saying, "I think just about everyone on Earth has noticed the large — and by that, I mean very large — resemblance this whole scenario has with the basic plot of a magical girl anime. I mean... Cute outfit?" A photo of Blossom in his fighting uniform appears. "Check! Cute magical companion?" A blurry image of Momo appears. "Check! Although... we'll have to see about the cute part, 'cuz no one's really been able to capture a clear photo of it yet. How about the crazy magical powers?" A short gif of the fighting gloves/robot hands appearing over Blossom's fists comes on. "CHECK! And the creepy but also somewhat cute monsters the magical girl has to fight...?" Photos of the Stray Hearts appear in rapid succession. "That's another CHECK for us!

"So, as of now, with the information we have gathered, it does look like Blossom fits all Magical Girl landmarks... However, does it mean that Blossom fits all Magical Girl meanings? After all, Magical Girls are a mean for women empowerment."

After this, it seems that Kugga begins on an explanation of why magical girls are a fundamentally female-centered genre. Tsuna agrees whole-heartedly, and stays to listen until the end, but that doesn't mean this helps him in any way.

I feel sorry for that poor little girl... If she really is a magical girl, then there's a large chance that she was forced or coerced into this one way or another.
Hide replies (95)

Most comments dissolve into them either pitying Blossom, or blaming the government for all of this. One comment even suggests watching a conspiracy theory video.

Kugga, do you think there's a possibility that Blossom isn't a girl?
Hide Replies (7)
Doggo is best dog
Holy shit I didn't even think of that. What if Blossom is a guy who's just into really into pink?
I didn't mention it in the video, but yes, it is a possibility. However, as of now, I'm leaning more toward that possibility that Blossom is a girl, since the authorities have been classifying her as one.

"Only one person suspects I'm not a girl," he mutters, saving the link in the description for later. It's indicated as a link to one of the many Blossom forums.

"Another layer of protection," Momo says dismissively.

Tsuna doesn't answer. Strangely enough, being taken as a girl doesn't bother him much. Since his true identity is hidden anyway, no one will make fun of him for it.

He clicks on another video, this one featuring the moment Tsuna got shot at. It's elegantly titled: "MAGICAL GIRL ALMOST GETS KILLED!" He doesn't bother actually watching the video, and just scrolls down the comment.

Most are appalled at the fact someone tried to kill what seems like a young girl protecting the Earth, one or two are jokingly praising Blossom on the dodge, and a few are encouraging the attempted assassination.

In short, the video doesn't help Tsuna at all. Instead, he closes the tab, and stares at his background screen. It's a fan illustration of an old anime he enjoyed watching, the story of a young boy who was suddenly thrust into a world full of magic. He remembers having fantasized about the same happening to him. Sour taste in his mouth, he changes the background to a generic photo of flowers.

"You weren't able to find much," Momo eventually says, "but at least you were able to take a quick look at the current opinion regarding you."

"Right," Tsuna says pointedly. He leans back into his chair, and turns off his computer in rage. "You know what? I'm tired. I'll continue this tomorrow."

Momo looks disapproving, but it really has no say in how Tsuna spends his free time.

No matter if he hasn't done his homework, and if he hasn't cleaned his room. Tsuna takes off his socks, and rolls himself into his bed covers.


It's just the next morning that another Stray appears.

"Another Stray has appeared," is how Momo wakes him up. His bedside clock reveals that it is four in the morning.

"What? But it's a school day!" Even as Tsuna says so, he flushes. Of course, Strays wouldn't be waiting for the moment Tsuna has free time. "I mean..."

Momo tilts its head, ignoring him. "It does not appear to be far from Namimori. Do you wish to go by foot, or should I bring you there?"

"Um, if you bring me there... does it mean there's less of a possibility people will trace me back to home?"

"I suppose," Momo says, noncommittal, but does transport him to the spot where the Stray is.

They land in a field of overgrown grass and wild flowers, empty of civilization. There are a few trees around, and no trace of any houses or road in the horizon. Tsuna has no idea where he is.

