Covet 3

12. slap someone's ass + 52. pinch someone's butt


Fairy Tail is a guild blessed with beautiful men. After several minutes of stealth ogling, which involved sunglasses and minimal head movements, the conclusion brought a smile to her lips. Of course, not to play favourites, Gray and Natsu had been blessed with smoking hot looks.

It wasn't just nature both training daily to improve their magic. Lucy thanked her lucky stars Juvia decided to be her beach buddy, sharing the same parasol to relax and read. Neither of them was reading. Anyone else would have figured her out. Juvia didn't care.

Not when said boyfriends started wrestling in the water. Juvia immediately encouraging Gray to 'do his best', Lucy preferred to keep her observations a covert affair. Gray had the pretty boy aesthetic down, sharp cheekbones, elegant lines, dark and brooding. Her blue haired friend was a lucky woman.

Natsu, on the other hand, had rugged good looks and a cheeky-chappy personality. His presence lights up any social event they attended. He made her laugh, his lust for life making each day an adventure. And Natsu understood her. She didn't have to speak, he knew when she needed a hug or time alone.

As of right now, Lucy appreciated his butt. None one else compared. He could crack a walnut with that ass, it being the highest level of tight and perky. Too perfect in fact, she felt derriere envy. No way she was doing a ridiculous number of squats every day to attain it, plush cheeks would have to do. Plus, Natsu didn't seem to care.

"Boo!" A mop off pink hair blocked her field of vision, body weight squishing her book between them. Climbing up her body he relaxed into her, hot breath tickling her ear. Public displays of affection didn't bother the slayer, finding contentment in smothering his girlfriend. It served two purposes, annoying her and gaining the attention he craved. His pouting said, "that stupid book has taken too much of your time", she didn't require words to read Natsu's moods.

Yanking and freeing the romance novel, she dropped it, the low sunbed alleviating her worries of damaging the pages. It couldn't hurt to placate her needy boyfriend, plus cuddling is an activity she gladly takes part in whenever the opportunity arises. Arms looping around his waist, the skin on skin contact felt nice. It was hot but the residue water cooled him, his soaked trunks drenching her legs. Lucy smiled, watching as her fingers traced circles on his lower back. Natsu buried his head further into her neck breathing a happy sigh.

From this angle, his butt looked amazing, the wet fabric moulding to toned muscle. She knew it naked, how great it felt to hold onto when he moved. One of the benefits of having sex is touching to her heart's content. Natsu's extended breathing, the relaxed state of his frame indicating he'd dozed off.

Reaching down, looking to avoid observing eyes, she dragged a finger and thumb across the sculpted muscle. It's a thing of beauty. Really. Imaginings of heated touches had her snatching her hand back, placing on her original resting place.

Did she do that? A bold action. Natsu was rubbing off on her.

"Lucy, did you just pinch my butt?" He whispered.

Oh no.

"No…," Weak.

"Oh, I think you did." His smirk evident, lips gliding on her skin. Rough hands tracing from her hips to her ribs, digging into her weak spots. Damn him.

"I think the sun and seawater are getting to your head."

When put on the spot, deny it all.

"I don't think it is," He said. Lucy found herself being flung over his shoulder, the dragon slayer moving too fast. Natsu took off running down the beach, she could see Gray shaking his head at the slayer's antics.

"Gray save me!" Her desperate plea fell on death ears.

"I'm not getting involved." He wasn't going anywhere with Juvia lovingly rubbing sunscreen into his shoulders.


Natsu laughed at her predicament, shoulders heaving as he merrily spun them to give Gray the thumbs up.

"I swear if you shove seaweed down my bikini bottoms again-" A swift smack on the ass cut her off mid-speech, "Ow! What the hell?"

Reaching up she flicked his ear. He brushed it off once more, guffawing as he sprinted towards the sea.

"That's what you get for being boring all day"

"Sitting and reading a book isn't boring!"

51 send someone a sexy selfie + 36 dry hump


Slumping into the slop of the bath, bubbles popping below her ears as she blew into the water. Nothing beat a piping hot bath after a stressful day of finishing assignments. Normally organized and finishing a week in advance but this time Lucy's life had obstructed her usual routine. Taking an unplanned trip home to appease her father and stop the incessant calls about her attending an "imperative business function" had put her schedule out of whack.

Lucy loved her father, but he involved himself in her personal choices more than she deemed appropriate. The entire event reeked of 'meet these eligible young men of whom I approve'. Jude hadn't said it outright but the conversations she had with business associates where much more casual than usual. Her father making himself scarce during these moments added to her suspicions.

