Summary: On the morning after Mint Eye's arrest, Saeran is unexpectedly reunited with MC when he saves her from danger, again.

Set in Ray Route's Bad Relationship End 2. For Saeran Week 2018 Day 7: Reunion.

A/N: Here's the long overdue chapter 2. I apologize for the long delay. Life happens sometimes. This one is both a parallel and a sequel to the first chapter.

Disclaimer: Mystic Messenger and all its wonderful characters are properties of Cheritz. This is simply a work of a fan who is patiently waiting for Another Story After Ends (and Secret Ends!) where Saeran and Saeyoung are finally reunited.

A real-time footage of the façade of an apartment complex is currently playing on the computer screen. There's nothing to show except for a lady tenant entering her unit. Saeran watches the feed a minute more before deciding to get back to his work on consolidating evidences against Mint Eye.

"Go talk to her."

Saeran sighs as he turns away from the computer to face his older twin who enters the computer room with a pack of Honey Butter chips on hand. "You know I can't."

"Sure you can." Saeyoung insists. "You just don't want to, despite stalking her for months already."

The younger twin pouts at the insinuation. "I'm just checking on her occasionally."

Saeyoung stops stuffing his face with this favorite chips. He slowly licks his lips and flashes a shit-eating grin on Saeran. "If 'occasionally' means having hacked and reprogrammed the street CCTV camera positioned across her apartment building to send real-time footages to your computer every 8AM and 6PM, then sure, you only check on her," he makes air-quotation marks with his fingers, "occasionally."

"I-wha-how did you know that?" Saeran sputters, a raging blush creeps up on his cheeks. His skin is almost as red as their natural hair color now.

Saeyoung laughs out loud, thoroughly amused at Saeran's indignation. "Well, this is my house and that," he points at Saeran's computer, "is my old computer. You can't keep secrets from me when you're using my old gadgets, Bro."

The younger twin narrows his eyes at his brother. "You're unbelievable."

Saeyoung laughs again then ends it with a sigh, his face turning serious. "Go back to her, Saeran. I only got to talk to her in the chatroom but I know she's a good girl. You shouldn't make her worry for this long."

"She's an angel." Saeran whispers wistfully. "But she's better off without me. I…" he sighs, "I did despicable things to her. I don't deserve to see her anymore."

"Funny, that's also how I used to think before I got kidnapped and thought I was gonna die without seeing my twin again." Saeyoung smiles as he looks directly at his brother. "Thank God I was rescued by the exact person I wanted to see the most."

Saeran shakes his head. "It's not the same. You left because you thought it's what's good for us back then. You entered the Agency so Father can't trace you and you trusted V and Rika that they will take care of me." He says. "I left her behind because I can't take the guilt anymore. I've hurt her, Hyung."

"I think you've more than made up to her by getting her out of Mint Eye." says Saeyoung.

"I got her out because I brought her there in the first place." Saeran counters.

"Why are you so stubborn about this?" Saeyoung sighs again. "From what I remember from the chats, she likes you a lot – No, she loves you. She purposely hid the fact that she was with you, the hacker back then, to protect you."

"That was before I hurt her." Saeran sighs. "She must hate me now."

"Well, you would know." Saeyoung lifts his glasses and massages the bridge of his nose. "You hated me when you thought I abandoned you. So now you think she hates you because you left her without an explanation."

"That's not true!" Saeran protests but Saeyoung looks at him sternly.

The younger twin averts his eyes. "Well, yeah, I did. I let Mint Eye make me hate you for leaving me behind."

Saeyoung takes in a deep breath, readying himself for a long talk. "Saeran, don't be like me. I left you without telling you why. I never checked how you were. I deluded myself that you're doing okay with Rika because of the pictures she showed me. I know I should have at least checked on you personally, even just once. I kept telling myself that secret agents can't have ties so I'm not allowed to see you. But in fact, I was afraid that if I see you, I'll never be able to leave you again. I was a coward, Saeran."

"Hyung, stop." Saeran pleads. "We've talked about this before. We've decided to move on from that. No more blaming."

"Then stop blaming yourself as well, Saeran." Saeyoung follows up. "I'm thankful that you have forgiven me, but you have to forgive yourself too. You were not in total control when you were in Mint Eye. You know that, right?"

Saeran raises his hands in surrender. "Fine. I'll think about it."

The look on Saeyoung's face is skeptical but he decides to drop the subject for now. He simply nods at his brother and leaves the room, probably to get a can of Doctor Pepper.

