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'Thinking' Flashback "Talking" "Video Call / Radio"

A World of Lies

"You want others to know your true self, yet you only show them a false face. How can anyone know you if you don't reveal yourself? If you hide behind masks, you are afraid that they'll find out who you really are."

Stage 1: "Island of the Gods"

(Lelouch's Flagship [Great Britannia], 20,000 ft. above the Pacific Ocean)

Two pilots, wearing the royal aircraft military attire, tensed as one of their many scanners detected an object heading their way.

"Knightmare Float Unit 2394: [Florence] within our air of responsibility. State your business, immediately."

"Knightmare Float Unit 2394: Florence requesting permission to land. In the name of Knight of Twelve, Monica Krushevsky. I repeat, requesting permission to land." a distorted voice demanded.

"Affirmative. Please, Standby. "

"Prince Lelouch, the Knight of Twelve is requesting to land in the [Great Britannia]." Anya relayed the message from her headpiece.

"Interesting. Put her on the video feed, I wish to greet her personally." the new Prime Minister jested, an amused smile plastered on his face. The faithful knight obeyed, ordering one of the technical crew to give the visual on the new pilot.

The monitor in front of them lit up, revealing the warm visage of Monica Krushevsky, otherwise known as the honourable Knight of Twelve; sitting dutifully in her Knightmare's cockpit. "My Prince! His Majesty had demanded that I would be to escort you on your trip to Japan. May I ask permission to board on your vessel?" Monica explained.

Lelouch chuckled, entertained at his older brother's courtesy. "Permission accepted, Lady Krushevsky. Let my knight escort you to my office room, I'll be meeting you shortly."

"Yes, your Highness."

The raven-haired then dropped his smile, contemplating. 'How peculiar for Odysseus…is he suspicious? No, he's too oblivious to be wary of my whereabouts… maybe it's Marybelle that asked her.'

Anya decided to intrude his thoughts. "What shall we do with her, my lord?" the pinkette asked, although Lelouch felt a tinge of resentment in her tone.

"Hmm? Oh, just let her in, I'll handle from here, there's no need to be extra paranoid around a Knight of Rounds. Miss Krushevsky is a dear friend, remember? Besides, there's always my Geass. Now, if you please cater to our guest? And remember… be civil."

The pink-haired knight stared at him emotionless as if scrutinizing her next movements. "Of course," she answered politely, leaving the Prince's room, dragging her metal heels with heavy steps.

Lelouch could've sworn he saw Anya's left eye twitch. Shrugging it off like it was a useless observation.


"Prince Lelouch, it is an honour for accepting me at such late notice."

"All in good favour, Lady Monica. It's been ages since we last met at an opportune moment. Hope you won't mind if we take the scenic route. Also just ignore my overprotective knight, Anya, trailing behind you. Follow me if you please."

Alstreim had both hands tucked behind her back, her knight robe swaying behind her, followed them with a good distance away from the two.

The woman was a young, gentle-looking and a voluptuous beauty with straight blonde hair curled into two, neat pigtails at the front. Her curvaceous body was covered in a regal white uniform of the Knights of Round, tight yet conservative skirt adorned her bottom along with a cape; predominately green accentuated with gold accents. Her blue eyes sparkled as she leapt towards the White Prince, bowing in reverence before grinning.

Lelouch smirked at the sight of the beautiful knight. They were in one of the indoor gardens of his flagship, the [Great Britannia]. Lelouch's arms folded behind his back in confidence, fully enjoying the calming view of its trees, bushes, and flowers.

"Yes, your Highness!" she all but squealed inside. Her cheeks already flushing in excitement. Eagerly following and meeting at the royal's pace.

"Oh dear, Haven't I told you countless times, that you can simply call me Lelouch in private moments?" he teased. The raven-haired monarch then scooted closer to the amber-haired girl; as if he done this already. Their noses almost touching, "After all, we are good friends…" he cooed.

"My Prince… I am not worthy-"

"That wasn't a request." he rebutted in nonchalance. His steps were composed, calm, and calculated. His imperial robes swayed dramatically in the artificial air. "We were heading to Japan for some business negotiations."

Monica blinked. "Yes his Majesty, Emperor Odysseus would like to be informed on specific detail why you left the party so early. Also, he specifically ordered me to escort you, if your trip going to too much of a hassle."

