When Poppy entered the room she was quick with her wand, "Lucius, I know you want to protect Dante but I need you to move over to the doorway for a few minutes." When she saw that the mother was not about to move she added. "As soon as I'm done you can comfort him, but if I don't help him soon…"
Lucius was quick to follow the matron's words as she waved her wand in complex patterns to save his son. He sat in a chair over to one side with his hands clenched in his lap. He watched the matron's every move, still trying to protect his son even if there was absolutely nothing he could do in this instance.
After awhile Poppy began to sweat but she continued on. Lucius became even more worried for his son then he had been. It had been a half hour and the matron hadn't paused in her spells. Finally, after ten more minutes, she slowed before completely stopping.
Lucius just watched her, waiting for the prognosis on his son. "Well? Poppy?"
"He will be okay." She said with a tired smile. "Some infection began to set in on those welts on his back…he should spend the rest of the night in the bed. He should be fine to get up for breakfast tomorrow morning."
Lucius felt his heart begin to beat again when he let out a breath he couldn't remember holding. "Why had they gotten infected?"
"He must have been laying in his own blood for over a week, Lucius," Poppy said as gently as she could. She paused before she added a piece of information she hadn't been certain she'd give the Malfoy Lord. "He almost hadn't made it…if I had even paused in my incanting or had been called a second later…"
Lucius made his way over to his son and kneeled before him. He took the boys hand and kissed it gently before running his hands through the boys raven locks…so much like his father's.
"I'll stay in the den overnight, if anything happens I'd rather be here to help," Poppy said trying not to interrupt the obviously distraught man.
Lucius shook his head, "Nonsense, Dippy will take you to the guest room down the hall." Said elf popped in and led the woman from the room, leaving the man to watch his son sleep for the first time in fourteen years.
Draco and Tom apparated onto Private Drive, "How are we going to find them?" Draco asked casually.
Tom waved his wand over both of them causing their clothes to change into everyday muggle wear. "That is simple, my dear Draco. We knock on a door and ask."
The duo made their way to the first house they saw, number 1 Private Drive. Tom quickly knocked on the door. An older gentleman answered the door. "May I help you?" he asked cheerfully.
"Yes, I think maybe you can. I'm looking for the Dursley household?" Tom asked smoothly with a charming smile. Draco could see the charm and charisma that Tom Riddle had used in gaining as many followers as he had during the first war.
The man's smile dropped, "Ah yes, the Dursley's they are at Number 4."
"Can I ask why you don't like the Dursley's?" Draco asked gently with a bit of understanding in his eyes. Tom smirked inwardly; the blonde teen was a perfect Slytherin.
The man's eyes darted from either man to the house across the street as if afraid the Dursley's themselves would come out and start screaming at him. "This is to be strictly confidential?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Nothing you say will be repeated to the Dursley's or any authority figure," Tom said hoping to ease the man's fears and gain his information.
The man sighed, "They always claimed that their nephew, Harry…I think his name is, was some kind of criminal. That he went to some kind of school for the incurably criminal…but he was a sweet boy. Always looked after those that needed it. Not to mention that his oaf of a cousin, Dudley, always chased after him and tormented half of the neighborhood. But they always keep him in the house, he'd be out for the first few days after he got back from school looking well-fed and healthy. But by the time he left for school, he would always limp to the car and he looked paler and thinner." The man's eyes darted to number 4 again in apprehension. "You won't tell them I said anything will you?"
Tom shook his head and took his wand out, "They won't know because you won't remember at all, obliviate!"
"Can we kill them?" Draco asked with a fire in his silver eyes.
Tom shook his head in the negative, as much as he would have liked to have said yes. "No, knowing what I know about Dante he would not appreciate us killing the muggles...and we also do not want Dumbledore aware that 'Harry' has run away." He began walking towards the Dursley household knowing that Draco would be behind him.
"Then what is it that we are going to be doing?" Draco asked with a disappointed sneer on his face.
Tom smirked his Dark Lord smirk, sending shivers down the Malfoy heirs spine, "My dear Draco, we will be ruining their lives..."