Saeran returns to his work, pulling up multiple media websites in search of more news that may relate to Magenta and Mint Eye.

Days passed in the Choi Bunker quietly, both twins working on the Mint Eye plan as per instructed by V and Jumin. The other RFA members are doing their best to help out too, with the exception of Yoosung who still has to come into terms with the truth about Rika. It was a hard pill to swallow so it was implicitly agreed on that they will give him the time and space he needs to sort his feelings.

V keeps in touch with the twins this time, making sure that they are both safe. He does not fail to remind them that he'd already lost them at two separate occasions. He and Saeran worked hard to recover Saeyoung from their father's clutches and get the twins to reunite. V will be damned if it they get separated again. That's why the guy calls the twins alternately every night. V never misses, not even on the day RFA exposed Mint Eye to the media.

It was a hectic day, with the RFA on the forefront, naming politicians, businessmen and other influential people involved in Mint Eye's activities. The invited Media personnel at the press conference had a field day, asking questions left and right. Thankfully, ZEN, RFA's elected spokesperson, did a wonderful job of delivering RFA's stance on the issue. Given that he's an actor, he will also be benefitting from the exposure. This is, of course, included in Saeyoung's calculations. As it was immediately decided that the Choi twins will not be involved in RFA's press con due to their family situation, Saeyoung and Saeran worked hard on the preparation aspect, crunching data that would benefit RFA's cause before and during the conference. They also prepared multiple contingencies for several scenarios as requested by Jumin and Jaehee.

As the day comes to a close, Saeran's phone rings right on cue. It was time for V's call. Saeran shows the caller id to Saeyoung and signals that he will be going out of the computer room for a while to answer V.

Saeran sits on the couch as he picks up the call. "Hello, V."

"I'd like to thank you again, Saeran." V says on the phone. "We wouldn't get this far without you and Saeyoung. By now, all of Korea already knows about Mint Eye and the evil it brought to its believers."

"Are you sure about this, V?" Saeran asks him. "The Savior – I mean, Rika will be arrested too."

V doesn't answer immediately. Instead, he sighs over the mic.

"I know it's my ego talking, but I feel it's my responsibility to stop Rika as her ex-lover. At first, I thought I can save her but when I learned of what she's done to you and the other believers… what she's done to her…" V sighs again, his tone regretful, "I knew it was too late. She needs to be stopped."

Saeran stiffens, the memory of the night in the dungeons coming back to him. It's been months since her cleansing but he has never forgotten that moment. He knew he hurt her more than the elixir's damage to her physical body. When she realized he had forced her to take the sleeping pill through a kiss, she looked so betrayed and disappointed. It broke his heart to see her like that. He only wished she finds happiness outside of Magenta. He still hates himself for making her cry that time.

"Saeran?" V asks when he noticed that Saeran is not replying to him. "Is everything okay?"

Saeran closes his eyes and massages the bridge of his nose. "I'm fine, just tired I think… I need to go."

"Then I'll hang up now so you can rest." V says. "Thank you for your hard work, Saeran."

"Yeah." Saeran says weakly as he hangs up. He closes his eyes again, trying to not be bothered by his headache. He walks slowly walks back to the computer room. He sees Saeyoung talking on the phone. His brother mouths "V" as he points at his phone. Saeran nods. He whispers "I'll take a break for now."

Saeyoung gives him a look, silently asking how he's feeling. "I'm fine." Saeran assures him as he leaves.

He walks to his room and as he enters it, he feels slightly better already.

His room doesn't have much: a single bed, a closet and a computer table. The growing potted succulent by his bedside table is the lone décor. Saeyoung offered to get him more things but he refused, knowing he will be more comfortable to stay and rest in a simple room.

He opens his closet and changes into a loose shirt and shorts. He then settles on his bed and dims the light. The night is still young but the dull throbbing in his head will only be gone with sleep so decides to just sleep early for the night.

Hours passed as the night turns to day. Saeran wakes up with a start, panting from the recurring dream of his last moments with MC before he brought her out of Mint Eye and left her at Rika's apartment. The betrayed look of MC's face torments him as he recalls his dream again.

"I'm sorry." he says as his heart continues to drum against his chest. "I'm so sorry, MC."

The guilt weighs heavily on his mind until he couldn't take it anymore. He scrambles out of his bed and heads to the computer. He turns it on and opens the application for the video feed. The still video of the apartment façade helps him calm down until eventually his heart rate returns to normal. Just seeing the building where he knows MC is in comforts him.

