As Issei and Draco approached the restaurant, the two were talking about what happened back there to trigger Draco to lose control. "Seriously, no one kills someone like that. You lost it and murdered him." Issei stated for what seemed like the 10th time of the night. They were 5 minutes away so this talk was driving Draco insane.

"Its typical for wolves to kill other wolves. If you didn't want to fucking see it then you should have left with your fiancée!" Draco shouted as he stopped in his tracks. Issei knew that it was needed but, no one should go about killing at random no matter what happened. "You have had a cozy fucking life Dragon emperor... whats the worst you have fucking had done to you?" Draco asked as he turned his head to Issei with a nasty look. The look alone made Issei flinch slightly.

"I was killed and revived for someone else's own use." Issei said quietly. Looking back at it, he should be grateful that he was revived at all and his grudge was useless in the end. Hagar could have had a worse life but nothing beats dying in Issei's eyes... until he heard Draco's story.

"From an early age, all my friends throughout my life were either killed or committed suicide or they betrayed my trust and left me. That all stopped when I met Sierra and Nicole, my mates. We were having the time of our lives until the day the war came." Draco explained. When he mentioned, Nicole and Sierra, his expression lightened slightly before darkening quickly. "Nicole died in combat while Sierra got amnesia... she doesn't even realize she is a Lycan, she doesn't even remember me." Draco said sadly making Issei regret his words. Leo was the cause of Draco losing Sierra and Nicole. That was about the time that they made it out of the forest and across the street was a beautiful brunette woman that both males instantly saw as a waitress.

She has long brunette hair that went to her shoulder blades and that was in a pony tail. Beautiful greenish brown eyes that would hypnotize any man that stared at them too long, medium sized breasts and standing up at a height of 5'6 and a smile that could kill... and an attitude along with one hell of a mean punch as Issei and Draco both flinched with Issei going "ow" at her punching a guy in the nose and kneeing the other guy in the balls with speed that only an expert martial artist can achieve.

"Uh Draco..."

"Thats Sierra... She never really liked other men talking to her. Only a select few and I got lucky with her allowing me to talk to her." Draco said absent mindedly as he crossed the street with Issei following close behind. As they closed the distance, a brute of a man approached Sierra and pinned her against the wall.

"What was that for sugar?" The man asks but in response, Sierra spit in his face.

"FUCK YOU!" She shouted but the man merely snickered and rubbed the spit out of his face. Hagar was about to kill the man so he picked up the pace leaving Issei in the dust.

"Of course... where should I take you to fuck?" The man asks but was caught off guard when Draco's fist slammed into his cheek sending him to the ground. Draco in that second of slamming him into the ground, grabbed Sierra's wrist and pulled her so that she was behind him while the man rubbed his cheek and stood up. All the while, Issei decided to rest on the railing 10 feet away since he knew what was about to happen since he has done it before.

"Who the hell are yo-" the man started to question but got a foot planted into his throat making the 2 friends that Sierra sent for a loop to instantly back off. Sierra looked at Draco like a plague, guys who save women only want a reward and just tell the other to back off because of some stupid reason... but that all vanished from her head when she heard him.

"She just beat your friends in a flash. Me however, will destroy you and your two pals so badly that it would look like Hulk made you his play thing." Draco growled out as he inched his foot towards the mans jaw making it even harder to breathe. When Sierra saw Draco do this, she had what most would say a vision. She saw a man with black hair smiling back at her with a goofy grin in a long hallway but she shook her head as she watched the men run from Draco. When he turned around though, if not for his quick reflexes he would have had a fist in his abdomen as well as he quickly caught Sierra's fist but unlike other times, this one had a lot of power behind it.

With widened eyes, Draco looked up at Sierra seeing golden slit eyes with a nasty snarl. "How many times have I told you to leave me alone!" Sierra shouted as claws grew and before Draco knew it, she grabbed his shoulder with her free hand and threw him at Issei who couldnt react quick enough and got hit with Draco. A man in his early 30's stepped outside just as the scene unfolded and panicked thinking that they were customers.

"SIERRA WHAT THE HELL?!" He shouted only to see the golden eyes from her. He quickly screamed as Sierra's bloodlust reached a new level. As she ran at the man with intent to kill, a snarl ripped through the air and an overwhelming power that brought Sierra to her knees in seconds. The man ran inside and locked the door as Draco walked around her to the front of her showing off blood red eyes. Sierra's eyes widened at what she was seeing, she only found out about her powers last week and thought she was the only one with these abilities but a new thought entered her mind. 'What is he?'

