
Chapter 17 - Hmm...?


My face saddens. I turn around leaving Selphie and went to Squall. I pull him on my lap and put my hand to his face. Squall dead... I hated thinking about it. I started to tear.

"I never got to tell you... I love you" I whispered to him.

I pulled Squall on to me completely and hugged him hard. Once again I cried like crazy. Pain was in my eyes and heart. I received a headache from my tears. I started to whimper. I didn't want to know he was dead. I hugged him harder and placed him on the ground. I looked at him holding his face.

"Squall... Squall! Please wake up!! Plea..as..e!! Oh my god please!!!" I yelled at him.

Zell and the others staring me as I wept staring back.

"I don't want him dead!" I yelled to them and let out more and more of my tears. "Squall!! Please wake up!" I yelled to Squall looking at his emotionless face.

Zell walked up to me as I looked at him my pitiful red face covered in tears.

"Noo..." I whined and kissed Squall on the cheek. My wings faded away and weapons disappeared.

Zell took Squall from me and did that thing that doctors do.

"Selphie you got a life spell?" I heard Zell say.

"Selphie?!" I pleaded and she ran up to us. She casted Life and I saw his eyes open.

"Ahh!!" I whined in joy and pushed Zell and Selphie out of the way. They fell back. I hugged Squall so hard and I cried in joy. I seemed to cry a great deal in the moment.

"Su... suffo... suffocating!" Squall grumbled

"Oh! Sorry!" I said and let him go in embarrassment. I can't believe myself. He is alive and I almost suffocated him. I turned away and looked on the floor. I felt so dreadful that I was still crying.

"...I never said to let go of me..."

Huh? I turned around biting my lip in confusion. He smiled at me. And again... I started to cry and hugged Squall.

"Stupid bastard" I said and continued to cry on him.

I cried and cried.

I lost track of time.

And fallen asleep

After all this weep.

(Squall's point of view)

I clipped your wings my angel and you have fallen.

I hear you calling.

I see you balling your eyes out

From the pain that you cannot sustain.

Am I the cause of your discomfort?

Am I the reason that you do not fly high?

My guilty conscience spills over into my eyes

And slides down my face.

For any man with an ounce of sincerity

Would have been there to be with you.

But my hollow soul cannot control

The errors of my ways.

I gaze down upon your wounds.

Can I heal the ills of mistrust?

The lust in my mind

But the love in my heart

Tears my soul apart.

The burdens of your pains

Are too much for me to bear

Because I care so much for you

Do you think you can love a soulless brother

With a heart?

Do angels care for the emotionally impaired?

"…Rinoa?" I called.

"Hmm…" She hummed with her eyes closed from weariness.

"I'm carrying you inside now. We're going to catch a cold and plus the Garden students are coming back"

"Hmm…" She still hummed.

I carried her in my arms inside and to her room. I laid her on the bed and grabbed several towels.

"Hey... get changed. You can't sleep in wet close... I'll be back... to tuck you in bed" I told Rinoa.

"Hmm..." She hummed with her eyes closed and got her self to the dresser where she almost fell asleep on.

I closed her door and went to my room and changed into gray sweats and got myself a new white t-shirt. I was ready for a long sleep from this long night terror. I walked to Rinoa's door and knocked.

"It's ok" Rinoa yelped from her bed.

I walked in the dark room with had only light from the moon and found her in her sleep wear curled up on the bed. I grabbed a big blanket and placed it on her. I tucked her in. From top to bottom. When I tucked the blanket in around her neck she smiled at me.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked.

"I... you'll catch a cold... I don't want you sick, alright?" I responded and stroke her bangs away from her face.

She stared at me. Why? Who knows... well... maybe I do... but it's out of the question I thought and fluffed her pillow. I stopped and I started staring back. I moved little by little towards her for a kiss. She blinked and we kissed sweetly. It was this warm kiss that I closed my eyes to. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She still smiled at me.

"Nice kiss" She said calmly. I sat myself on the bed still looking at her. She pulled her arms out from under the covers and held my face close to hers. "I love you" Rinoa said pulling my face to hers for one more kiss. This passionate kiss that made my whole body relaxed and feel like jellow. I felt like my face was melting away from her delicate touch. My cheeks were going to burst with happiness. She let go of me and giggled.

"Before you were nervous"

"Well I... I didn't know if you felt the same way... as me. Now I do"

I tucked her blanket in once more and ended up wrapping my arms around her. I lay down beside her.

"Goodnight, Squall"


I closed my eyes. Today was the most painful day ever. So much pain... but in the end it was worth it.

Zell and Irvine had killed the zombies and dumped their bodies in the ocean. Seifer was no where to find Selphie reported while I was holding Rinoa outside. Quistis was residue on the floor. The blood and body parts were cleaned up. Headmaster Cid had come back first and was now reassuring the students that nothing happened here. As for me… I sleep with Rinoa. I kiss her forehead gently not to wake her and hugged her close.

A Night's Terror?


The End A/N: Please thank Keiry (http://www.fanfiction.ws/profile.php?userid=336911) for chapter 16. This story is dedicated to guy friend of mine. Name you ask? *tsk* Yeah like I'll tell you.