In the middle of the field stands the Stray: a three feet tall, humanoid figure. It has skin the tint of a peach, and snow-colored hair so long it wraps around its limbs and torso. There are two, gold-decorated horns on the top of its head, forming a halo, and the rest of the Stray's body is decorated both by golden armor and white tunic alike. Flowers and grass surround the Stray. The flora seems to be growing at an abnormally fast rate.

It's... certainly a sight. Tsuna is almost blinded by how much the Stray shines, even in the slow dim of the morning light.

"Greetings to you, Magician. My name is the Nurturer," the Stray says, eyelids opening to reveal milky golden. There are no pupils.

"Nice to meet you," Tsuna says, only half joking. "I'm Blossom."

He prepares his stance, but doesn't jump quite yet. He is still unsure whether the Nurturer's attacks are close or long ranged. Still, considering how the Nurturer is just regarding his general direction without any hint of aggressiveness, it looks like he'll have to make the first move.

With a flash of glittery magic, his bow appears. He prepares an arrow, but doesn't point it toward the Nurturer yet. The Stray still hasn't moved. It doesn't seem concerned with the appearance of Tsuna's weapon.

"Are you not going to fight?" Tsuna questions. Is the Stray waiting for something?

It tilts its head."My dear, I do not think we are meant to fight."

Tsuna startles. "What? What do you mean?"

"Isn't this neutral ground?" It gestures to the long expanse of the empty field. There is no one but them. "I do not wish you harm, and it is obvious to my eyes that you abhor conflict of any kind."

"Well," Tsuna says, stance faltering in his surprise. "You're not wrong, but..."

The flora around the Stray is growing, growing and growing. It looks healthy, the grass greener than ever, and the flowers flourishing.

In truth, the Stray, here, is not harming anyone.

"I do believe I am different from my kin," the Nurturer reveals. "There is no anger in me; hurt, yes, but no anger. Neither is there hunger for power." It sighs, long hair wrapping around its limbs. "I only wish... A little bit of tranquility, freedom, and..." It turns its gazeless stare to him.

Tsuna has often been accused of being stupid and naive, but there is something about this Stray... Something genuine and honest.

"Ara?" the Nurturer says, blinking, "Where is your little companion? It seems to have disappeared."

Yes, Tsuna has noticed. He is painfully aware that Momo has once again disappeared. But there's nothing he can do about it: no method of long-distance communication between the two of them. For all he knows, Momo is just two feet away, hiding in the grass to see how Tsuna is doing without its presence.

"A pity," the Nurturer mourns. "I would have loved to kill it."

His stance hardening, Tsuna holds out his two hands, and a long spear appears. (He's just going weapon by weapon!) He grasps it tightly. "To think I almost trusted you," he grits out.

The Stray laughs, but it doesn't sound very amused. "Oh? You would protect that creature? I advise you not to trust it, my dear."

"Oh, yes, because your advice is so trustworthy," he snarks, "especially after you threatened to kill my friend."

"Your... friend?" It looks and sounds disgusted by the concept.

"Momo might be the creepiest, most terrifying, and also cutest creature on this Earth..." He readies himself for a jump. "But Momo's still my friend!"

He leaps, spear directed toward the center of the Nurturer's chest. He expects to be batted away, just like with the Cheerleader. Instead, the Nurturer catches him, pressing him against its chest.

How humiliating. It's not that Tsuna prides himself on his fighting skills, it's just that— he's being treated as one would treat an infant or a child on a tantrum.

"What are you doing?!" he demands, trying to use his spear against the Stray, but finds that his arms are caught in its death-grip.

"Child, please," the Stray begins, voice soft.

"Stop acting as if we're on the same side!" He tries to struggle his way out of its grip, but just ends up bruising himself all over the armor the Nurturer wears. At the very least, he manages to turn away from the Nurturer's chest. It's easier to breathe that way.

"I have blinded myself for the sake of those I protect," the Nurturer says gently, grip relaxing. It allows him onto the ground, and he stumbles forward. "I advise you not to do the same, my dear. Is it worth it? I do not know. However, I do know that there always are other alternatives."

His eyes are hurting, so wet that it feels like they'll freeze. His limbs are shaking, and one of his knee gives. He crumples to the ground, twisting around to face the Stray. "What— what does that have to do with me? I'm not blinding myself."

