Foreknowledge is essential. By using it, I have survived this long; gained so many companions; gained so much capital and resources; gained so much knowledge; gained so much power that could topple the Gods from their thrones.
But it is sometimes useless.
Although I had knowledge to foreshadow the events that would happen and schemed to prevent or provide countermeasures for situations that would—with no doubt—fall upon me, there were two problems that existed that hindered me from perfectly doing so.
One. Memories aren't perfect.
Like I have already talked with Nawa—named Executive C—human memories are something that aren't consistent. They fluctuate, they change. They are records of a human mind that happen to be erratic. They are files of experiences that are stored in spaces where we couldn't reach. Moreover, I'm too paranoid to write the sequence of events of my foreknowledge anywhere, fearing that somebody would happen to take a look at it. Therefore, only the major events that are to happen are the only pieces of my memory to be absolutely precise. Based on that foreknowledge, I scheme, but keep myself in check, not to become like Park Mubong: a monster.
Two. This isn't 'Highschool DxD'.
This universe is nothing like 'Highschool DxD'. It's something completely different.
This universe is a combination of 'Highschool DxD' and 'God of Highschool'. A universe that I have no idea what could happen, or what has already happened except for the given memories from my Sacred Gear.
I had to make more countermeasures for every single possibility, but at the same time I had to admit that it was an impossible task for me to do all by myself. Therefore, to complete every task in a limited time, I first had to expand my influence and gain allies and people who would work under my order.
So far, everything was looking quite well, but before I get to that conclusion, I must know what happened after I had left.
"All the devils had their jaws dropped off when you destroyed Riser nii-san" Said Issei, his mouth filled with seasoned rice and dried seaweed. "Of course I didn't tell Rias what your Sacred Gear actually is and they also have no idea what it could be. But then again, many others took a sudden interest in the magician and the Native American. Rias was quite fuming that she didn't recruit any one of them in the first place…"
It is strange how somebody could love another while still treating them as a tool. Rias Gremory was certainly a strange creature like most devils and it was very lucky for Rias's peerage to be under her care. If it were some other arrogant prick who enslaved them… I am sure they couldn't keep their mind intact. Speaking of which, it's soon that that event should come… the church. It's so sad how many humans are now just a tool for others and it's quite baffling that the anime didn't touch any of that subject. It seemed as if humanity had no free-will and others were fine with that alone.
Don't they feel enraged that they were confined by the fetters? Don't they feel anguish of serving somebody non-consensually?
Humanity has free-will. I'm positive. The existence of the stray devils that were once humans is the evidence that we have free-will and the desire of liberty, and I have to try my best in order for everybody to truly have the basic rights.
"Speaking of such nii-san" Said Issei downing his miso soup and wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Where's Asia? I haven't seen her in the house at all"
"I got curious about some things of her Sacred Gear" I said truthfully. "At the moment I sent her to Doctor M to analyze her Sacred Gear. She'll be returning to Kuoh academy this morning"
"Uhh… is that really a good idea to have her be alone? I mean, I don't doubt your judgement nii-san, but Asia is a girl who… who…"
"A girl who is akin to a pitiful spineless puppet" I spoke back to Issei, a bit harsher than I intended to. "A poor girl who devoted herself to God. A poor thing who cannot dream of being independent… and it is her miserable form that let me become a pillar for her to lean against"
"... I really don't like this side of you nii-san" Spoke Issei. "Don't call Asia like that! She's—"
"Then is she a dependent person Issei? Sure, many humans are dependent upon each other, like I'm dependent on you and my parents, but Asia's case is completely different. During her whole life, she had been living for somebody else's sake and that became a trait of hers. She now lost the ability to stand against anything by herself and she requires something so she can lean onto and pray and hope…"
My expression turned bitter. Very, very bitter and sad. Asia… such a kind-hearted person, altered into a puppet that needed strings to be animated.
"That's why I gave her love and a home and myself to lean against. Because I pity her. A human that has already been hollowed to the existence of Gods and Monsters"
Issei felt glad he had eaten all of his breakfast before the talk morphed into an unpleasant state. It was such a delicious meal and he couldn't have eaten it with his sudden lack of appetite. What nii-san had said was very true. Asia's free-will had been contaminated and pretty much fucked up. At first Issei thought Asia's dependent nature was cute, but after listening to Sora's little bitter speech, he felt pity for Asia and himself. Rias was kind with no doubt and she loved Issei with no doubt. Even Sora agreed on the part that Rias indeed loved Issei, but Issei felt as if his liberty was stripped away from him. Sure he could still watch porn and other stuff that any man would do, but his actions besides his favorite hobby was being contaminated. And now, after Sora speech, Issei was quite afraid that his free-will was being destroyed. He was Rias's possession after all, and that was no different from a slave.