As if reading her mind, Draco responded, "An alpha. We have the uncanny ability to put others in there place. Even though I love you with all my heart... I cant let you hurt a human. Forgive me." Draco said as he pinched a muscle between her neck and shoulder rendering her out cold. Issei slowly approached just as Draco picked Sierra up bridal style. There was a sadness in his eyes but that quickly went away as he looked at Issei. "Go to your family Storm Dragon. Im going to bring Sierra to my ho..."

"Just shut up and follow me Drake. If you haven't forgotten, you still need a place to sleep and a cave doesnt cut it. We are going to my home now lets go." Issei said interrupting Draco. The alpha just stared dumbly at Issei before simply nodding with a smirk on his face.

"Sure thing. Lead the way."


Draco was currently watching over Sierra, who was in the bed of Yasaka's and Issei's temporary home in the underworld until they knew the threat was over with. As Draco looked at her small smile on her face in her sleep, he remembered back to a time when it was just him and her before the war happened. Before everything in his life went from bad, to hellish. His thoughts were interrupted when Draco heard the door click open. Quickly standing up and throwing a shuriken at the door, Issei barely had time to duck to avoid the ninja hitting his head.

Looking back at Draco wide eyed, he groaned softly as he walked into the room. "Damn Draco watch it. Remember no one is here to harm her." Issei stated matter of factly as Draco's form relaxed. Sighing, Draco went back to watching Sierra. Issei sighed and went next to him and looked at Sierra while Drake started to speak.

"Out of everyone I have met in my life... she actually made it bright and full of happiness. It all started 4 years ago."

Flashback 4 years ago: Draco 15 years old

Draco was standing in front of his new high school nervous to all hell. Normally he wouldn't care, he moved around a bunch cause of his father being in the armed forces as a United States Army Ranger. His father's brother was in the United States Navy SEALs, in Devgru or also known as Seal Team 6. His grandfather was in the rangers and then Delta force. His mother however was something else.

His mother was a pure blooded werewolf or a Lycan as most people called them in older times. She ran away from her pack and found love. He came along 12 months later and has been trained in the arts of everything, even containing his Lycan side in check.

Now, what has a military trained lycan have to be nervous about? The scent of other wolves in the school. Besides his mother, he has never been face to face with another supernatural creature before and it has him on edge.

Swallowing the lump in his throat and shoving the nervousness down, Drake went through the main entrance of the school just as everyone else started showing up. He was suppose to just head straight for the main office, but he decided to explore first. The school was humongous compared to his other ones he attended. But california would do that to a person, throw in the unexpected.

"Damn the school is like a maze." Drake said to himself as he was looking around but he bumped into someone when he wasnt looking. Hearing the female grunt, he instantly looked down and his eyes widened at what he found. A small petite girl with brunette hair, brownish green eyes that looked beautiful to Drake... and one hell of a left hook. Before drake could react, the girl stood up sending a punch directly into his cheek launching him into the lockers behind him. Looking up sharply, he saw the girl standing over him with glowing golden eyes.

"Watch who you bump into. I dont care who you are... Alpha. I will show you your place if you dont." The girl warned as she turned to walk away but stopped when she had her back to him. "I can tell your new so listen up... my name is Sierra Johnson. First born of an Omega and Alpha, pure bloods. The office will be downstairs next to blue hall... go get your schedule and check in." She said as she walked away just as a few friends showed up leaving a stupefied Drake behind.

He had no idea what the hell just happened but he knew one thing. Dont piss off that girl or he will be torn to shreds. Drake stood up and followed her instructions, only to realize this day was far from over.


"Class, welcome Draco Reign to our session. He is a sophomore but compared to the rest of you Juniors and seniors... I think he will best a good amount of you." Coach Han stated. Drake sighed as he stood there in his gym uniform. The school messed up his schedule so now he was in an advanced gym class that was rumored to be... unique. The period he was in was strictly Junior and Senior students so it came as a surprise when he saw Sierra across the gym.

"Alright Drake... go by Aleksander there." Han said pointing to a lean muscular man with dark brown hair. He stood up at 6'4, easily towering over him as he was only 5'8. Drake went and stood by Aleksander and as Han and the female PE teacher met up, to discuss what they were doing, Alex took the time to hold his hand out.

"Welcome aboard Draco." Alex says. Drake took his hand and gave it a shake as he looked Alex in the eye.

"Good to be here." Drake replies back. As the two guys stood by each other, girls from the other class ran up to the male class and started talking and two girls came up, the girl from this morning and another girl who was squealing a lot and hugging Alex tightly.

"WE GET TO WATCH YOU BABE!" The girl shouts. She was 5'8, same height as himself with brown hair and green eyes that were almost like emeralds. Alex seemed to read Drake's mind as he smiled and turned the girl to face him.

