Lessons in Guardianship

Disclaimer: The characters of supernatural don't belong to me (obviously) but it's high time I followed my true calling (see I'm funny too). Anyway, this is my first fic (the last one was a college project). This is not betaed or whatever they call it. I don't even know how this website works so please please be kind and welcome to this fangirl's world! Enough babbling, now on to the story.

Summary: Sam learns the hard way that hiding an injury from his big brother can be catastrophic. Set after 'After School Special'.

CH 1

"So class, make sure to turn in your papers about 'The outsiders' next Tuesday. Late submission will not be entertained." Mr. Wyatt said as the students groaned about yet another assignment. Although, Sam was happy, he loved reading and had already finished reading the book about eight times. He somewhat understood the bond between the brothers, given his relationship with Dean. Dean was almost like a father to him, given the fact that his actual father was failed to step up to the job.

As Sam gathered his books, he was careful to stick his butterfly knife deeper into his bag. He didn't want a repeat of his first day. Although Barry was his friend now he didn't wasn't to raise any suspicions about himself. That was the first thing their dad had drilled into their minds. He swung his back on his shoulder and started walking out of his class with Barry beside him talking about some artic penguins.

As he was walking down the corridor to his next class, Biology, he noticed a small crowd at the end of the hallway. "Looks like Dirk found another play toy" said Barry as he nervously shifted on his feet and adjusted his glassed. "What is his problem?" said Sam as he made his way through the crowd. He saw Dirk grabbing yet another scrawny kid by his collar while the boy was sobbing hysterically. "Leave him alone, Dirk" Sam yelled as all the heads in the turned towards him. He could hear murmurs among them. Looks like he was the first person around here who had the guts to stand up to Dirk Sam thought. "Winchester" dirk smirked as he let go of the kid and started walking towards sam. "You just don't learn, do you? I'm gonna kick your ass so hard..." dirk said as he raised his fist to hit Sam. "What's going on here?" Mrs. Channing's voice boomed through the corridor as she eyed Sam and Dirk. "Do I need to take you both to the principal's office?" she said as she crossed her arms. The crowd started to dismiss upon her arrival. Dirk gave Sam a final dirty look before he stopped short and looked Sam in the eye. "Looks like your luck saves you every time, Winchester. How about we settle the score once and for all? You, me, in the empty field behind the school at 4 today" said Dirk as he loomed over Sam.

Dirk had few good inches on Sam, but Sam want intimidated. After all, he fights werewolves for Friday nights, a high school bully couldn't be that bad. Can it? Moreover, he needed to prove to Dean that Dirk was no threat and he can take care of himself without worrying Dean. Decision made, he looked Dirk square in the eye. "You got it Dirk. But if I win, you leave every student of Truman High alone. We have a deal?"

"Deal." Said Dirk as he flashed an evil grin. With that, he turned around and left leaving Sam alone in the corridor

At the end of the day, Sam was waiting for his brother at the school gate. He had strict instructions not to leave school without Dean. He was not scared of Dean, even if he left without Dean, at most he would get a lecture, given the fact that his Dad was not around. If he pulled this stunt around his Dad…

Deep in his thoughts he didn't even realize that Dean was out of the school building with his arm around the waist of the girl of the week. Amanda? Or was it Stacy? Catching Sam's eye Dean lost all interest in the girl and kissed her on the cheek as he said his goodbyes.

As Dean was jogging towards him, Sam prepared himself for lying to his brother. He didn't like lying, especially to Dean, but he had no choice. He needed to prove himself. He needed to take of himself. He needed to be normal.

"Hey, kiddo! What's up? How was school?" said Dean flashing one of his warm smiles. Those smiles were only reserved for Sam. He swung his hand around Sam's shoulder and started walking towards the motel when suddenly Sam stopped short.

"I can't go home yet, Dean" said Sam as he tried his best to maintain eye contact with Dean. Lying to his big brother was not easy and if he got caught in the act, he wasn't sure he will be able to face him. At least after he beat Dirk, maybe Dean wouldn't be so mad?

"Why?' asked Dean with a confused look on his face.

"Umm I have a study group thing in the library" said Sam, his voice wavering a little. God. He hated lying to Dean.

"A study group? What do you need a study group for?"

"I just do." When he saw that Dean was unconvinced, he added in a hurry "There's this girl. Lucy. She really needs help with chemistry and I really want to meet her" added Sam in a hushed voice.

"Look at you Sammy boy. You have a crush" said Dean in a singsong voice. When noticing that Sam was too embarrassed to continue the conversation now, he bend down to Sam's level balancing his hands on his knees and said "Aw! It's okay Sammy. Nothing to be ashamed of. I just hate watching you grow up so fast." He sighed. "Okay you can go. Be home by 9. Not even a minute late. Do you understand me? Dean said as he gripped Sam's chin to make sure he was looking at Dean. Sam's safety was Dean's primary concern and he took his big brother job very seriously.

"Yes Dean. I will be back by 9."

"Be careful, okay?" said Dean as he brushed Sam's hair off his forehead. He badly needed a haircut was Sam was strongly opposed to it.

"Are we having a chick flick moment?" said Sam with a naughty grin plastered on his face. Dean gathered his composure quickly and smacked Sam on his head.

"Pshh. No Dude. but listen, the thing about chicks is that they…" said dean as Sam rolled his eyes and ran towards the school building leaving his big brother behind laughing at his innocence.

This is the first and the last time he is lying to Dean, he'll tell him the truth as soon as he reaches home after taking care of Dirk and if Dean decided to punish me, he would accept that too. After all, nothing more could go wrong, right?

To be continued…

Please review! I'm here to learn and would love your opinion. Criticism also encouraged!