"But enough depressing talk Issei" Spoke Sora as he cleared Issei's plate as he moved briskly towards the sink where he would come back later to finnish the job. Issei sighed as the tension left the room. Finally the happy faced Sora he knew came bac— "Now let's go to school where more stressful shit awaits us"
In hindsight, Issei should've seen his brother's sass coming from a mile away.
"What did I tell you about stressful shit?"
"That it would be waiting for us…"
"Damn straight. What do you see out of the window?"
"Church people… which is stressful shit"
Issei groaned, both in annoyance and in pain from the cross that the holy people wore around their necks as he clawed at his face as it turned away from the sore sight. On the other hand, I was simply taking a break from the life of the supernatural. Lying down on the cold ground I watched the clouds sharing lucid moments to myself in peace, knowing Executive E was capable enough of protecting Asia from mostly everybody.
Well… everybody who was smart enough not to prance about in a Gremory's turf. I'll soon have to rectify that, but that's a future objective.
Besides, I already made countermeasures for when Executive E couldn't protect her…
Anyways, back to the blue skies and memories of what recently happened. What happened after the fiasco with Riser Phenex was not a solid closure, but I managed to get some. The Devils acknowledged us.
Well, not all Devils, but the strongest one did. Sirzech Lucifer acknowledged an inferior being as an organization that had influence in the supernatural world.
I'm sure as fuck that it caused an uproar in every supernatural community.
The Church, the 'Golden Dawn', and a few other organizations are the only organizations that have been acknowledged by the supernatural world, but to see a faction that a simple mere human who hadn't even properly entered adulthood was leading it.
Of course, the 'Golden Dawn' stayed silent with their alliance with me although some questions popped up like the grandson of the President of the 'Golden Dawn' also known as the NHM belonged to one of my executives. Some other questions arose that targeted the Kusanagi and the Nagisa clan's children, but the questions were less than the big news of our existence. A 'Human Faction', a faction that consists of 'inferior' beings.
Now, many were wary and cautious of us although there would be unseen consequences in the future, but for now, all I needed to do was to keep an eye out for those church people…
"Yeo, yeo…" I chuckled as I relaxed down on the ground as I took my short break. "It hurts my heart to think that my little brother wouldn't believe in me"
"But… you never mentioned there would be three instead of two…"
"Yeah, exactl— wait WHAT?!"
Quickly standing up, I immediately bolted to where I could see these… three people.
There were three people indeed. Two were small in figure while the other looked… large.
"Issei…" I spoke, my voice dropping into a very low tone making my brother blink in surprise. "Please do go to your master's peerage… and find out just who in the WORLD those three are…"
"A-alright nii-san!" Then, with a jiffy, Issei left, not wanting to stay near an upset brother. After making sure the coast was clear, I reached towards my phone and pressed the number 5. Number 1 was Issei, number 2 was mom, and number 3 was dad for speed dial. And number 5… was Doctor M.
"... Doctor. I want it done. Now" I said sternly through my phone, through my gritted teeth. The person on the other side of my phone answered back with blabbering excuses and such, but I was having none of it. "I demand it within a few days. Three is what you have the most"
Silence, then submission.
"Oh, and I need a dozen of your machines from the Fabre project. Yes, send them to Kuoh this instance and have a one third of them in Kuoh academy, another one third after the people from the church, and the other one third at my residence"
After a positive answer from Doctor M, I placed the phone back into my pocket as I stared down at the three, partly satisfied that I had such a strong ally. Not wasting another time, I immediately called for Executive E, telling him to keep a close eye on Asia and protect her in all costs.
This… was a miscalculation I suppose.
Judging by its figure, I could pretty much guess that it's a man, but it was possible for women to become that bulky. I had a few suspects rushing up in my head and I eliminated one person by one after deep thoughts and deduction.
Well… there was no point in doing this in the first place. After all, Issei would be there to see who the third member would be…
Now, let me train some new cavalry.
"This place is… this is the HQ of 'Nox'. There was such a place underneath the skyscraper? Just who are you people?"
"That is the truth that you shall gain soon"
Ilpyo Park's face turned to face the person… no… his savior and his indebted. The one person who saved his dear sister from her demise.
