(What's up guys? Hi-fives? No? Nice talking. Most of you probably want to kill me right now. You are most probably screaming, "WHY DID IT TAKE YOU SO LONG!?" I am truly sorry. I'll make it up to you guys. I swear on the River Styx. The River Styx will probably kill me as soon as I upload this chapter. If I don't make a new chapter, assume that the River Styx has killed me for breaking my promise.) On a completely different note: I got two reviews, one said that I should write the whole dialogue, while others said that I should only write snippets because beware of copyrights. Could you guys enlighten me on the safer option here? I'll try out complete sentences for this chapter.

-Peace out, guys.

Me: Ready to cooperate Percy?

Percy: Hmmm-no.

Me: Sad…I was just about to bring you a Happy Meal.

Percy: What? NOOOOOOOO!

Me: What about you Magnus?

Magnus: I'm not really hungry.

Me: It seems that you don't want falafel either. leaves

Magnus: Falafel? You never said falafel! Wait, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Me: BTW, I own none of RR's work, all credit goes to RR for his great work.

-HV: Annabeth POV

Hunding grabbed the book, then he squinted at it before scratching his beard. "The Man with the Metal Bra?"

My eyebrow crept up just the smallest bit, my cousin wearing a pained expression on his face. Then Alex's face popped up in front of Magnus, the corners of her lips turned down in an accusatory frown.

"Is that supposed to be a jest against the gay community?", she asked him. Magnus' eyes widened like drachmas, "No, not at all! It's a jest about Vikings! You remember that statue of Leif Erikson, right?"

At those words, Alex's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Leif Erikson, eh?" Alex then transformed into a mouse, scurrying over to the Thanes table.

Sam then seemed to realize what Alex was scheming. She stood up, flying over to the Thanes table. Magnus had no idea what was happening, but watched as Alex whispered into the ear of Leif Erikson. My cousin started to turn green as he realized what must have been happening, and he clambered to run away to the exit of the Feast Hall.

Leif Erikson growled as he realized that Magnus was talking about him in the chapter's title. "Kill Magnus Chase and his friends! Make them pay!" No one responded, and Leif Erikson said something else that made everyone in the room stand up and charge after Magnus. The yell of need to kill Magnus drowned out what he had said, so Alex told me later on.

Apparently, he had said that whoever kills Magnus would get a hefty prize of red gold. Percy launched after Magnus, intent on protecting him from everyone who wanted to slaughter him. I was informed after the event that Percy totally forgot that Magnus would be resurrected after dying.

Percy fought like a demon, hacking and slashing with riptide. Each swing brought another wave of enemies down. He parried a flying axe, broke a spear in half, and sent a sword straight back to its owner. But I knew that Percy would soon be overwhelmed, and I had a feeling that his attackers had no idea that he would not be resurrected like Magnus.

"We have to help him!", I yelled at Alex. "Why?", she asked. "If he dies he'll be back up in a few hou- ". Realization dawned on Alex's face. "He's not immortal! Samirah, let's go! Annabeth you stay here, the crowd out there would kill you too.

I watched in awe as the Floor 19 gang charged at the army of teenagers in an attempt to save Percy, who was also saving Magnus.

-Magnus POV

My mouth hung open, watching Percy decimate the army of Vahalla one-by-one. Jack buzzed against my chest, and I brought him out of pendant form.

"What's up, Magnus? Oh! It's that hot babe, Riptide! Magnus, I have to help her out." Jack started glowing a weird pink color, and I let him charge into the fray to help Percy. Percy seemed to be startled that a floating sword was next to him, but smiled as he recognized Jack.

"Hey there, Percy! I see that your fine blade is in action there." Jack tried to sidle up to riptide, but Percy was swinging his sword around too fast. Jack decided to just smooth talk riptide while fighting off some attackers. Everything looked under control, Percy could handle it!

