


Neo finally shows up and Roman gives her a piece of his mind. Mercury annoyed the mute girl to the point where they end up having a small fight.
Roman keeps pressing for some Intel about her previous whereabouts.
The criminal's chatt turned a bit more personal and Roman, by mistake, helps Neo to realize something new for her.


(More notes at the end)

"Settling the Rage"

By: araniladin&LeylazinD

Chapter 8


"Well, well, well, look who has finally graced us with her presence," Roman called out as Neo entered the warehouse.

Emerald and Mercury looked up from their card game, Emerald having a much higher stack of chips. Mercury shot a cool look at Neo, eyes narrowed as she sauntered over to them. The small woman snorted at Mercury's slim winnings and walked past him to take a seat near Roman.

"So, Neo, what brings you our humble abode?" Roman said, pulling out a cigar and lighting it. "Has your lovely lady friend kicked you from her warm embrace?" He smirked around the cigar in his mouth.

"No, she just has a school trip and is out of town," Neo signed, sitting on the table next to Roman. "I came to see how you were all surviving without me."

"We thrive in this great city, like we always do."

Mercury snoted. "What, is she asking about our well being? Tell her to take her fake sympathy elsewhere."

"Why is Legboy upset now?" Neo signed.

"He is bored, Cinder has him and Emerald on the downlow after the last robbery went south," Roman signed back.

"Hey, not you too," Mercury said, walking over to them. He towered over Neo, crossing his arms over his chest. The armor covering his arms showed signs of recent use, and his boots were scuffed. Neo eyed that with suspicion, Mercury almost as immaculate as Roman when it came to his gear "I can barely stand the little mute girl routine from popsicle here, I know you can talk Roman, cause you do too much of it."

"I was just conversing with her about some secret intel that does not concern you," Roman said. "Now, how about you shoo while we plan what next to do."

"Mute girl routine?" Neo's fingers flicked angrily. "Can you tell him to fuck off?"

"Now, now Neo, our friend Mercury is just not the most aware person around." Roman moved his cane out of reach of Neo reflexively. He also doft his bowler, keeping it away from both of them. "He thinks you don't speak because it provides you a mysterious aura, not because of your past and the trauma it inflicted upon you."

"Yeah, no I've heard her speak, we all hear her when she spends the night with Cinder." At the card table, Emerald looked up at the mention of their leader's name, before realizing she had not yet returned. "I know it's an act, so how about you just drop it and speak like a real person."

"Roman, what parts of Legboy do we need to finish the mission?" She signed at Roman, but glared up at Mercury.

"Neo, how about-" Roman stood, too late to move between them as Mercury stepped up to loom over Neo.

"What was that, bitch? Come on, speak up. You disappear to fuck one of the students we are working against, and don't respond to any of our messages. What, can't hear us cause that dumb bimbo has her fat thighs wrapped too tightly around your small head?" He leaned over Neo, arms bracing against the table.

Sighing, Neo rocked back, brought her legs and kicked Mercury in the chest with both heels. He flew away from her, flipping over to land on his feet.

Neo jumped off the table, grabbing her parasol as she sauntered towards him. Mercury jumped at her, kicking at her head. She ducked.

His next kick missed her head by the barest of inches. Her parasol caught him in the stomach. Her kick hit him in the chest, and he stumbled.

They went back and forth, the parasol smacking against his chest, stomach, arms and legs, his blows landing just shy of her. His kicks seem to pass over her head, the woman just too short for him. Her flips and dodges put him on the back foot, never sure if it was a boot or that damn parasol coming for him.

The crack of metal on lace covered metal echoed through the warehouse. One of Mercury's stomp boomed with the added impact of dust. Neo stumbled.

Mercury's kick crashed into Neo, who shattered like glass. He spun, but the parasol cut his legs out from under him.

A boot pressed against Mercury's throat. He stared up past the patent white leather, the dark pants, the corset and white jacket to a mismatch set of eyes that promised to burn him were he laid.

Her fingers flicked at him, angry and stiff. He had no idea what she was saying, but Neo made her anger known. Mercury was also pretty sure he picked up a few more rude gesture.

"I'm not going to translate all that, Neo," Roman said, puffing on his cigar. "Although Mercury, I wouldn't ever insult Neo's choice in partners. She tends to be very violent about it." He wrapped an around Neo's shoulder and pulled her gently off Mercury. "I think he's learned his lesson. Let's finish our talk."