Well, Ilpyo would more likely describe this… seemingly 'human' more of a 'devil' that kind of forced him to join his cause. Although he didn't like any of this one bit, Ilpyo was indebted to the person and was determined to pay him back. Now… if he could understand the other people around him who looked astounded and curious just as him…
On his right was a girl with round glasses, and judging by the long bag she carried Ilpyo assumed that the girl was a swordswoman. After all, the condensed muscles that she had were enough for Ilpyo to know that this girl was someone like him: a fighter.
The boy on his left also wore glasses and had a weapon on his back. But quite strangely he wasn't carrying a sword. It was a metal bat. Besides that, he looked like an unorthodox nerd who wore a red tracksuit and a toned body.
Then, the 'devil' spoke once more.
"Currently, except for Ilpyo Park, the rest of you are not obliged to join my cause at the moment—"
"I'll join!" Yelled the girl enthusiastically. Then, turning bashful, she faced the floor as her voice tittered a bit. "I-if you promise to pay me that much monthly…"
Ah yes, the power of money is terrifying indeed. Ilpyo's eyes widened when he counted the zeros he would be receiving per month in the contract sheet he had. The sheer amount just made him more willing to work with the mystery man.
Ever since Seungyeon had her leg healed, Ilpyo found himself finding… leisure and freedom, and a search for something different in his life. No, he didn't want revenge against the bastard that ruined Seungyeon's life. He believed that spending time or energy spent on that bastard was never worth it, especially since Seungyeon's leg had healed. Now, money seemed like a very good treat to him unlike when money would mean nothing to him if it couldn't fix Seungyeon's leg.
Money seemed a strong factor that scouted the girl to join, but Ilpyo was sure there was something else that convinced the girl to join his cause.
As for the guy with the metal bat… Ilpyo had no idea what the reason was for him to join this mysterious group. Well, not any idea. Perhaps it was… curiosity. Ilpyo came to that assumption judging by how the glass guy's eyes moved around avidly, surveying the whole facility with great interest.
Then, Ilpyo's 'King' started to speak.
"Let me cut this to the chase"
Willing to listen to what their employer had to say, the three went silent and still, waiting to hear what he was about to say.
"Stay conscious for the next 15 minutes"
That was when the girl with glasses went hurtling towards the other guy as they crashed into each other, then Ilpyo ducked with his eyes widened.
Ilpyo did not know why he ducked. He never ordered his body to lower itself, nor did anything register in his mind to act like that. Something within him, something within him yelled at him to duck.
Some humans do possess instincts just like animals; however, Ilpyo knew that he never had these instincts nor such reaction speed with flexibility.
So what made him move like that?
Slowly, the beast within Ilpyo's soul began to emerge, as it gained control over the boy's body, infusing itself with him.
Baek Seungcheol was baffled.
The minute the words came out of his employer's mouth, he spun around to face the incoming danger, only to find the girl flying towards him. He didn't even have time to dodge or evade her so he had to anticipate the sudden collision the best he could.
Staring at his opponent, his eyes hardened as he took out his father's baseball bat as the girl slowly got to her feet, as she stumbled for a bit. Just… how strong is that man in front of him? Despite his size which was similar to his, he had no trouble throwing a person in a very high velocity. In addition to power, his skills in martial arts were off the charts as he analyzed the fight that was breaking out between him and the other person who came to this facility.
When simply looking at the fight, the one with dark-blue hair seemed to be winning, considering that he was throwing constructive punches and kicks in a frenzy, yet calculated movement, forcing the opponent to take multiples of blows. However, Seungcheol saw more than that. The opponent, who seemed to be taking a beating was actually maneuvering his body to simply slide off the force of the attack.
"Nothing is doing him any damage" Muttered the girl as she took out her sword. "He's going to counterattack any soon, we have to help him"
"Agreed" Spoke Seungcheol brandishing his bat. Thus, the two charged to help the other, but they were too late. The frenzy fight between the enemy and the blue-haired martial artist only lasted for 5 seconds as it abruptly came to a stop with the opponent's fist directly hitting the other's jaw, sending him to the floor on his fours, panting.
"I'll take defense, you take offense" Spoke Baek curtly as his bat stopped an oncoming fist. The prodigy had to grit his teeth from the force that sent vibrations throughout his bones. But it was enough to have the girl to—
'... what?!'
Baek's eyes widened as he looked below… to see his opponent's right foot planted firmly to the ground. Wait… so that right punch was just a distraction… and this kick aimed at the ground was the real…!
"GrrKKKK!" Groaned Baek as the surface waves maximized, sending an extreme force of power right up to Baek and the girl.
