"You're free to a go," a guard said to Hina after months of her captivity. He opened the door to the cell and stood off to the side.

"What are you up to?" she asked, "Sakyo will kill you if he knew you were going to let me escape, then I'd be tortured even worse." She didn't move from her spot.

He replied, "Sakyo died and so did the rest of the black black club. You can stay here if you want lady." He walked away.

Hina followed him down the hall and asked, "Are you serious?" She left the confinement of her cage and started moving toward him and an exit. "It can't be that easy. How did he die?"

"The stadium he was in exploded," the man answered, "during the dark tournament. You're free to go. We all are." He left the building.

Hina stepped out into the bright sunlight, blinded by how warm and light everything was. Several other people left the secluded building and made their way to cars parked in the forest. She examined the endless woods in front of her and thought, If all of those black black club members died that means Yukina must be free. There's no telling where Hiei is. How am I supposed to find them?

After weeks of not seeing another soul in the same forest, she collapsed to the ground in desperation. Then fainted and let sleep consume her. A parasite demon walked up to her body and took over. Through Hina it stood up and looked around. "This woman has a lot of grief," she said to herself, "perfect for saying for a while and causing some damage.

"Snow?" Yusuke asked himself as he put his hand out and felt a few snowflakes hit his hand. "That's weird," he said to himself.

"Yusuke!" Botan shouted as she flew down on her ore and landed on the roof of the school next to him. "This snowfall isn't natural."

"You mean it doesn't snow in June in Japan?" he asked sarcastically, "I had no idea."

She asked, "Would you listen to me for 30 seconds? This snow is coming from demon energy just outside of the city. We don't know why a demon is suddenly forcing this snowfall or what they want."

Yusuke stood up and said, "So you want me to talk to this demon. Got it."

The door to the roof burst open and Kuwabara ran out. "Urameshi, this snow is filled with demon energy, I can feel it. Oh, hey Botan."

"Yeah we already figured that part out," he replied, "want to come with me and check this out? Apparently this demon is outside of town making it snow."

As they walked through the city, the snow was piling up fast. The roads became more dangerous as accidents were happening all around them. "Damn," Yusuke said, "you'd think they'd never seen snow before."

"Yusuke," a familiar voice rang out through the crowd. They all turned to the right and saw Kurama walking toward them. "This snow, it has demon energy in it."

Botan asked, "Shouldn't you be in school?"

"They just cancelled it for the rest of the day," he replied, "this blizzard is scaring everyone since it's nearly summer."

"We're going to go check that out now," Yusuke said, "Want to join us?"

Kuwabara said, "If we run into shorty then everyone will be back together."

"I doubt we'll run into him," Kurama said, "ever since the end of the dark tournament he's gone into seclusion. I haven't seen or heard from him in weeks."

Meanwhile out in the forest, Hiei and Yukina also noticed it was snowing. "This snow," Yukina said as she looked up at the sky, "it's not natural. It feels like-"

"Ice world," Hiei finished, "it shouldn't snowing this time of year here. Someone's causing it."

"We should see who's doing this and why," she replied, "it feels like demon energy is in the air. Come on." She took his hand and made him start walking.

"Hiei?" Yusuke asked as he trudged through the now 2 feet of snow on the ground, "What are you doing out here?"

"A demon is making it snow," he replied, then turned toward a clearing and saw her.

"Mother?" Yukina asked.

Kuwabara shouted, "That's your mother?" He stared at Hina. Her eyes were glowing as she walked forward. More wind and snow fell from the sky and swirled around them violently.

Yusuke braced himself and said, "Damn it's cold. Hey, why are you freezing everthing over!"

Kurama said, "It's a parasite demon that's taken over her body. Show yourself." Just as he said that a demon appeared from her ears and revealed itself.

"Before you do anything," he said, "if you kill me while I'm attached to her, she dies."

"How did you attach yourself to this woman?" Kurama demanded.

He explained, "She was feeling so much greif and despair it was easy for me to latch onto her soul. Any wrong movies from any of you and I'll turn this city into pure ice."

"You bastard!" Yusuke shouted, "So you're just making the city your little playground with her energy?"

"Is she awake?" Yukina asked, "Can she hear us?"

"No and she'll have no recolection of what she's done when she does wake up," the parasite answered.

Kurama said, "Enough. You can still feel pain and the woman is fine. I will make you suffer until you release her and beg for your death." He glared at him.

Yusuke stepped up and said, "You heard him. How can you just parade around as an innocent like that?"

The parasite demon looked at them nervously. "Ah, wait!" he said, "We can make a deal! Don't come closer!"

Kuwabara said as he drew his sword, "Leave her body."

He did, and as soon as he was out Hiei jumped up and cut him to pieces with his sword and superspeed. Hina collapsed to the ground. "Mother!" Yukina shouted.

Hina slowly sat up and looked around. "What happened?" She gasped and said, "My babies!" She grabbed Hiei and Yukina before they could blink and stood back up. She held them in each of her arms, curled up. Hiei was so surprised he didn't moved while Yukina hugged her mother. "Where have you been?"

"You're so tall," Kuwabara said, "you mean when Yukina's full grown she'll be as tall as you?"

"Yes," Hina replied, "Hiei too of course."

"That's great and everything," Yusuke said, "but what about all of this snow? It's still causing a lot of problems."

She said, "Here, I can take care of that." She put them both down and made all of the snow disappear instantly. The greenery returned and the air seemed to fill with life again of birds and animals all started coming out of hiding. "Why did I make it snow, what happened?"

Kurama explained, "A parasite demon took over your body."

"Ew," she said, "it's gone now right."

"I took care of it," Hiei replied.

"And you two!" she said and kneeled down to hugged them again.

"Wow," Kuwabara said, "Even while kneeling she's still taller than them...by a whole head!"

Hina squeezed Hiei and Yukina and asked, "What have you been doing? Are you okay? You're both so big now!"

Yukina confessed, "We separated that day and I got captured just like you, but Hiei didn't and he came to rescue me!"

"I'm so glad you could find each other again," she said as she stood back up, "now we can go back to demon world and start over."

"Hiei can't leave," Yukina said. He glared at her.

"Why not?" Hina asked.

Yusuke explained, "He stole the artifacts of darkness last year and now spirit world confines him here."

"You did what!" Hina shouted at him as he looked away in shame.

"This is a show I'm glad I didn't miss," Kuwabara said as he laughed.

The End