Midoriya Izuku woke to see the cheap blinding lights of a hospital room. His body seemed to be unharmed but he couldn't seem to move.
"I remember...",he muttered under his breath.
He tried lifting his arm again. There was no give, he lifted his head to see that there was binding restraints on each arm and leg to the hospital bed.
"Oh. I still.. I was a villain.. I guess.",he frowned and tears welled in his eyes as he remembered what he did over the years and as he remembered what awful things happened to him. He finally remembered how he got the ugly scars across his face; from Shigaraki himself.
He started to cry. He needed to see All Might. He needed to say he was sorry...
A nurse came in and jumped at the sight of her patient not only awake but bawling.
"M-my you're awake!",she quickly went out of the door she just came in.
Not a minute later a doctor walked in. He shook his head in tiredness and walked over to Midoriya's bed.
"So, Izuku Midoriya. You have been missing for quite some time." he put his gloved hand over his face where the scars lay. "I can't imagine how this happened.. Can you tell me if it hurts? Does anything hurt as of right now? Your legs? Your arms? They were a little beat up when you came here but it seems it was just old scarring." The doctor checked his heart and eyes.
"Nothing hurts right now but can you tell me if All Might is okay?",Midoriya asked tears threatening to fall again. "Is everyone okay? I-i didn't realize what I was doing..."
"I can't tell you about All Mights condition. That's private information. As for the civilians you terrorized yesterday, it's only bruises and scratches."
"Oh. Okay.. I'm glad they aren't hurt. I wish I would've realized that I was doing evil things... I did. But I was fine with it.. Where is my mom? Is she okay?"
"Your mom is fine. She spent all night in the cafeteria because we were worried you might go mad again. She's probably still asleep.",the doctor got up and whispered something to the nurse.
The nurse walked out and back into the room in a short period of time except she came back with a shot full of clear liquid.
"What's that?",Midoriya asked anxiously.
"Just some tranquilizer. You did attack the city yesterday so we can't trust you to be calm. It's just until the police arrive to take you away is all" he said as he scribbled down on a chart.
"No. please! I'm fine I just want to see All Might before I go. I need to make sure he's alright. Please!",he begged again tears running down.
"It's okay Sir, I just have to inject you quick!",the nurse said nervously.
Deku felt the needle enter his arm but he refused to go down so soon. "I'm sorry!",he yelled before activating his quirk and breaking all his restraints, causing the people to fly back into the wall.
Deku got out of his bed and ran out of the room. He looked at the chart outside every room to see if All Might was in there. After frantically searching two whole levels in the hospital, he started to get drowsy. The tranquilizer still managed to get in his system.
Finally he found his room. It was the second door on the third level. He heard the hospital staff chasing after him but he charged ahead anyway. He clumsily opened the door to see All Might. He had tubes coming out of his throat and a monitor was the only indicator of his continuing life.
"All might..",Midoriya cried and wobbled sleepily into his room. He nearly fell into his chest. He collapsed into the side of his bed and tried to keep his eyes open as his body went limp. In that final moment, he swore he saw a tear run down All Might's face.