I flopped on to my back, staring at the ceiling and wondering if the heat went on, I was going to melt and slip through the cracks of the hardwood floor.

If only someone else was here with me, they'd be able to cool their body, so I could just stick to them all day.

As it were, Connor and Sumo were still at work and Simon was out grocery shopping. The small fan blowing in my face was the only thing keeping me from having heat stroke.

Sluggishly, I reached over to the room temperature glass of water. The ice cubes had long since liquefied, just like my brain.

Not being able to handle it anymore, I grabbed my phone and keys and handed to the shops myself. At least they had air conditioning there!

Actually, the car ride was quite pleasant as well. Maybe I should move somewhere with central air conditioning because the cool air in the vehicle was already putting me in a better mood.

Once I was in the shop, I headed straight for the freezer. It was relatively empty, but I spotted a box of blue raspberry flavoured popsicles at the very back of the shelf.

Delighted, I grabbed it and went to pay. The poor checkout clerk looked as if he didn't want to be anywhere near there, but he didn't understand what it was like outside. It was horrible. It was a war against heat.

On the way home, I was feeling a lot happier with the blue popsicle in my mouth. T he yummy sweetness was the perfect cold treat to keep me content.

And that was how they all found me. Sumo and Connor ended up bumping into Simon and they arrived together.

"Welcome back!" I called out to them when I heard the door open before slipping the lolly back into my mouth.

Connor was the first to appear. He walked into the living room where I was lying on the couch with the ceiling fan still blowing in my face. "Hello, Artie." He smiled.

I popped the icy treat out of my mouth and let out a yelp when some of the melted juice dripped on to my cheek. "Hey, Connor! You guys are home early. Good day?"

When I didn't receive a reply, I lifted my head to see Connor staring blankly at me with his LED glowing a deep red.

"Connor?" Was there something wrong with him? Maybe the heat was also affecting his system. I was going to have to look into it. He was supposed to be able to withstand very high temperatures.

He took one step forward and then, in the next second, he was hovering above me with his elbows on either sides of my face.

"C-Connor…?" What was he doing?

He leaned in closer and closer. I thought he was going to kiss me, so I closed my eyes, but then, something smooth ran down my face.

My eyes snapped open to see him with his tongue still sticking out. His LED turned yellow as he processed the substance on his sensor. Then, he looked over to the blue wand that was quickly dripping, leaving a sticky trail down my arm.

"There is a large percentage of high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavouring, - "

I pulled him into a kiss, tasting the blue liquid still on his tongue.

One thing led to another and suddenly, I had a leg around him and his cock gliding along my slit, lubricating himself before he thrust in. I couldn't really remember when exactly I had lost my pants, but his cooler body immediately sent mine into ecstasy.

I didn't know what had gotten to him, but I wasn't complaining.

As he was pumping quickly inside me, the popsicle still in my left hand ran along his neck as I tried to grab on to his shoulder.

I moaned, feeling him hit that wonderful spot that made my toes curl.

Suddenly, my snack was plucked out of my hand and I stared into Simon's deep, blue eyes. He ran it along my lips with a smile on his face.

I opened my mouth, sucking at the half-melted phallic item, staring back at him as I did so.

When I bought the icy treats, it was never meant to be sexual, but it had definitely turned out that way.

He slipped the popsicle back out and glided it down the centre of my body, leaving a bright blue trail. It was then that I realised why they were so affected by this.

Connor stopped and leaned away, watching with lust-filled fascination as Simon swirled around my bundle of nerves. He even brushed it up Connor's member, painting it blue.

"Ah…!" I clenched my eyes shut, feeling myself right at the edge, but unable to reach it. "Please… Please… Please…"

Simon kissed me, letting the popsicle melt on my stomach as Connor resumed his rhythmic motion.

It didn't take long to finally reach the release I craved and he swallowed the scream that came out of me.

When Connor pulled out, I let out a long whine, but his tongue on my body kept me appeased. He took his time cleaning me up of the sticky mess, but left his equally blue juice in me.

"Mm…" I hummed, wishing that I was in bed so that I could just cuddle and bask in the afterglow.

When Simon stepped away, I saw Sumo still standing by the threshold with wide eyes and a red LED.

Noticing that he was found watching, he robotically walked away.

"I think we broke him," I whispered to Connor.