Demonic Hero Academia
Chapter 10
UA Dorms
This was not what Hiei wanted, this was not what he wanted at all, that damn school has sent a letter to notify them that they are implementing a dorm system and that all students were to be put into it, he hated that, Mukuro hated that, Koenma hated that, everyone hated that. So to continue to go to that damn school that he didn't even want to go to, he had to become dormmates with kids that now hate him for what he did to Midoriya, Eijiro, Iida, Todoroki, and most of all what he did to Momo, the rest of them will hate him more for that betrayal most of all. Though to be honest this was all that damn alliance with the villains and demons, if they hadn't acted at all or even formed that alliance he wouldn't have been put into a position like he is in now, that being about to play co-host to two of his teachers, Aizawa and All Might.
"Remember, when they get here let me do the talking," Mukuro reminded the scowling and glaring at nothing fire demon as if he were a child, "I'm the parent and you're the offspring, you do as I say," she asked him as she was dressed as she normally would be and him as well.
"Fine," Hiei conceded, though it felt good to be dressed in his normal clothes, he was too tired to argue with her about what is about to happen and who the lead talker is going to be, he was too focused on other things, "I still don't see why I have to keep going to the school if the demons scattered."
"Because Hiei, even though Yomi is dead and the rest of the demons scattered, as long as Shura, who has taken up command of his father's remaining forces, decides to remain allied with the villains, you have to keep protecting those kids," Mukuro told him evenly as she set on the couch.
That is when the doorbell rang and signaled the arrival of the two teachers from UA, Mukuro looked to Hiei expectedly, he rolled his eyes in distain and went to the front door to let them in, Aizawa in black pants, white shirt and blue tie, All Might in yellow pants, white shirt and blue striped tie. The only different was that while Aizawa carried a satchel with him and had his hair combed back looking less tired than normal, All Might had a bandaged cast over his right arm while in a sling, both looked down to him and rose a simultaneous eyebrow at his wearing his hero attire.
He just widened the door opening so they could come inside and silently walked into the apartment, took off their shoes like guests do and just as silently let him lead them to the living room where a woman with orange short hair waited, though that wasn't the only thing about her. Her orange hair was messy and parted to the left with a bandage wrapped around her head and cloth hanging down over much of the right side of her face her eye color was blue, her right eye is in fact covered by a cybernetic lens, but what drew their focus was the scar and burns under it. "Welcome to my home gentlemen," Mukuro said with a blank face that held no emotion in it, they didn't expect that either, they thought many things in regards to Hiei's parents, or parent, but didn't expect what it is they found sitting on the couch, "please have a seat while we talk."
The offer was more of a command and they felt as if they had to obey it, just who was the woman to be able to demand them so casually and force them to obey, that rang through their minds as they took their seats, All Might on the left of Aizawa and Hiei beside his mother in front of the retired hero. Neither party said a word, Aizawa and All Might a bit too scared to while Hiei and Mukuro looked to them expectedly as if expecting them to start talking, Mukuro looked down to the table and they followed her gaze to it and saw that the letter they received was out in full view. They both got the message and Aizawa looked to All Might to start speaking instead of himself, so the former hero cleared his throat before starting, "we, uh, came here to see what your response was to the letter that you received in regards to the newly established UA dorms."
Aizawa picked from there, "we are here personally so that the parents could express any concerns that they have to our faces so that we might convince you of how beneficial this would be, however if you aren't to be convinces then we will respect your wishes and not bother you over it."
"Though if there is anything that we might be able to do to allow you to let Hiei move into the dorms that would be much appreciated, he is very promising and very talented, and we would like to keep watching him grow into a very great hero in the near future," All Might continued.
Aizawa would have gone again, but Mukuro put up her hand palm facing them to stop them from speaking anymore, what was she going to say, was she going to deny them right now without even listening to them, was she going to accept, "are you incompetent or just neglectful?"
They just stared at her for a moment or two, incompetence they could understand, they had been called that by some of the more vocal of anti-UA news programs but none of them ever said that they were neglectful, so it was Aizawa who asked, "what do you mean by neglectful?"
