Four and a half years later
"Hope, Hazel, get your butts downstairs or we're going to be late!" Emma shouted up the stairs. The call was followed by two sets of footsteps rushing down the stairs and Emma saw her two daughters come into view.
Hope was first by a few seconds, looking proud of herself. She was now five and was the spitting image of Emma. She had long blonde hair that curled at the ends and she even had the same fashion sense. She was wearing a pair of light blue jeans and white t-shirt. She also acted just like her. She was cheeky and mischievous and whenever she was with Casey, they would cause havoc.
Hazel was still the perfect combination of her mothers, but she'd inherited Regina's personality. She was clever and sassy and, as predicted, she could roll her eyes and raise her eyebrow perfectly despite only being four years old. She preferred her hair a little shorter, and it matched Regina's dark locks. Her eyes were still perfectly hazel and Emma and Regina struggled to say no to her. She was the typical girly girl and loved wearing dresses, unlike Hope. Therefore, it was no surprise that she was wearing a light blue dress and a white cardigan.
The two were very different but still got on which made everything easier for Regina and Emma. Though unsurprisingly, there were the odd fights too.
"Sorry, Mama," Hazel said as she scowled at her sister. "Hopey stole my hairbrush."
Despite not wanting her daughter to have the nickname, it seemed Hope didn't mind it as she grew up, much to Emma's dismay.
Emma turned her blonde daughter. "Why did you take your sister's hair brush?"
"She kept turning my t-shirt into a dress!" Hope cried. "I hate dresses!"
As predicted, Hazel had magic, just like her mothers, and started showing signs as soon as she turned three. Regina helped her nurture her power so that she could understand it and not be afraid of it. However, she did have strict rules as to when she could use it and using it against her sister was against them.
"Hazel, you're not meant to mess with your sister," Regina chastised as she walked into the foyer with their two-year-old son on her hip. "Magic is a serious thing."
They had decided to wait a little longer before adding to their family as they'd both wanted to return to work first. Emma was back to being the Sheriff and Snow and Maleficent both rejoiced when Regina mentioned wanting to be Mayor again and practically resigned on the spot to allow her to take over. Snow returned to teaching full time and Mal went into business with Esmerelda. They'd opened a dance school. Esmerelda taught and Mal did all the business transactions. Both Hope and Hazel were regular attendees.
When they'd got back into the swing, Emma mentioned one night to her wife that she was ready to have another baby. They spoke to Ruby and Dorothy and found the potion that was needed and a month later, Emma was pregnant. They found out as soon as they could that she was carrying a little boy and they couldn't have been happier. Charming was also happy to know that he was finally being represented one of his grandchildren's names. The little boy, who was attached to Regina's hip, was called Harry Dai Swan-Mills. They didn't want to name him David and Neal's middle name was David, so they went for a version of it. As for the name Harry, at first Regina thought it was because of Harry Potter but Emma informed her that it was a nickname for Henry. So they indirectly named their son after their first son who was the reason they met in the first place. Regina soon fell in love with the name.
It was the most difficult labour Emma had out of all three of them. She was in labour for over 36 hours as he just didn't seem to want to come out and when he finally did, Emma put her foot down to carrying any more. Regina had simply smiled and kissed her wife and agreed. Having four children was definitely enough.
Harry looked a lot like Henry, with the same nose and eye shape that matched Emma, but he had lighter hair, more sandy blonde that matched Charming and Neal. His eyes, however, were the exact shade of brown as Regina's and her father's before. She was thrilled. Harry was a Charming through and through with his cheeky smile and long eyelashes that he batted to get what he wanted.
"I'll just get Harry on my side when his magic turns up," Hope said with a shrug and stuck out her tongue at her younger sister. Both Emma and Regina were worried that Hope would be jealous that she didn't have magic but her younger siblings would but Robin had stepped in and helped her deal with it and she'd been okay with it.
"Hope, that's not what I meant," Regina replied exasperatedly as she passed the two-year-old over to Emma.
"Say sorry to each other," Emma said to her daughters.
Both girls looked reluctantly at each other before muttering a quiet, "sorry."
"Thank you," Regina said before turning to her wife. "Are you able to transport with Harry and I'll take these two munchkins?" She ruffled her daughters' hair making them both huff.
Emma laughed and nodded. She held tightly onto Harry and flicked her wrist, disappearing in a cloud of smoke. When it cleared, she saw she was outside her parents' castle. She had intended to transport to her parents' house. Perplexed, she looked around to see if she could see anyone, but no one was there. She was about to try again when Regina's signature purple cloud appeared next to her. She looked just as confused as she looked around.
Regina went to say something as another cloud, this time green, appeared and Zelena walked forward. Emma soon realised that Zelena must have blocked their spells.
"About time you lot turned up!" She greeted as she reached them.
"What's going on?" Emma asked and she looked to see that her daughters didn't look at all surprised to be in the Enchanted Forrest. "I thought we were going to my parents' for a family meal."
"We are," Zelena replied and motioned to the castle. "Just not how you expected. Now, follow me."