"Krrk!" Gasped the girl as the swing of her sword wavered and was easily deflected away.
"Second Stage: The Kick Of Red Phoenix"
Could they defeat this mysterious opponent…?
Yes… yes they had a chance.
'We have a shot in this… we have a shot as long as the dark blue-haired guy gains back his strength… we just have to buy time… and prepare for the time to fight along side wit—'
"Third Stage: The Dance Of White Tiger"
This wasn't good at all.
But why did her heart race so fast? Why was she smiling? Why did she feel as if she belonged here?
But where? But why? Why was she feeling as if this was… home?
In her past life, Mira Yoo knew nothing, but training. Training, training, training, and of course family.
Family priorities came first, but when excluding family, the only thing that Mira had left in her life was the sword sword, her skill of wielding the family heirloom that she possessed, and creating a successor to inherit the sword and the skill.
Mira had lived all alone in her entire life. While her peers were too busy painting their nails, she was too busy swinging her sword. While her peers were too busy going out to karaoke rooms, she was too busy running in the school gym.
She had been alone, alienized by the society that expected her to be like any other girl in the world.
But this, this place. This secret place under the ground of one of the flourishing companies in the world. This place where people, strong as her or even stronger than her got together and fought together was the place where the sweat from her training, the tears of the pain, the blood she had spilt came to be true, showing that what she had pursued for over a decade wasn't just a waste of time.
And the greatest part of this was that she was being paid to live through this experience. She could still remember her uncle, sister, and her own eyes bulging at the number of zeros from the check that Executive O had given them. According to him, that was the same pay amount he got every year as being an executive of Nox.
An executive… her, a country bumpkin in one of the big companies Nox!
They gave her an offer she can't refuse and she doubted she'll be regretting her choice anytime soon.
And what a dance it was.
She twirled, slashed, swished her blade to block the incoming strikes that were performed by her opponent, and it was thanks to the boy with glasses that she was able to keep it up. Alongside her, the boy with glasses was also shifting his bat into a defensive position that allowed him to block and deflect the opponent's punches, which were all filled with power and precision.
But, as much as this dance was fun for her, it had to end. As much as she was enjoying this, she desperately wanted to win.
Three against one, and this guy wasn't even breaking into a sweat! What the heck?!
Thus, Mira's pride urged her to claim victory and to do that… they had to stall…
For the dark blue-haired guy to get back up and now here he was, leaping over their heads and aiming a kick directly at the defenseless opponent. Now they had a chance to—
"Stage Four: The Wave Of Blue Dragon"
The air shifted. The entire air shifted.
And the danger came in as Mira's nerves screamed at her to move out of the way.
But with her footing completely off, dazed from the Third Stage or whatever that was, and breathless there was no way to avoid the incoming attack, but bl—
"Get back!" Yelled the boy with glasses as he swung his bat several times at the incoming miniature hurricane.
But it was useless as the vortex washed over the boy as blood spurted all around from his body. The wind sliced the boy's skin like it was a fruit. But… Mira and the other boy came out unscathed by the attack.
"G-go!" Coughed the boy with glasses as his legs started to give away. "Get him!"
Mira and the other obliged.
Daewi Han had to compliment the opponent with glasses. A Bishop eh…? Well… he certainly seemed to have the potential to become one.
Ever since that Japanese teenager helped Daewi out by saving his best friend, Daewi's whole schedule was flipped upside down. Weeks and months ago, Daewi worked to the bone to earn money. Money, money, and money was all he needed to save his friend Seungtae, but it wasn't enough. Money was not enough to save his friend's life, but a miracle was enough to save him.
A miracle that was performed by his employer and by that one single moment, Daewi was indebted to him. The King had refused, saying that Daewi had paid his debt off when he agreed to work for him, but Daewi had to disagree with his boss. There was no way he would feel that his debts were canceled when his boss gave him so much money along with other bonuses that came along for working as an executive for Nox.
So, Daewi decided to stick around his boss who had saved his best friend. During day time, he would attend school, hang out with his gang and Seungtae. During night time, he would go on missions that required protection, escorting, and several other jobs that showed Daewi that the world was actually a lot larger than he anticipated.
Daewi still remembered the day he worked with Executive Q for the first time and boy was it a surprise.
Devils. Who would've thought?
Daewi would've laughed at the ludicracy of others if they sprouted nonsense of devils and angels living in their world, but as everybody said: seeing is believing. And Daewi saw many things that couldn't be explained through the laws of physics and facts.