Mukuro narrowed her eyes and they could feel a pressure that came with that act, it wasn't pleasant, "clearly All Might has lost his power," the two heroes froze, "he'd been seen in the public less and less over the last five years and when it came down to around three hours he joined UA." The two heroes stared at her and took glances to Hiei who looked to them with bare interest, but still held his stoic expression, "UA provided the perfect cover for him to hide himself away while still making appearances in the form of teaching students, yet it was a double edged sword. While you would be able to hide away while you lost your power, the infamy that you acquired while you were the hero you once were led to villains attacking the school while hoping to break you by killing a student or two, possibly turning one or two over to their side as well."
Now All Might was getting upset at what she was obviously implying, very upset, "are you suggesting that I knowingly let students be attacked just so I could avoid my duties as a hero," he glared at her, no one, and he means no one has ever thought that about regardless of side.
"That is one of the possibilities for neglectfulness," Mukuro said evenly, having the former number one hero glare wouldn't have bothered her before he lost his power, why would it now, "another is that you disregarded the effect you had on the criminals and thought they feared you enough not to act. Clearly you neglected to actually instill fear in them or neglected to think of repercussions to something foolish like teaching and making it public," that made the number one hero glare even more, though she could still see him thinking a bit at her words, clearly he didn't think of that at all.
"There were many heroes that thought that having All Might there to teach would inspire the students more, and having him there would keep villains from harming the students, he was a safety measure as well as a symbol of peace," Aizawa defended his fellow teacher form her.
"Then all of you should have your minds reexamined for defects," she didn't even bat an eye at the insult, "hope is fine for an ideal society but try and be realistic, if you weren't neglectful then you were incompetent, you lacked the intelligence to make that decision so why teach to begin with?" Now she just sounded like she was insulting them to be insulting, but neither of them could deny that if they had thought about it more then they could have found something better of an arrangement, "then there is the obvious favoritism of another student by All Might, an Izuku Midoriya."
Again that made both teachers pause in their seats and look at her intensely, they won't ask how she knows that, Hiei obviously told her that he suspected favoritism, but even so, "I don't know what your son has seen or where he's gotten his information, but I have never played favorites."
"You can act innocent all you wish but that isn't why I've brought it up," they looked at her suspiciously, "I saw all those injury reports, I know that you've told him continually to learn to control his power, and that if it wasn't for Hiei telling him how early on he would still be hurting himself." Her statement made both teachers shrink, now they knew what she was getting at, "as teachers you are to teach your students and guide them, but you failed to protect them against their own selves, which you should have done, first and foremost by teaching that boy control." All Might was about to say something about that but she beat him to it, "and don't say you didn't know how, both your power and that boy's is too similar to not give him the advise needed, and don't say that you wanted him to figure it out for himself, his body is badly damaged from your mistakes."
All Might hung his head down in shame, she was right on that part, because he wanted Midoriya to learn on his own he decided to not give him better advice to better help control his power, all because he wanted him to follow in his own path and not be crippled by his admiration of him. So he decided to shift topics, "I believe we are getting off topic here, we came here to see if you would allow your son to be sent to the dorms so that we could more effectively protect him and let the students also grow closer to each other as young students to form hero teams."
"Oh but this is on that topic," Mukuro said with narrowed eyes, "I have brought nothing up during this conversation that does not pertain to that topic, another point I'll make is your failure to curb that Bakugo's explosive tendencies or at least make him deal with his anger and thoughts of superiority." Aizawa and All Might looked up at her, "the reason why the villains kidnapped him in the first place was because of the scene he showed at the sports festival, his ingenuity and tenacity might be impressive for other people that can't think for themselves, but not to me or Hiei. He constantly feels as though he is better than everyone else and lets his pride get the better of him, he would have failed the finals had Hiei not been there to fight and interrupt the pathetic excuse for a fight, he continually acts more like a villain than hero, you failed him at that. The entire school failed the other students as well because of that boy as well, he doesn't have the right motivation to become a hero, he doesn't have the temperament, and yet he still was allowed into a hero academy that someone more deserving could have gotten into, pathetic."