"Well then Tamara, meet my new friend here. Drake this is Tamara my girlfriend and her friend there is..."

"Sierra... yeah I met her this morning." Drake stated as he looked at Sierra who coldly stared back. If there was thing that Drake hated, it was being judged and looked down upon. Alex and Tamara looked between the two confused before a whistle was blown. Everyone turned to face Han who was holding two flags.

"Alright. So boys, we are going to be an example for the girls. They are going into the capture the flag unit next, so we will show them how its done. Remember these 3 rules, no killing, no permanent damage, and no weapons. All else goes. NOW FOLLOW ME!" Han shouts as he walks outside and as Drake sniffed the air, he could smell the scent of multiple wolves in the area. This isnt going to go well.


Drake was completely right, when the teams were divided. The other half of the class are wolves and his side were normal humans. The group went into the forest and placed their flags and thats when the game began. Currently, Drake was following Alex to a spot where they could get an advantage.

"Hey, dont let Sierra get into your head. I know she may look cold and be a complete bitch, but deep down she is just lonely. She is also very nice when you melt her exterior." Alex said as he stepped under a branch. Drake followed suit as the duo stopped.

"Okay but why though?" Drake questions as he starts setting up a few snares for the enemy team. This was gonna be fun for him. Fighting was one of the only things he was good at... besides cooking which still shocks him. The thought brought a small chuckle out of Drake as he still remember's his mothers heavenly angry face as she ate his pizza. She loved it so much she was cussing under her breathe while eating it.

"Sierra is like that cause of her royalty. She is from a stupidly rich family. She was told by her parents to always find someone worth fighting for and someone who sees her as Sierra and not a way to unlimited amount of money." Alex stated as he kneeled down. "They're coming and fast." Alex said sort of confused. Drake stopped setting up the third snare and listened and realized Alex was right. They are coming in way to fast for normal human speed.

'Those bastards! They are using wolf abilities!' Drake thought but it was interrupted when 3 blurs ran by hitting Drake and Alex sending them into the trees. Before they could even get up though, 2 guys picked them up by the collar of their uniform and lifted them off the ground with inhuman strength.

"Look at the new kid... and Han thought he was a math for us." A man with blonde hair stated as he held Drake up. Drake looked over and saw Alex in the same predicament but he just let it happen. As if this happened all the time.

{Team Alpha is about to capture the flag.} Han announced throughout the forest. Alex sighed but quickly widened his eyes as he saw Drake smirk.

"Han was right. I am on par with you all." Drake stated as he sent his knee to the guys jaw shocking the guy and loosening his hold on Drake.

Dropped to the ground, Drake crouched down and jumped forward slamming his shoulder into the guys stomach hard enough for the man to cough up spit. Quickly stopping as he saw the man go 3 feet hitting his back on the forests floor, drake turned quick enough to stop a punch dead in its tracks. Retaliating with his own, Drake knocked the guy for a loop before turning around catching the previous guys wrist and in one swift motion, turned around and throw the guy into the second person.

The resulting slam of bodies knocked both of them out for the remainder of the match. Alex smirked and knew that this guy was gonna be fun to fight against but first things first, "Yo lets go get our flag back now. Cause finally we have someone who can help me win this shit." Alex stated as Drake turned to him and nodded.

"Lets get this shit over with." Drake said with a dangerous smirk.


"You know he is something else." Tamara stated as she and the girls class watched the battle. Sure enough when the camera turned to Alex and Drake, they were in for a shock as Drake easily dispatched the two male wolves with little to no effort at all. Sierra couldn't put it into words but she was shocked. This morning came back in full swing and she realized that even if she used her full power, if this guy wanted to, he could have easily blocked or dodged her attack yet he took it. There was something off about him but she couldnt exactly place it.

"SIERRA!" Tamara shouts for the 9th time gaining her best friends attention.

"What?" She responds. Tamara grew a smirk and Sierra knew that it meant trouble. Every time she had a smirk, she blushed dark shades of red.

"What do you think of Alex's new friend? I was thinking about asking him to join us for dinner tonight." Tamara informed her but to her surprise, Sierra just shrugged.

"Do whatever." Sierra said as she looked back at the screen seeing Drake smirk dangerously... sending a chill of thrill down her spine for the first time.

And done. Now for a quick AN/ question. For the next few chapters, it will be a back story of Drake and Sierra to get to know them more since they will play an important part of Issei's life and future decisions. Now if you all like these next few chapters, maybe Ill make it a story and have it a lot more detailed and such. But let me know if you guys would want that. Anyways let me know i you guys enjoyed and as always, Stay Frosty Everyone.