Authors note

If there is any grammar or spelling mistakes please let us know in the reviews so we can get them fixed as soon as possible

After an amazing Christmas Holiday our family of now four found themselves at the train station, on the magic side, saying goodbye to their now two children with Narcissa smothering them both with hugs and kisses. Draco protested rather loudly at what his mother was doing while Juliet enjoyed it and laughed her head off at Draco's reaction.

When Lucius finally pulled his wife off of Juliet and Draco, they said a quick goodbye to them both and ran to hop on the train as they both knew that if they went in for another hug Narcissa would not let them go and they would be doomed.

Once on the train and seated Juliet got her wolf pup Winggal out and settled her on her lap. For the next couple of hours they had peace and quiet. They then heard the compartment door open and looked up to see the two boneheads standing at the door, interrupting their peace … AGAIN!

Draco decided to end the silence and said, "What do you two boneheads want now?"

Hermione ignored Draco's question and turned her attention to Juliet and said, "Juliet how was your awful Christmas break with the Death eater Malfoys, did they try to recruit you." Hermione then saw the white/silvery fluff ball sitting in Juliet's lap and realised it was a wolf pup so she said. "What are you doing with such a dangerous creature. You know, I read they carry diseases and are prone to be vicious creatures."

When Hermione finished insulting the wolf pup, Winggal started to growl at the two idiots, this caused Juliet to hold winggal tighter to stop Winggal from getting hurt.

Juliet looked up and rolled her eyes at Hermione before saying, "For your information this wolf pups name is Winggal and she is one of my familiars this means that she is allowed in Hogwarts and no one can say anything about it."

At this Juliet picked up Winggal and said in a baby talk voice, "Does this look vicious to you?" While Winggal was growling at the two Hermione screamed and Draco cooed. Juliet then said, "No, then get the FUCK OUT!"

She then passed Winggal to Draco who started to stroke Winggal to calm her down while Juliet pushed the two Boneheads out of the compartment and made sure no one else could get in.

_Time Skip_

One and a half months after they got back to Hogwarts she was called to Dumbledore's office. So she headed to Snape's office to ask if he would go with her as she felt uncomfortable being alone in the same room as the old goat. Snape agreed as he knew that Lucius and Narcissa adopted her and that he was also Juliet's godfather and they had gotten closer to each other over the Christmas holidays.

Dumbledore gave a grandfatherly smile as he saw Juliet entre his office, but frowned when he saw Snape entre after her.

Dumbledore then said "Severus there is no need for you to be here so you may leave."

Snapes response to Dumbledore's arrogance was "Miss Potter asked me to be here as she does not feel comfortable being in the same room as you."

After Snape said this Ron and Hermione walked in the room, both had a rather smug smile on there face and Dumbledore said, "She is not alone anymore as her friends are here so you may leave."

Before Snape could say anything Juliet jumped in and said, "Those two boneheads only wish that they were my friends as they are just annoying pests that won't leave me or my friends alone."

Dumbledore said "Very well. Now let's get to the reason as to why we are here."

At this Juliet said rather angrily, "Why the Fuck am I even here, if this has something to do with my personal life then I am going to walk out that door because I don't want to hear it and you can't have everything your way."

Dumbledore looked stunned, Ron stood there gaping and Hermione started ranting about how she should respect people of authority even of you don't like them and she could be expelled. Meanwhile Snape stood there looking rather smug and trying not to laugh at how she took the headmaster down a few pegs.

Dumbledore came out of the shock that Juliet put him in and said "Miss Potter we really need to talk about your adoption to the Malfoys as well as your resorting."

At this Juliet went from glaring at Dumbledore and the two boneheads to facing Snape and saying, "Can you please call my parents as I have just had enough dealing with their denial and manipulations."

Snape went to the fire place in Dumbledore's office and fire called Lucius and Narcissa to come and help with this situation.

Lucius and Narcissa came through as fast as they could. Narcissa hurried over to Juliet and gave Juliet a hug. Lucius on the other hand went right up to Dumbledore and punched him in his crooked nose that sent him flying into all of his trinkets spilling his lemon drops everywhere. Lucius went to pick one up that had fallen from the packet that Dumbledore had on him as well as the packet that he offers the students, to find out what was in them as Dumbledore seemed quite addicted to them. While doing this he noticed that they both looked different to each other.

Dumbledore came too and slowly sat up, blood drenching his beard and his nose was even more crooked than before. Ron and Hermione on the other hand had different reactions, Hermione had fainted because of the violence and blood while Ron was left in shock.

Narcissa went over to Lucius after making sure Juliet was ok with being transferred to Snapes arms as she knows that Juliet does not like violence due to her troubled past.

Once next to Lucius who was as mad as a mad peacock, Narcissa said, "Calm down Lucius, was it really necessary to punch him."

Lucius decided it would be best not to look his wife in the eyes when answering but he said, "No, but it felt so good and I have been dreaming of doing that since I met the old goat."

Narcissa turned from Lucius to face Dumbledore with her hands on her hips and said, "Now, what is this I hear about you trying to steal our new daughter."

Dumbledore felt intimidated but did not show it so with a grandfatherly smile he said, "Now, now, clam down, I was only going to suggest that she would be better off with the Weasleys as it is clear that the only reason she loves you at all is because you abuse her and tell her you are going to hurt her if she does not act like she loves you."

Narcissa now looked like an angered mother dragon and shouted at Dumbledore by saying, "WE DO WHAT TO OUR DAUGHTER?!" She then turned to Juliet with a smile on her face, while holding back a cackle she said, "Juliet sweetie why don't you go and find Draco and get a hot chocolate or something as things are about to get messy."

At this Juliet smiled and nodded her head and turned to leave while Lucius and Severus scrambled for the door while pushing each other out of the way so they could be the first out the door.

During this Narcissa turned to the two boneheads and said, "If you don't want to be covered in blood, teeth and hair I suggest you leave." with that said the two boneheads ran away quickly almost knocking Severus, Lucius and Juliet down.

_Time Skip_

An hour and a half later Narcissa joined Lucius, Severus, Draco and Juliet for a hot chocolate in the Hogwarts Kitchen.

When Narcissa got there she said to Juliet, "Dumbledore is not going to be bothering you anytime soon."

Once Narcissa said this Juliet thought she could get to the summer without anything else happening but when it came close to the students going home that thought turned to shit.