Aizawa looked disappointed, this was the first student that they visited that seemed to not be coming back, All Might looked equally disappointed, but what could they do, all points made were good and they had no counter argument at her attacks, "so I take it your answer is no then."
"Not at all, my answer is yes," her admission just made them go limp, what in the hell did they just hear from her, "it is clear that UA is either incompetent or neglectful, failure as teachers and values only powerful quirks and not morality, so to be honest you need all the help you can get. Hiei though has proven on more than one occasion that he's more competent, insightful, realistic, and better than all of them, helped out Midoriya, put Bakugo in his place, defeated a villain during the USJ attack, fought against All Might, and helped during summer camp, you need his help."
The teachers were stunned, after all those points made it came down, not to what UA was capable of, but what her own son was capable and willing to do, they looked to the boy who had moved to the windowsill some time during their conversation and looked out at the horizon. They turned back to Mukuro as she just stared at them as if nothing was wrong, that she didn't just pull a plot twist like this, they didn't need to do any convincing, she planned this with him, then why is it that they still feel like failures because of her own words, her own judgement. They left feeling like they were nothing, because her points were all valid, they didn't think of the consequences of All Might joining UA as a teacher, they were idealistic, but she is sending them her son because she had faith in him, which was a bit better, but not by much at all.
When they had left Hiei finally turned to look at Mukuro, "did you seriously have to insult them to that degree, I'd rather not have a headache any more than what I'd have with all those kids running around," he told her stoically while still sitting on the window sill.
"Yes, I did, they need to know that I trust you more than them because that gives you more freedom, I'm not trusting them with you, I'm trusting you with them, they know it now and will think twice on any risky decisions," Mukuro said as she stood up, "I'm leaving, I'll send help for the move."
Move in day
She did just that, in the dead of night after the facility that was on the edge of UA's campus that was a five minute walk from the main school was built, Mukuro smuggled in all the previsions that he'd need to turn his dorm room into a miniature apartment, all he had to do was set it all up. The dorm complex he was to be living in is called Heights Alliance, constructed in just three days, relatively fast by human standards, and it seemed to be well constructed as well, though he would have added certain things to ensure that security was better than what it was like right now.
Especially considering the glares he was getting form the rest of the class, almost everyone was glaring at him, out of hate for stopping them from rescuing Bakugo (mainly those that were about to go), getting that same group in trouble even more (mostly everyone else), or betraying Momo. That one was mostly the girls, looking to Momo with some pity at having such a close friend and confidant betray her trust, it was only Momo herself that didn't glare at him, only looked to him with sadness at this happening to him, though since he was in the back, it was only glances.
When he arrived though was when the worst of it came out, Sero, Sato, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Todoroki, and Eijiro all glared at him without any pity or guilt in their eyes, nothing in regards to sympathy to the decision that he had to make and all thought of kindness gone from their eyes. Aoyama, Denki, Koda, Shoji, Midoriya, and Iida glared a bit, but there was at least some understanding there, they at least could understand the hard call that he made and understood that it wasn't easy to make, deciding between not saying anything and letting them go. Tsu, Uraraka, Mina, Jiro, and he guessed Toru looked to him with a bit of sadness mixed into the glare, sadness and yet there was an undertone of hate, more than likely thinking about how this would effect the last of their classmate who up to this point hadn't even looked to him. Bakugo surprisingly didn't glare at him, well not with what the other looks that he was receiving, it was mostly a glare of confusion, as if wondering what he did to get everyone else to glare at him so harshly, even some of the glares that didn't look harsh were pushing it. Momo wouldn't even look to him, having to keep quiet about what it was that she was so sad about was bad, but having everyone else think that she's sad because he betrayed her when it was both of them in a way, she couldn't even look at him without wanting to break down and cry.
Aizawa stood before the gathered students, "given everything that has happened, I'm glad we were able to bring class A back together," he said with eyeing Hiei in the back some, he noticed the tense air around them, all the other students staying away from him, he could feel hatred.
"So, we all got the go ahead to move on campus," Sero commented with a smile, while casting a back glare at Hiei for him making it as well before turning back to his usual smiling self, "I'm sure it took a lot of convincing from Hagakure and Jiro's parents, how are you two anyways?"
