A/N: This is going to be a case fic. Something different for a change. It's placed somewhere in season 2, although Charlotte/Mom probably won't really play a role on this one, so you can consider it AU in this regard. I would still say, regarding their relationship, it's placed before Lucifer went to Vegas but when Chloe and him already got a bit closer.

Thanks a lot to Sop12345d for helping me out as beta for this story!


It was dark all around her. Not as dark as the night, but close to it. Twilight wouldn't fit the description, though, because this felt more as if the light was deliberately being held back. A place where the sun simply didn't reach. But the air was hot and stale nonetheless. Besides the heat, she could still feel a shiver running down her spine. Everything about the place gave her the creeps.

When she stepped forward, she could feel something breaking below her feet, but she didn't dare to look down because it didn't sound like wood, more like… ice cracking. Only there couldn't be any ice here - the air was too hot for that. There was a pesky little thought nagging in the back of her head what it might be, but she didn't want to think about that.

Get out of here, her brain screamed. A smell penetrated her nose - a smell she had known before. It took her a few seconds to realize what it was. Blood… a lot of blood, probably.

Her steps were hesitant at first, but suddenly, it felt as if time was on fast forward. Instead of walking through these strange hallways, she suddenly found herself in an opening. And said opening was obviously the source of the smell she had detected earlier - the smell of blood.

It was everywhere, and instantly the shivers returned. So much blood… The opening seemed endless and even if it was only tiny specs all around, it had to be the blood of oh so many people to cover such a large area.

Knees shaking and fear once more gripping her heart, she went to turn around when she noticed something in the middle of the opening. It didn't look like a human, but even from the distance she could make out that it was shaking.

The figure looked like a bunch of… feathers? Giant feathers for that matter. And it was… crying? The sobs were only interrupted by hiccups here and there and some murmured words she couldn't understand.

Again, she had the feeling that time was on fast forward and suddenly, she was standing closer to the figure. She realized that it was talking, but she didn't understand the words. Her heartbeat sped up and she just knew she should get away from here.

The voice of the figure suddenly sounded somewhat angry, but she still couldn't make out the words. It was as if he was talking in another language, the sounds all scrambled up - somewhat muffled as well.

Once again, time shifted and the figure was standing, and now she could see that what she'd thought to be a bunch of feathers were instead wings - attached to what looked like a human. Before she could think about the wings, the figure shifted, one of the wings came down just a tad bit and she got a glimpse of the figure's face.

Screaming out loud, she finally managed to escape the place and woke up.