Of course he later went to his boss for an explanation, and apparently such information about devils and other supernatural stuff did exist in his contract paper, right on the second article on the first page.
To be honest, Daewi didn't even read the whole thing. It was too long, and he just wanted to thank the mysterious person by working for him and paying off his debt. He didn't even consider the fact that he would get dragged into the mystical world of Gods and monsters.
But hey, the pay was awesome for him to take the job with no regrets.
Of course his sister got a bit suspicious with the whole thing, but Daewi managed to convince her that the money was earned in a very legal way. Of course, half of what he got went to his sister.
Anyways, during his first days as an executive, the very first thing he learned was the 'ranks'.
Firstly, there were 'executives' like himself, Executive C, and Executive Q. They were 'fighters', people who do damage and fight, also they had a lot of excess to several places in Nox. The next rank were the 'nurses' who were basically the medics who patch up people who are injured. Then, there were 'doctors', people who used their knowledge to aid the King.
Lastly, there were the 'bishops'. An extremely powerful individual who held and wielded power that only Daewi could imagine, and only two executives have seen this 'bishop': Executive O and Executive Q. According to Executive Q, there was only one Bishop in Nox and… well, Daewi could only remember Executive Q stuttering and shaking violently as he attempted his best to turn on his lighter. The only words Daewi got out of him were "Devil", "Monster", "Pain", "Sadist", and "Run".
Daewi now had a mild idea how strong a 'bishop' was.
But to now have two more potential newbies that were soon to be placed in the ranks of 'Bishops'? Currently, they were weaker than he was, which was expected from his boss and himself. Daewi had spent most of his time fighting against beings that were naturally stronger than humans for quite awhile. It was a matter of time for him to become stronger as he kept fighting against devils, humans, and even monsters or whatever they were. But with whatever secret artifact these soon-to-be 'bishops' had… was it called a 'Sacred Gear'...? Yeah, that. With that, their power level could just blow up.
Executive C complained that it was some cheat codes and Executive Q complained that his ancestors sucked, but to be honest Daewi didn't care much. Good for them if they get that power up. He was simply going to climb up to the top with the only way he knew.
Practicing the same movement for hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
And fighting in the battlefield countless times of course.
But speaking of 'bishops', the guy who faced the last stage of his attack definitely seemed to have the potential to be one.
What seemed to be a few simple swings of the bat, were actually calculated movements that disrupted the airflow of the Wave of Blue Dragon. Although the magnitude of the attack wasn't affected by those swings, the guy maneuvered the air to only attack him and flow harmlessly around the others.
It was amazing, so to speak.
Not only he had to calculate how to let the waves dance away from the others, but also he had to realize and piece together what Daewi was attempting to do from the very start.
It wouldn't be a surprise if he became a 'doctor' instead of a 'bishop', considering his genius-level intellect.
'Strange…' Thought Daewi as his punch knocked out the girl as her glasses shattered from the impact.
'Ilpyo Park… the other potential 'bishop'... he's turning a bit…' Daewi's eyes widened, as he hastily duck a slash from his remaining opponent. '... feral'
Taking a few steps back, to distance himself from Ilpyo Park, Daewi glanced to his back and nearly groaned.
On the wall were huge scratch marks that were raked across the concrete, and when looking more closely… the scratch marks matched Ilpyo's nails that suddenly grew long and razor sharp… Daewi had to assume that Ilpyo just awakened his Sacred Gear.
Thankfully, he was… sort of familiar with situations like these. So, without falling into a panic, like Executive C would've done, he punched the feral Ilpyo straight in the nose, causing the dark blue-haired boy to blink in surprise, only to roar louder and attack more ferociously with…
'Is that fire?!' Thought Daewi to himself as he stared at the slowly transforming guy in front of him as fire danced around Ilpyo's nails. Now, Daewi was seeing white whiskers and on top of Ilpyo's head were two little animal ears that popped out.
"Cat ears?" Blurted out Daewi as he stared in confusion.
"What?" Spoke Ilpyo as he suddenly stopped, totally confused. It seems like his rationality caught up with him as his feral state was released. Then, the highschooler took a good look at his hands. "Why are my nails so long?"
"Dude, you should check your ears first" Spoke Daewi before he could stop himself. Stupid Daewi… he was supposed to fight until 15 minutes passed. Currently… huh. 11 minutes? He was pretty positive that he took out the boy and the girl with glasses fairly early…
Then, Daewi took a good look at the arena.
It was a total wreck.
