Chapter 3
Lex growled in frustration his father was always sticking his nose where it didn't belong. He had just started to fix the strain in his and Clark's relationship, and then Dominic had to go and tell the Kents about his investigation in to the car crash and them. Now more than ever they were going to be suspicious, he also just given Jonathan another reason to hate him, and this time it had nothing to do with his father, it was all on him. Lex feared that to Jonathan he never be anything other than the dastardly son of Lionel Luthor. And with his growing feelings towards his son, that was going to be a problem.
Clark wanted to scream, his father was the same know it all he was in the past, don't get him wrong he loved his earth father. But he never gave him room to grow, and when he would seek it out on his own. His father would fight him every step of the way and make him feel guilty about not wanting to be like him. He knew it wasn't intentional, but it still made him feel, the same way as the first time around if not worse. He felt like he was going to have to pick between his father and Lex.
Lex knew that hate was a strong word, but that was how he would describe his feeling towards his father. On the brightside it seemed like he had come to some kind of agreement with Clark's father. He realized that he had grown to care about the people of Smallville, when he found that he didn't actually mind paying off the Sharks to make a dying man's dream come true. It had been an all around productive week for Lex Luthor. Now if only he could stop lusting after a certain farm boy, he would be golden.
Lex had found an distraction, a little ambitious reporter who seemed like she would do anything to get head, much like himself. After taking his name off of the ballot he had plenty of time to sit and think of how his mission was going. It seemed to him that he hadn't done much. Lex was still doing an investigation in to him and everyone else still seemed to be headed down the same road.
He had to do something, but it couldn't stray too far from his past timeline or it would be a big problem for him. But he had to do something he couldn't just stand by and watch everyone go down the path that would destroy them. Then it hit him he knew what he had to do, if only thinking it would easy as thinking it.
Clark wasn't the only who had been doing some thinking, Lex had been too. If you had asked him if he believed in little green man a year ago, he would have ruin your life for wasting his time with such a stupid question, now after living in Smallville. He honestly didn't would know what his answer would be. His sciencestist had found evidence that a spaceship may have landed during the meteor shower. Clark stared at the tiny little key, that could easily, be mistaken as a paper weight. He was in as much awe as the first time he held it in his hands.
The first time he didn't really disliked Desiree, it wasn't her fault that he had feelings towards Lex that he wasn't ready to face. He couldn't bring himself to hate her even after she, had set his father on fire and had planned to kill Lex. This time he was ready for her, the bitch didn't know what hit her when she was arrested on the third day of school for trying to seduce a minor and conspiracy to commit murder, and there was no way in hell she could deny it she could deny anything, when somehow pictures of her pushing poor innocent up against the was in his barn.
The court of public opinion was way harsher than, than the justice system
She was on her way to big girl jail before lunch and then divorced before she got there. He didn't enjoy the Lex hurt eyes, when he learned that his wife had tried to get his best friend to kill him.
"Lex, I'm sorry about Desiree." Her name left a bad taste in Clark's mouth. Clark knew that as much as Lex like to pretend it didn't matter to him, it really hurt him when he found out people were only using him for his money. It was his fear that all he had to offer to the world is his money.
"Clark I'm sure I don't have to tell you it wasn't your fault. I'm the one who should be saying sorry. I shouldn't have every doubted your intentions as my friend." Lex said sincerely, he had worried that Clark would hate him for believing that witch over him.
"Yea, but . . . ." Clark trailed off not knowing what to say anymore. There were things he had been dying to tell Lex, but he knew that he couldn't, it could mess up everything he had worked so hard for, so he stood there awkwardly saying nothing.
Lex knew that there was something Clark wanted to tell him, but it seemed that every time the Kansas farm boy came close he would shut down. it seemed that he had a hard time opening up and that was something that Lex understood completely. Besides he didn't know if you really wanted to know Clark's secret or not. that would mean that Clark trust him wholeheartedly and completely, that would also mean that he had already broken that trust before he had it. he didn't even want to imagine the betrayal that Clark would feel if he ever found out he was still looking into his family, after he had repeatedly told him that the investigation into his family was over.
Even the most forgiving person couldn't take being lied to over and over again.
It's not like he was truly suspicious about Clark, he knew that the Kents were good people. It was just something about Clark, the way he was there when every something went wrong, always saving someone. He just wanted to know what was it about Clark Kent, that got his blood boiling. He had feelings for Clark that he hadn't ever had for someone else. Chances where Clark didn't feel the same way and he wasn't willing to risk there friend on the small microscope chance that he might be, so he pushed the feelings away and pretended they didn't exist.
"Clark it wasn't your fault, the only thing I want to know is why everyone was enchanted by her, but you." Lex asked in a smooth voice as he poured himself a well deserved drink. Clark wasn't a very good liar, that was the first thing he really noticed about the boy. It was one of the many things that lured Lex to him. He found it refreshing to be around a person who couldn't,lie to save his life. He was reminded of Clarks inability to lie well, ever time he asked the teen a question after some weird unexplainable thing had happened yet again in Smallville.