The pink-haired Alstreim adopted a sharp look, her pace quickened to catch up with the two. "If you excuse me, Lady Krushevsky, prince Lelouch is taken cared and secured under my watch. Additionally, my Prince answers to the Emperor alone, Knight of Twelve. Prince Lelouch does not owe you any answers on-" she stopped when her liege raised an arm.

"My brother will need not to worry about anything, Monica. It's just a meeting with the famed Kirihara about a Sakuradite deal. Knightmare Frames aren't powered by gasoline you know?" he joked. Monica just smiled then giggled like a school girl. Anya however, glared at the "vixen" of a female hogging her master's attention. "The brazen audacity of that Krushevsky to-"

One of the mechanical engineers, a portly man wearing a standard utility uniform suddenly ran towards them. "Master Lelouch! Apologies on the rude intrusion, we need Lady Anya to pilot the [Mordred] to test some upgrades made by Camelot the Hadron Canons." he squeaked.

Anya's eyebrows rose, her face contorted into a silent frown. She was about to retort but stopped, as her liege gestured her to follow the engineer. "Anya, your services are needed elsewhere. Monica will be sufficient in protecting me for now, why waste the Emperor's Knight of Rounds, no?"

"But prince-"

"Lady Krushevsky will be my escort in meeting with Kirihara, take your time in handling your [Mordred]. You can act as our backup for later, should the need arise. But I much prefer for you to rest after the weapons test. That is my will, Anya." a tone finality embraced his lips as his knight of honour deflated in front of him.

"Yes, your highness." she fought back to grit. Turning her attention to the interrupter of an engineer.

"Might as well get it over with. Where's my Knightmare docked?" she snapped at the poor worker.

The loyal knight left the pair in a begrudged manner, leaving them alone in the artificial garden. Monica looked with an amused smile meant for the prince. "Lady Alstreim seems to smitten with you, Prime Minister," she said, covering her mouth fight off some disrespectful giggles. Even if she was on friendly terms with the son of Marianne, he was still, after all, a monarch.

The brunette only scoffed at her gest, not slowing his pace on the way to his office. "I've known that for years, Monica. It's just a bodyguard crush she contracted since her stay from the Aries Villa, it will fade in time."

"Really? Because she's been giving me the cold treatment, prince Lelouch-"

"That's Lady Alstreim's common disposition to people I interact with. I'd be surprised if she wasn't giving you the evil eye." the Prime Minister stopped his walk as he entered his private quarters again, with Monica in tow. "Excuse, Monica. I'll be changing in something more casual. This outfit I wore from my oath taking is too stuffy for my liking. I can barely move in this." he muttered as he painfully removed his "white prince" attire, his epaulettes forsaken as he threw them over the nearby bed. "Oh and don't get me started on the cape, its tacky and gets-"

Monica shook her head in front of what could be the second most powerful man in the Holy Britannian Empire, having a minor tantrum about his clothing. "Your Highness, I could help you with that…" Krushevsky beamed.

The blonde Knight of Rounds, in all of her rough experiences from military school, paused in discomfort. Her dainty fingers quivered as it was held by another, a cold hand covering her own. "Prince Lelouch-"

Amethyst eyes pierced emerald as the elder vi Britannia made a gentle smile, "Lady Monica, I believe I can dress by myself. You know at first hand, that I am not a pampered prince. I didn't become the High Chancellor by being an entitled brat like most of Father's spawn. I am, after all, the son of a commoner." he spoke with flair. Still holding Monica's hand tightly, not intending to let go anytime soon. "I'll go get change into something comfortable before attending to you, Japan is still a couple hours away."

"I don't like her, princess Nunally." Anya bluntly said.

The image of the sister of Lelouch, Nunally vi Britannia, wearing a giddy expression was seen gripping on the railings of her chair. "Oh bollocks, Anya! Monica is a fine lass, very dependable on the battlefield! My time in Zimbabwe can vouch for that! Also, brother Lulu trusts her with his life even! They were engaged back then-" she roared.

Anya stared away from her device, blocking the video call with the younger vi Britannia out of her hearing range. Distraught at the fact, her beloved prince is with that… blonde witch.

"That is the reason why I'm worried," she whispered to herself, the hushed words not audible for her receiver to interpret.

"What was that, Anya?"

The pink knight blushed, "It's nothing princess Nunally. It's just I have to go back to work, the upgrades in my Knightmare should be done by now. Thank you for calling me princess, your message to his highness will be relayed immediately."

"Oh come on Annie! Just call me Nunally for Christ's sake! Don't forget you're my best friend from the Aries Villa!" the young Major admonished.

