Welcome all.

This Story has been adopted from 'Fangs of Death', with his consent.

Prolog, New World

The Village hidden in the Leaves, one of the five main ninja villages. Four years ago the strongest of the nine Bijuu, the Kyuubi no Kitsune, was forcefully extracted from his previous host by a man in a black cloak and orange spiral mask to attack the village.

The fourth Hokage sacrificed himself to the Kyuubi by summoning the Shinigami to seal the Kyuubi into his very own new born son, Naruto. He asked of the third Hokage that his son be seen as a hero. Sad to say the village did not heed the fourth's wish.

They saw him as the Kyuubi himself, though a few did honour the wish of the fourth.

Time skip, four years post Kyuubi attack

It has been four years since the Kyuubi attacked the village. A boy no older than four is seen running from a mob of angry villagers and shinobi.

"Let's get the Demon Brat!" someone in the crowd yelled. The civilians were holding torches, pitchforks and clubs whilst the shinobi were holding shuriken and kunai. One of the shinobi threw his kunai, hitting the boy's leg. With a loud scream of pain, the boy fell to the floor, crashing into the wall of the alley.

"Now then…let's finish what Lord Fourth started." The same speaker said out loud. The roars of agreement could be heard from several blocks away.

While this was happening, another villager started approaching Naruto and kicked him in the gut, HARD! He then proceeded to grab Naruto by the scruff of his shirt, brought his face to eye level, let him drop and delivered a viscous upper cut into Naruto's face as he fell, bursting his lip and sending him flying into the cheering crowd.

"YOU WON'T ESCAPE THIS TIME, DEMON BRAT!" a third villager roared.

Naruto started to panic. He was surrounded on all sides with no hope of escaping…not with his injured leg and the near paralysing pain from his skull…he didn't even feel his busted lip.

"Why? W-why a-are you d-doing t-this t-to m-me?" Naruto asked through the tears that had formed in his eyes.


The bottle left a gash where it hit Naruto's head and the force was enough to send Naruto's head crashing into the floor.

The villagers then started to close in on Naruto and began beating him with the clubs they carried, beating Naruto to within an inch of his life. The shinobi joined in by cutting and stabbing Naruto with their Kunai, until Naruto was nothing more than a mass of bruises and cuts, both deep and shallow. And all the while Naruto was screaming his lungs out in agony. Eventually one of the shinobi had had enough of his screaming and kicked Naruto hard in the face, knocking him unconscious.


Deep inside Naruto's mind Kurama, the Kyuubi no Kitsune, is watching his young host's latest beating and knew…

'This is the worst one he's gotten yet. If I don't do something fast, he won't survive.' Kurama thought, whilst thinking of something he could do to help. Only one thing came to mind. 'This could work if I use that technique, but if I do, then not only will I be free of the seal, but it would also transport my brothers and sisters as well as their hosts.'

He continued to think. A loud cracking noise caught his attention and he saw that some of the pipes was cracking. If he didn't do something quickly, as in NOW, both he and his host were as good as dead.

'Screw this. It is time to end this madness.' He thought to himself whilst moulding the required chakra and running through the seals. 'Everyone, please forgive me, but I have no choice.'

"Sage Art: Yin Yang style: Dimension world crossing" Kurama yells, feeling the technique activate.

In the real world

The mob attacking Naruto had finally stopped. "Now, time to die, demon." A villager said, grabbing a kunai from the shinobi next to him. The others shouted in agreement.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" a voice full of both authority and Killing Intent yelled at the group, making everyone freeze in their tracks. Slowly they all turned around to see an old man wearing a white robe with the symbol of Fire on it.

"N-nothing, Lord-Hokage." The villager who had grabbed the Kunai replied.

"Oh really, because it seems to me as though you were busy beating a defenceless child and were about to commit murder of said child." The Hokage said, pausing to take a breath. "ANBU, arrest everyone here and take them to Ibiki at T&I. Tell him to have fun. Dog let's get Naruto to the Hospital immediately."

"Yes, lord Hokage." The ANBU all said in unison.

Suddenly everyone's attention was drawn to the unconscious and bleeding form of Naruto which began glowing brightly, before the light suddenly vanished and along with it, Naruto.

"Sir, what was that light?" an ANBU asked.

"I do not know, but I do know that Naruto is now gone." The old man said after seeing that Naruto had disappeared. "Find him at once." He yelled.

"Yes Sir." the ANBU yelled.

Nobody would realize it until much later that Naruto was no longer in the elemental nations…or even in their world for that matter, but in another one entirely.

Line Break

In the mindscapes of the 8 other Jinchuriki

The other Bijuu were all wondering the same thing: Why had Kurama used their Father's technique? Also, would they be free from their seals?

Thus, they prepared for a new life in another world.

Up in the skies of Ishgar

A tear appeared in the fabric of space and nine shining lights could be seen going into different directions. A pale pink dragon flying up in the sky noticed the lights, especially the one that crashed near her den. Curious, she decided to investigate.

She arrived to find an orange coloured cat next to a severely battered, bruised and bleeding young boy.

Kurama noticed her arrival as she landed and, thinking that she had come to eat Naruto, transformed into his true form.

"Who are you? Are you here to eat the Boy?" he asked.

The Dragon was shocked that something as small as a cat could suddenly transform into a giant 9 tailed fox as big as herself…as well as speak.

"I am Tsukuyomi, the Moon Dragon, and no, I am not here to eat the boy." She introduced herself and answered his question. "However, I am here to help. A friend of mine who lives fairly close by can heal the boy of his injuries, but we will have to leave NOW!"

Kurama, not sensing any deceit or ill intent from her decided to trust her. "Alright, but if this is a trap, I WILL end you!" he threatened.

"Understood." Tsukuyomi said. "Though I might suggest turning into that Cat form of yours. I may not be able to carry you like this."

"Fine." Kurama growled…he hated using one of his smallest transformations…it always left him feeling small compared to the world around him…

Tsukuyomi gently lifted Naruto in her hand, with Kurama hopping on next to the kid.

"Hold on tight…I won't hold back on the speed." She said, before jumping into the sky and flew with considerable speed towards the west woods of Fiore, where her old Friend lived with her daughter.
She didn't know that she had unknowingly changed the fate of said daughter in the process.

Thus, both Naruto and Kurama began their new journey in a land full of mystery to them.

And that is done.

Please R&R.

If you have read the original, please let me know if this is an improvement or if I made it worse.