"Are you not?" It laughs, but it doesn't sound very amused. It kneels down, and yet is still towering over him. "Child, do be careful with who you trust, and who you don't. Not everything is as it seems. Remember: do not let others choose for you."

"What? Why—? We're enemies! Why do you keep on giving me advice?!"

"Are we, now? I do not want to hurt you, and I know you are too merciful to hurt anyone but yourself." The hair on its arms tightens, then goes flowing, as if it were underwater. "My child... I only wish you safe."

Inexplicably, the Nurturer extends its arm, and caresses his left cheek. Its milky eyes look fond.

Inexplicably, Tsuna feels sleepy.

"Now, darling, rest."

And Tsuna's eyes slide shut.


There's a warm ball of fur pressed against his side, sheets covering him up to his chin, and a soft humming coming from the side of his... bed?


He forces his eyes open, lazily moving up a hand to rub at them. "Mom...?" he tries to answer, but it comes out warbled.

She brushes a hand through his hair. There's a worried turn to her eyebrows, but she stills smiles at him. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm, uh," he sits up, taking care not to dislodge the ball of fur (that must surely be Momo), "I'm OK." He wants to ask what happened, but the last thing he remembers... the Nurturer...?

It didn't kill him?

Mom's shoulders slump. She looks relieved. "Tsu-kun," she murmurs tenderly, hand caressing his cheek (just like the Nurturer did). She sighs, and gets up, leaning over to hug him to her chest. "You can stay at home today, alright?" She kisses his forehead.

"I, I can?"

"Of course." She squeezes his hand. "How about you sleep some more? I'll wake you for lunch." With one more kiss to his brow, she leaves the room, smiling all the while.

Tsuna waits until the door is closed to peer under the cover. Momo looks back at him, expressionless as always.

Where were you, Tsuna wants to demand, but he's too fearful of angering his only friend. he bites his tongue. "What happened?"

Momo jumps above the cover. "The Nurturer made you faint, then transported you back to your home. I only untransformed you once I was sure it had left the area and we were safe. Your mother seems to be under the misconception that you are sick."

"It— it didn't try to kill me?!"

Momo looks at him strangely. "None of the Stray Hearts wish to kill you. They just want to incapacitate you long enough that they are able to accomplish their mission." It tilts its head. "Although, you are correct in the fact that it is indeed strange. The Nurturer did not try to harm you."

"Why wouldn't it do anything...?" he murmurs, crossing his legs. "Instead of harming me, it brought me to safety...?"

"My guess," Momo begins, "is that the Nurturer's very essence makes it unable to wish you any harm."

"Its essence?"

Momo nods. "Have you not noticed? Every Stray Heart you have encountered has had a theme. The Welcoming Cat was Elizabeth's companion, and thus was striving to become a welcoming and friendly figure to its owner. The Cheerleader not only had been a cheerleader in her earlier life, but was also attempting to cheer herself up — and was also in need of other people in her life encouraging her along the way."

"So the Nurturer..."

"We can't be sure quite yet, because we have not seen its Heart, but it does appear that the Nurturer's true identity is one of a mother, a father, or simply a parental figure." It turns its beady eyes to him. "Thus, one way or another, the Nurturer was able to recognize you as a child in need, and decided on helping you rather than fighting you."

"That's, um..." Tsuna allows himself to lay back down. "So, what? Did I get adopted by a Stray Heart?"

Momo walks up to his head, ear twitching. "Something like that, yes."

He laughs. It sounds a bit hysterical, but neither of them comment on it. "Now I feel bad. I was trying to defeat them, and they were just trying to help me..."

"Do not forget your goal, Tsunayoshi." Then, Momo pauses. "If it's any reassurance, the Nurturer will still be by your side if you defeat it, since you will be holding its Heart."

Tsuna is indeed reassured, but certainly not pleased. Will he be hurting someone who, even after Tsuna tried to kill them, still wishes him good?


"Want to watch TV with me?" Mom asks, that evening. She has a smile on her face.

They used to watch TV every evening, just the two of them. But lately, Tsuna is incapable of doing anything related with the TV.

"OK," he says, forcing a smile.

She grins, delighted. He can't bring himself to deny her.

