Disclaimer: I do not own FSOG or these amazing characters.

Into the light

The first chapter

xxx [[[]]] xxx




This story is set in an alternate universe.

In this one, Ana is a Police Detective (homicide). I hope you enjoy reading this. I sure enjoyed writing it! :)

And don't forget to tell me what you think about the chap?

Christian waited impatiently in the apartment. He was waiting for Hannah. His heart almost jumped up, when he heard the tapping of high heels. It was her. Hannah...

With a huge lump in his throat, Christian got up from the red couch. While scanning the living room, his heart contracted inside his chest, the pain so unbearable. Everything about the room was reminding him of her.

His Ana...

When he was inside her bedroom a few minutes ago, all he could smell was her. The perfume Ana wore, her shampoo, the lotion she applied onto her soft, delicate skin. Those things drove his senses wild, almost driving him to the brink of insanity.

Finally, he saw Hannah walk in. Her eyes were red from crying and her face was still wet. Wet from tears. Within seconds, Christian stood in front of her. He grabbed Hannah by her upper arms and with a trembling voice he asked. "How bad is it? Tell me, please..."

Hannah wasn't able to answer him. She began to sob uncontrollably, her whole body shaking.

"Please, Hannah. Tell me!" he begged, his voice trembling heavily.

She shook her head, trying to form coherent sentences but she kept failing." An...Ana, she uhmm... they brought her in the... Christian, I..." Hannah tried, but her words didn't make any sense to him at all.

"Hannah, if you don't tell me now..." Christian warned." Please"

"OK... OK" Hannah replied, knowing that he meant it. She took in deep breaths, and explained." She, she… is in surgery now. They, they have tor…tortured her so badly that the…there is a possibility she wo…won't be able to… to make it, Christian..."




... Six weeks later ...

The first thing that Ana felt when she woke up, was the heat of the sun on her skin. She had trouble breathing; it hurt if she tried to do so. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and white was all she saw...

Where was she?!

Ana realized then that she was lying in a hospital bed. The slightest movement from her, made her whole body scream from pain.

"Damn it!" she cursed, and scanned her surroundings with her eyes once more.

Every muscle in her body ached tremendously. She tried to remember how she ended up here, but her memory was failing her. As her eyes fluttered shut, she tried hard to remember.

Ana slowly sat up, and wondered where the nurse was. Leaning on her pillow, she tried to see if her phone or bag was near. But Ana was unable to find those objects.

Her head was pounding, feeling as if it was about to explode! With all the energy she had left, Ana brought both her hands to her temples, rubbing them with her fingers.

Yes... that simple act made her headache go away a bit. As a sigh escaped her pale lips, she observed her surroundings again. She wanted to get up so badly, but wasn't able to. She tried to move her legs, but they weren't cooperating... Stubborn legs!

It was then, when Ana saw Hannah walk into the hospital room. She had tears in her eyes and practically ran towards her best friend. Wrapping her arms around Ana, she began to cry.

"Oh my God. You… you scared me to death, An... Ana." She sobbed into her chest.

Relieved, Ana held her bestie tightly. She didn't know what had happened though. How did she end up in the hospital all banged up?!

Was it a car accident? Or did something happen to her in the line of duty? Was she the only one hurt? Ana didn't know, so after observing Hannah and noticed that she wasn't hurt, she felt a relief feeling wash over her.

Then she thought about her friend and partner. Sawyer.

"Hannah, where's Sawyer?" she asked, her voice trembling heavily, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Oh, yes. He had to do something first, sweetie. But he assured me that he's on the way." Hannah replied, while still holding tightly. "Don't worry."

Then Ana asked Hannah what had happened to her, but she was deliberately avoiding her burning question.

Instead, Hannah talked about other stuff... about her job, what Ana wanted to have for lunch, etc. At one point Ana got very impatient, and really had enough of all the small talk.

"Hannah, if you don't tell me what happened to me. I'm going to scream." She demanded." And why? Why can't I remember how I got hurt this badly?"

But it was then, when Sawyer walked in. Ana was so happy to see him, and once again she got wrapped up in another person's arms.

"Easy, Luke... My whole body hurts like hell." She remarked." Man, I never knew you cared so much."

"I never knew you were a porcelain doll." he countered, making Ana and Hannah chuckle.

Yes, the usual banter between the two colleagues.

