Just a quick update, hope you enjoy.
Please don't forget to review.
Rolling his eyes, Fenrir once again, for the hundredth time, shook his head no. "You have been at it for an hour, take a rest. You're only making it harder on yourself by trying to force it. The change should happen as easily as breathing."
"As I'm sure Voldemort has pointed out on more than one occasion, much to his frustration, breathing is very easy for me. Changing my eyes back on the other hand, impossible." Harry huffed. "Why can't I do it?"
"It will happen when it happens." Fenrir smirked. "Just stop for now and rest before you end up hurting yourself."
Harry rested back on the couch feeling frustrated. He had been trying for over an hour to shift his eyes back to human, but nothing so far was working for him. He was sure that he would get use to his cat eyes, but right now they were kind of freaking him out. Cat eyes on his human face, it was almost creepier than when Hermione accidentally took hair from Millicent Bulstrode's cat when they brewed Polyjuice Potion in their second year and transformed herself into some freaky humanoid cat creature.
"Pouting doesn't become you, Potter." Voldemort said, not looking up from the book he was reading.
Harry had a strong urge to give Voldemort the middle finger, but he really didn't want to get cursed, he had suffered through enough pain already today, thank you very much. Why did he let the man get so easily under his skin? He was just so confused and frustrated where the Dark Lord was concerned.
Fenrir chuckled when he saw the boy's internal battle going on behind his eyes. He appreciated Potter keeping his mouth shut, he really didn't want to take another curse for the brat. The Dark Lord and Potter were going to be the death of him, there was so much sexual tension between the two that it was burning his nose hairs.
"Do you have something to say, wolf?" Voldemort asked darkly.
"Actually I do, but I'm smart enough to keep my mouth shut. So instead, I'm going to leave the two of you a case of potions and creams and instructions on how to use them then I'm going back to my pack."
Harry made a face. "How many potions a day do I have to gag down?"
"Thanks to the ever so pleasant Severus Snape, you will be taking two nutrient potions a day, one bone strengthening, one iron potion seeing as your severely anemic, one blood replenisher for a week, one potion a day that will help correct damage to your internal organs, and an appetite stimulate."
"That's all?" Harry asked sarcastically.
"Actually, no." Fenrir smirked. "You will also have to go through several rounds of Skele-Gro to correct wrongly healed bones, and I have several creams that you will need to apply to your scars in order to heal them. I also had Severus make some potions to add to your bath water to help sooth your skin and muscles seeing as your body will be going through a lot of stress."
Harry sighed loudly. "That's a lot."
"It is, and normally I would drag this kind of healing out over six to eight months, but I want you as healthy as I can get you before your birthday. Can't have you dying on me now that you and my lord are best friends."
Snapping his book shut, Voldemort glared at the wolf.
Harry hung his head dejectedly, this was going to suck big time, especially the Skele-Gro. "When are you going to start with the Skele-Gro?"
Fenrir felt bad for the poor boy, he had already suffered so much in his young life and here he was getting ready to torture him some more. "I was going to start by vanishing all the bones in your left arm and hand this evening, but I think you have had enough for today."
"No!" Harry said with a resigned shake of his head. "Let's just get this done. I would rather be up all night in pain as my bones regrow, then be up all night worrying about when you're going to do it."
Fenrir looked to his Lord for approval. He may be the healer, but the Dark Lord was still his boss.
Voldemort studied Potter for a few minutes before answering. "If Potter thinks he can handle the pain, then by all means torture the boy."
"Jealous?" Harry grinned cockily.
"Jealous that I can't torture you?" Voldemort asked. "There are many ways in which I can torture, Potter, that doesn't involve pain. Pleasure, for instance, can also be a form of torture if done correctly."
Harry choked on the tea he had just taken a sip of. Red faced, he used his shirt to mop his up face. Had Voldemort just made a sexual innuendo? Did he mean pleasure as in sexual pleasure?
Fenrir started laughing. "The two of you are more entertaining than naked Quidditch."
"Is that a thing?" Harry cried never having heard of it. He didn't know if that was something he would want to watch or not, but Oliver Wood and Viktor would look pretty mouthwatering playing naked. The twins too, but they were like his brothers so the thought of seeing them naked made him sick to his stomach. Charlie Weasley though, now that was a body he wouldn't mind seeing fly in all his yummy, naked glory. On the opposite end of the coin though, who would want to see Marcus Flint, Crabbe or Goyle fly naked? That would just be traumatizing.
"Naked Quidditch is a thing." Voldemort confirmed. "As if regular Quidditch isn't bad enough."
