Hello. As the description says, this is a rewrite of Origin Steeldust. I'm hoping to keep it very close to the same, just adding some parts and cleaning up things such as typos. I will also be adding chapters and parts from one of my other stories, The Lost Chapters.
Hopefully, it will not take anything away from the story as it originally was and make more sense with the additional chapters. And hopefully, you readers, old and new, will still enjoy it this way.
Terribly sorry for deleting all the old chapters, I'll get to putting them all back, plus the new stuff, as soon as I can!
Note: There is a list of the Cybertronian-to-Earth terms that I use on my profile page.
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers. I only take credit for my OCs and the plot for this story.
Thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoy!
Chapter One - Untouchable
Harmony stood in the kitchen of the medium-sized house. She hummed to herself as she began getting out ingredients for an energon oil cake. In her helm, she was working on lyrics to a song idea she'd had earlier that orn.
Currently, her sparkmate, Wingracer, was on the way home from Iacon. He had had a race last offcycle and then had spent most of the orn in Iacon with their oldest youngling.
The next orn was a holiday, so Blurr was coming home for it, Wingracer bringing him.
It would be nice to have everyone home, even if it was for just one orn.
Harmony sighed. They were so busy, and the younglings weren't even that old yet.
Blurr now attended secondary school in Iacon, only coming home every so often. Wingracer had races and training in a few different city states, so he also was often away. When her sparkmate was home for the off season, Harmony herself was busy performing shows across the planet. Steeldust was just as busy, even though he hardly left the city sector. When everyone else was occupied, he'd go find a friend or two to hang out with. His orns were usually spent at a small abandoned racetrack not far from home.
Speaking of Steeldust...
"Hmm, where did that little turbofox get off ta now," Harmony murmured, pausing as she listened. Her doorwings twitched as she tilted her helm.
The house was quiet. Either Steeldust was getting into mischief or he had vacated. Maybe he'd snuck off to play with Whistle or Tigerlily.
No answer.
"He must've gone outside." Harmony walked briskly down the hall to the back door. Stepping outside, she quickly scanned the yard. "Steeldust!"
A dirt covered helm poked up from a hole in the ground by the back fence. "Yes, Carrier?"
Hands on her hips, Harmony looked over at her youngest. "What are ya doin', younglin'?"
Crawling out, Steeldust shook himself off. "I was diggin' a hole."
"I can see dat," remarked the femme, raising an optic ridge. "What for?"
The six-vorn-old skipped across the yard and looked up at his carrier. "I was trying to dig to the second level of Cybertron."
Harmony laughed lightly. "Steel, ya can't do that. Not from here anyways." Looking him up and down once, she beckoned with a hand. "Come on inside. We'll get ya cleaned up an' then ya can help me."
The red and white femme made her way to the washrack, Steeldust following. After wiping off all the metal dirt and bits of gravel, the two went to the kitchen.
"Alright," Harmony said, lifting her youngling up onto his chair. "Now ya sit here an' tell me what Ah'm s'posed ta be puttin' in this here cake. An' this way, Ah can keep an optic on ya."
Steeldust carefully picked up the datapad off of the counter. "First you need a bowl, Carrier."
"Right," smiled Harmony, digging in the cupboard for the item. "What else?"
"Music to listen to."
"Ya know what? We do need music for this don't we?"
Harmony stepped quickly over to the radio and flipped the switch.
The two chatted while they worked, sometimes singing or humming along to the radio.
Not too long afterwards, the familiar engine of a race car could be heard coming down the street.
"Sire! Blurr!" yelled Steeldust, launching himself off his chair. The chair fell to the floor with a clatter as the little youngling sped to the door.
Harmony followed behind, picking the upset piece of furniture on her way.
Steeldust bounced on his pedes by the door, eagerly awaiting his sire and brother. His carrier opened the door and he was out like a shot.
"Steeldust!" Wingracer said. The lean mech crouched down on the sidewalk, servos open.
The navy and black youngling flew into them, gave him a hug, then bounced over to Blurr.
Their creators watched as Steeldust managed to knock Blurr over with a hug-tackle.
"Ahh! Steeldust!" the older brother protested.
"I missed you!" Steeldust exclaimed, getting off of Blurr.
Blurr stood up and patted the top of Steeldust's helm. "I missed you too, Steel."
Wingracer meanwhile, had moved over to where his sparkmate stood in the doorway. "My lovely femme, how do you fare?"