Nails, fire, ash, scorches, and so much unidentifiable damage was done to the arena. All that power… it came from the guy Daewi was just fighting and he was too busy dodging and countering that he lost track of time.
Wait… then during that moment what happened to the other two…!
Daewi, ignoring Ilpyo who was having a mental breakdown, looked around him searching for the unconscious forms of the two newbies.
'Where…?! Where…?! Where are th—'
"Up here Executive S" Came the soft voice of—
"Executive N…" Spoke Daewi, laughing a bit lifelessly as he stared at the floating form of one of the strongest teenager executives. Beside him were the unconscious forms of Mira Yoo and Seungcheol Baek, floating harmlessly in the air, away from harm and safe.
"H-hey… explain to me, all of… this…" Came the voice of Ilpyo, which was shaking unlike his usual self. His eyes were dilated, his whole body was sweating, and not to mention shuddering every now and then. "Why is my hair white…? How can he levitate up there…? And why is there a strange voice stuck in my head?!"
Daewi wanted to avert his eyes away from the… albino with some pink eye shading that came out from nowhere(and what the heck happened to his pupils…?). Explaining was the hardest part to do and he really didn't want to take part in it…
Thinking of it… Executive Q may have had a similar feeling when he broke down the world of monsters and Gods to Daewi when they first encountered a stray devil.
Anyways, when he looked around to ask his boss/King or Executive N for help… they were already gone. All that was left in the room was Daewi Han, a very confused and partly scared guy with animal ears and long nails, and a demolished arena.
Daewi sighed as he motioned the cat-eared(?) boy to follow him.
"Let's get you some tea… this will take a long time to explain"
"What was that, my King?"
"... something that the first King feared, but more likely… he was annoyed"
I blinked a couple of times, remembering the time when the first King had his beef with the nine-tailed fox: Hojosa, Kitsune, the strongest and the most legendary fox in all time. Although he did give the King a whole lot of trouble for causing so much chaos, the King beated him in the end… after all, the King was in his prime while the Hojosa was already weakened by the heavenly army that was sent down to secure him.
I had no idea God would seal the Hojosa's soul inside a Sacred Gear, but after all, the great two dragons: Ddraig and Albion, were also sealed inside a Sacred Gear.
"Was the 'spar' your intention to awaken the 'Bishop's Sacred Gears?" Asked With Hawk again. My, he sure has a lot of questions nowadays.
"Ultimately, yes. But I didn't expect Ilpyo Park to awaken his Sacred Gear so early… usually people take drastic measures to unlock one's Sacred Gear, but to unlock it so easily and use it so easily during a spar…"
"Is it perhaps…" Spoke With Hawk, thinking hard. "That Ilpyo Park has already unlocked his Sacred Gear before he came to this facility?"
"... you know, you might just be right" I said, considering that option. "It takes at least a few days for Sacred Gears such as his to get used to the world and its users. I suspect he may have unlocked them when I found him with his dying sister…"
"Emotional fluctuations…" Spoke With Hawk. "That must be when it was unlocked…"
"Damn it…" I groaned. "Ilpyo Park's Sacred Gear was something I wished I had awakened the last…"
"Why so?"
"I have told you the feud between the first King and the Hojosa right? Where's the guarantee that this one wouldn't still hold his grudge against the one with the King's wisdom?"
"Well… let's just hope the Kitsune would listen to its user. After all, Ilpyo Park owes you a great deal like the rest of us"
"Yes… let's just hope the user wouldn't listen to the Kitsune instead…" I grumbled. "Besides, I have to unlock the other two's potential too"
'... coming to think of it, I hope Issei is doing well…'
Issei wasn't doing well. In fact, he was downright uncomfortable. His brother asked him to keep a good eye on the three mysterious people that were apparently from the 'church'.
Two women, and one man.
They all made Issei uncomfortable, despite the fact that the girls were pretty.
But the male, the male made Issei incredibly uncomfortable, as his eyes peered at him, as if they were trying to penetrate his soul and read him like a newspaper. Apparently, Rias seemed to dislike it too as she gave a short glare at the man, who gave an apologetic look.
So… to sum things up, these people showed up with a lot of rude comments, but ultimately said that they were seeking 'permission' to search for some swords that were apparently holy and had a lot of power and importance.
Why the hell is something so important like that doing in this small place in Kuoh?! In Japan? Why Japan for starters?!
But that wasn't the dropping of the bombs.
Kiba's sudden change of attitude was what confused Issei the most.
It started a few days back when the good-looking bastard started to lose track of focus on various things, which led to some of his friends getting hurt. He shouted at Kiba and tried to reason with him, but unfortunately he didn't get any answers from him.