Emma glanced at her wife who nodded and the five of them walked into the castle. Zelena led them to a chamber off the corridor, not the one where Regina was abducted, and Henry was stood there waiting with a now fifteen-year-old Lucy and four-year-old Casey. Both Henry and Casey were wearing a suit and Lucy was in a light purple dress. Emma then looked at her sister in law and saw that she was wearing a formal green dress.
"Will you please just tell us what's going on?" Emma asked again and Lucy smirked.
"We're celebrating," she replied.
"Celebrating what?" Regina asked.
"You two!" Henry exclaimed stepping forward to take his brother out of his mother's hands.
"Henwyyy!" The toddler babbled and laughed.
Emma and Regina looked at each other again. Sure, today marked five years since they became Queens of the United Realms, and the day after their fifth wedding anniversary, but that didn't mean they needed celebrating. The extended family were meant to just be going to the Charmings' for dinner.
"You don't get a say," Zelena said before Regina could speak. "Just stay still."
At the command, Regina didn't move, allowing Zelena to do whatever she was planning on. With a flick of her wrist, Emma and Regina went from their jeans or skirt to long flowing dresses. Regina's was deep purple and low backed whereas Emma's was navy blue and dipped at the front. With another wave of hand, Zelena changed Hope's jeans into smart black trousers and a cream top, knowing she hated dresses, and put little Harry into a small suit that matched Casey and Henry's. Zelena kept Hazel's outfit the same as she was already in a cute little dress.
"One day, we'll have a say in what goes on around here," Emma said with a roll of her eyes.
"Not while I'm alive!" Zelena joked. "Now let's go, you're already late!"
Zelena and Lucy, holding Casey's hand, headed out first with Henry holding his brother in tow. Hope and Hazel ran off after them, leaving just Emma and Regina behind.
"You do realise your mother is also behind this, don't you?" Regina guessed and Emma laughed.
"Of course. Now, let's go, my Queen."
Regina smiled and quickly stole a kiss from her wife before taking her outstretched hand. The two made it to the large oak doors to hear Grumpy announcing the princesses of the United Realms, both girls grinning at hearing their official titles. He turned and saw the two approach and bowed his head before looking back out to the room.
"Announcing, Queen Regina, the Good Queen and Queen Emma, the Light Queen of the United Realms!" He cried and everyone started to clap and cheer.
The two looked around the room to see who they could recognise. In one group, there were half of their family with Hope and Hazel standing in front of a proud looking Snow and Charming, who was now holding Harry. Neal stood beside them, now seventeen and looking even more like Charming with his girlfriend beside him. It was no surprised when he came home one day saying that he was going to as out with Poppy. Snow and Red had been thrilled that their children were dating and the two had been together for the past year. Henry and Ella were just to their left with Lucy holding her little brother.
Zelena and her family were standing just to the side of them. Alice and Robin had married two years ago after going traveling around Europe and South America for a year. Nook was standing next to his wife, daughter and son. After a year of dating, Nook and Tink announced their engagement and the following year, they married and soon after, Tink announced she was expecting. She gave birth to a beautiful little boy called Alfie who was the same age as Harry.
Mal and her family were the next group. Mal revealed a few months back that after a lot of persuasion, Esmerelda had finally agreed to marry her. At first, Esmerelda thought it wasn't necessary as she'd had a bad end to her first marriage, but when Mal explained she'd never been married and wanted to marry her True Love, Esmerelda couldn't refuse. The date was set for the following summer. Lily stood to the side of her mother, with her boyfriend. She'd decided to go travelling in the last year to experience more of the worlds she'd grown up hearing about. During her journey through DunBroch, she ran into some trouble and was helped out by a hooded figure. After they won, he removed his hood and said his name was Lord MacIntosh but that she could call him Mackie. She rolled her eyes but found him attractive and they had been together ever since. He thought it was cool that she was a dragon, but he was terrified of Maleficent.
Beside the dragons was the royal family of Arendelle. Queen Elsa and Mulan and their daughter, Lyra. With light blonde hair and slightly tanned skin, Lyra wasn't the most usual looking little girl, but she was still stunning and had inherited her blonde mother's ice magic which Elsa was training her to use carefully. Lyra and Hope and Hazel were extremely good friends and when Hazel and Lyra were together, their magic was a force to be reckoned with already! Beside them were Anna, Kristoff and their son Sven along with their three-year-old, Petra.
There were many of the other royals of the Realms including Jasmine and Aladdin in the far corner with their son and a little girl who had been born a couple of years ago. Most surprisingly, beside them was Kida on her own. She had realised just how toxic Killian was and had divorced him and renounced him of his title. He'd been thrown out of Atlantis and no one had heard of him since. Kida had since become close friends with both Jasmine and Elsa despite all the mishaps. Beside Kida was her son, Miles, named after both Milo and Milah. In his face, he looked like Kida but had his father's black hair. He and Hope looked nothing alike which helped to keep them separate for now. Hope would know who her biological father was when she was older, but for now, she didn't need to know.
After scanning the crowd, Emma turned slightly to her wife and whispered, "is this when we have to dance again?"
