Authors note: for Darkmachines, I did mention in the mudo bar a side story…and thus this is born. It happens a week after Hyna set out to start there bar and make a fat animal herem, Dark is in Hudo Mudo and founded Tia Harribel and finding some odd research in Sayzels lab and learned that Haribel wanted to change herself, and finding out Dark (Her hidden crush) has the hots for fat females decides to create a paradise in hudo Mudo for fat arrandacars.

Chapter 1-A half wolf and a shark

Hudo mudo a desert of white sand and an endless black sky, where in the distance a white building that was once the base of Azien, a great traitor to the Seriti and where one would think there was no life…but one is wrong as the camera goes to the broken walls of Hudo Mudo as a hybrid Arrandacar leaned on the wall with a small tear down his face in lonlyness. He was a strange one almost looking like Sakaluk but he had a wolf tail as he sighed "I hope Hyna is ok with her impressive plan" he said as he sighed as he stood up and walked down the hallway deep in thought as he thought of the Arrandacar he befriended and who helped him grow to a espada level and now she is going out to create what she calls a fat female bar where females can grow fat without problems and create her own fat herem as he chuckled.

"Good old Hyna, but the idea of a fat female bar *Leans back and closes his eyes in a smile* that sounds like a true paridise" he thought as he thought of a paradise of fat beautiys…so big and volumpus that they look incredible to lay in and massauge there fat tits and bellies and to just hug and relax with in there folds…he purred at that not noticing he was being observed by a certain Shark empress as she watched the wolf hybrid and had a small blush.

Darkmachines or Dark wasn't apart of Azeins army but he pretended to be and was close to the shapeshifter thay ate Aaroneros corpse and got there shapeshifting powers from the flesh, the few times she had met Dark she noticed how respectful and kind he was to the rare female espada there and managed to flip Nnotoria and he was number five. Seeing him lonely she wanted to make him feel better…but how. However she got an idea and recalled that Sayzel had gotten into a kick of fat females thanks to Darks "Desires" and was experimenting on some weight gain drugs and formulas, but was killed before he could put them in action…which was good as she didn't trust the scientist.

Coming into the lab she quickly founded the formula and read the instructions "Mix in sweet cream to yealled massive weight gain results, be warned side effects include-" however what was the side effects were rubbed off as she took another look at the formula "Well…I am getting borad of being this perfect body, plus it maybe fun to be big and fat *blushes recalling the half wolf Arrandacar who was protective and kind to any female Espada, and even protected her own Fraccicon as well* and have Dark play with me" she said as she prepped the sweet cream and mixed the formula into it as she gave one last look at her former thin body "Well…bottoms up" she said drinking it down as it felt really really sweet, however she soon moaned as she felt her body seem to be…growing from the odd concoctuion as she felt her Breasts grew bigger as her top seemed to grow tighter and shrink from the size of her browing breasts, and more so her uniform feeling tight as her belly expanded as well slowly from being flat to looking 5 months pregnet with twins and then her but…growing big and round as beach balls as she felt them and felt something in her change…a desire…a deep desire to grow and be a queen, but that can happen later, she had a wolf to meet and have fun with.

Back with Dark he was outside looking at the room and sighing "What is the use of being here, I am alone and I wish I can find some companion ship ever since Hyna left he said" as he soon felt something soft… and pillowy on his back causing him to gasp "Then how about me hansome" said a husky female voice as Dark turned and was in awe to see Tia harribel…however very different…around 500 pounds of beautiful tanned fat with her breasts and stomach barely held back by her tight tight uniform as Dark blushed under his mask "Tia…your body" he started only for a pair of chubby fingers to lift his mask and kiss him in the lips "Shhh, I know how much you love fat females and well, I felt borad and want to try something…exciting *Grins* besides…I am starting to love this" she said as she soon made out with the surprised Arrandacar who sank in to kiss the fat tanned beauty back.

"Heh, well you are exciting me" he said was with great strength betraying his frame he carried her to his room as he soon squeezed and felt her now sensitive and fat body as she growls and he nuzzles into it as he thought of what Hyna did and got an idea and chuckled.

'Well, Hyna created a fat bar, I guess I should open up a Fat Palace' he said chuckling as he continued to play with Tia as in his mind plotted to make a palace and paradise for females to grow fat in and to just be spoiled by him as his Alpha becomes queen of a fat order/palace.