Rias answered him instead, explaining Kiba's tragic past that made Issei pity the good-looking bastard.
But… when meeting the three people who served 'God'... Kiba's attitude became extremely hostile.
The three consisted of two beautiful looking girls that almost made Issei drool, but the remaining third was a black male, with dreadlocks and glasses. He seemed nice, but whenever he turned his attention to Issei, Issei felt as if he was being judged by the mysterious person.
Well, the girl with orange twintails seemed fairly familiar, but Issei couldn't put a finger on where he had seen her. But the girl on the other hand seemed to know who Issei was.
Anyways, the church's plea was simple. They had beef with the fallen angels who had apparently stolen their holy swords that were made from the fragments of the excalibur. So, since this was a feud between the church and the fallen angels, the woman named Xenovia told them to not interfere with what was about to happen in the city of Kuoh.
Then… she kind of pissed Rias off a bit.
Then Kiba stormed out of the room, with anger obviously imprinted on his face.
Jeezes… that could've been terrifying if Issei hadn't experienced rage with his brother.
But still though… that man with those piercing eyes… It troubled Issei so much.
"The church came to see me too?" I asked through the phone, talking with Oyama Sugihara, also known as Executive E. "I believed that they were only interested in keeping the devils out of this…"
"They did indeed my King, but our recent… showcase seemed to prove the church that we are a faction they cannot treat lightly… after all, everybody knows that we are in Kuoh" Came the answer.
"Did they do anything to Asia?" I asked, worried that the poor girl might've gotten some harsh criticism from the two fanatics.
"They did give Asia a little glare, but they didn't do anything more than that. The members might be coming back to see you in person, but I doubt that… they are on a serious mission after all and we are just a newly formed faction with little influence. They wouldn't think it would be a big deal to make sure we don't interfere with their feud with the fallen angels"
I rubbed my forehead as I thought of meeting Irina again. It would be… awkward, if I were to meet the aloof Irina again. Especially after I've practically announced to the whole world of the existence of the human faction and that I was the leader of it. Since I'm no devil, I'm positive that she wouldn't bear any ill feelings towards me, but there is a high chance that her partner might spew some insults for our blasphemous behavior.
And as for the remaining mysterious member…
I have no idea what to expect from him.
"No, I'm certain they'll come to meet us…" I groaned, knowing well that Irina wouldn't miss the chance to meet with me again. After all, the church wouldn't disagree with evaluating the newest player in their games of power and control.
"Should I call for other executives for backup?"
"No need. I'll call them if I have to. In the meantime, get some rest"
"Thank you my King"
Hanging up my phone, I opened the door to my home only to find myself being greeted by the world's most innocent Italian blonde nun wearing the most sexually provocative clothing.
"... Asia, what are you wearing?" I asked politely as possible to the naive girl that stood in front of me.
"It's a naked apron Sora-san!" She replied cheerfully, not noticing the problem of the situation.
"Mother" I spoke in a hushed tone. "Do you have anything to say against your defense?"
"Oh, don't be such a spoilsport~!" Chuckled my mother who also seemed to dismiss the severity of the situation. "Look at Asia-chan, trying her best to look cute for you~!"
"You know what, I don't care anymore" I spoke, giving up on converting these people to common sense. "Is Issei home yet?"
"I'm here nii-san…!" Came the voice of Issei, with a single grain of rice stuck to the corner of his lip.
"Ah, you're here" I spoke smiling. "Good, let's talk"
Dragging Issei and Asia upstairs, I quickly threw the poor manipulated nun some new baggy clothes in the guest room.
"So… what is exactly going on with those three?" I asked Issei, after sure that there was nobody else eavesdropping on us.
Issei told us everything, from start to finish, and there was just one thing I couldn't get off my mind.
"So… this man seemed to look at you as if you were…"
"Well… he looked at me as if I were his enemy"
"That's fair, considering he's a man who serves God. He is obliged to hate your kind" I replied, trying to calm down Issei. Of course, I would be preparing countermeasures against this new person, after I got a bit more information from him.
"But still though nii-san…! He seemed as if I were his only target!"
"I-I don't understand Issei-san" Spoke Asia quietly. "I thought the members of the church were here to take back or destroy the holy swords"
"I know that…" Spoke Issei, as he shivered once more as he thought of the man's gaze at him again. "But… my gut feeling can tell… he's after me… probably after my Boosted Gear…"
"Do you at least have a photo of him?" I asked, frowning.
"We do" Came a sudden voice from the window.