"We're fine, and you're right, it took a lot of convincing from my parents, we did get the worst of the gas attack," Toru said with a bent over tiring huff, he couldn't tell if she was glaring at him, or if anyone really, or if she was glaring at all, but she probably was like everyone else.
"We're glad to see the teachers got to come back too," Tsuyu commented as well, her glare wasn't really that bad, more hurt then hate, "I was afraid you wouldn't be allowed, the people at the press conference seemed pretty upset with you guys," she added again with a finger to her chin.
"I was surprised as well, but circumstances have changed," Aizawa said, giving a single clap, "now then, I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly, first however… we haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses you were supposed to get during the training camp."
"Oh yeah, that's what we were there for, so much has happened, it totally slipped my mind," Mina commented offhandedly as if she hadn't thought about it at all, though Hiei did make it a point to remember himself about the information, it would make his work outside of campus easier.
"This is important, listen well," Aizawa announced, "Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, you five are the ones who almost broke the rules to attempt to go rescue Bakugo that night," he waited for a moment and gauged everyone's reactions and to the news of it all. "Based on your reactions, I assume the rest of you were at least aware of their plan, so I'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this, if it weren't for All Might's retirement, I would expel everyone here except for Bakugo, Jiro, Hagakure, and Hiei," great more hate. "The five of you who almost went of course, but also the remaining 12 who didn't stop them, you betrayed our trust, even if it was to keep your friends from getting into trouble, and in order to regain our confidence, you'll need to obey every rule to the letter and live as model students." He could feel the tension in the air with his statement, which he decided to lower, "that is all, now look alive and enjoy your new home," the others looked down because they almost got expelled, but Hiei just walked past them and didn't turn to look at their glares at his back.
He knew he was being glared at, knew that the eyes on him were full of anger and hate, it wasn't anything new to be honest, but it was annoying to look back and see the class continue with the glares without even caring that Aizawa can see them, but the look in his eyes was pity for him. That was worse, he can take the anger, he's used to dealing with anger from birth, the hatred from what he's done was nothing knew, the bandits he had been raised with saw to that, the sadness from Momo was expected considering that they have gotten close before this incident. The pity that he now saw in the eyes of the teachers was what he couldn't stand, those eyes that say that they've lived longer than him and know that he can't stand on his own without allies, what would they know, they know nothing of him, which is why he walked in front of them inside.
"Each student dormitory holds one class, girls are on the right and boys are on the left, the entire first floor is a common area, that's where you'll find your kitchen, baths, and laundry rooms," Aizawa introduced them to their new home, the others were amazed at how spacious it was. "Living quarters start on the next floor, four boys and four girls on each level, everyone gets their own room, you should be comfortable, you've got your own AC, toilets, fridges, and closets," the rooms were a bit bigger than what he first thought to be honest, so he can manage just fine. "These are your dorm assignments," he brought out a chart, "the belongings you sent ahead have already been placed in your new rooms, so spend the day unpacking and getting settled, I'll tell you more about your next few lessons tomorrow, for now get to work," he left at that.
Hiei left their crowd after that, he was on the second floor, it didn't really take long for him to get settled with his speed and enhanced strength, he burned the bed they gave him to ash and placed something else in it, for his birthday Mukuro gave him a new bed for when he did go to sleep. He doesn't actually sleep often because he usually meditates, yet people called it sleep, but when he does it is usually in the same position he usually is found meditating in, on a tree branch, so he placed Mukuro's gift of a cut out tree branch and placed it where his bed would have gone. His sink that he installed was enchanted to bring him water from the 'spring of endless drought', an ironic name for a never ending spring to be honest, the spring gives a type of water that acts as an elixir for faster healing wounds, only mortally fatal wounds can't be healed from it. The food storage was more like an entire pantry that is set to automatically refill all stores every Friday night at 9pm, and filled it to where he could feed ten demons for a week if he so wishes, just in case he had to pack some for a long term away mission, so he had plenty of food. Ingredients other than the meat was in there as well, so he was able to make things other than just eating from a can, one of the things that the patrol headquarters cook insisted on was that all inhabitants of the place know how to cook many things, it came in handy. His walls he brought the exact thing for, a special type of wallpaper that had a scent of the actual forest that it was cut and designed from, meaning that the forests in demon world were his sight when he went to sleep or woke up, and when he wasn't doing that he was able to meditate to the smell.
