Chapter 1: Link Shrink

They had done it. They beat Ganon. The four champions, using their Divine Beasts, unleashed a massive barrage on Calamity Ganon, weakening him just enough to allow for Link to defeat him.

But Ganon wouldn't go down without one last laugh. As Link fired off the last arrow, Ganon fell to the ground, glaring angrily at the hero who felled him. He cursed the boy who had slain him, the perpetual "hero" who always ruined his plans. So, he decided, he would do something about this boy. He would have the last laugh, a parting gift for this "hero" who had defeated him. With one last exhale, Ganon spewed a wave of pure malice at Link, as he desperately tried to ride out of the way. Uneven ground led to his fall, and subsequent crash onto the floor. He could only look up in horror as a flood of malice crashed into him.

Zelda held up her hand, and in a massive flash of light, sealed the Calamity away. He howled in agony as he slowly was consumed by the light. By the time it cleared, he was no more, sealed away, hopefully for good. Zelda let out a sigh of relief as she held her hand to her chest. She finally let out a small smile. They did it! He was beaten! All thanks to her Champions and...

"Link! We did it! We beat him! It's over! We saved Hyr...Link?" Zelda glanced around. Where was he? The last place she saw him was right next to her, firing at Ganon. Then she sealed him away and he was gone!

"Link? Hello? Link!?" Zelda hollered. She took a step forward and held a hand to her mouth. "The whole silent thing doesn't really help me in finding you! Where are you!?"

Little did Zelda know, Link was close by. Very close by.

Link shook his head as he finally came to. The last thing he remembered was a wave of malice heading straight toward him and then nothing. He glanced around at his surroundings. No one to be seen. Not that he could see anyone with all these small trees around him.

"It'd be a lot easier to find the Princess if there weren't so many...wait, trees?! When did I get in a forest?!" Link questioned, taking a good look around him. The last time he checked, he was fighting Ganon in a field, not a forest. As he slowly walked towards the nearest one, he also began to question this forest. "I'be never seen trees like these before..."

They weren't massive. Honestly they were only a little bit bigger than his own height. But still, this wasn't the terrain where his fateful battle took place. Before he could even touch one, he heard a voice call out his name.

"Huh? Is that Zelda? She's a lot louder than I remembered." He pondered as he looked around, trying to see the princess. Damn all these mini trees! And since when did trees start looking like grass?

Link froze. Trees didn't look like grass. Grass looked like grass. And Zelda wasn't normally that loud. Sure, she could get excited or angry, but didn't have a booming voice. The gears in his head began turning. If grass was bigger, and Zelda's voice was louder, than that could only mean...

His thoughts were confirmed when she loomed into view. He could only stare up in awe and horror as Zelda, now a giant, stepped into his field of vision, calling out his name once more, causing him to cover his ears. He winced at the volume of her voice as she made fun of his silence.

"You wouldn't be able to hear me if I did speak, ya know!" He yelled at her, not expecting her to hear him. His expectations were met as she continued to look around for him. He needed a way to get her attention, but how? He could climb up her but that presented it's own problems. He could fall off from any movement and fall to the ground. If the fall didn't kill him she could accidentally step on him as well. He could shoot arrows or throw bombs at her, but she could either not feel it or think he's some creature attacking her and step on him. Plus he didn't want to attack the girl he was sworn to protect. The last option was scream and yell at her, but she probably would continue to not notice and then take a step forward and step on him. Considering his option, he came to one conclusion: he desperately didn't want to be stepped on. He needed to find another way to get her attention. If only she wasn't yelling so he could think!

Link wouldn't get too much time to ponder his options, however, as he suddenly noticed a shadow appear above him. Zelda was walking forward, and he held the esteemed position of being right under her! He quickly began to sprint to the right, praying to Hylia that he would be able to clear her foot before it came crashing down. He pushed himself harder and harder as he sandal clad foot began to get too close for comfort. He had to come up with another solution. His eyes darted to the Shielah slate he was carrying. It was desperate, but it was all he had...

Zelda continued to yell out Link's name. She was starting to get concerned. Ganon was gone, sure, but Link was missing. Had Ganon grabbed him before he disappeared? Had he fallen due to his wounds and couldn't call out to her? All options sounded horrific, so she began to sprint forward, looking around and calling out his name frantically. She would have kept at it if someone else hadn't shown up.