"There's more balls to watch out for in naked Quidditch." Fenrir howled. "And I have witnessed some broom injuries that still has me scratching my head and wondering how that thick wooden handle could fit..."
Voldemort hit Fenrir with a mild stinging hex. "I think we get where you're going with this story without needing details. You have traumatized Potter so much that his eyes are human once again."
Harry quickly lunged for the mirror. "Oh, thank Merlin." He cried in relief. "I was afraid that I was going to be suck with cat eyes for the rest of my life."
Voldemort wanted to point out that that wouldn't have been such a bad thing. The cat eyes had made Potter look more exotic and dangerous. They had also made him look even sexier, but he wasn't going to think about that. Potter was not sexy! Potter was a pain in his ass.
Sighing, Voldemort set his quill down beside him then looked up at the fidgeting boy. "Do you need something, Potter?"
Harry rolled his eyes. "I need you to stop calling me Potter and call me Harry."
Voldemort grit his teeth. "Fine! Do you need something...Harry?"
Harry looked down at his well worn and extremely scruffy sneakers. Luckily he hadn't grown hardly at all in years, he had been wearing the same sneakers since he was eleven. "I was just thinking... And yes, before you say something smart, I do know how to think."
The corners of Voldemort's lips twitched, it was as if the boy had read his mind. "Continue," he smirked.
"Right," Harry fidgeted. "I was just thinking seeing as I'm going to spend the night in excruciating pain, that maybe you could, you know, help me out with my itch?"
Voldemort leaned back in his chair, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Is your itch back already?" It hadn't even been a full twenty four hours since Harry had last needed coddling.
Harry's face fell a little. "No, it's good. I'm fine. I'm sorry I bothered you. I'll just be going."
With a lazy flick of his wand, Voldemort magically stuck the boy's sneakers to the floor. Getting to his feet, he approached the still fidgeting boy. "I wasn't saying that I wouldn't help you," he explained as he reached out and started caressing the young neko's cheek, smirking when the boy leaned into his hand, "I was just asking you if your itch was back. Not much is known about neko's so we must learn as we go. Believe it or not, Harry, I want to help you."
Harry closed his eyes as Voldemort's touched caused his body to flood with warmth. The Dark Lord's touch felt amazing...too amazing. This was bad, he could easily see himself getting addicted to Voldemort.
"Does that feel good, Harry?" Voldemort asked huskily as his eyes drank in the beautiful flush on the neko's cheeks. Brushing his fingers across Harry's neck, he could feel the boy's pulse raising.
"Fuck!" Harry groaned as he leaned farther into Voldemort's touch. "Hmmm, so good."
Voldemort couldn't help but notice how soft and warm Harry's cheek and neck were, it made him wonder if the rest of the boy's body was as equally soft and warm. "Tell me what you need, Harry."
Harry's body shivered, both from the man's touch, and his voice. "I-I need to sit down, my legs are starting to feel like jello. But please, please don't stop touching me. Feels so good. Your hands are amazing."
Voldemort wasn't sure if the boy knew what he was saying, or if his neko had taken control. Canceling the spell, he scooped the boy up then carried him to the couch. He had planned to just sit next to the neko and continue petting his face and neck, but as soon as he sat down Harry climbed on him, straddled his waist, then buried his face in his neck.
"Hmmm, did you know that you smell good? Like, fuck you smell good!" Harry moaned. "I didn't even know that that was a thing, smelling so good like this."
Voldemort wanted to both pull the boy closer to him, and throw him across the room at the same time. He couldn't remember ever being effected by someone as much as he was by Harry. As much as he has tried denying it, he wanted the boy. He found Potter to be the most frustrating pain in the ass in the world, but he still wanted to strip him down and pound him into the mattress.
Harry was lost...lost in the feel and smell of the Dark Lord. Moaning, he pressed his face harder into Voldemort's neck then started licking it. He couldn't stop himself, he needed to see if the man tasted as good as he smelled...and he did! Fuck, Voldemort tasted like everything he liked the most in the world.
Oh, he wanted to be good for once in his life, but with Potter sitting on his lap licking his neck like a kitten lapping up milk, it was just too much for him. Grasping the boy's thin hips, he tilted his head back to give the neko access to more of his neck as he thrust his groin up. It had been so long since he had been touched like this. Actually, he had never trusted anyone enough before to touch him like this. When he was younger and needed release, he would find a willing partner then take what he wanted. He never let them touch him like this. He never allowed himself to be this vulnerable.
"Oh, Nagini should have brought a snack, she didn't know she was finally going to see her master mating."
Yelping, Harry literally fell off of Voldemort's lap. Oh Merlin, had he really been sitting on Voldemort's lap licking his neck like a sugary lollipop? Face fire engine red, he smacked his hands over his face and groaned in embarrassment.