The knight only nodded in response, before signing off. Making her way to her Knightmare.


(Karmine Island, Japan)

"We're only meeting the new High Chancellor, why does it seem as if we are meeting an executioner?" the old man joked.

The brown-haired son of Japan's Prime Minister chuckled. "If to become more accurate, Lelouch is more of a messenger than an executioner- Nunally will fit as the executioner though."

The owner of the world's largest Sakuradite mines scratched his chin, amused at his young companion.

"Speaking of the little she-devil, where is the younger spawn of Marianne up to these days? It's been years since we last made personal contact, Suzaku."

Suzaku shrugged, reclining in his seat, aimlessly watching their selected bodyguards searching for the Britannian Airship. "I wish I knew as well, but I only managed to keep tabs with Lelouch. I just hoped she's safe…"

(Area 10, New Britannia Airbase)

"Major Vi Britannia! Area 10 had been formally recognized by Pendragon Capital. His Majesty had already officiated selected Nobles in helping to colonize Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe." Jeremiah Gottwald bowed dutifully in front of the brown-haired princess. His face barely restraining a grin. "I do say you were magnificent, my princess. As expected from the daughter of Empress Marianne!" he practically chirped.

Sitting in her recliner, her arm resting on her spacious desk filled with documents, Knightmare blueprints, and a chessboard, Nunally vi Britannia smiled at her knight. "That was fast, normally it would take a month before brother Oddyseus would formally accept a new colony. But this… only took a day." she asked, her lips formed a small pout of confusion.

A short chuckle from the green-haired Margrave, "I believe Prince Schneizel had sped up the process for the Emperor. He was gracious enough to send one of the Knight of Rounds in helping us reinforce the construction of the planned settlements. I believe it was, lord Gino Weinberg, the Knight of Three." he explained.

Nunally's face contorted into an interested mould, "Oh, Gino's going to help with the cleanup of the undesirables? I had expected big sister Cornelia will be visiting here. Anyhow, is there new terrorists introducing themselves lately. It's been a week since I heard any scuffles since all the capital cities had been lost." she spoke carelessly, resting her back on the recliner, her gloved hands holding a white, Rook piece. Fiddling it with her left hand.

Jeremiah coughed a bit before continuing. "There was some minor uprisings here and there, nothing too major. We had already exhausted almost all of their military strength from the war. Marika even reported that a small group she put down were using rocks and leftover machine guns… it's really pathetic at this point."

The younger vi Britannia just scoffed, "So, Gino's going here as a glorified showcase of our might then? The Empire's way of telling the people of this continent that it's useless to fight back? The all "hope is lost" technique? How… mundane." she sighed, throwing the chess piece at the side.

She stood up, her regal robes following her every movement. Her military garb was a decorated version of the standardized military vest attire. The difference was that regal robes of brown fabric covered most of her body. She began to stretch her back, letting her joints be freed in a satisfying crack. "Is there anything else?"

"In regards to the military, nothing much as of late, my liege. However, I can safely say that you'll become the new viceroy of Area 10 in a matter of weeks if all things go smoothly."

Hearing those encouraging words from her ever loyal knight made her eyes roll. She was internally itching for a fight, after being hailed as Britannia's finest tacticians fresh from the academy, she was also infamously called out as a battle maniac and an intelligent savage. A rumour that can't be rectified due to her heavily (although uncensored) televised exploits in the African Front. War exploits that can be universally considered as… inhumane.

The knight noticed his princess' detached reaction and tried to cheer her up. "The emperor also sent a sixth-generation Knightmare just for you, Princess Nunally! He said it was an early birthday gift-"

He was cut off, unfortunately by his fiery princess.

"How dull, what's the use of having a new Knightmare if I can't use it?! I want brother Lulu to send me to Europe Front now! I could care less for these Africans. Or "Tens" I should be calling them by now. I am the daughter of the great Marianne the Flash! I deserve to be challenged, Jeremiah!" the brown-haired teenage warmonger snorted.

She slammed her slender but firm hand on the desk, wearing a vicious smirk.

"My knight, Gottwald Jeremiah. Let's go conquer us an Area 11!"


Author's Note:

Holyphilippineempire is back! "World of Lies" is back!

Also, if it confuses you. This story is set in the year 2020 a.t.b. Japan is not conquered and branded as Area 11. Lelouch is 20 years old, Anya is 18, and Nunally is 17.

Here is a hint of the theme of the next chapter. One word, four letters. Past.