Welcome, everyone! This is the sequel to my story Children of the Revolution. Enjoy!

Alexander was sitting at the desk in his room when his father got the letter.

He'd been living with the Washingtons since the end of the war, and they had become close over the year since the war's end. And if he was being honest….it was the best time of his life. The rolling fields of the plantation and the river just a short ride away (he was still opposed to slavery, however, and the Washingtons had understood), and the evenings spent curled up next to his father in the library, reading long after night fell.

He missed John, who was still far away in South Carolina. And Gilbert and Hercules, who went back up to New York City. They still wrote almost daily, but it wasn't quite the same. Then came the day when the letter from New York arrived. The one addressed to George Washington.

A light rapping noise sounded on the doorframe. "Hey, son. Can I come in?"


Washington strode into the room and peered over his son's shoulder at his writing. "What are you working on?" Quill still scratching on the paper, Alex responded, "An article about how the Articles of Confederation need revision. I'm going to send it anonymously to the printer. For some reason they won't print anything by a sixteen year old."

His father sighed. "Well, good to hear you're still paying attention to the government. I've just received a letter from them, actually. They want me to be president."

Alexander shot to his feet, excitement dancing in his eyes. Washington watched him, a smile playing slowly across his face. "Dad, that's- wow, are you going to accept? You have to accept!"

"I am not particularly looking forward to this, but after discussing it with your mother, I've decided to accept. And we've also decided that, if you'd like to, you can come with me. Don't you have friends in New York?"

He was going to see Gil and Hercules again. Alexander whooped and grinned at his father. "When do we leave?"

"In one week."

He wrote letters to his friends, excitedly explaining the situation. Alexander had learned that they would be staying in a house called Number 3, Cherry Street. Incidentally, this was close to the Miller's residence.

When the messenger came to the door with another letter from New York, he was met not only by the former General (soon to be president), but his overly excited son, who shuffled the stack of papers in his arms and presented the man with three letters before dashing off again.

The poor man looked at Washington helplessly. "Is he always like that?"

Washington chuckled. "No. Sometimes he's sleeping."

Gilbert came thumping down the stairs as fast as his legs could carry him. "Bye Maman, bye Papa! I am going to meet Hercules!"

Rebecca Miller called back, "Bye dear! Come back before it gets too dark! Say hi to Mr. Williams for your father and I!"

As he raced through the streets of New York, dodging civilians, carriages, and the occasional wagon on its way to a market, he tightened his grip on the letter in his hand, from Alex in Virginia. It contained news, incredibly exciting news, that he was sure Hercules would want to see, if he didn't already know.

Skidding to a stop in front of the shop where Hercules and Matthew worked, he wrenched open the door and darted in. Matthew was fitting an elderly gentleman for a jacket.

"Bonjour, Mr. Williams!" Gil called. "Is Hercules free?" Matthew nodded. "He's just in the back room, Gilbert. He has received some exciting news. I daresay you know as well?"

"Yes! It's wonderful, is it not?"

Hercules was indeed in the back room, in the middle of sorting through an immense pile of fabrics that were spilling off their shelves, accumulating in drifts on the floor, and towering on top of cabinets. He looked up when his friend entered the room.

"Gilbert! I was wondering if you were going to stop by today. I would have come to see you but Matthew needed help in the storage room. I got a letter from Alex, and you'll never guess what it said!"

"He's coming to New York! General Washington's going to be the president of the United States!" Both boys spoke at the same time.

"He told me that they'll be staying in a house that is close to where the Millers live. If only John was coming up to New York, but he's still in South Carolina…"

Hercules grinned at that. "Well, actually… I didn't know if you got his most recent letter yet. I got one from him this morning. Mr. Laurens is coming up to the city for a month or so to see if anyone would be interested in dealing directly with him for crops from his plantation. But after that, John's coming to school up here. College. And Matthew got a letter from Mr. Laurens asking if John could stay with us at the shop while he attends school."

Gil felt his jaw drop a little. "No way. So we'll all be together again, in New York? Just like we planned? I never thought that it would happen so soon; Hercules, are you certain?"

"One hundred percent certain, Gil. Look, I have the letter right here."

