Okay so this story will be replacing Dragons Wrath for the time being. Now before anyone flips shit, this story is not meant to be taken seriously. If you like it then cool if not then dont read it. This chapter and the next 2 will be extremely similar to Slavic Warriors "Road of Domination" and truthfully, this was also his idea of doing. So if you take this as plagerism, take it up with him cause all you will get is ignored.

Now, this doesn't mean I am going to copy his story exactly, the beginning of the Riser arc is where it will most likely separate into it's own little thing and plus the harem in this story will only be 3 girls.

Final thing, do not forget to check out Slavic Warrior who is the co-writer for this story and TheSous who is also a good writer and helping with idea's. Anyways I hope you enjoy and I will see you all on the next one.

Summary: Issei Hyoudou is a very loyal person who would help anyone that he is able to save. But this can't be said for everyone, what if he found out the real reason he was turned into a devil... by the person who put him into the predictament to begin with.

AU, Small Harem, OOC, Strong Issei, Less perverted Issei, OC sacred gear.






XXXXXX - Scene skip

Heavenly Storm Chapter 1


"You aren't running away you bitch!" roared Issei to the fallen angel known as Raynare, who was trying to fly away with her wings.

"No, get away from me you monster!" shouted Raynare as Issei took hold of her leg with his right hand as the necklace around his neck with as the black gem at the base of the necklace shouted (DOUBLE) Issei brought Raynare closer to him.

"THIS IS FOR ASIA YOU FALLEN CROW!" Issei shouted with one massive punch to her cheek, Issei sent her into the wall with his right hand. Raynare hit the wall with a lot of force to the point that it broke it and she went flying out into the backyard of the church.

With his opponent defeated, Issei fell to the ground only to be caught Kiba. Issei with a tired expression turned to Kiba with a small smile.

"Yo Cassanova... you're late." said Issei to Kiba.

"Sorry Issei, President orders were to not intervene." said Kiba

"Wait, the president told you that?" Issei replied with a shocked tone.

"Yes, I told Kiba not to intervene because I have full confidence that you could take her down on your on." said a new voice. Issei turned to the sound of the voice to see Rias as she entered the basement with her Queen Akeno. "And I must say excellent job my adorable pawn." Said Rias.

"Ara ara, it looks like Issei did a good job." Akeno said with a smile on her face and a lick of her lips that sent a little shiver down Issei's spine.

"Thanks, Akeno." Issei replied to Akeno as she smiled happily.

"President... I brought the trash." Said a small white haired girl as she throws the unconscious form of the Fallen Angel on the floor in front of the group.

"Thank you Koneko, now Akeno what do you say about waking up our little gest?" Rias requested as she thanked her Rook and asked her Queen.

"Yes President." Akeno said as she held her hand out forming a small magic circle in her palm.


Raynare was immediately awakened after the cold water hit her body. She looked around, the sight in front of her made her blood chill and her body to shake in fear.

"Ooooh you are finally awake I see. Well, introductions are in order, I'm Rias Gremory, the heiress of the Gremory clan, and these are my adorable servants. You already know my Pawn, the others are my Queen Akeno, Rook Koneko, and the Knight Kiba. Not that was necessary because you're not going to live for long," Said Rias to the shocked Raynare.

"Gremory...you think you won just because you're here with your servants... There are other Fallen Angel's here with me. They will soon come to hel-"

"They won't come to help you because my Queen and I finished them off before coming here. I think you can recognize these feathers. You Fallen can see the difference in them from who they are, can't you?" Rias stopped the Fallen in mid-sentence.

Terror overtook Raynare as she saw feathers of her fallen comrades and allies Kalawarner, Dohnassek and Mittelt in the hands of Crismon Haired Princess of Destruction.

"You want to know why you lost to this boy?" Asked Rias as she looks in the purple eyes of the shaking Raynare.

"The answer to that is very simple. His Sacred Gear isn't a Twice Critical. It's the Storm Necklace. the sacred gear that holds of The Dragon of Storm. But he is also known by another name... the STORM DRAGON EMPEROR." Explained Rias as Raynare stared at her before her eyes turns to Issei.

"Y-yo-you are saying that the legendary and one of the most powerful Sacred Gears in the world is in the hands of this pervert?!" Shouted Raynare in disbelief.

