To everyone that took a chance on this story. I just want to say that I am not a writer, but I wanted to give this story a chance. I was listening to Stay by Sugarland and this idea just pooped into my head. Let me know what you think.

please be kind with your reviews, if you do not like the story simply don't comment anything.

I do not own any of the Characters, only the storyline.


Chapter 1

How did this become my life?

A few months ago I was just your average 22-year-old, then everything changed. I don't even know how I let this happen, I was never this kind of person… a home wrecker. He tells me he doesn't really love her and that he only loves me. But if that was true he would have left her already, right?


I am pulled out of my thoughts by Christian kissing my shoulder.

"I didn't realize you were awake" I murmured

"I just woke up; I have to leave soon" he replied back.

"Oh okay". "Anastasia, is everything alright?" he asks as he gets up to get dressed and leave me. Leave me to go back to her.

"Yeah I'm okay". "Are you sure? You're acting off this morning."

I turn on my side to avoid his gaze on me. "I don't know if I can do this anymore"

"Do what?"

"This, Christian, you and me. Us being together like this. It is just getting to difficult to deal with." I say as the tears begin to pour down my face. "No, please Ana, please don't give up on us. I love you. I will leave her, I promise."

I sit up and turn back towards him. He is honestly the most beautiful man I have ever seen. 6'4, a body to die for, beautiful tanned skin. But his beauty is way more than skin deep, he is so kind, loving, and generous. She must be very lucky to actually have him.

"You have said that time and time again Christian. I'm not dumb enough to think that you are going to actually leave your wife"

"I will Ana, I promise you this time I will" he cries. He tells me every week when he gets the time to come and see me, and every week it's the same. He says he's going to leave her, then her comes up with an excuse to stay with her and not me.

"Christian just please go, go back to your wife and forget about me." I sob laying back on the bed. At this point I am in self -preservation mode and I really need him to leave so I can drown in my sorrows. I need to let this go. I need to move on and find someone who is actually available to love me openly. Not just when he can lie to his wife to escape for a few hours.

"Anastasia, please. I love you so much, you are my life. I can't live without you."

"Obviously you can Christian. You do 6 days out of the week. Who can you not live without more? Your wife or me?" I say. I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom, when I reach the door I stop and turn around facing Christian one last time. "When I get out I need you to be gone."

"If this is what you truly want then fine, but don't think I will give you up this easily."

"Goodbye Christian". I turn, shut the bathroom door, and break down into sobs mourning the loss of the love that was never mine to begin with.

Flashback 8 months earlier:

I pull up to my best friend, Selena's house ready to celebrate her 23 birthday. I grab the gift, bottle of vodka and walk up to the door. As I go to knock her husband suddenly opens the door with a huge smile on his face. "Ana, so glad you can make it" Ugh. I hate that nickname, but for some reason he won't stop calling me that. "Christian, nice to see you again, how have you been?" I ask him while taking my jacket off, the Seattle whether being unseasonably cool. "I've been great, so glad this party is finally here so Selena can stop talking about it 24/7" he replies

"You're one to talk sweetie, you have been non -stop planning for like two months" Selena yells from her spot in the kitchen.

I have always been a little jealous of their relationship. High school sweethearts, married right after high school and way too fucking happy. Meanwhile I can't get a guy to stick around passed the first date. I mean I don't blame them I don't really bring much to the table, I'm short, long plain brown hair, plain boring face. My body is not much to write home about, skinny, pale, mosquito bites for boobs.

"Annie, I am so happy you are here, now we can finally start the party" Selena tells me excitedly." Selena is gorgeous, with her long blonde hair, beautiful eyes and legs to die for. I have basically always been the friend that the guys come up to ask about the hot blonde I am with.

"Daniel, sweetie, go put this in the kitchen and then make Annie a drink"

"Sure honey. Ana do you want your usual rum and coke?" Christian asks.

"No, I am driving. I will just grab a water bottle on my way outside"

"Nonsense Annie, you are a guest. Christian will bring you a water. Won't you bae?"

I really hate when she calls him that, she sounds like a 12-year-old.

"Yeah sure" he replies looking almost appalled at her chosen pet name.

As the party starts to wind down I am sitting on their deck watching Selena and her drunk friends dance and throw two sheets to the wind. I have never understood why people like to get plastered. I like to be in control of my life and have clarity to make sound decisions.

I get up to get more water, and as I walk into the kitchen I see Christian cleaning up all the food from dinner.

"you need a hand with that?" I ask him while walking to the fridge to fill up my bottle.

"No that's okay I got it. You can keep me company though" he replies.

I look at him strangely. In the in the seven years I have known him we have never spent more than 2 minutes alone together. Much less had any sort of conversation that went beyond the usual pleasantries and small talk.

"Ummmm, okay?" I say

"Are we not allowed to be alone and just talk?" he asks

"No it's not that we aren't allowed to. We just never have that's all" I say as I sit at the breakfast bar.

"So tell me Ana, got any man in your life?"

What the actual fuck? What a way to start a conversation. "umm not really, I haven't really had the time to go on any dates lately" I reply, stunned at this topic of conversation.

"hmmm, interesting" he says "okay, well I am going to go back out and make sure no one hurts themselves" I say getting up and walking towards the door.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my arm stopping me and turning me around.

"Hey what are you-" I am cut off by his lips on mine. I am shocked that my best friends husband is kissing me right now in their kitchen, with her only 40 feet away.

He tries to deepen the kiss, running his tongue along my lips asking for permission to enter. Instead of granting access I pull away. "What the fuck was that?" I ask shocked at his kiss.

"That was me doing something I should have done 7 years ago" "WHAT?" I yell.

"Anastasia, I have always thought you were so beautiful, so smart, so intriguing." He says with a hint of lust in his voice.

"If you always thought that then why are you with Selena? Why did you marry her?" I ask

"My parents wanted me to be with her. They thought that since she comes from the same circle that it would work out best. I couldn't say no, I needed my trust fund in order to start my business and the best way to do that was to get married.

"Trust me, I have never really had feelings for her. Always you, that is why we have never been alone together for longer than 5 minutes, I didn't trust myself"

"So why now Christian? Why did you wait until her birthday party to make a move on me? You could have done it years ago, before you were married" I say shocked at his admission. He never really loved her? She sure as hell loves him though, he's all she can talk about. Truthfully though, I have always had a secret crush on him. No one knows, no one can ever know.

"I am tired of waiting, I want you Ana and I do not want to keep hearing about you going on terrible date with men that could never appreciate you. Not the way I could."

Holy shit. Was my water spiked somehow? Am I really hearing this man correctly? He wants to be with me? ME? Little Annie Steele?

Before I can reply his lips are back in mine. This time though I don't hold back, I open my mouth allowing his tongue to explore every inch of the inside of my mouth.

He pulls back, lust clouding his beautiful gray eyes. "Let's go somewhere, I can tell Selena that you are drunk and I need to take you home."

I hesitate for a second. Do I really want to do this? Commit the ultimate betrayal? Sleep with my best friend's husband? Before I can talk myself out of it I respond. "Okay let's go to my place"