After he was done, he decided to use some of the ingredients he had to make a pie, so he mixed them all properly and fixed it up before putting it in the oven he installed, and as he waited he went out back of the dorm to train with a wooden training sword, it wasn't a rough practice really. He performed a few katas, each time ramping up the speed and power he would exert before he stopped and speed to a different area, had to do so because the power he might exert in one spot would permanently harm the ground and make the soil volatile, and harmful to anything to grow.
When he returned to his room though, making sure it was through the window, just like how he left, he found an interesting sight, all the girls were in his room, along with most of the guys, and they were all eating his pie that he made, blissful smiles on all of their faces as they tasted it. Only the boys that were not eating the pie noticed him and smiled at him nervously to defuse the tension that was no doubt about to be stirred up from them being in his room without permission, and judging by the glare they were receiving, "why in the hell are you all in here eating my food?"
The voice made all of them freeze, and almost mechanically they all turned to him, Midoriya yipped like a mouse, Denki backed up slowly, Tokoyami felt like shrinking back into the comforting darkness of his room, Eijiro scowled a bit but still also backed up like Denki did. Todoroki stared at him blankly and stepped in front of the others in case a fight broke out, Aoyama didn't know what to do beyond sparkle with sweet pouring from him, Koda hid behind the still opened door, Shoji stepped up with Todoroki, Sero chuckled nervously, Iida paled a bit. Ojiro swallowed the lump in his throat that wouldn't stop growing, but the most puzzling of the boy's reactions war Sato's, he was smiling pleasantly at the fire demon, unknown to them all he found a nice baking partner in Hiei, if the delicious pie was anything to go by.
The girl's side of things was a bit more wide spread, Uraraka held her eyes in a wide and scared manner, skin turning whiter by the second, Mina's skin was becoming a much more faded pink and it looked like she was actually shrinking down in order to hide herself from her classmate. Jiro plugged up her ears to try not to listen to any scream that would affect her sensitive ears, and Toru took the cake on their side with starting to strip to sneak out of there, didn't matter to her if she was naked or not, a hand on her shoulder from Ojiro told her to stop, it wouldn't help. All at once they looked to Momo so she could explain what they were doing in the room, she would have the only chance to do so without being filleted alive, so she coughed a bit awkwardly before speaking, "ahem, well, we were having a competition to find the best room when…"
They had all just gotten finished checking out Aoyama's room when Uraraka spoke, "this is turning out to be really fun," she said happily with a skip in her step, "the last person on this floor is," she turned to the last room left and they noticed her pause as she saw who's it was, Hiei.
They all went from happy to scowling before turning away from it when Momo spoke up, "how long are you all going to hate him for what he did," she asked sadly since it was her friend that was being left out on purpose from any fun, sure he wouldn't go along with it, but even still.
"How can you of all people say that after what he did," Eijiro asked incredulously at her even asking the question as if even thinking something so different was a grave sin, "don't forget that he lied to you and told the teachers to knock us out and restrain us so we couldn't save Bakugo."
"Yet he was saved that very night still wasn't he," Momo asked back with a snap, "look, I know that you don't like him, and I probably shouldn't either after what he did, but let's face it, he probably… no he definitely saved our lives, All Might's fight with that villain was too destructive."
Uraraka nodded from her spot, "that's true, did you see the amount of damage all those punches caused, several blocks and an unbelievable amount of property damage was the end result, that amount of power would have demolished you guys no matter what else happened," she guessed.
"No," Eijiro refused to believe the facts, "Midoriya would have thought up a way for us to get away with Bakugo while All Might kept the big boss man distracted," he turned to Midoriya who didn't look very sure, "okay he probably would have, but the point is he still lied to us for help."
