[Before you begin reading, I just want you to know that this chapter is long-winded and EXTREMELY dialogue heavy and is not essential to the plot. If you want to know all about Wilfred's backstory, stick around. If that's not very important to you, it's totally fine if you skip this chapter all together.]

All was quiet inside the living room, save for the soft breathing of Wilfred, Saya, Saeko, Alice, and Zeke. At the end of the couch, was Saeko curled up and resting her head on a pillow atop the armrest with a blanket draped over her; the rest of it was was taken up by Saya laying on Wilfred. Alice and Zeke slept on the other couch.

Slowly and quietly, Takashi descended the stairs and walked over to the couch.

"Wilfred wake up," Takashi said quietly, pushing on his friend's shoulder a few times.

"What is it?" Wilfred asked, eyes still closed.

"You have night watch with Kohta," Takashi replied.

"I'm up," Wilfred whispered, "Let me change and I'll be up there."

"Good. Go up to the balcony and bring a rifle," Takashi instructed before turning around and walking up the stairs.

Wilfred moved Saya's hand off of him and carefully shifted his weight out from under her before gently lowering her body onto the couch and giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. He reached into his duffel bag and retrieved a pair of athletic shorts, a t-shirt, socks, and running shoes. He looked around to make sure no one was awake before discarding his boxers and putting on the shorts and then his shirt, socks and shoes. Wilfred then retrieved his 10/22 and walked up to to the balcony to find Kohta sitting down by himself with his AR10. He moved a chair closer to the ledge and sat on it, laying the rifle on his lap. A cool breeze blew that night, mixing perfectly with the hot summer air.

"Take a look at the road," Kohta instructed.

Wilfred nodded and picked up the rifle, set it up against the ledge, and peered through the scope.

"There's about...twelve of Them in the street, wandering around aimlessly. Nothing else going on," Wilf I red assessed.

"I'm glad we have someone else who knows guns even more than I do," Kohta commented with a relieved tone.

"I remember talking to you at lunch a few times. That's all we ever talked about," Wilfred said, putting a smile on Kohta's face.

"Thanks for making me feel at least a little more normal," Kohta said.

"It's no problem," Wilfred replied.

"What rifle do you have now?" Kohta asked, "I can't see in the dark so well."

"A stainless Ruger 10/22 with a suppressor and a scope,"Wilfred replied.

"That's perfect for this situation," Kohta remarked, "We could clear out large areas of Them without detection as long as we had some distance. And .22 is so small, a child could use it," Kohta said.

"That's right," Wilfred said with a slight smirk.

"I never really knew you before all this. What really made you come here?" Kohta asked, changing the subject.

"Well, part of it was choice and part of it was necessity. And under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be able to tell you. These are not normal circumstances. My father was involved in a lot of special operations and espionage in the US but even I don't know what he really did. My mother was a former officer in the Soviet Army and a member of the Russian mafia. They married for information on one another. Nothing more. However, my twin brothers, Josef and Wilhelm and I were nonetheless the product of this marriage. I think they ended up loving one another...in their own way but that didn't stop her from leaving. After that, my brothers and I were raised in between the US and Germany. My dad ended up marrying the real love of his life a while later and our sister, Viktoria was born. One year later, he was murdered. On the orders of the government, we were separated; Wilhelm and Josef would live in America, and Viktoria and I would live in Germany. We were ordered to speak of each other as little as possible. When I got older, I decided I wanted to move to Japan while Viktoria and Josef wanted to persue Tankery. That is what ended up letting us see each other later on. I moved here when I was thirteen and a year later, Wilhelm disappeared without a trace. I remained here while my two other siblings hopped around between Germany and America. Josef eventually moved to a Japanese school ship and Viktoria stayed in Germany. I haven't seen them since," Wilfred said, almost out of breath.

Kohta sat for a few seconds, astonished at what he heard.

"Aren't you worried about them?" Kohta asked.

"We were taught to live on our own," Wilfred responded.

Kohta simply nodded at his answer.

"What languages do all of you speak?" Kohta asked.

"I speak German, Japanese, Cantonese, and English, Viktoria speaks German, English, French, Spanish, Czech, and Russian, Wilhelm spoke English, German, Spanish, and Italian and Josef speaks English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Japanese. My siblings were always more interested in European languages and it showed with Josef: his Russian is only passable and he struggles very much with Japanese but he sort of got the hang of it, so I've heard," Wilfred said.

"Wow," Kohta said, "You were trained to speak multiple languages by your parents?"

"We were provided with education with languages from an early age as well as later on in life. German and English were mandatory regardless of what we picked to learn," Wilfred replied.

"And why did you decide to learn Cantonese of all languages?" Kohta asked.

"Movies," Wilfred responded, causing Kohta to laugh out loud.

The rest of their watch consisted of talk about thier lives and before they knew it, Saeko and Shizuka came to relieve them.

"Make sure to take care of it, best friend," Wilfred instructed, handing his rifle to Saeko on his way out.

Tired, Wilfred slowly walked down the stairs and into the living room before taking off his shirt, shoes, and socks. He gave Saya a few shoves on the shoulder, causing her to wake up enough for him to be able to get underneath her. In response, she gave him a soft kiss on the lips, layed her head on his chest, and went back to sleep. It didn't take long for him to join her in slumber.