"Yes, it is, and just as it was told... it has the power to double, even triple ones strength every 20 seconds and even if given the time he can boost himself to the power that can reach the power of the satan's and God himself. And that is just the basic power of it." Said Rias calmly. Issei simply stared at the necklace before hearing a tiny voice but ignored it as he turned his attention back to everyone else.

"Now that the explanation is over, it's time to wrap thing's up here and go home. But first, we need to return Twilight Healing that you stole from cute little Asia, so prepare yourself, this is the end of you Fallen Angel Raynare. You made a lot of trouble for my adorable little Pawn and his friend." Rias said as she raised up her hand and started to form a black orb of Destruction that grew in volume very slowly. Just before she was to fire the magic that can destroy anything, a new voice made itself know.

"Me, here!" Shouted a very unwelcome guest. Raynare shot up when she heard the voice, maybe she could have a chance to survive this after all.

"Freed save me, I will do anything, just get me out of here!" Shouted Raynare at Freed who took time to think about it. He started to rub his chin comically as he thought about what he wanted.

"Anything? Hmmm...I always wanted to have sex with a Fallen Angel...yes yes, that would be a good price for saving you..." said Freed in his relaxed tone.

"D-Don't be an idiot and save me already you buffoon!" Raynare yelled back as she was getting pretty pissed at the laid back priest while her life was at stake.

"No, no, no sex. No, no, no save. Even if I try, I can't beat all of them together, so I will leave you. Have fun." Said Freed as he looked around till he spotted Issei and had a large smile on his face.

"Issei, Issei, you have such beautiful power with you. I'm getting more and more excited about killing you. So when we see each other again let's have a beautiful and romantic fight to the death, ok, ok, ok?" Said Freed with a wink making Issei shiver from the clear bloodlust that the crazy priest has.

"Bye-bye, have fun with her." Said Freed before running away from the group. The group at first was felt threatened but by the end, most of them were too confused to do anything. Rias shook her head before turning her attention back to Raynare.

"Now Raynare it's time to finish this." Said Rias now that the crazy priest was gone.

Raynare for her part was trembling out of fear now that her one way out was gone, she looked around and saw her last bit of hope to get out of here alive.

"Issei help me, please help me." Raynare said in her Yumma voice that was even more pleading. Getting caught off guard, Issei hung his head low before walking forward a little.

"Why should I help you? You deceived and killed me and now you did the same to Asia, why should I help you?" Said Issei with his head down, hair hiding his eyes. Although he still felt bad for her, even though she did kill him- she was still his first girlfriend.

"Please Issei I will do anything, anything just help me, together we can beat these Devils." Raynare said with her eyes full of tears. She still had little hope that she can manipulate Issei into helping her.

"That's enough of you Fallen Angel. I will not allow you to manipulate even more my cute adorable servent's emotions, is that understood!?" Said Rias as she put her hand on Issei's shoulder which made him a little calmer.

Seeing this Raynare understood what had happened and how Issei was back to the land of the living after she blasted a hole in his guts. She thought of a thing that gave her one last chance of saving her.

"Issei, how can you trust her?" Raynare said to Issei, who lifted his head to look at her like she had grown a second head.

"She is my master... she saved me." Issei simply stated.

"Oooh and how did that came about?" Asked Raynare now that she felt a little bit of her confidence coming back.

All Devils tensed at that as they all knew full well how it came about and that it would lead to catastrophe if Issei found out. After all, even the newly awakened Storm Dragon Emperor can be a destructive force that can easily destroy Kuoh if he unlocks Juggernaut Drive and let his emotions run wild.

Issei didn't see the Devils behind him tense at the question and answered the question easily. "If you must know, after you blew my guts out with that spear and left me to die, the President came and saved my life and revived me as her pawn."

That was all that Raynare needed to press the advantage on the Devils and use Issei as her way out.

"Then why didn't she tell you earlier and save you when she had a chance before I killed you?" Asked the Fallen. That simple sentence made the Devils even tenser and left Issei for a loop.

"What are you blabbing about Raynare?" Asked the brunette in confusion. Still not knowing what the Fallen in front of him is saying.

"It's simple Issei, that red-head knows who and what anything does here in her territory. She knew what I was doing and what I had planned. She could have helped you to and easily stop me but she let you die so she can revive you to add you to her collection." Explained Raynare now feeling that she only needed a little push and she would have Issei on her side and get out. She knew that Issei was emotionally damaged after what happened between them and she planned to take advantage of him now.