Harmony chuckled at his antics. "Oh, just fine. Better now that yer here, Handsome" she said playfully.
"Oh, are you now?" Wingracer asked, optic ridges dramatically raised. He took hold of Harmony's hands and pulled her in close. Kissing her, he asked, "And how about now?"
Harmony was interrupted from replying.
"Ewww!" the two younglings on the sidewalk chorused.
"Eww?" Wingracer asked, turning to face his younglings. "Really? Eww? Are you two saying I can't kiss my sparkmate when I haven't seen her for two orns and missed her terribly?"
Steeldust giggled and shook his helm. Blurr simply made a face.
Wingracer shook his helm, turning back to Harmony. "Younglings, huh?"
Standing on the tip of her pedes, Harmony gave him a quick kiss and walked inside. "They'll find it different when they're older."
The three blue mecha followed her inside.
"So how was yer drive back?" Harmony inquired as she checked on the cake.
"It wasn't bad. Some mecha were being slow on the main route, but it was tolerable." Wingracer leaned on the counter nearby. His helm tilted to the side as he watched his sparkmate. "Is that cake?"
Harmony's doorwings twitched. "Yes, it is. An' yer not tastin' it til it's done, so don't even think 'bout it."
"Awww," protested the navy and blue racer. "But I'm hungry."
Straightening to her full height, which was only up to her sparkmate's chest, Harmony gave him a stern look. "Yer always hungry. Just like yer younglings. Ah don't know how Ah'm gonna feed ya all once they're mechlings."
"Carrier, is the cake almost ready?" Steeldust said, wandering to stand between his creators. Blurr was close behind, looking eager at the mention of something to eat.
"No, it ain't. Now all of you shoo," Harmony said with a laugh, motioning them off with a hand.
"Come on, you two. You heard her," Wingracer said. He swiftly scooped up the two younglings and slung them over his shoulders.
Left dangling by their pedes, the brothers laughed and swung back and forth as their sire strolled into the living room.
"Sire," Blurr protested through his laughter. "I'm too old for this!"
"Oof!" said Steeldust, giggling as they were dropped on the couch.
Wingracer rose an optic ridge as he sat down beside them. "Too old? You won't be too old for that until I can't pick you up anymore, Blurr."
Steeldust had crawled behind the couch and now was peering around the other side of it. Doorwings twitching, he waited until Wingracer turned his back.
"Where'd Steel go, Blurr?"
He quickly got his answer.
"Got you!" squealed Steeldust as he tackled his sire from behind.
"Oh no! The little monster has got me!" Wingracer cried, pretending to fall to the floor.
Blurr watched from the couch as the two tussled on the floor in front of him. Then, the twelve-vorn-old grinned, and launched himself on top of the pile.
"Oof," squeaked Steeldust.
"Not another one! Harmony, there's little blue monsters everywhere!" Wingracer said, tickling the younglings to get them off of him. "Help me!"
"Yer fine," came the amused response from the kitchen.
"No, I'm not! I need a beautiful rescuer to save me!" the racer said, dramatically throwing a hand over his forehelm.
Blurr and Steeldust took that astroklik to attack again.
"Ack! They're back!"
"Surrender!" cried Blurr, standing over the fallen mech. "Or face your doom!"
"Surrender!" Steeldust echoed, hopping around Wingracer. "Surrender, surrender, surrender!"
"Alright, I surrender," replied Wingracer calmly, holding up his hands. "You two vanquished me."
"Yay!" the younglings chorused.
"But," their sire said, holding up one digit. "Hold on here. You might have beat me, but there's something else not even you two can beat."
Blurr tilted his helm, Steeldust copying the motion.
"What's that?" the older one asked.
Wingracer grinned broadly. "The predacon."
"No, not the predacon," shrieked Steeldust happily. In a flash of navy and black, he ran out the back door.
Blurr and Wingracer were hot on his heels, Wingracer doing his best predacon impression.
Harmony chuckled to herself as she set the table for dinner. "Ya'd think Ah live at the theatre or somethin'. At least there's never a dull moment 'round here."
Wingracer crossed the finish line and slid to a stop. Checking behind him, he saw that everyone else was way behind him.
As the remaining mechs and femmes finished, the crowds went wild with cheering.
"And there you have it femmes and gentlemechs!" said the announcer over the speakers. "The winner of this orn's race, though not really a surprise, is Wingracer!"
More cheering from the crowd. Wingracer grinned and waved. A few fellow racers clapped him on the back in congratulations. He returned their congratulations to them.