Regina laughed quietly. "Yes." She pulled on Emma's hand and led her to the dancefloor. Then as if by magic, which it probably was, the music started to play and Emma and her wife began to move. "Follow my lead," Regina whispered into Emma's ear.
"Always," Emma replied and grinned brightly when she felt Regina smile into her neck.
When the dance was over, they bowed and excused themselves, not wanting to dance anymore for now. They walked over to where their family were and Snow took Harry from Charming and hid behind him.
"Snow White, are you really hiding behind your grandson?" Regina asked with a raised eyebrow. "That's a new level."
"Oooh grandma's in trouuuuble!" Hope sang and she and Hazel started laughing as Snow blushed.
Harry then started reached out towards Emma and the blonde happily took him and attached him to her hip, tickling his chin to make him laugh.
"I'm waiting," Regina said and Snow sighed.
"For the past five years, the United Reals have run practically perfectly, apart from the slight issues at the beginning," Snow said and the adults couldn't help looking in Kida's direction where she was dancing with Miles on the dancefloor. "It was about time you were both celebrated for it. You're both so wonderful at what you do, biasedness aside, and everyone wanted to celebrate you. So enjoy it! The kids are coming with us tonight, no don't say anything," Snow said as Regina went to complain, "so drink, eat and be merry, your Majesties."
Regina rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine," she said as if it pained her and Emma nudged her wife. "I mean, thank you, Snow."
Snow beamed. "You're very welcome. Now pass that little monster to me and go mingle and be Queenie."
"Queenie?" Emma asked, raising her own eyebrow at her mother as she passed Harry over to his grandmother.
Snow didn't reply, instead looking at her granddaughters. "Now, shall we go dance girls?"
"YES!" The two cried and followed their grandmother onto the dancefloor with Charming.
As suggested, Emma and Regina made their way around the royals, greeting the ones they didn't know very well with a handshake and a smile, and hugging those they did. Elsa was bursting with news that she and Mulan were expecting another baby, a little boy this time which Emma and Regina both congratulated them on.
They moved through the crowd and finally got to the drinks table where Alice and Robin were stood.
"Congratulations!" Alice cried when they reach them and held out two glasses of champagne that the Queens quickly took.
"Thanks," Emma replied after she took a sip. She then narrowed her eyes and saw that Robin had a glass of champagne too, but Alice didn't. Instead she was drinking orange juice. "Aren't you drinking tonight?"
Alice then blushed and looked at her wife. Robin beamed and wrapped her arm around Alice and looked at her aunts.
"We haven't told many people yet," she began. "Only my mom and Chad, and Killi and Tink but…"
"I'm pregnant," Alice finished quietly.
"Oh my God!" Emma gasped and rushed forward, pulling them both into a hug.
"Emma! People are gonna figure it out now!" Robin groaned but accepted the hug.
"I'm so happy for you both!" Regina said and she hugged her nieces a little more gracefully than her wife. "You're going to be the most wonderful parents."
"We have a lot of amazing role models to follow," Robin replied and smiled.
"I'm only eight weeks along so if you could refrain from telling Snow, that would be great," Alice said. "I don't want everyone to know just yet."
Robin then took the orange juice from her wife and held out her hand. "Would you care to dance, Mrs Hood?" She asked.
"I'd love to," Alice replied and the two bid their aunts goodbye and headed to the dancefloor.
The decision to take Robin's last name was pretty easy. They married after Alfie was born so the name of Jones was going to be carried on. Roland was able to carry on the name of Hood, yes, but Robin didn't want to be rid of her father's name. Though speaking of Roland, with the unification of the Realms, Robin had found her older brother and got to know him. He had settled down in the Enchanted forest with his wife, Elodie and his daughter. They were also present at the celebration.
As Robin and Alice took the floor, their place was filled by Hope and Hazel with Snow bring Harry along.
"They wanted to dance with their moms," Snow said as she passed Harry over to Emma.
"Shall we dance?" Regina asked and the girls nodded.
"Dancey, Mama," Harry said and pointed to the dancefloor where Henry and Ella were dancing next to Lucy and Casey.
The Queens joined their son and his family along with their daughters and their other son. Emma bounced and rocked Harry side to side as Hope and Hazel each took hold of Regina's hand and they danced the night away.
Regina looked up and took in everything in front of her. She was Queen again, elected by the people, and she was married to her best friend and True Love. She had four beautiful children and two wonderful grandchildren, with an inkling that another was on the way as Ella wasn't drinking again. She had the best relationship with her sister and niece and couldn't wait to meet the new addition.
She looked up and locked eyes with wife and saw her whisper, "I love you," which she returned. Yes, Regina Mills never expected to go back to Storybrooke after she left, but if you asked Regina Swan-Mills, the Good Queen of the United Realms, the mother of Henry, Hope, Hazel and Harry, the grandmother of Lucy and Casey and the wife of Emma Swan-Mills, going back to Storybrooke was the best decision she'd ever made.
A/N: And it's finished! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who followed, favourited and reviewed this story, it means the world to me. I hope to have another story up in the near future so keep your eyes peeled. As always, let me know if you have any requests or comments in a review or a PM. I love you all, Emss x