"Well, that escalated quickly," Voldemort said awkwardly. "Do you sill need help with your itch, Potter?"
Harry jumped to his feet, looking everywhere but at Voldemort. "N-No, I'm good. Uhm, better than good actually. Surprisingly, I feel really, really good, better than what I have in a long time. So, if we could never talk about what happened, you know the licking thing, that would be totally great. And ah, I hate your snake by the way."
"Me too," Voldemort said, glaring at his snake.
"She really does have an unhealthy obsession with you getting laid. Maybe if you find her a suitable mate she will stop obsessing over your sex life."
"But then there will be two snakes driving me crazy, not to mention their offspring."
Harry nervously tried to flatten his hair. "Right, I didn't think of that. I-I think I'm just going to wait for Fenrir in my room."
Smirking, Voldemort inclined his head. He was pissed that Nagini interrupted them, but he did so enjoy seeing the brat so flustered. It was probably better that she had interrupted them, it was too soon for Harry after everything he had been through.
Severus was exhausted, he had been brewing nonstop for forty eight hours and now Dumbledore was summoning him. He just wanted food and sleep and to be left the hell alone. How had this become his life, serving two masters and teaching horrible children? He hated children! He was the most gifted potions master in the world, and here he was wasting his talent teaching brats who didn't appreciate potions and would never look at another cauldron after they graduated. He hated his life!
Entering Dumbledore's office without knocking, because the old fool had charms that alerted him when he had visitors, Severus strode up to the old man's desk then stood there waiting for Dumbledore to finish reading whatever it was he was reading. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good, Dumbledore was looking extremely grim.
Sighing, Dumbledore placed the letter on his desk then took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "Severus, I know you're extremely busy brewing potions for the Dark Lord, but I'm afraid I have need of you."
Severus wanted to roll his eyes at the man's dramatics. Of course the old man had need of him, he was his chained errand boy after all.
"I just received very disturbing news from Arabella via the muggle mail system. It seems she was supposed to have tea with Petunia Dursley, Harry's aunt, three days ago, but when she went to her home no one was there. She thought maybe Petunia forgot, but the Dursleys still aren't home and all their cars are in the driveway. I now can't get in touch with Arabella myself."
"Have your guards noticed anything strange?" Severus asked, trying not to sneer. He knew where this was leading, he was going to get stuck checking up on the brat. There were plenty of Order members sitting around doing nothing, yet it was going to be him going to Potter's house.
"Tonks mentioned to me last night that she hadn't seen Dudley coming or going and that Vernon hadn't been to work for a couple days. I just assumed they were sick, but now I'm not so sure. Has Voldemort said anything to you about Potter lately?"
"Voldemort has only summoned me once since the beginning of summer," Severus pointed out, not that he should have to, he informed Dumbledore every time after being summoned. "He had a list of potions for me to brew and he was wanting some books from the Black library."
Dumbledore leaned back in his chair. "I don't remember you, Severus, mentioning books."
"I informed you at the last Order meeting that I was ordered to brew some highly potent healing potions and that Voldemort was looking for books on inheritances."
Dumbledore didn't remember the books, but it had been a chaotic meeting. "Did he say which inheritances he was interested in?"
"Nekos, he wanted me to look for books in the Black library on nekos."
Dumbledore started rubbing his beard thoughtfully. "That's a very rare inheritance, and as far as I know there hasn't been any in centuries. But, the Black line is rich with creature blood so it makes sense that he would ask you to search the Black library for information. Did you find anything?"
Severus inclined his head. "A couple books and a journal. Voldemort was very pleased when I delivered them."
"Did Draco inherit on his birthday?" Dumbledore asked curiously. Why would Voldemort be interested in Neko inheritances?
Severus smirked. "No he did not, much to Lucius' dismay. He thought for sure Draco was going to take his veela blood."
"Interesting! Draco and Harry are the only underage wizards that I know of with Black blood, and Harry's blood is too diluted to inherit anything."
"That still doesn't mean that he can't inherit," Severus pointed out. "Loath as I am to admit it, Potter is a very powerful young wizard."
"Very true, Severus, but Nekos are rare and I doubt very much that our young Potter is one. Unfortunately we have more important matters to discuss than rare inheritances. I need you to go to the Dursleys and check up on them and Harry."
"Can't you send the wolf? I am very busy right now brewing for the Dark Lord and all the wolf is doing is haunting the headquarters."
"Remus will be accompanying you to Privet Drive, Severus."
Severus knew that there was no use arguing, the old man had already made up his mind. Oh, how he hated his life.