Issei was now even more confused. It didn't make any sense to him, why would Rias, a girl he admires, leave him to die? Sure he was the biggest pervert in history but still, that didn't mean to just let him die.

Issei just stood there with eyes wide and not knowing what was happening. But when he turned to Rias and the others, he was even more surprised that Rias and other look like they were caught red-handed.

"Guys, is she lying? " The brunette asked. He was desperate, he needed to know that Raynare was trying to manipulate him so he could stop her. But the looks everyone had and the lack of a response was the answer he received. He felt his heart drop to the depths of a void as he hung his head low with his hair covering his eyes as he started to doubt his second family. "IS SHE LYING?" Issei shouted scaring the devils.

"What I'm telling is truth Issei, I may have betrayed your trust and killed you but I never lied to you, unlike some people here." Raynare said to him sincerely. She may be trying to manipulate him but she was also going to do it with truth, it hurt way worse then mere lies. Plus to her, this was getting good so all she needed was to push a bit more towards the void.

"I really loved and had a lot of fun on our date, but orders are orders I hope you know that right?" Raynare stated. Hopefully if he does betray the devils, maybe just maybe she can bring him back to HQ and have him a loyal Fallen angel supporter.

Issei was now betrayed and heartbroken even more. He really didn't want to believe what the foul Fallen was saying but a small part of him knew she was telling him the truth. That small part of him knew that he shouldn't trust the devils and that being alone was far better then being lied to and manipulated.

"Why?" He asked in a completely different voice. His voice hasn't changed, but the tone was much more... empty. He showed no emotion, all he shown was betrayal and it hurt him badly.

"It's very simple Issei it's the very same reason I had to kill you. Because of the Sacred Gear, you possess." Said Raynare with a grin as she pointed with her hand at blue necklace with the black gem at the base around his neck. The gem wasn't big but it was outlined by blue. The chain however was different, not what you would expect from a sacred gear... it was a regular ball chain necklace.

"Is what she says... the truth?" Issei asked again and like before there was no response. Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko had their head's bowed down having no answer and refusing to look into the brunette's eyes. That left Issei empty with his will broken and now the anger and rage that was inside him started to release a lot of aura around unintentionally. He started to feel even more powerful with each second. He was getting angrier and it started to showing to others. He was going to get the answers as to why he was left to die, and why he was again being manipulated.

Rias finally got over her shock wanting to end this quickly before it got even worse. She felt that the seals that she put on Issei when she revived him starting to break. The seals were to keep his full power at bay and now he was slowly getting to his full power. So she decided to step in front of the broken form of Raynare with her demonic energy gathering in her hand like before but this time she wasn't going to let anyone interfere... or so she thought.

"Fallen Angel Raynare, you have done enough damage with your words and actions, you have played with my adorable little Pawn's emotion's for the final time." Rias informed the Fallen with a cold and dangerous voice.

That was enough to break Issei out of his thoughts, as he turned around he was meet with the sight that was telling him that if he doesn't do something he wasn't going to get any answers.

" I-Iss..." Raynare begun to say when she felt that her doom was at hand.

As the demonic energy in Rias hand grows, Raynare tried one last time to make him do anything.


In that moment Issei finally decided to stop this and he stood in front of the Fallen with his hands spread out. Surprising everyone present.

"I-Ise what are you doing? Move so I can end this filth." Said a surprised Rias. However, Issei didn't budge. He stayed in the same spot with his arms spread out in a protective form.

"No one is going to die tonight." Issei said as his head was down with his hair covering his eyes from everyone. Everyone felt a shiver go down their spine when they heard no emotion in his voice. In their experience, someone with no emotion was either really easy to deal with, or extremely dangerous person to handle.

"Issei, please." Rias told him softly as she moved to towards him and tried to put her hand on his shoulder. This proved to be a nasty mistake as Issei snapped his head up with a face full of rage.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Issei yelled as he was starting to shake in rage. Along with his rage, his aura started to grow more powerful by the second. Issei was gonna show that no one should underestimate any Dragon Emperor and that the title wasn't for show. As Rias stood in place, she felt the Issei break through the last seal making his power easily match her max power.

The Devils were in complete shock. They were in shock that their second-year friend and comrade had snapped. Even more at the girl that he was idolizing. When they felt his power increase drastically, they felt fearful thinking that the Juggernaut drive will make its appearance.