"Just in from the officials down in the pits," the announcer called out. "Not only has Wingracer won, he's apparently just broke the record for fastest race!"
Wingracer stood in shock for a few astrokliks. "I beat the record again?"
"That's the eighth time young Wingracer has beat the record. Though I think we all know that majority of that might just be beating his own records," laughed the announcer mech. "Everybody else, good race. Now you mecha know whose time is the time to try and beat!"
After the racers got cooled down and rested a bit, they returned to the pits.
Reporters were waiting to speak to the racers, mecha holding cameras accompanying. Spreading out in between the racers, the group began asking questions.
A few mecha approached Wingracer.
"Wingracer, can we ask you a few questions?"
"How do you keep beating these records and setting new ones?"
"Are the rumours that you're descended from the Velocitronian colony true?"
"Are your younglings going to follow in your pedesteps?"
"Wingracer, what is your opinion on the gladiator, Megatronus?"
Wingracer held up his hands for quiet. The questions stopped and microphones were held up, cameras rolling.
The navy and cobalt racer shook his helm and smiled. "Ya know, I think you all were asking questions faster than I can talk."
Everyone surrounding him laughed at the joke. Wingracer was well known for talking at high speeds.
One reporter joked, "Sorry, Wingracer. And please don't talk too fast when answering us?"
"I'll try," smirked the racer. "Tell me if I go too fast, alright?"
Seeing nodding helms, he continued. "Some of these questions, I will have to deny because they're personal. But one I found interesting, it's not something I've been asked before.
"I think Megatronus is a very gifted speaker. And I admire that he's taking the opportunities he's given to speak out against the injustices of our world. In some things that he's said, I would agree. However, there are things I believe he's wrong about.
"And given the fact that he is a very gifted speaker, I think we need to be careful and think about what he's saying, not just blindly believe it. Some things he has said, well... They just make me wonder at his true intentions.
"But saying that, he does make some good points. I sincerely hope that he can find a way to get out of Kaon. It's a horrible place."
The reporters were silent for a klik, then the rush of questions began again.
Wingracer sighed internally. "Heh. That wasn't the question they expected me to answer. Ah well, time to answer the ones I've answered so many other times."
"Wingracer. Can you tell us about this orn's race?" one reporter asked, thrusting her microphone expectantly at the racer. "What does this win mean for you?"
After thinking for a couple astrokliks, Wingracer replied. "Actually, and maybe surprisingly to you, I didn't mean to break the record this orn. I was just here for the race, you know? You see, it's not just a race to me. I'm not here for the crowds cheering or the competition. Okay, maybe I'm a little competitive."
He paused and grinned sheepishly as the surrounding reporters laughed.
"If I'm honest, I really don't care about the fame. I'm just here more or less to have fun. The reason I race, is cause I love to race. I'm here to run.
"Heh, it might sound a little odd or silly, but I'm the kind of racer who merely likes the feel of the wind rushing past me. The roar of engines competing for first. The feeling of flying along the track."
"Well, I guess we know why your called Wingracer even though you're not a flier," called one reporter jokingly.
"He just flies along the track," said another.
Wingracer couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah, maybe."
After politely answering or declining more questions for several kliks, Wingracer spied one of his friends heading towards the exit.
"I-apologize-but-I-really-must-go-now-everyone. Gotta-run!"
The mecha watched as the tall, wiry racer suddenly zipped away.
"Hey, Lightwave! Wait up!" Wingracer called as he approached his friend.
The green and yellow turned, grin on his faceplate. "Hey, Wing! Nice racing! I couldn't believe when you just shot ahead of me like that, where'd you get all that speed?"
Wingracer laughed, rubbing the back of his helm. "I don't know, mech. Like I tell everyone else, I don't have some secret. It's just the way I am I suppose."
Lightwave shrugged. "Whatever you say, Wing. If you ever figure it out, mind telling a friend how you do it?" he asked good-naturedly.
"Sure," the blue and navy grinned. "You did great out there too. That move you pulled back on the fifth lap? That was brilliant!"
"Heh, that was nothing. Just wait and see what I do next race!"
"I look forward to it."
As Wingracer walked alongside his friend, he couldn't help but feel pretty good.
His world might not be perfect, but he was content with his life.
Unbeknownst to him or his family, things were soon to change.
For the worst.
I'd love to hear what you all think. Thanks again for reading!
Credit Song: Ignition - TobyMac