Her heel pressed sharply against his throat before stepping off and following Roman to the other side of the warehouse.

Mercury rubbed his throat and sulked at the table with Emerald, glaring at the retreating backs.

Out of sight of the other two, Roman kneeled down to look Neo in the eye. "So, Ice Cream, care to tell me what is actually going on? I was thinking about sending out a rescue party before you showed up."

"I'm just out enjoying myself, it's not like I'm that needed," Neo signed. "I'll be here for the big event, don't worry."

"I have no worry that you will be here for the big take, but I'm starting to worry about your commitment here. You've been with Blondie for almost three weeks now, and that is not like you."

Neo blinked, her fingers moving a bit slower. "What does that mean?"

"I mean that you tend to pick up and drop lovers like I do with cigars. Cinder was the longest I've ever seen you spend with anyone, and you still weaved in a few others in between time with her." Roman grinned. "Or have you been sleeping with more than just Blondie? That would be more like you."

"No, I have not slept with anyone else," Neo signed. "I haven't slept with anyone else…" Her lips twisted as that realization hit her. It's not like others hadn't flirted with her. The redhead who knew sign, the Fanus with the bunny ears and nice legs, or the chick with the sunglasses and beret. She was sure they all would have been down for a tumble in the sheets, and yet, Neo never gave any of them a time of day, not even with Yang gone and not likely to know.

"Oum save me, Neo, are you actually in love?" Roman laughed as he signed. "And here I thought you would be the one breaking all the hearts of lonely maidens as we moved across Remnant."

She shook her fist in his face, her fingers close to his face as she signed. "She's just really talented with that smart mouth of her's, plus she's really warm, and she's learning sign language. She's learning it faster than you." That last bit flicked out offensively. "I mean, she is like really good, Legboy wasn't lying about those-"

Roman closed his hands around hers and tilted his head forward. "Neo, come on, it's me. Lie to your girlfriend, lie to those simpletons out there, but don't try to bullshit me, I know you."

Neo flexed her fingers under his hand, stopped, and gently pulled them out of his grip. She flicked her fingers a few times, stopped, and started again before stopping again.

"Got to admit it to yourself first, I guess," Roman said. "What are your feelings?"

"Fuck off," Neo signed with one finger.

He laughed and stood. "Maybe you don't have the feelings you think you do? Do you see you two together after she finishes at that silly academy?"

"Do you have a plan once we're done with Cinder?" Neo countered.

"Touché, but I am a man of the moment, and-" he leaned against his cane and leaned forward "-we are talking about you and not me."

"I don't plan on stealing for the rest of my life," Neo said, fingers slow again.

"Do you plan on having two point five kids and living in a nice house with a picket fence?"

Neo opened her mouth in a quiet "Hah." "Blondie has no intention of doing that, why would I settle for it as well?"

"My dear Neo, are you suggesting you might go on the straight and narrow?"

A another few of the start and stops, before Neo signed out, "Would it be that bad? No more warehouses, no more running from the police."

"Cold nights out in the woods, far from the comforts of our wonderful civilization."

"She'd never let me be cold while I'm comfortable in her arms," Neo signed, not looking at Roman.

He reached into his jacket, pulled out a flask, drank a bit, and sprayed it away from both of them. "What?!" Roman wiped the tears from his eyes. "I can't believe you just said that."

She flipped him off again. "Who knows, maybe I'd be a good huntress. Their coursework seems pretty simple to me."

"Neo, hun you have it bad. I really do think you love this girl." He held out the flask to her take.

"I do not." She took a sip before handing it back.

"You feel something about her, more than you feel about anyone else." He sipped it again before putting it away.

"I don't feel the same way I feel about her as I do about you," Neo signed, smirking.

"I would hope not," Roman signed, sitting in front of her. "We've been through a lot, and we're family. Besides, you're not my type." He winked.

Neo rolled her eyes. "Just never tell me if you end up sleeping with Legboy."

"You know I prefer blondes, just like you." He reached out and grabbed her hands again. "Whatever you do, I got your back, just don't go silent on me like that again, got it?"

She nodded, and hugged him.

"Now, how about we go out tonight. I hear that Junior's having a party with some SDC people, and I need a new pair of shoes."

Neo snorted and nodded. "Sounds like fun."


Final note:

If there's not too much to ask... can some of you, my dearest readers, leave a rvw? It really encourages me to keep updating!