Dante groaned as he blinked as sunlight streamed onto his face. His body ached all over and he struggled to remember where he was. Why was his bed so soft? He wasn't back at Hogwarts yet...so he couldn't be in the Hospital Wing...and his bed at the Dursley's was so thin it was nearly non-existent. Suddenly everything came back to him in a rush and he opened his green eyes wide in shock and pain stabbed through him as he shot straight up in bed.
Suddenly there were calming hands on his face and chest attempting to make him lay back down, "You should still be asleep, Dante. It's okay, everything is okay, you are safe here." Lucius attempted to calm his son and tried to keep him from hurting himself even more.
Dante's hands twisted in Lucius' robes, "Did that really happen? Please tell me that it all really happened?" his green eyes wide with unshed tears pleading with Lucius' icy silver eyes.
Lucius pulled his youngest son carefully into his lap, allowing the now sixteen-year-old to cling to him like a child. Lucius allowed himself to kiss Dante's raven hair as he comforted the teen. "It really happened, I really found you, you're really back home where you're supposed to be."
After Dante had calmed himself down he looked back up into his mother's icy silver eyes, "Where's Draco and T-Tom?" Dante knew he was too old to be held by his mother the way he was being held, but he figured that his mother had missed out on holding him just as he had missed out on having a mother hold him.
The worried looked came back to the blond aristocrats face, "Honestly, I have no idea. When we returned I left Draco with Tom and rushed you back to your room where Poppy has been looking after you. I have not seen them since we returned."
Dante blushed lightly he probably should have asked this first, "Where am I? What happened? And how long have I been out?"
"This is what should have been your room growing up." his mother admitted with a sad smile, "I am glad that it finally is being used for its intended purpose. As for what happened, those horrid muggles you lived with nearly killed you."
Dante looked ashamed and he began to play with his hands in his lap, "I-I would have been okay...I nearly always am..."
Lucius used a hand to tilt Dante's face back up to look at him, "Do you remember me telling you that bearers are more fragile? I did not mean magically and most of the time bearers can be physically strong...but emotionally? We want nothing more than to be loved and taken care of, we can, of course, take care of ourselves when necessary. You have been with the Dursley's," He growled, "Your whole life. Your body began to give in when you realized that nothing you did would make them love and care for you. Your magic refused to heal you like it normally would. If I hadn't gotten you to Poppy when I did...you would not be here with us right now."
Dante looked at his mother in shock before clearing his throat and glancing down. "H-how long was I out?" he asked timidly.
"It's been nearly twenty-four hours," Lucius admitted before allowing a worried look to show on his face. "I am surprised that Draco and Tom were not in here the second you woke up."
"Sorry, Mum! We were a little preoccupied!" Draco said sheepishly as he entered his twin brothers bedroom, Tom, in tow. Lucius raised an eyebrow at his son and the Dark Lord that accompanied him.
"And just what, may I ask, were you preoccupied with?"
Tom gave his signature evil smirk, "You may ask...but I am not inclined to share at the current moment in time."
Dante took this moment to look over the man that had tried to kill him numerous times, he felt his face heating up as he liked what he saw. The man, he knew, was older than his parents, however, he looked as if he were only in his late thirties early forties. He had dark brown hair that was cut neatly, however, a single curl continued to try and make its way into the center of his face. His eyes were a mix of brown with red flecks in them giving them a depth that Dante had never seen before. His features were very aristocratic and handsome and his build was tall and slightly muscular, but he was nowhere near Charlie Weasley's bulk. All in all, Dante was very impressed with the Dark Lords good looks, his mother would have no fear that his son was not attracted to the man he was betrothed to.
Tom them glanced in Dante's direction and sent the teen a reassuring smile. "Hello, Dante."
"Tom," he replied back unsurely.
"I am sure there is much we need to discuss. Would you care to join us for dinner?"
Dante bit his lip and glanced between the reassuring eyes of his mother and the careful eyes of his brother before turning back to the red-brown eyes of his betrothed and nodding his assent.
Okay, so this chapter is very late and kind short in comparison to the other two, but I am now out of pre-written chapters for this story and am now writing it as we speak. Let me know what you want to see happen and I can see if it will fit within the fic. I'm still not sure if I want James to be alive or dead... leave a review and let me know what you think!