Hercules had just woken up when Matthew presented him with a letter from John. He saw that Matthew himself had a letter as well, one from Mr. Laurens. Breaking the seal, he unfolded the paper and read quickly. It looked like John had been rushing when he wrote; clearly he had some exciting news to share.

His shoulder was healed fully, though it still hurt if he put too much strain on it, everyone was doing well down in South Carolina, he was coming up to New York with his father for business and then for school.

He was coming up to New York with his father for business and then for school. John was coming to New York.

"Matthew! Guess what, John's coming up to New York City!"

The tailor was scribbling something on a piece of paper, but looked up at Hercules's words. "I know. And Mr. Laurens is asking if he can stay with us while he attends school up here. I'm writing back to say yes, I assume that's fine with you?"

"Of course! When are they coming, did Mr. Laurens say?"

"They'll be coming up in time to see the new President get inaugurated."

Hercules paused. "They're inaugurating a President? Who is it?"

Matthew smiled and handed him a letter from Virginia. Alexander's handwriting. "I thought you would have seen it in all the newspapers by now, but I know that you've been busy."

The letter said that General Washington had been asked to serve as the first president of the United States, and had accepted. Alexander had also written that he would be joining his father in New York. John and Alex were both coming up to New York. Hercules felt a smile break across his face.

Matthew laughed at his expression. "Looks to me like the Revolutionary Set is getting back together. New York had better watch out. You four are going to blow this city away."

"Revolutionary Set?"

"Yeah, John Miller came up with it one night back during the war. We figured it suited you boys pretty well."

Never mind the fact that there was apparently a nickname for the four of them. Hercules almost burst out of the door to go find Gilbert and tell him the good news, but Matthew called him back. "I know that you'll undoubtedly want to go find your friend, but I could really use your help in clearing out the back room."

Hercules sighed, but went back to the room where they kept the fabric. Like always, it was a complete mess. Neither he nor Matthew possesed much in the way of organizational skills. "When I finish, can I go find Gilbert?"

"Sure." Matthew called back. Well at least he wouldn't be stuck in the shop all day, if he could only manage the swamp of fabric before him.

John's shoulder had finally healed. The bullet wound had closed, and though it still hurt if he moved it too quickly or for any too strenuous activity, he could more or less use it as normal. And though it was nice to be home, back in South Carolina, he missed his friends more than he ever thought he would.

His father sighed at the massive amount of correspondence that flowed between the four boys. They wrote enough that they received word from one another near daily, and considering the distance, that was quite an impressive feat.

Then came the day that his father found him sitting outside, reading a book for a change. "Hey there John. I've got something to tell you."

Usually that wasn't the best sign, but John still closed his book and gazed at his father expectantly. "Mr. Miller recommended to me that I try and sell some of the products from the plantation up in one of the large cities, and I decided to take his advice. I'm going up to New York City, for a month. And after that, if you wanted to stay in the city to attend school there, you could."

It took John a few moments to process everything his father had said. When it did sink in, he jumped up so fast he got vertigo. "No way. You mean it? This is so great, I have to write to Gilbert and Hercules and Alexander and tell them, I think that Alex was planning on going up to the city for school too, maybe we can go to the same place! That would be incredible."

Henry Laurens smiled slightly. "I was planning on getting us up there in time to see the Presidential inauguration. I mean, that's something that will go down in history. It will be wonderful to see."

John looked up. "Who's going to be President?" His dad snapped his fingers. "That reminds me, you got a letter from Virginia. It might help to clear up a few of your questions."

Washington. Washington was going to be president. And Alexander was accompanying him to New York, to attend school. They were going to be together again, all four of them, up in the greatest city in the world. John couldn't hold back the silly smile that burst across his features. Except… he knew his father well. He wouldn't stay in the city for longer than a few months. South Carolina was his home. What would John do when his father went back?

"Hey dad?"

"What is it, John?"

"Where am I going to stay while I go to school?"

Turns out that his father had already worked most of the situation out. "Well, I'm staying in the city for a month. We'll board at a inn or something. After that, I've written to Mr. Williams to see if you can stay with him and your friend Hercules."

It looked like John was on his way to the second adventure of his life.

And the Revolutionary Set is back! Hope you guys liked the first chapter. I've got a question for all of my lovely readers: Are you ready for adventures in New York City, grumpy lawyers, cabinet shenanigans, and more? ~RedCoatsRedder