He was about to close the video feed when he sees MC coming out of the gates. She looks decent at first glance but he could see the disheveled state she is in. Saeran could tell she isn't going out for work as she's only got a small bag with her instead of the usual backpack she brings with her.

Instinct tells Saeran that something is not right. He sees her in the video feed, swiping and tapping anxiously at her phone then looking left and right, as if waiting for something. Then a black taxi arrives and she gets inside.

Saeran can't shake the feeling she is getting herself into trouble again. He's reminded of the time she willingly got in a car blindfolded just because a voice on the phone told her to. She's too trusting and kind for her own good. Granted, it's one of the things he loves about her, but it's also the one filling his heart with dread and anxiety now.

As if on autopilot, Saeran's fingers immediately start typing away on the keyboard. The search begins with the taxi's plate number. In less than five minutes, he has the car's destination, the driver's bio and the car's ownership history all printed on a letter-sized paper.

He commits all the information to his mind as he strips out of his sleepwear and slips on a black zip-up jacket over a red tank top, pants and boots. He runs out of his room fast and heads straight to the garage. Thankfully, Saeyoung's garage door is an automatic roll-up so he just flips the switch. It's fully opened by the time he gets on the gray Maserati and drives out of the house. He almost wants to floor the gas and break the city speed limits just catch up on MC's cab

Not too long after, Saeyoung calls him. Saeran slips on his Bluetooth headset and answers the call.

"Where are you going?" Saeyoung asks. "Don't tell me you're eating take-outs for breakfast now."

"Police station." Saeran answers curtly. "It's important."

Saeyoung is quiet on his side for a few beats. "Just be careful, okay? Take care of yourself and MC."

"I am not gonna ask anymore how you know I'm on my way to MC."

"We're twins, remember? We are always connected, Saeran."

Saeran's lips curl into a semblance of a smile. "Yeah. I'm glad we never lost it, Hyung."

Saeyoung sputters on the phone then there's a loud 'bam' that sounded like he dropped his phone and the call ended. Saeran couldn't help chuckling at his twin's misfortune. He hopes the phone wasn't cracked or damaged.

He rechecks the GPS on the Maserati as he turns his full attention on the road again. According to his search on the cab's company files, its destination is the City Police Station investigating the Mint Eye case. He is now terribly worried for MC as the place will be full of media personnel on the lookout for the latest scoop on the scandal. The V, Jumin and Jaehee will be there for questioning regarding the evidences they presented the other day.

"Please, don't let her get caught up in this again." He prays in his heart.

As expected, the police station is packed with people. He parks the car far a little bit far away from the crowd, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention onto it.

After making sure that the car is secured, he runs into the police station's parking area, looking for MC.

He looks around for that familiar figure, hoping that she is safe. His heart almost stops when he sees her by the sidewalk, talking to a man whom he recognizes as one of Mint Eye's believers. She looks distraught, slowly stepping back from the man. When the man seizes her arm and pulls, Saeran saw red and ran towards them.

"Sir, you're hurting me. Let me go," she says as she pulls back her arm.

Saeran's jaw clenched as he tries to rein the anger inside him. It's been a while since he felt anger as extreme as this. He could almost hear the dark voice inside him coming back. He slows his breathing to calm himself. He knows there are ways other than anger to handle the situation. When he feels relatively less angry, he calls out to the man.

"Let the lady go."

Both the man and MC freeze up. He can tell the believer recognizes him as the guy drops MC's arm and steps backwards. "Mr. Saeran." he says fearfully. He turns and runs away from MC.

Meanwhile, MC is rooted on her place, her back stiff on her small frame. From their distance, Saeran could already tell that MC has lost some weight since he last saw her. Her arms and waist are slimmer than what he can remember.

"You really need to be more careful, Miss. Your guard is too low." He tells her.

When MC turns around, it was like a slow-motion video. The way her breath hitches, her hair swaying, up to how she her face lights up when she recognizes him, Saeran saw everything. She is as beautiful as he can remember, if not more.

"Saeran." she says.

Her voice is as how he remembers it too: as sweet as ice cream.

Suddenly feeling shy, he manages a small, awkward smile at her. "Hello, MC."

MC crosses the distance between them, almost tackling him when she hugged him. Thankfully, he catches her quick and managed to keep them both standing. MC buries her face on his chest and he's slightly worried that she will hear how loud his heart is currently beating.

"You're real." MC says as she pulls away slightly to face him. She reaches up to him and touches his cheek. "Saeran."

"How are you?" He asks her. "Did that man hurt you?"