After he pulled back from their hug, Sawyer observed Ana from head to toe." How are you doing, partner?"

"Uhmmm, well, I do feel like I was hit by a bus." She joked." No, seriously... everything hurts. Tell me, please? What happened to me?"

Ana was looking at Sawyer with pleading eyes... She needed to know.

Sawyer instantly threw a glance at Hannah. However, neither one of them answered the question.

Ana gritted her teeth out of annoyance and insisted. "I mean it, you guys. Tell me now!"

In response, Hannah clapped her hands and said." I've brought something for you."

Ana took a pillow and threw it at her best friend. "I don't fucking want it, Hannah! What I want is to know what happened to me. Please..." She begged, her eyes teary.

However, Hannah was determined to give Ana what she brought for her. She took something from her pocket and gave it to Ana. It was her phone.

Ana furrowed her brows, but then Hannah explained to her that someone special had left her a voice message.

"Here you go, honey... listen to it with the earpiece." Hannah suggested." The message is intended for you only.

With trembling fingers, she played the voice mail.

It was Christian's voice!


Hey, sweetie.

How are you doing? I miss you so much and wished that I could be there to see you in person. How many nights have I laid awake in bed, thinking of you. Don't worry, I have been watching over Hannah like you asked me to. Nobody is stalking her.

And yes, Sawyer and I have been getting along. Nope! Let's just say, we are behaving and haven't fought since you were hurt.

I really, really miss you sweetie. Get well soon, okay? I've been visiting you these past six weeks... I needed to see your face.

I'm so sorry that I can't be with you. Right now I'm about to board my private plane. I'll be gone for a week, because of Mia's health.

She's not doing so well, so that's why we are seeking help abroad. We have an appointment with this doctor... well he's known to be a miracle worker.

That's the reason why I'm not with you right now. Please know that everything will be OK. I can't wait to wrap my arms around you again, sweetie.

And one more thing… before you forget: I love you, Ana.

** End of voice mail **

While Ana listened to the voice mail, her eyes automatically filled with tears and when she was done, she was sobbing like a baby.

Her whole body shook from her sobs, so Hannah grabbed both her hands. As loud sobs escaped Ana's lips, Hannah lovingly ran a hand through her dark, chestnut-colored hair, attempting to soothe her.

After a little while, Ana had calmed down a bit. "I need to call him, guys..."

"OK, we can try, sweetie... But there's a chance you won't be able to reach him." Hannah answered.

Ana's eyes began to water again. She felt so helpless and that was something she hated!

"I haven't seen him for six weeks?! Hannah, I wanna try calling him." Ana insisted, as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"OK, we'll try."

Ana was just about to push the speed dial button, when at that very moment, her doctor stepped inside the hospital room.

The moment Ana saw him, her mind instantly was being plagued by images… very horrible images, making her want to throw up.

She immediately panicked, her breathing becoming shallow. Hannah and Sawyer both noticed that Ana was having a panic attack, so they both tried to calm her down.

However, in Ana's mind she wasn't here, but in a hell hole, the images in her head too much for her heart and brains to take.

She suddenly remembered being locked up and someone was doing something to her. In her memory, she was screaming from pain! At one point it was like she could feel the pain all over again… and then she snapped!

In her hospital room, Ana began to scream her lungs out. Hannah and Sawyer watched in horror, unable to do anything; they were powerless. The moment the doctor or Hannah tried to get close, Ana began to scream and cry even louder than before. While tears rolled down her cheeks, Hannah held onto Sawyer.

"Doctor, help her please?!" she pleaded.

It was then, when another doctor and two nurses came rushing in.

Ana was absolutely hysterical! It took two doctors and two nurses to finally sedate her.

Not long after, Ana's eyes fluttered shut and she was quiet.

"She's going to sleep it off." Her doctor said with a worried look on his face.

Hannah and Sawyer were pretty shaken up and weren't able to say anything.

"What did you do, you guys? Did you tell her what happened to her?" Ana's doctor accused, while giving the duo an angry look. "I specifically told you not to tell Miss Steele yet what happened. She needs professional help!"

In response, Hannah shook her head furiously and whispered. "We… we didn't tell her, doctor. Ana... uhmmm, she... she remembered!"

Note: Thank you so much for reading my work, you all! :)

Leave me a comment short or long? ;)

Until August! ;)