"Whose on guard right now?" Severus asked as he briskly walked up the Dursley's drive. It had take them fifteen minutes to get away from Arabella's crazed cats that had swarmed them as soon as the entered her house, he was now going to have to burn his robes, there was no getting out the stench of that many cats. He was a bit concerned that Arabella hadn't been home, the squib never went anywhere.
"Diggle and Fletcher," Remus answered as he eyes landed on the bush where both men were hiding under Moody's invisibility cloak.
"Worthless the both of them," Severus muttered.
If Remus wasn't such a nice man, he would nod in agreement. He didn't understand why Dumbledore kept assigning Fletcher to watch Harry, he always skipped out early, or slept his entire shift. Diggle wasn't much better, the man had no common sense.
Severus walked briskly up to the door and loudly rasped his knuckles against it. He just wanted to get this damn visit over with so he could finishing brewing for the Dark Lord before the man lost his patience and cursed him to hell and back.
When no one answered the door, Remus tried peeking in the window, but the curtains were pulled tightly closed. "Try again," he suggested.
Growling, Severus knocked loudly again. He wished he could just whip his wand out a cast a spell to see if anyone was home, but any magic performed here would be blamed on Harry. Fudge already had it out for the brat, he didn't need to make it worse for him.
When no one answered after five times knocking, an uneasy feeling started to settle over Severus. There were two vehicles in the driveway, someone should be home. Deciding to try the door, he was surprised to find it unlocked.
"Severus!" Remus whispered, "this is breaking and entering."
Severus took a large step inside the house. "And this is me not giving a shit. If Potter is in danger we need to know."
Following Severus inside the house, Remus tilted his head back and inhaled deeply. "Severus, I can't scent Harry here."
Ignoring the wolf, Severus scanned the room, taking in the television that was still on, the plate of chips upside down on the rug alongside a spilled can of soda, and the kitchen where there were two pans laying on the floor. "Check upstairs," he ordered as dread settled heavily in his gut.
Remus refused to budge, he was trying not to panic. "Severus, you don't understand, I can't scent Harry here at all, not even a lingering scent. If I didn't know any better, I would swear that Harry doesn't live here."
Severus frowned, this wasn't good. He knew that they were at the right house, this was Harry's aunt and uncle's house. "Check upstairs," he repeated again. "Let's not sound the alarm just yet."
Remus took the steps two at a time. Busting through the doors, he found the aunt and uncle's room, Dudley's horribly messy room, a guest room, and what looked to be a toy storage room, all of them were void of life. There also wasn't a room for Harry, nothing that even hinted that another teenager lived here. Panicking, he rushed back downstairs.
"There's no sign of Harry here, Severus, not even a bedroom for him," Remus yelled, almost running into the wizard in the hall. "What are you doing?" He asked. Severus was just standing in the hall staring into the cupboard under the stairs.
"I found Harry's room," Severus said, not believing his eyes.
Remus peeked around Severus, his face paling. "Does that say Harry's room written in crayon?"
Severus nodded numbly. "Can you catch his scent in here?"
Remus knelt down and stuck his head into the cupboard, closing his eyes, he deeply inhaled. "Merlin!" He gasped as he fell back onto his butt. "It's not fresh, Harry hasn't been in here in years, but he spent a lot of time in here. What's concerning, is the blood I smell, and I'm not talking about from a small nick. This cupboard is saturated with the scent of Harry's blood. I can also smell urine."
"Looks like its time to sound the alarm, wolf." Severus said ominously.
Fenrir collapsed heavily in the chair across from his lord. "Potter is resting peacefully. Don't worry about him missing meals, let him sleep for as long as he needs."
Voldemort signaled for Fenrir to help himself to some breakfast, the wolf had sat up all night with Potter while he regrew all the bones in his left arm and hand, he deserved to rest and eat. "How did he manage the night?"
Fenrir started loading his plate with everything that was set out, he was not a picky eater. "The boy has a very high threshold for pain, I was impressed."
"Years of abuse made him that way," Voldemort said grimly.
"The bones in his arm and hand look good, just don't let him use his left arm too much for the next twenty four hours. I'll give him two days to rest before tackling some of his wrongly healed ribs."
"Up for some muggle torturing?" Voldemort asked, his red eyes shining brightly.
Grinning ferally around a mouthful of sausage, Fenrir inclined his head.
"Excellent! I have been horribly neglecting my guests in the dungeons so after you are finished we will pay them a visit."
"I'm looking forward to it," Fenrir said wickedly. He didn't know who he wanted to sink his claws into first, Harry's relatives, or the sick fucker that stole his innocence when he was only eleven years old. Either way, he was going to make some muggles suffer as much as Harry suffered last night.