Detective Conan and Magic Kaito characters, settings, and ideas do not belong to me but to Aoyama Gōshō, and any references to other manga/anime belong to their respective creators.

Warnings: Language, minor violence

TMPD Antics: Hijinks

By Taliya

I: Hakuba and Kuroba

"Kuroba-kun!" a voice called from behind, "Kuroba-kun, wait!"

"I don't want to hear it!" Kaito called back as he fled from his pursuer, "I'm tired of hearing the KID accusations!" The brunet ran as fast as he could, up until he hit a large crowd of pedestrians waiting to cross Shibuya Crossing.

"You are an arse."

Kaito bristled at hearing that odious voice so near to him. "Hakuba," he snapped, turning to find a ruffled Hakuba Saguru at his shoulder bent at the waist and panting. "I don't want to hear any more accusations of you—"

The blond swallowed thickly as he proffered a paper coffee cup, lidded. "You forgot your drink."

"—calling me KID when you have no…" Kaito blinked, instantly losing steam. "Oh," he murmured, stunned, as he accepted it and took a sip of the hot chocolate cappuccino inside. "Oops."

Saguru harrumphed as he took a sip of his own chai latte, combing fingers through his now disheveled hair. "A thank you and an apology wouldn't be remiss, you uncouth twit," the blond nudged snippily in a not-so-subtle manner.

The brunet made a show of considering his current assigned partner's comment. He suddenly grinned widely with a mischievous gleam in his eyes as he flippantly answered, "Nah. If anything, you owe me for a lesson in running with fragile objects in hand."

"I—what?!" the Division Two officer stammered, his manners barely keeping his jaw from dropping in disbelief. "Kuroba-kun!"

Kaito simply smirked into his cup as Saguru muttered a string of rather unflattering insults regarding his person.

Author's Note: Apologies for the lack of new content lately; this hiatus was marked by a lot of mental and emotional stress that ended up with me seeking a doctor for help. I wanted to write but had no motivation—I still don't have it all back, but I'm hoping to easy my way back into writing with another drabble oneshot series. Don't expect updates on this to be nearly as fast, as I'm still struggling with getting into my writing groove again. I hope you enjoyed it.

Completed: 06.06.2018