University is hard enough without having to worry about the schemes of her Jude Heartfilia. Resting her head against the tiles she snatched her phone from the side of the bath. It's a bad habit that ruined her previous phone, however, she couldn't resist checking to see what was going on with the rest of her friends. Lucy wanted to let loose tonight and going out with the girls is a perfect plan. Deciding to message Levy with her idea's, she sat up and collected a bubble beard around her jaw. Giggling as she snapped a shot, winking with a peace sign to the camera.

'Bathing and getting ready for a wild night. Are you up for it?'

Thank god snap chat deleted pictures otherwise these photos would be perfect blackmail. Not that Levy would do that since the girl sent her fair share of questionable pictures. Being best friends for years they shared everything. Laughing at the thought of sending a near-nude, Lucy flicked back to browsing through her blog notifications.

She loved posting her original stories and articles for the world to see. If she wasn't ready to publish then having a blog and finding support from fellow peers to follow her dream was a great first step. Two months it had taken her to build up the courage to post her first piece and since then her blog has blown up. Now she was followed by thousands of people waiting for another instalment, be it a personal update or an original piece.

Phone buzzing, Lucy eagerly switched apps in anticipation of Levy's witty reply. Rather than a goofy picture of her bestie, she was greeted by Natsu Dragneel donning his shit-eating grin, sharp teeth poking over his bottom lip. That wasn't the shocking part. He was completely naked. The angle prevented her from seeing his dick, but she could see the carpet matched the drapes. Her eyes were drawn to the shine of water droplets decorating the bronze gold of his chest. Wet hair moulded to his angular jaw and nose, giving her an urge to reach through the screen and brush the hair from his eyes.

'Are YOU ready for it? ;P'

Oh shit.

Watching the screen go blank as the timer ran out, she sat in shock. Remembering Natsu had been the last person she messaged. Her impatience causing her to forgo checking the recipient. In the back of her mind, she mourned the loss of his nude. Not that she planned to save it to her secure folder.

Absolutely not.

Slapping herself mentally and faced with an unprecedented dilemma her fingers tapped the side of the tub vigorously. Her fingertips had long since wrinkled and her skin a deep rose colour. Lucy wanted to sink through the floor. Natsu would never let her live this down.

Then again, he had sent a picture back.

Where did he get the courage to be so bold? Lucy put it down to the man being a force of nature that knocked down all walls before him, including carnal pursuits.

Mind reeling once again with possibilities she stood up. Shaking her body, droplets scattered and cascaded down her body. Cool air hit her skin, making her hairs stand on end and goose bumps rise. Grabbing a towel and pulling the plug with her toes, a balancing act she had perfected, she stared into the misty mirror across the bathroom.

Memories crossed her mind and they were a different kind of steam. In her mind's eye, she summoned a silhouette of pink hair, strong arms and large hand gripping her body. Head pressed into her neck, scattering kisses on her pulse, the ghost of his breath warm on her skin. Lips forming a sinful smile sighing the word 'beautiful' into her ear as she gasps.

Snapping to at further buzzing she pads down her legs before stepping out the tub. Natsu felt too hot to handle at times, he was the biggest tease on the planet. He knew how to prod and poke to get the reaction he wanted. They had been joined at the hip since high school and Lucy couldn't imagine life without his companionship. Always invading her apartment, eating her food, and sleeping in her bed. Honestly, he might as well move in. If only they'd take the final step and define the relationship.

Last week marked the end of them drifting between friends and lovers. A quarrel broke out when she won a game of checkers for the nth time, and Natsu convinced that she cheated, pounced. Hands swept her sides tickling her ribs, his frame weighing into her torso at an odd angle. Lucy looped her arms around his neck as he searched her back pockets for checkers. Not positioned for taking her weight, she felt the heave in his shoulders as he toppled over. Laughter rang through the apartment at the ridiculous fight.

Smiling absently, lost in a daydream she picked her phone up. A message from Natsu.

'I'm coming.'

Heat flushed over her body pooling in her abdomen. It shouldn't have surprised her Natsu would have a dirty mouth, the twinkle in his eye confirmed it was intentional. There was nothing innocent about his pose. Wearing low hung sweatpants, her eyes popping when she sees his hand tucked into the front. Cupping what she knew to be a generous package, her eyes followed the v of his lean hips.

The vertical angle offered a view of his puckered brown nipple and the slope of his peck. Her brain recalling the firm flesh, warm as her fingertips needed and explored. All while his hands massaged her bottom, lips fervently attacking her own and hips circling into her crutch. The memory made her throb, the sensation of him pressing closer to imitate a sensual rhythm.


He stood on his doormat with a shirt slung over his arm in the photo.

Natsu meant to come to her apartment. It wasn't just an innuendo and she is standing around naked.

Not that Natsu would mind her opening the door naked.

No way. The day may arrive where Lucy felt forward enough to be so daring.

Today is not that day.