MC shakes her head. "I'm fine now."

He panics when a tear suddenly drops from MC's eyes. "MC!? You're crying?"

She retracts her hand and touches her own cheek. "I-I'm crying. Oh gosh, this is embarrassing."

Before he knew it, Saeran is already wiping her tears with his finger as he touches her cheek. "I made you cry again."

MC leans on his hand and closes her eyes. "I missed you a lot." She says softly. "But you're here now, that's what matters."

Saeran's heart flutters as she opens her eyes again and looks at him with very loving eyes. His heart is instantly filled with love and affection for her, he's sure it will burst soon.

Driven by instinct, they both lean in towards the other and finally… finally he's kissing her again. The memory of her lips from long ago preciously archived in his heart is renewed. Her nose lightly bumping against his and her soft lips making sweet, sweet whimpers as he dives in deeper into their kiss; everything about her in his memories is renewed. Her hands wrap around his neck and pull him even closer. He wraps his arms around her in response, settling them on the curves of her hips. Her body, warm and pliant, fits perfectly against him.

He missed her so much that he that the feelings inside him is overwhelming him. He's drowning in her presence but he doesn't want to let go. If time would stop right then and there, he will not have any regrets. They are together again and that's all that matters to him right now.

Eventually, Saeran breaks their kiss to allow her to breathe. He goes for other places in the meantime: her forehead, her cheeks, her nose and even her neck. When he lightly bites, sucks and licks in a particular spot on the junction between her neck and shoulder, her stifled moan blazed a stronger desire within him to claim her.

"S-Saeran." she whimpers, hands clutched at his shoulders. "W-wait."

Saeran stills when he hears her. Guilt crashed on him like a bucket of iced water as he is immediately reminded of that time he acted this way in Magenta.

"I'm sorry." He feels ashamed for losing control. He kisses her quick on the lips to apologize.

"Don't apologize. I-I liked it." She whispers. "Just that -"

MC's knees folded under her, unable to take in the stimulation anymore. Thankfully, Saeran was quick to catch her. She looks up to him sheepishly, a raging blush creeping from her cheeks to her chest. "T-thank you."

"Are you okay? What happened?" he asks her. He helps her stand straight again but she keeps wobbling as her knees refuse to support her.

"The strength left my legs." she answers, still breathless.

Her embarrassment is so apparent that Saeran feels a little bad for thinking how cute she is at the moment. He also can't help the little pride blooming in his chest for affecting her so much just by kissing. Still, Saeran tries to maintain a neutral face as he asks her. "Do you want to sit down?"

MC nods, holding tighter on him. "Please."

He looks around the parking lot for a bench or some place they could use but there isn't one in sight.

Saeran thinks fast for an alternative. As much as he likes the way MC is holding on to him at the moment, he still wants MC to be able to relax.

"There's no bench in here." He tells her. "But I brought a car. Do you want to rest in there?"

MC nods again, her face buried on his chest.

Judging that she's in no shape to walk, he scoops her up in his arms and carried her to the car, bridal style. As he walks to the Maserati, he sneaks a peak at her form and finds her utterly adorable with the way she's clinging onto him and muttering about how embarrassed she is.

He sets her down by the passenger seat then placed a kiss on her forehead. "How are you now?"

MC takes a moment to massage her knees to check. "I think they're fine now."

The tension he didn't know was there left his body. "That's great."

He gently closed the door and circles around the car. He opens the driver's seat and got inside. Once settled, he looks at her briefly, taking in her profile view. "Should I take you home?"

"No!" MC blurted, surprising both herself and Saeran. "I mean, "she tries again, "no, don't take me home yet. I want to stay with you longer, Saeran." She takes his left hand and laced her fingers with his. "I really missed you. I wanna be with you."

Saeran's heart flutters as MC looks at him with loving eyes again. "I missed you too, MC." He tells her back, immediately feeling the inadequacy of the expression to describe how he felt being away from her all those months. He leans into the passenger seat and shared a quick kiss with her again.

"So where do we go?" he asks her as he pulls away from her.

"Have you eaten? How about we go for a quick breakfast?" MC suggests. "My favorite café has a great breakfast menu plus their coffee is divine."

By the way she lights up so beautifully in the prospect of having breakfast with him, she could have asked him to bring her to the skies and he will bring her there by all means. He may not have totally forgiven himself yet for what he did to her in the past, but if being with him makes her happy, he will do it. So he returns the sunny smile she gave him and holds her hand tighter.

"Breakfast sounds great."