"YOW!" Screeched Issei in fright from the sudden unfamiliar voice and Asia simply cowered from Issei's reaction and the sudden appearance of a…
"Is that a… is that a dragonfly…?" Spoke Asia as she stared hard at the insect that looked exactly like a dragonfly.
"Did the dragonfly just talk…?" Spoke Issei, slowly coming closer to the insect by pure curiosity.
"Greetings. King, Nurse A, and Hyoudou Issei"
"Doctor M…" I spoke standing up. "Show us the person"
"Is he… that's a robot?!" Yelled Issei as he jumped away from it again. "No way! No absolute way! It looks 100% real and organic!"
Choosing to ignore Issei, the dragonfly, or should I say Project: Fabre's head started to change into a nozzle. Then, from the nozzle a small beam projection shot out of it. Wordlessly, but full with awe, Asia and Issei moved out of the way for the light projection to show us the face of…
The worried voices of Asia and Issei brought my mind back to the present. As I blinked.
"Ah" I spoke… maybe a bit too nonchalantly. "Sorry, my mind must've wandered somewhere off… now if you'll excuse me…"
Walking out of the room I quickly walked towards my room, as the dragonfly followed me.
"Doctor M… you'll need to work overnight"
"... what do you need my King?"
"I just need to trick a godly weapon. I just need… to trick it"
"... I can't believe all of this is… true…" Muttered Ilpyo as he stared at his hands that used to have long sharp nails that could penetrate concrete with ease. Now, within his rough hands, scarred and hardened from years of training, he was holding a warm mug filled with hot chocolate with a few marshmallows to make it perfect.
"Yup. I couldn't believe in any of what you're believing until I saw one of that" Spoke Daewi as he pointed to a glass prison where a stray devil screeched across where they sat.
"... so… devils and angels huh?" Spoke Ilpyo, his voice still shaky. "Then… who is the King…? Is he a de—"
"He's a human" Spoke Daewi, quickly. "I can vouch for that. He's human… so far"
"So far? What do you mean, 'so far'?"
"There are rumors" Spoke Daewi after a brief pause. "But, for a fact, it is known to all executives that his own physical body isn't capable of maintaining his own Sacred Gear. Using it causes too much stress on his own body that it literally tears his living number of years down and even having it causes him to sacrifice every minute of his destined life"
"... so… I guess there are rumors of him attempting to become something more than a human to withstand the power of his Sacred Gear?" Guessed Ilpyo and by looking at Daewi's surprised face, he knew he was right.
"Yup. Those are the rumors that's going on… but we're all pretty sure that that's exactly what's going on. We just call them rumors because we don't have any proof that he's actually trying to change into something else"
Ilpyo simply blinked and sipped on his sweet delicious drink.
So far, this proved to be a very dangerous job, but considering the fact that he had a Sacred Gear within him that attracts many supernatural beings, he was already in big trouble. He just hadn't realized that. Perhaps joining his savior was the safest option. After all, fighting for the sake of humanity didn't sound so bad to him.
"Ah, good. It seems like Executive S filled out the basic information"
Turning his head, Ilpyo saw a man with a green haired man who was apparently shuffling cards calmly entering the staff room. Ilpyo found him to be… dangerous as his newly heightened instincts screamed for him to fight and defeat the man..
"Uh… who are you…?" Asked Ilpyo, trying his best to sound polite, ignoring his spike of bloodlust.
"I'm your Sacred Gear instructor" Spoke the man. "You can also call me Executive Q"
Then, Ilpyo gasped as purple ominous smoke poured out from the man who called himself Executive Q. The purple smoke rose high and high, until it took the shape of a clown, who smiled down at Ilpyo and Executive S with shiny sharp teeth that glistened with malicious intent.
In the clown's hands, a red menacing scythe was held and Ilpyo knew for certain that it was a tool not for agriculture, but to decapitate the clown's enemies. Then, the weapon was given to the executive who took the large tool with ease.
Then, the man grinned as the clown that loomed over him grinned too. Then, Ilpyo felt it. He felt the flames that danced around him as his nails sharpened once more. Then, with his pupils dilated, fangs ready, and his young heart beating hard, he lunged at the man who blocked his kick with relative ease.
"Class starts now, fox"
It's been years.
Yeah, sorry for that people.
Anyways, I finally did it... I finally updated this story because I was so inspired to do so after watching the GOD OF HIGHSCHOOL BEING ANIMATED!
Anyways, stay safe and healthy folks. And remember social distancing~!
West-Door out.