Visions of battle haunt Jon's mind as he lies unconscious in a large room of New Castle. He sees himself and Cassana facing off against the Night King; he with Lightbringer and Cassana with Ronin. The Night King is unnaturally fast as he fights both Jon and Cassana. That is when a Walker flanks Cassana, "Cassana look out!" Jon screams. The Walker wounds her, but she is able to blast the Walker with lightening from her sword. The Night King takes the opportunity to attack Cassana. "NO!" Jon screams and tackles the Night King. They wrestle across the ground and the Night King grabs Jon's sword arm, he screams as it instantly freezes and shatters up to his shoulder.

The Night stands over Jon to finish him off and that is when Cassana blasts him in the face with Lightening. The distraction allows Jon to pick up Lightbringer and stab the Night King in the chest. The dead stop moving as the Night King's body starts to crack. He shatters and explodes, leaving behind the crown that was fused into his head. Skeletons fall apart, dead corpses collapse and Walkers shatter as well.

"Cassana!" Jon screams waking up.

"I am here..." She says jumping up from the chair beside his bed.

He looks at her, "I am so sorry..."

"I thought I was going to lose you..."

As they kiss Ser Jorah runs out of the room to fetch Qyburn. "Thank all the gods of Westeros and the East that you are alive..." Daenarys says.

"How long have I been out?"

"Four days..."

"The White Walkers?"

"When you killed the Night King the dead stopped moving and fell...dead again..."

Qyburn enters with a servant who is carrying a tray of food, "You will live...There is no fever...As time passes you may feel what call ghost limb...Your arm may feel like you have an itch...Drink this...It is my own invention for ghost limb...drink a cup full once a week after the problem starts..."

Cassana takes the tray from the servant, "I will feed him..." The two of them are left alone.

He stops her on the second fork to his mouth, "I thought I wasn't your favorite person..."

"You weren't. That was a brave foolish thing you did. Tackling the Night King like that..."

"I am so sorry...I..."

"Shush!" She says interrupting Jon, "I...I forgive you...So we will never speak of it again..."

"I love you...And If I can't be with you then life is not worth living..."

She smiles not knowing how to respond, "Eat and regain your strength..."

After a few more bites Jon asks, "The Night King's crown...Where is it?"

"Daenarys took Dragonstone...It was your brother's idea...he says the magic in Dragonstone is stronger than in the North...The Night King will never rise again..." She only leaves to tend to her personal needs, but otherwise Cassana waits on Jon hand and foot, to the dismay of her servants and soldiers. After a few weeks in bed Jon is able to walk around and is finally able to leave the room. Cassana walks at his side with Daenarys and the Queensguard of both Queens. They take him onto the balcony of New Castle and the people cheer for Jon.


A month later Jon is able to accompany Cassana to King's Landing on Dragon back. When they arrive all wedding preparations have been made for Jon and Cassana to marry. "Enter..." Daenarys says and Cassana walks in.

"I will be fine..."

"Cassana! What can I do for you..."

The two women had grown close during Jon's recovery and started calling each other by their first names. "I have a surprise for you...The High Septon will be performing two royal weddings..."


"Yours and mine...If you are agreeable..."

"I...I...don't know what to say..."

Cassana smiles, "Say yes..."


Cassana walks back to the door and opens it, "You can come in and get her ready..." The servants enter and start helping Daenarys get ready. Gendry escorts Cassana and Asher escorts Daenarys. Both Jorah and Jon say their vows at the same time. The wedding feast is held in the garden and as the feast progresses it starts snowing. Over the next few days the snow blankets the South of Westeros. A week later Daenarys and Jorah prepare to leave for Meereen as Daenarys is determined to return to the East and cement her rule.

"If ever you need our help call on us..." Cassana says holding Daenarys' hands.

"I will..." They hug and then she boards her ship.

Cassana gives birth to a son two years later and names him Robert Stark; though she herself is Queen and keeps her family name. Prince Robert is a cross between Jon and Robert Baratheon in character and looks. He is quiet and reserved, but not a person to anger, may the gods help if you do. A good friend to have. Two years after Robert's birth Cassana haves another son and Jon names him Robb after his brother/cousin. Then she has a daughter they name her Arya after Jon's sister/cousin.

Cassana is in her Solar with Jon. They play chess while children sit on the floor playing. It is the sixth year of Winter. The Hand of the Queen Ser Davos enters, "My Queen...My King I have news..."

"What is it?" Cassana asks.

"Olenna Tyrell has died..."

Cassana huffs, "Burn the body and throw the ashes in the refuse..."

"Your Grace..."

"Wait!" Jon looks at her. "She was a formidable enemy..."

She sighs, "Bury her body in the field of commons..." The Field of Commons is for commoners who died with no family to honor them at death.

"Yes My Queen..."

After seven years of winter the snows stop falling first in the North and then in the south, but the warmth comes faster in the South. Cassana decides to host a tourney to mark the new summer. Gendry and his wife Lady Arya Baratheon nee' Stark of New Storm's End attend with their four children. Their children are Jon, Edric, Steffon, and Catelyn. Tyrion arrives with his family, Shae, young Jaime, the twins Joanna and Cassana, Tytos, and Tommen the youngest. The tourney lasts all week and the Champions are Ser Asher for the sword. Ser David of Maiden Pool for Archery and Lord Gendry of House Baratheon for Jousting.


A year after returning to Meereen Daenarys has a daughter she names Rhaella. Then she has a son she names Aemon, both have her platinum blonde hair. Despite her power there are still many cities in the east that resist her rule. During the Winter months the remaining Free cities form an Alliance. While they build an alliance Daenarys builds up her military forces. Daenarys is in a meeting with the small council.

"Winter has ended in Westeros...Queen Cassana has sent us an invitation to a tourney she is hosting."

Daenarys sighs, "I have no time for tourneys...Not with the Free Alliance plotting against me..."

"Perhaps we can send a few representatives with your royal regrets..." Varys says.

"Yes..." She looks at Asher, "Lord Asher will go...and you Lord Varys..." She looks at Missandei, "And you Missandei..."

"We could make a formal request from Queen Cassana for military aid...And they have two Dragons across the Narrow Sea doing nothing at the moment..."

Daenarys nods, "Missandei while you are across the sea...You will give my request to Queen Cassana..."

"Yes your grace..."

"When this war is over I want to make plans to build my capitol on Old Valyria..."

"We will have to cleanse the Islands of the Stone-men..." Ser Jorah says.

They discuss other matters and dismiss. A month later Cassana arrives with a large fleet and an army numbering fifty thousand. A mix of Soldiers from all over Westeros. Jon and Tyrion also come on their Dragons Viserion and Rhaeghal. Most of the battles during the war or short because of the three Dragons. The war would have ended sooner, but Cassana insisted on facing the enemy on the battlefield man to man.

The war ends with the battle of Volantis. The Dragons are used to breech the city walls, but that is all. It is the bloodiest battle of the war. The nobles of the city had all the slaves slaughtered to keep them from rising up and joining the Dragon and Storm Queens. This enraged both Daenarys and Cassana who ordered no prisoners taken and no one above the age of 13 is to be spared. Daenarys shocks her advisers when she agrees with Cassana to kill the women as well.

After the battle the two Queens arrange the betrothal of Prince Robert to Princess Rhaella. Princess Rhaella is to return to Westeros with Queen Cassana Baratheon and Jon Stark. The rest of their reigns in the East and West are very peaceful. After New Volyria is built Cassana travels to Volyria for the tourney Daenarys hosts.