"Not to mention he ignored everyone's feelings on the subject and told the teachers," Toru mentioned with some… dislike in her voice, "he ignored the fact that everyone silently agreed not to tell to save everyone from being punished, but instead he chose to tell Aizawa about the plan."
"He also doesn't care about anyone else but himself," Midoriya muttered and everyone looked to him in shock, "every single time that he's helped someone it was to spare himself a headache, Kaachan would lie and say it wasn't, but Hiei I think genuinely only does it to spare himself."
They bowed their heads a bit at the admission, if Midoriya was admitting it, was it a true statement, "you're all wrong," Momo shouted at them suddenly and felt all eyes go back to her, "that is only how he comes across, none of you have ever gotten to know him like how I have. So none of you has any right to blame him for what he did, what you all see is the cold exterior that shows him being annoyed, shows him hating the rest of you are all loud, boisterous, complete morons in some of your cases, and lets not forget all of your own personality quirks you have."
All of their looks were just shocked, Momo just screamed at them, called them all morons, loud and boisterous morons, and blamed them for how Hiei hates them because of their own personalities, "what they hell Momo, you've never talked to us like that," Eijiro commented.
"Because you all have your own personalities, your own little ticks that you do and won't shut up about and the moment that Hiei acts on his you blame him, Hiei is blunt, he does thing that are best for the class because like it or not, everything he's done has been for the good of the class. He helped Midoriya with how to control his power, he beat Bakugo and humbled him a little bit at the sport's festival, helped Todoroki learn to use his flames, and he beat one of the villains at the camp, he told Aizawa not because it would be a pain, but because we would be put in danger. He was the only one able to do those things because he's the strongest of us, the most capable of us, and the only one able to make the hard choices, no he doesn't do things by taking emotions into account, he makes the hard call, the choices we don't make," Momo told them.
The others looked down, she also had a point, Midoriya looked like he was thinking hard now, the others looked down, thinking about how they were treating him and thought that maybe they were acting a bit too harshly, "what do you want us to do then," Mina asked her friend.
"Well for starters why don't we just go in his room and ask if he wants to join in on the fun, he'll say no, but why not just start off with asking him to join, you don't have to like him, but at least start to get to know him before you actually start to hate him," Momo offered already heading there.
"Fine," Eijiro let out a sigh as he too started to walk that way, the rest of the class followed suit since the unofficial leader of the anti-Hiei side was at least willing to give him a chance, Momo was just in front of the door waiting for them with a smile as she noticed all of them arrived.
Momo turned and knocked on the door, "Hiei, it's Momo, I'm coming in," she turned the handle and went inside and saw what he did to his room, she automatically went inside and stared at awe of what he did, the scent, the feeling of everything, "this already has my vote," she declared.
"Have to agree, it looks awesome," Uraraka commented when the rest of the class entered, what she found fascinating was the bed, it was looking like a tree trunk with a thick branch on it, then she smelt something, she turned to the smell and saw a pie sitting on an automatic opened oven.
"Wait, Hiei can actually bake," Mina exclaimed the question before going up to the pie and taking a piece of it absentmindedly, then Toru came up and did the same thing without thinking, pretty soon everyone did that same thing and began to eat some of the delicious pie, even Momo.
"That brought us to now and where you caught us eating some of your delicious pie, I have to say, I never thought you'd be such a wonderful baker," Momo thought while finishing her bite of pie, then she noticed the look she was getting form the fire demon, a stare like she was an idiot. Wait, fire demon, demon, what do demons eat again, human souls, or sometimes just humans, human meat, but then why would he bake a pie if he… that is when it clicked for her, they were eating actual human meat, they were eating other humans, she widened her eyes at the realization. She found the nearest trash can and understandably spit out what remained of the pie out, the others just looked to her with worried looks before they ate another bite of their pie, that is when Momo was done puking and looked to them, "everyone get out of here now," she pushed them out.
Momo shoved the other students out the door while they continued to eat their pieces of pie, and in the end the only ones in the room was Hiei and Momo, and one piece of pie for him, a very small piece, he looked to her and asked dryly, "do you want anymore WWII Nazi Pie," she puked again.