She turns on the TV, and—

"—and what is the public opinion on this 'magical girl'?" the TV presenter is saying, ever present smile on her face.

Of course, it's the news channel. Mom doesn't switch it off just yet. She seems interested in the subject, but Tsuna just feels nauseous.

A poll appears on the screen. "While some are denouncing her as a scam or a trick, a good part of the population believes that this indeed is real." Another poll appears. "However, it appears that most do not trust her — in fact, above 60% of the people we interviewed wished for the authorities to detain this so-called magical girl." She takes another deep breath, but Tsuna lunges for the TV remote, and turns it off.

"Tsu-kun?" Mom startles.

"Sorry," he blurts out, standing up. "I, um, I'm not feeling very well."

"Oh," she softens, shoulders going down in either disappointment or worry. "You can go to bed if you want to. Do you want some medicine?"

"It's," it's fine, he wants to say, but, that's not true, is it? "I'll be alright."

She nods, and he scurries out of the living room, up the stairs, and into his room.

Momo is sitting on the bed, ever patiently, and looks up when he enters.

"Tsunayoshi?" it questions, as he slides down, back against the door.

"I," he's gasping for air, fists tightly clenched on his sweater. "They—"


He squeezes his eyes shut, and gets up. He grabs his pajama's, and runs back out of the room.

When he gets back to his bedroom, this time in pajama's, Momo is still on the bed. Once again, it looks up when he enters.

"Are you alright?"

And Tsuna— he had planned to just forget everything, to just go to sleep, and deal with this whole mess the next day. But, there's something in Momo's voice. A worried tilt he might imagine, or a sign in its body language he might be fantasizing, and—

"I'm a mistake," just comes tumbling out.

"I fear you have lost me."

He flushes, refusing to meet Momo's eyes. His own are already watering. In fact, they're still wet from the crying fit he had in the bathroom.

"I mean. Choosing me was a mistake."

Momo makes a noise as if it was sighing."Tsunayoshi..."

"Momo! You've got to be more logical!" Tsuna, in all his pajama's and tear-stained cheeks glory, cries. "It's obvious to anyone with eyes that I'm the worst possible choice for fighting the Strays. I just don't understand why you persist on making me the Magician. Isn't there anyone else who could do it?"

"I've already told you multiple times, Tsunayoshi."

"Yeah, you've told me, but it doesn't make sense! How on Earth could a pathetic boy like me even begin to square off with creatures like Stray Hearts? If it weren't for my magic, then I'd be dead! I have no strategic thinking, Momo!" He huffs a breath, crossing his arms. "And how exactly did you come to the conclusion that I was the best suited for all of this?"

"I have visualised every possible future," Momo reveals, gaze inpenetrable. "Everyone — every being on this planet — I have tested. And only with you, were we ever able to survive, and then continue on living."

"What?! That's the first time I hear about this! Since you have enough — I don't know — power or magic or whatever to be able to see into the future — multiple futures! — then can't you just save the Strays yourself?!"

Momo tilts its head. "I don't have the emotions necessary in order to heal the Stray Hearts."

Tsuna blinks. "Right. Well, even so, couldn't you fight, and then I — or anyone else! — could heal the Strays?"

It blinks back. "When I gave you the ability to heal and fight, I lost most of my powers. I would be useless in a fight."

Tsuna gapes. "You're blaming me now?" Then, shakes his head. "No, never mind. It's just— I don't know what to tell you. I really do believe I'm not fit for the job, I mean—! Just look at me!" He wipes his cheeks to prove his point, but his tears have already dried. His skin just feels weirdly dry, now. "I'm all broken up about this, can't go one day without— without—" His sniffles come back at the thought. "I mean..."

Momo sighs.

"Blossom, please do listen to me. I'm not trying to force you into this, but... you don't have a choice — not anymore. The Contract has already been signed, a long time ago, and neither of us can change that. If you don't fulfill your part of the Contract, then—" It pauses, almost hesitant. "Well, let's not talk about that. How about you sleep on it? We'll see tomorrow."

Tsuna wants to protest, but his head chooses that moment to throb painfully. "Yeah," he says instead, bunching up his bed covers in his fists. "Good night."

He takes great pleasure in turning away from Momo.