"I guess she just wasn't my type." Clark stated as he stared into the eyes of his would be lover, willing him to understand that he was his type. After that the two men played pool and laugh the night away, until Clark noticed that it was three in the morning and told Lex he had to get home, also seeing how late it was Lex tried to insist that he just spend the night. But Clark knew that even though Lex and his father had called some kind of truce, that didn't mean his parents were comfortable with him spending the night there. Especially when he hadn't told them before hand.
Thank the heaven his parents didn't really seem to be too angry about him staying out so late. He knew that it had more to do with fact that the were too excited about the baby to be mad at him, and that he probably won't be as luck as the first time. He hated himself a little when his parents explained that the reason he didn't know about it early was because he was baarly home and they weren't sure how he would feel about it.
Clark couldn't truthful told him that he couldn't be happier for them and the baby because it was going to born in to such a loving family. He did realize that it created a problem for him. He knew that there was a snowball's chance in hell for the baby getting hurt this time, so what would be the reason that he ran away to Metropolis, where he would meet the other love of his life, the perplexing and inexplicable Bruce Wayne.
He had stayed up countless nights thinking about the night the three spent together. Laying in bed just enjoying each other. He would also think back on those night that seemed like an forever ago, even more so now when he and Bruce or Kal and Bruce would make love with each other for hours on end. How all the man had wanted to do in the beginning was help Kal, who he thought was just a teen running away from his problems, not that he was wrong. He often thought back on that night when Kal told Bruce that he loved him. His heart ached when he thought of that moment, because Bruce didn't say it back that night. Quite the opposite, he yelled anr raved about how he was just a stupid kid, who needed to grow up. That was when he complete lost himself and let Kal complete take over until Chloe found him. After he had been rejected by the dark knight, he decided to lose himself in the night lifestyle. He knew now that Bruce had only said those cruel and spiteful things because he was trying to get clark to see that he couldn't run forever and that he had to go home. Eventual when he was able to stop walling in his self pity long enough, he realized he was right, but by then Kal had a strong hold on him and he wasn't ready to up the partying and doing whatever, he damn well pleased. Slowly but surely he started to regain control over himself, but then he found out that Lex had 'died' and he fell back into that pit again. Luckily his family and friends had found him then ad wasn't willing to give up on him.
Clark knew that there was no way he was going to let Bruce run him away this time. And as selfish as it seemed he couldn't imagine himself settling for a life without either of them now. They were so close, and he felt as if he might literally die if he let them slip through his fingers a second time. He tried his hardest to think of a way of disappearing that didn't hurt anyone, but quickly came to the realization that there was no way to make that happened. Getting infected by the meter rocks were no fun the second time around. At least this time he was able to switched out the blood sample and destroy it, before Lex's new girlfriend could look at it. Somehow he hated her more than he hated Desiree. Mostly because she was smarter and more cunning than Desiree, also because she was human. She was normal, at least physically and he never saw her coming for his best friend the first time. He hated it, but he also knew that Lex was going to have to figure out on his own that she was bad news.
As summer was steadily approaching Clark began going through ideas and tossing them out, though he kept coming back to this would be the perfect time to tell his parents about his sextually. His mother had an easy time accepting it, but Clark was no fool he knew that she accepted it as easily as she did because he was married to a women.
Finally a week before he knew he had to leave, Clark walked in their small kitchen with purpose. "So ready to tell us what's bothering you, son." his dad asked before he even opened his mouth. He didn't know why, but Clark was always amazed by how easily his parents could read him.
His mom was looking at him with tried understanding, but concerned eyes. He noted that even though she always seemed tried, he had never seen her more happy. It broke his heart that in seven days he was going to break hers.
"There's something I have to tell you, please don't freak out." Clark pleaded. It was one of the few things he hadn't had to deal with and he is last timeline and for that he was grateful. Because if he had you might have suffered and heart attack. Because no one's heart was built for the nervousness, anxiety, and fear he was feeling not even the Man of Steel.
He looked his father in the eyes and said "Mom Dad I am bisexual." once he said everything from that moment felt unreal. His mother face contorted into an uneasy smile.
"That's okay Clark, I just want you to be happy." Martha told her adopted son seeing the heartbroken expression growing on his face because of their silence. She had being fearing that Clark was only pretending to okay with the fact she was going to be having a baby, she was so happy to see that that wasn't the case.
If only she hadn't been the only one to have acceptance for her son. Jonathan sat frozen in his seat, staring at a person he felt like he didn't even recognize anymore.
"No, no son of my will be like. . . that." the eldest Kent couldn't even put a name on it. The farmer then said something that would cause a whole new set of nightmares for him. "Clark, son what your saying isn't normal you can't be abnormal. You have to be normal, for your own safety."
Clark had never seen his father like this, the man who he had looked up to for most of his life was looking at him with such disgust and confusion. The way his father was looking at him hurt him way worse than the time he had been dropped in a vat of kryptonite. All of a sudden for Clark it wasn't that hard to run away anymore, all I wanted to do was run from that look dustation and horror that was written all over the man he used be proud to call dad.
Clark didn't stop running until he reached the welcome to Metropolis city sign.