"Don't touch him," Hina pleaded, "men aren't evil. They can be so lovely and if we raise my son properly he won't kill us all." She wrapped Hiei up in a blanket and held him close.

The elder moved through the doorway of her house and said, "We have had males born here in the past and they leave nothing but misery in their path. What makes you think your son will be different from the others?"

"He has a sister," she explained, "he'll want to protect her. To protect me. That's what men do, they're protectors in the survice world! They don't just kill for no reason."

"Silence Hina," the elder instructed, "if you stay silent about how great you think men are the boy can stay. If not, he'll be thrown from the cliffs without hesitation. Also, if he shows violent tendencies toward anyone in the village, we will throw him from the cliffs to his death. Understood?"

"Yes," Hina answered without hesitiating, "I understand." The elder left her alone in her hut. Hina placed Hiei on her counter beside Yukina who started to cry. "You wouldn't hurt anyone, right?" She gave Hiei her tear that she turned into a necklace.

Outside, in the village, the women all talked amongst themselves. The elder gathered them and said, "The rumors you heard are correct, a male has been born." They all gasped.

"Hina gave birth to a boy?"

"Twins," the elder explained, "one of them is a girl."

"Boy-girl twins?" someone asked, "I've never heard of such a thing."

"She must have left ice world and met a man."

"What are we going to do with the boy?"

The elder continued, "Hina insists we let him live among us. She understands that if he shows any violence toward any of us, we will end him. I ask all of you to watch her son grow. If he hurts any of us in any way we won't let him get away with it." Everyone agreed.

"Yukina and Hiei," Hina said happily, "those are your names. Hiei, keep Yukina warm, alright?" She took Hiei's hand and place Yukina's hand in it. She stopped crying and actually opened her eyes. "You two have the same eyes!" she said, smiling, "Crimson, just like your father."

"Hina," Rui said as she entered her house, "a boy, are you sure about this?"

She asked, "Rui, what do you mean, 'am I sure?' I had babies, I can't just get rid of them. Besides, look how cute they are." Hiei smiled at her.

Rui continued, "The elder says if he shows one inkling of violence in him she'll throw him from the cliffs! He is adorable."

"I'll raise him right," Hina assured her, "he won't hurt anyone. I promise." She caressed her children as Rui looked at all three of them nervously.

Even as the years went on, everyone seemed to be wary of Hiei. They'd turn and step away from him if he walked down the street. Hina couldn't believe they were afraid of a 3-year-old little boy. When he returned she sat him down inside and said, "If you go into town Yukina or I should go with you."

"Why?" he asked, "I'm not hurting anyone."

"I know," she said slowly, "but that's just the way it is here."

Hiei asked, "If Yukina's always with me can they throw me from the cliffs?"

"Where did you hear that?" Hina asked.

"Rui said it when I was born," he replied, "remember?"

"Of course I remember," she replied, "you remember that far back?"

"I could see and hear before I was born," Hiei replied, "isn't that normal?"

Hina said, "No, but it is amazing. I wonder if Yukina remembers anything from that time."

"She doesn't," he said, "I already asked her about it. Can I go now?"

"With Yukina," she insisted.

"She's already outside!" he said hastily, then ran out the door before Hina could stop him. Hiei ran through the deep snow and into the forest to see Yukina. She ran around a group of small animals.

A bird landed on Yukina's hand and said, "Hiei! Where have you been? Here, have a bird." She placed the bird on his shoulder.

He replied, "With mother. She says when I leave the house I have to do it with you."

"Is that a bad thing?" Yukina asked.

"I guess not," Hiei said, "hey!" A bird flew into his face and he used fire to make it fly away, then fell down. "Stupid birds!"

"Hey don't go!" Yukina pleaded, "He didn't mean that! Oh well, maybe they'll come back later." She helped Hiei stand up as all of the other animals ran off further into the forest. "It's getting colder."

"I'll make some fire," Hiei said as flames came out of his arm.

Yukina reached her hand out toward him and said, "It's so warm!"

"Don't touch it!" he shouted just as it burned her. He put his flames out and examined her hand. "It's a burn."

"It hurts, don't touch me!" Yukina shouted as she started crying and running back to the village. Streams of stone tears sparkled as she ran away from him.

"Wait!" Hiei shouted as he ran after her.

Hina's door burst open. She turned around in time to see Yukina crying as she ran in. "It's hurts!" She held her hand in pain.

"What happened?" Hina asked as she bent down and examined it.

"I didn't mean to," Hiei said, "she tried to touch my fire."

Hina healed her daughter's hand and said, "Hiei, you should be more careful with your energy and Yukina, you know better than to try and touch fire. It's dangerous." She whiped the tears from her eyes.

Hiei asked, "Why doesn't anyone else need to be careful with their energy?" He started pouting.

"Fire is different than ice," Hina said, "all better." She stood back up, easily towering over her young children.

"What was that noise?!" the elder demanded as she entered through the still open door.

Hina glanced at her children and lied, "I cut myself, which was why I was crying. Don't worry I healed myself and cleaned up the mess. No problems here."

The elder looked at all three of them. As she left she said, "Be more careful." She shut the door behind herself.

"Mother," Yukina said, "why did you lie to the elder? Is it because of Hiei?"

"It was just an accident," Hina said nervously, "but if the elder thinks you'll try to hurt anyone on purpose...it won't be safe for him here." She glanced up at a cabinent and remembered what she had hidden in there. She slowly moved toward it and pulled out a sword she had been hiding.

"What's that?" Yukina asked.

"A sword," she answered, "I got it when I left ice world before you were born. Hiei, keep this with you. Don't show anyone you have it. Only use it if you have to, understood?" He nodded as he took it from her.

He picked it up easily and said, "Wow, it's so big!"

"You'll grow into it," she replied, smiling.