But I realized just how many people were on my tail, and I lost hope. We were now cornered, and Percy had various arrows that sprouted from his arms and legs. I watched in horror as a throwing knife plunged into his left shoulder with enough force to make him stumble backwards, giving a perfect opportunity for a war hammer to swing towards his skull.

Then a bright light erupted in front of me, as I watched Sam's Valkyrie spear parry the hammer away. I smiled with a renewed effort, as Floor 19 charged the army fearlessly. TJ with his bayonet in hand, Mallory with her knives flashing by her side, Halfborn with a giant battle axe, and Alex with her signature garrote.

I watched as Percy stood up, an undeniable anger in his sea green eyes. Water began to fly towards him, coming from the waterfalls in the Feast Hall, the water swirled around him, building up slowly. A tornado formed around him, whipping through the air. Then he launched at the mob, bringing with him a 10-foot tall tidal wave.

Fighting came to a halt. Everyone had paused in whatever they were doing, the cold water seemed to have stopped all they're fighting. But only for a second. They instantly went back to attacking Percy and me and Floor 19, a few Valkyries joined in too, others clamoring to kill me, while others were trying to stop the chaos.

Then I watched as a small mob, like 20 of them parted from the group, heading to the one other person that was still alone in the Feast Hall. Annabeth.

Percy fought as hard as he could, ignoring the searing pain of arrows and knives. But something caught the corner of his eye, Annabeth being surrounded by 20 other guys, all of them holding wickedly dangerous pointed weapons, all of them raised their weapons and Percy bellowed in outrage.

The whole hotel shook, like a massive earthquake was going on. Everyone fell down, others impaling themselves on their spears and swords as they did. Tables shook, rafters fell, cracks broke open in the ground. Geysers of water exploded into the air, as I watched Percy stand in the middle of it all.

He emanated an aura of power, so strong that anyone would bow down to it. I recalled when Annabeth was telling her story, about how Percy turned down immortality. Only now did I see how he could be offered such a gift. The earth continued to shift and move, the walls of Valhalla starting to break apart. I watched as Percy raised his hand, and the ground seemed to swell under our feet. The last thing I remembered was Percy slamming his hand into the ground, and how Valhalla was instantly flooded.

-Percy's POV

I groaned, my head was spinning wildly, and I tried to remember what happened. Fight, Annabeth, Magnus, army, flood. Annabeth! I instantly stood up, rushing to Annabeth's side. She looked unfazed, dripping wet with a few small bruises, but in no imminent danger. The Feast Hall looked completely different, everything was wet, and there were multiple cracks that sneaked up the wall and through the floor.

Annabeth then filled me in on everything that happened, and I smiled in relief that she was safe. Everything was sorted out later on, and a "Sorry" was passed on to me for trying to kill me. I shrugged it off, but Annabeth still had a frown on her face.

Once everyone had dried up and were back in their seats, Hunding started again.

'The family mansion sucked. Oh, sure, you wouldn't think so. You'd see the massive six-story brownstone with gargoyles on the corners of the roof, stained glass transom windows, marble front steps, and all the other blah, blah, blah, rich-people-live-here details, and you'd wonder why I'm sleeping on the streets.'

I nodded, "Why are you living on the streets again?"

'Two words: Uncle Randolph.'

My head tilted sideways, "I have a hard time recollecting after that whole skirmish, who's Uncle Randolph again?"

"You'll learn soon enough.", Magnus replied.

'It was his house. As the oldest son, he'd inherited it from my grandparents, who died before I was born. I never knew much about the family soap opera-'

I grinned devilishly. "See! I said that it was a soap opera earlier!" Annabeth just rolled her eyes at me.

', but there was a lot of bad blood between the there kids: Randolph, Frederick, and my mom. After the Great Thanksgiving Schism-'

Annabeth smirked at Magnus, "You make it sound like a battle in World War II or something."