"Issei please move aside so we can and this and we can talk later ok?" Rias asked Issei in the smoothest and tenderest voice that she could muster.

"SHUT UP!" Roared Issei as his eyes turn to a deep royal blue with a slit in his eyes like a snake that were full of the fury and rage with his aura increasing in volume that made all of them step back.

"Now before anything else happens, I'm going to get some answers, is that understood?" He told them in the voice that was full of power and authority. But seeing that no one spoke or confirmed anything made him even angrier and even closer to lashing out at them. "I SAID IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!?" He roared as he unleashes even more aura and the church began to shake with his voice and aura.

Seeing this, all of them nodded in fear of what may happen if he was refused. To refuse an angry pissed off dragon is the like begging for death in the most gruesome way.

"Good, now then, what was the real reason you revived me Rias?" Asked Issei in cold and dangerous tone that promised pain and death if he wasn't given the real reason.

"I-...I was banking on you, that you have a powerful Sacred Gear." Answered the red head.

"And you would have left me for dead if I hadn't had it ?" he asked.


"RIASSSS!" Yelled Issei seeing her trying to think of another way to answer him.


Issei's eyes hardened and narrowed even more still green color radiate from his eyes making them even more dangerous. With that done, Issei turned to Raynare who was now even more scared for her life. She thought that she was stronger then the Pawn but that was a very long shot. When she took a look into his eyes, they practically said that if she tried anything and it would be her instant death.

"Rias." Issei told to the stunned red-haired heiress as she was still frozen in shock and fear from the power he emitted.

"Y-Yes, Issei?" Asked the heiress.

"You do have some evil pieces with you, right? " He didn't even bother to turn around, Rias stiffened at his question.

"Yeah I have, but Iss-"

"You are going to reincarnate this little crow over here is that clear?" Issei told Rias. He was sick of being used for some type of benefit. This was his payback for both of them using him.

"EEEEH?" Said both Rias and Raynare at what Issei said.

"Rias! " Issei threatened

"Y-yesss..." Rias quickly said in fear

"Hey! Don't I have a say in this?" Raynare said in anger.

That was enough to make Issei took her arm and yank her toward him. Her face a few centimeters from his.

"You can choose. Serve or die... your choice Raynare. Because right now I'm so little away from snapping you like a twig . You killed two innocent people. Both me and Asia and truthfully, I don't want someone like Asia to be revived and serve someone who lies and deceives others to become her servants." Issei told her in a cold voice as he pointed to Rias at the end of his sentence.

Rias wanted to argue because her pride was hurt, but his royal blue radiant eyes prevented her from doing it.

"Rias, Think of it this way... Raynare here now possesses Asia's Sacred Gear Twilight Healing and she already has good control of it. Plus she will benefit both sides." Issei informed her as Raynare tried to get away from Issei.

"Hey, I didn't agree to this! " Yelled the Fallen Angel trying to get away from the angry Issei.

"You had your chance to choose, right now nothing is stopping me from destroying you and ripping you to shreds for what you did to Asia." Issei threatened in a deep voice with pure rage. Raynare shivered from the voice and knew she had to pick.

"Choose now Death or Servitude. This is your last chance." Issei questioned in a dark voice, his royal blue eyes drilling holes into Raynare's purple ones.

Raynare was left with one real choice and that was servitude, so she just nodded to Issei and stopped trying to pull herself off him resulting in her surrender.

Seeing this, Issei just nodded and turned to Rias.

"Do it." Issei said as he lightly pushed Raynare to the heiress.

It was all done quickly it didn't take any more then a few minutes for the procedure to be done and Raynare to become half Fallen angel and half Devil. After the it was all done, Issei turned towards Asia's lifeless form.

"Good, now all of you get out. I will see you when I feel like it." Ordered Issei as he took a few step's towards the fallen form of the nun. Everyone else quickly left not wanting to get an angry dragon even angrier and feeling his wrath first hand.

"Asia. Asia, I swear to you now I won't be late ever again. I will change my way's for the better that I promise you and I hope that I can see you in heaven if I ever get there." Issei swore to the body of Asia as if she was still there.

"Goodbye my true friend and sorry for not being there for you." Said Issei as he now had tears in his eyes.

After a few more seconds he stands up and left, missing the glowing light that surrounded Asia's body before a cross symbol appears leaving nothing behind.