As soon as I stepped out of the airport, I immediately turned around and hurried back inside, through the sliding glass doors. It was absolutely freezing. I opened my bag and pulled out three extra layers worth of clothing and quickly pulled them on. It was definitely a change to what I was used to back home. For me, home was Sydney, Australia and when I'd left it had been forty degrees Celsius and here in England my phone read only two. Each year my school picks one girl to go to England to study for a term at Abbey Mount School. The school was very different to mine. Mine was small and struggled to keep itself open as money was tight and they were barely able to scrape together the money to send me this year. But nether the less, here I am, ready for the experience of a lifetime. Here, in England, it was the school's final term, but back home it was only term two. So, as my normal school year was almost half way through, theirs was about to end.

I braced myself and wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck before heading back, out into the freezing wind. It was only six in the morning but there were already black taxis lined up along the turning circle of Heathrow Airport.

"Abbey Mount, please." I said to one of the drivers as I climbed into the back seat.

"Sure thing, Darling." She replied. Abbey Mount was an hour away from the centre of London and as the sun rose over the city I noticed my reflection in the window. Ew, serious jetlag face. My hair was a mess, which was no surprise but this went to a whole new level. It was wavy and brown with sun-bleached ends due to all the time I spent at the beach and it reached a few inches below my shoulders. But today it was all sticking out at weird angles and looked like a family of birds had been living out of it. I used my fingers and combed through the tangled mess until it looked a little more normal. Then I re-applied some powder foundation to my face to cover up the bags under my eyes thanks to the twenty-four hours travel with no sleep. After that, I looked at least slightly more acceptable.

As the hour ticked by and the city gave way to valleys and fields, I started to get more and more nervous. Just the typical nerves of anticipation; butterflies in stomach, sweaty palms and…yep, another bathroom visit was due. However, as I languished in my nervousness, I didn't notice the large manor looming up in front of the taxi. It finally caught my eye and I goggled at it's amazing features. It was a brown brick, u-shaped building with white window details, which made it seem like a mix between Hogwarts and Downton Abbey. It had a neat garden in the courtyard and a gravel walkway leading from the main entrance's steps to the driveway.

"Here you go Miss. Abbey Mount." The taxi driver said as we pulled up in front of the school. I thanked her before climbing out with my suitcase in tow. As I took a deep breathe and looked around at my new home, a tall woman with honey coloured hair hurried down the steps and smiled as she reached me.

"Charlie Webster?" she asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

"I'm Mrs Kingsley, Head Mistress of Abbey Mount. It's wonderful to finally meet you." She beamed.

"It's good to finally be here." I replied, returning her smile.

"Well, come inside. The rest of the school arrived yesterday, but we've assigned you a room and you'll be all ready for when the term begins tomorrow." She explained as she lead me into the large, wood and marble inlaid hallway. As she explained the school rules and what I was to expect here, we walked through winding corridors and I lost count of how many flights of stairs we climbed, but finally we reached room number five-seven-zero. "Your room mates will make you feel welcome and help you with anything you need." Mrs Kingsley finished before leaving me alone in the corridor.

I swallowed my nerves and knocked on the door before pushing it open slightly.

"Hi." I said as I saw four girls bustling about the room. One of them had a Wagon Wheel in hand and had blonde, frizzy hair. Another one with light brown hair was busy sorting through her suitcase, beside two more, both with dark hair who seemed to be arguing about a shirt. As soon as they saw me, they all stopped what they were doing and turned around to look at me. The room was silent except for the bang of the door as it closed behind me. "I'm Charlie." I added.

"Oh, Charlie. Nice to meet you." The one with light brown hair said. "I'm Kate. This is Kiki…" she said and pointed to one of the dark haired girls with a floppy side fringe, who smiled at me.

"Josie…" Kate continued, pointing at the other dark haired girl. "…And Drippy." She finished and pointed to the girl with the Wagon Wheel.

"Hi. Nice to meet you all." I said, returning their smiles.

"Are you from America?" Drippy asked.

"No. I'm the exchange student from Australia." I replied.

"Oh, that's so cool." She replied and she paused before adding shyly: "Did you know, you can only get Tim Tams in Australia?"

"Yes, I did know that." I replied and opened my bag. "That's why a brought enough to last me the term. Help yourselves." I grinned and held up two huge packs.

"I love you." Drippy said happily and practically fell onto them.

"Don't let Matron catch you with those. I suggest locking them away." Kate suggested and I nodded at her advice.

"Long day of travelling?" Kiki asked.

"Kind of." I replied.

"Well, why don't you go down to the change rooms, have a shower and then we'll be quiet so you can catch up on some zs." She advised.

"That's the best advice I've had all day." I replied.

However, that was easier said then done. This school was like a rabbit warren, but after twenty minutes of wandering around, I finally found the change rooms. There were benches along each wall and two in the middle of the room, with a sidewall jutting out to hide the room from the toilets and the opposite wall had a long line of showers with lockable wooden doors. One of the showers was already occupied and I dumped my clothes on one of the centre benches, before pulling my jumped over my head and then my t-shirt. I was about to un-zip my jeans, when whoever was in the shower turned off the water and opened the door. I glanced up and expected to see a girl but instead a boy around my age, with blonde curly hair walked out. For a second I froze in horror. This wasn't happening.

I only had a split second before he noticed me, so I spun around and ducked behind the brick wall, but I mustn't have been fast enough.

"Who's there?" he called. I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped that if I didn't reply he'd think he'd imagined it. "Hello?" he called again and I heard him walking towards where I was hiding.

"No, no. Uh, stay there." I said back, worried that he would come all the way around. There was a moment of silence as he realised it was the voice of a girl.

"Uh, you can't be in here." He said.

"Aren't you the one in the girls change room?" I retaliated.

"I'm pretty sure those are urinals over there." He said and I could hear the smirk in his tone as I looked beside me and saw the wall of urinals. I cursed inwardly and hit the wall with the back of my head in annoyance. I chanced a glance around the wall and saw the boy with his arms folded and white towel wrapped around his waist smirking at me and I quickly hid back behind the wall.

"Oh, well, uh. My mistake. It's been a long day." I stammered. "Could you please turn around?" I asked.

"Sure." He chuckled and I looked around the corner to see him walk back over to the showers and face the wall. I took my chance and ran out from behind the wall, hurriedly pulling on my t-shirt as I reached my things. "Uh, thanks." I said as I grabbed my things and ran out of the room before anything else could go wrong.

After checking I was in the right change room I showered, changed and then hurried back up to my room, begging that I wouldn't run into that boy on the way back to my room. I burst back into the room and sighed in relief that I'd finally reached a safe zone.

"Are you okay? You look very frazzled." Kate asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just almost took a shower in the boys change room." I admitted and sat down on the end of my bed.

"You what?" Kiki gaped.

"Did anyone see you?" Josie cried.

"No, thank goodness." I lied.

"Wow. What an introduction to your first day at Abbey Mount." Kate laughed and I couldn't help but laugh as well. I looked down at my bag to find my phone when I noticed only one pack of Tim Tams on my suitcase.

"Um, where did the other packet go?" I asked no one in particular.

"Well, um, you did say to help yourselves." Drippy said quietly a handed me back the empty.

"Fair enough. I did. I'll see if my parents can send over some extra supplies." I grinned.

Not long after that I lay down on my bed and almost as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep, dreaming of what life would be like at Abbey Mount.