Takes place at the beginning of trolly combat

I should be grateful. When I woke up before my captures I had lost all hope. My nazi captures had no plans of letting me live. "If you beg we might think of killing you quickly." Now I see them lying on the floor dead, and I'm still alive. But as we walk through the ruins of the base I find my self doubting the righteousness of my saviors. They may have saved my life, but all these soldiers dead in the base? They had no idea what was going on until it was too late. I remember what father said back home.

"A rangers life is different from ours, they are reckless even violent by nature."

He was right, these people, Rangers, Reich, Reds. They all end life so easily, yet I find my self unwilling to kill those who would end me without hesitation. Have I made a mistake in this journey, were all the lives lost too this point worth it? No matter it's too late for second thoughts, to turn back now would make their deaths in vain. I question however, is it really worth fighting monsters, if in the end we become them?