"Well, well, well, looks like we finally did it. We beat back Ganon and saved the kingdom. Nice job, little bird" Zelda turned to see Urbosa and Daruk walking towards her, wide smiles plastered to their faces.

"Yeah! You and the little guy showed ol' pig face what's what!" Daruk cheered. He glanced around, seeing no sign of Link. "Speaking of which, where is he?"

Zelda's face fell as she turned her attention from the two Champions to the ground. "I..don't know where he is" She struggled to say it, desperately trying to hold back the rush of possibilities that tried to force their way to the front.

Urbosa tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean you don't know where he is? I thought he was here with you battling Ganon. Where else would he be?" She questioned.

"So the big hero wasn't even here to help defeat Ganon? And to think we almost fired the Divine Beasts for nothing! I always knew he was a coward"

Urbosa and Daruk turned around as Revali landed. He had a smug look on his face as he glanced around. "No hero to be seen. Some hero he was."

"I'm sure the little guy had a good reason! Maybe he got hung up defending some other people..." Daruk did his best to defend his friend before Zelda chimed in.

"No! He was here, we were fighting him together! One second he was here,

fighting Ganon, I sealed Ganon away, and then he was gone. No where to be seen! Link is missing!" She exclaimed, frantic at this point.

"Link is mi...missing?"

They all turned towards the hitching voice, dreading the person it belonged to. They looked over at the Zora princess as tears began to well up in her eyes. "No...he...he can't be missing...he has to be here...he has to..." she stammered as she began to break down, frantically scanning the battlefield.

Urbosa and Daruk shared a glance, before nodding to each other. Urbosa spoke first. "Maybe he's just taking cover. Zelda did just seal Ganon away. Maybe Ganon tried to pull something at the last minute and Link ran. Him missing doesn't mean he's..."

"So he ran away like a coward while the Princess did all the work? How noble of our fair hero!" Revali remarked, feigning admiration for Link. "Maybe he died in his noble fight against Ganon! At least he wouldn've finally did something right!"

Daruk glared at him. "Revali, this isn't the time for that. We gotta find Link before..."

Daruk couldn't continue his statement before Mipha collapsed to the floor, her hands covering her eyes as she sobbed quietly.

"...that. Before that." Daruk finished. He knew Mipha would take this the hardest, and Revali wasn't helping. He, Urbosa and Zelda turned to Revali to start berating him for his insensitive comments.

Link wasn't going to make it. He needed a boost, something to carry him a bit further. Thinking quickly, he threw a bomb at his feet, jumped with his paraglider out and detonated the bomb. The resulting explosion launched him to the edge of her sandal. The next boost came when she finished her step. The resulting force picked up some wind, launching Link forward into the air as he glided away from the Princess. He look back and grimaced. He was flying further away from her, and his only hope of being found. She must have not noticed the small Blast due to her shouting and sandals. He looked back in front of him to find he was heading straight for a massive red object. He panicked, letting go of his paraglider. He fell quickly, bracing himself for the hard ground.

He landed with a thud, groaning as he lay on the ground. This sucked, he thought. First Zelda, now Red Thing? What did he do to deserve this? Save the world? What a reward! He began to sit up when he heard someone whimper out his name. He glanced up, and gasped. Mipha, his childhood friend, was gigantic. Of course, she was shorter than Zelda, but at his size, it didn't really make too much of a difference. He saw her begin to cry as she began to talk about him being missing. His heart broke listening to his friend and love interest begin to sob. He began to jump up and down to get her attention as she crouched down and curled into herself, sobbing.

He could hear Revali making negative comments about him and the other Champions starting to berate him for it as he desperately tried to get Mipha's attention. He was starting to run out of breath, and she paused in her crying for just a second, long enough to give him one chance to give one last yell. "MIPHA! DOWN HERE!"

At first, he dropped his arms in frustration as she made no move at first but he soon perked up when she slowly began to remove her hands, peering down at him with misty eyes. "Link? Is that you?!"

End of Chapter 1

Hey everyone! Long time reader but first time writer. I was sitting there thinking about clever titles for things, and I've always been a sucker for alliteration, so when Little Link came to mind, I thought "Either a shrinking story or a child story" I think I'd suck at writing children so I went with the shrinking one! Lemme know how it turned out! And thank you for reading! Also, yeah, it's gonna be a MiphaxLink story. I think they're too cute together and him being small sets up some adorable situations between the two. So yeah, I hope you enjoy!