', we never visited the ancestral home again. Our apartment was, like, half a mile away, but Randolph might as well have lived on Mars. My mom only mentioned him if we happened to be driving past the brownstone. Then she would point it out the way you might point out a dangerous cliff. "See? There it is. Avoid it."'

"Yet you still didn't avoid it.", we all said in unison. "You're kind of like Percy over here.", Annabeth poked me jokingly.

'After I started living on the streets, I would sometimes walk by at night. I'd peer in the windows and see glowing display cases of antique swords and axes, creepy helmets with facemasks staring at me from the walls, statues silhouetted in the upstairs windows like petrified ghosts.'

"So he's a nut?", I asked. Annabeth gave me a look that I knew all too well. "No brain-to-mouth filter, seaweed brain. We should really consider buying you one."

'Several times I considered breaking in to poke around, but I'd never been tempted to knock on the door. Please, Uncle Randolph, I know you hated my mother and haven't seen me in ten years; I know you care more about your rusty old collectibles than you do about your family; but may I live in your fine house and eat your leftover crusts of bread?'

I grimaced as I thought back on the Gods, and how sometimes, they treated their kids like that too.

'No thanks. I'd rather be out on the street, eating day-old falafel from the food court.'

"Does falafel really taste good?", I asked, a skeptical look on my face. Magnus nodded at me with a dreamy look of hunger on his face, "I'll treat you to some as soon as lunch comes around. Which should be right after this chapter."

'Still…I figured it would be simple enough to break in, look around, and see if I could find answers about what was going on. While I was there, maybe I could grab some stuff to pawn.'

-Magnus POV

My cousin and Sam both gave me disappointed looks, but Alex paid no heed to the fact that I would do such a thing. "Theft, Magnus? Really?", Annabeth asked me.

'Sorry if that offends your sense of right and wrong. Oh, wait. No, I'm not.'

"That's my answer.", I told her. "A pretty rude one.", Sam countered.

'I don't steal from just anybody. I choose obnoxious jerks who have too much already. If you're driving a new BMW and you park it in a handicapped spot without a disabled placard , then yeah, I've got no problem jimmying your window and then taking some change from your cup holder. If you're coming out of Barneys with your bag of silk handkerchiefs, so busy talking on your phone and pushing people out of your way that you're not paying attention, I am there for you, ready to pickpocket your wallet. If you can afford five thousand dollars to blow your nose, you can afford to buy me dinner.'

Mallory cheered. "I wholeheartedly approve!" Sam just shook her head in dismay.

'I am judge, jury, and thief.'

"I'm Batman.", Percy said in a deep growling voice. Laughter was held back around the table.

'And as far as obnoxious jerks went, I figured I couldn't do better than Uncle Randolph. The house fronted Commonwealth Avenue. I headed around back to the poetically named Public Alley 429. Randolph's parking spot was empty. Stairs led down to the basement entrance. If there was a security system, I couldn't spot it. The door was a simple latch lock without even a deadbolt. Come on, Randoplh. At least make it a challenge.'

Annabeth's brow was now twitching. "Something is off about this whole thing." She couldn't be more right.

'Two minutes later I was inside. In the kitchen I helped myself to some sliced turkey, crackers, and milk from the carton. No falafel. Dammit.'

Percy nudged me, "All those delicious choices and you're still angry that there's no falafel?"

'Now I was really in the mood for some, but I found a chocolate bar and stuffed it in my coat pocket for later. (Chocolate must be savored, not rushed.)'

The whole Feast Hall belched their agreement. I suddenly heard something like a cowbell behind me, and was surprised to see that the bacon stand had suddenly been replaced with a chocolate bar stand. About half of the people in the feast hall lined up, including Hunding.

Helgi, who noticed that no one was around to read the book, decided that it would be continued after Hunding got his chocolate, and we were given a 5 minute break. I decided to give Annabeth and Percy a quick tour of Valhalla.

(that will be all for this chapter! Hot damn that's 5 pages when I wrote it. Took me a looong while to write this. Stay tuned you guys!)