Notice: Phew I finished it! School's over and I get to relax over summer break, and as celebration I updated all my stories. Enjoy!

Myopia: a lack of foresight or discernment : a narrow view of something

Beep! Beep! Beep! Click!

Ruby retracted her hand as she buried her face into her pillow, blinking away her drowsiness as she rose from her bed. She got up and went to the bathroom, splashing water on her face as she tried to wake herself up. After she dried her face she went downstairs, where she sat in her chair and ate quietly. Yang came down shortly after, taking the seat next to Ruby.

"Hey Rubes, have you-" Yang quickly noticed Ruby's mood, and in an instant her motherly instincts kicked in as she scooted closer to the crimsonette, "-Ruby, what's wrong?"

The shorter girl let out a small sigh as she faced the taller girl, "It-it's nothing Yang, at least something that you can't help with."

"What are you talking about Ruby? Don't tell me it has something to do with the girl from yesterday."

"What? No! No, no, no- it has nothing to do with Blake. It's just- do you remember anything about Mom?"

"Mom? She's on a business trip out in Mistral. I don't know when she'll be back."

"Are you sure? I mean, what do you know about Mom?"

"Ruby, are you saying that you don't remember our mom? She was kind hearted, full of energy, and-" Yang stopped as her vision shifted- the scene before she changed to a dark room. A woman with black hair and red eyes towered before her, the look in her eyes was one full of anger. Yang looked down at her arms and saw bruises trailing down, and then her attention shifted upwards as the woman stepped closer to her.

"You're a disgrace…" Was all she heard as she felt someone shaking her.

"Yang? Yang! You okay?" Ruby asked as she lightly shook the blonde.

"Wh-what just happened?" Yang asked as she looked around the room. Everything was back to normal- but the vision had felt so vivid to her.

"You just blanked out on me for a moment, you sure you're okay Yang? You're sweating all over."

"Wait, what?" Yang brushed through her hair, her eyes instantly widening as she felt the damp bangs. "Look I'm fine Ruby, really I am. Let's just hurry up before Weiss begins to worry where we are."

"Yeah we should, I don't know if I could handle an angry Weiss."

The two packed their bags and exited the house, but before Ruby closed the door she couldn't help but notice that their father was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, Yang? Have you seen Dad anywhere?"

"No, I think he might've left early for work." Yang replied.

"That's weird, I thought dad worked the night shift."

"What are you talking about, Ruby? Dad always worked the afternoon shift."

"Really? Since when?"

"Since forever Rubes, have you not paid attention?"

"But I thought-"

"Come on Ruby, we're going to be late if you keep stalling us." Yang broke into a jog, leaving the crimsonette behind.

"Yang! I can run circles around you and you know it!" Ruby shouted as she sprinted towards the school.

"I told you, Yang." Ruby said with a smug look on her face.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll get you next time." Yang said in between breaths.

"There you guys are, where were you two earlier?" Weiss asked as she approached them.

"Hi, Weiss!"


The sisters said their greetings just before the speakers sparked to life.

"Good morning, students! I'm sure that everyone is aware of the school's pep rally today. Just a reminder to all students that the event begins before lunch. I hope to see you all there!" With that, the announcer clicked off.

"I forgot all about the pep rally!" Ruby shouted as she turned towards the gym. She barely noticed all the decoration that was set up when she sprinted towards the school earlier.

"What's it about again? I couldn't hear over the Malachite twins gossiping yesterday." Yang asked.

"I believe that it was going to be for welcoming back all the returning students." Weiss answered.

"Why? It's not like most students wouldn't want to leave. This place is awesome!" Yang said as she pumped a fist in the air.

"I don't know, but we should start to get to class. The bell's about to ring."

"Good call Weiss," Ruby said as she looked down at her scroll, "I'll see you guys at lunch!"

The yellow and white duo waved their goodbyes as the crimsonette ran down the halls, making it to her homeroom just as the bell rang. She took her seat before the teacher arrived. After attendance her eyes drifted towards the back of the class, where she spotted Blake in her seat with her book out. Her attention shifted back to the front as the door opened, and a couple students stepped into the classroom- all wearing colored armbands.

"Excuse me, but is Miss Rose here?" One of the students asked.

"Y-yes I'm here." Ruby stood up with her hand raised.

"We wanted to ask if you would like to help us in the gymnasium. We're short on staff and we could use the extra help." Another student explained.

"U-um if you don't mind me asking, but why me?" She asked.

"Miss Nikos personally asked for you to come." The last of the trio answered.

The whole class went silent as everyone stared at the shorter girl. The crimsonette stood there in shock for a while until she spoke up.

"S-sorry, I'm not good with organizing events and all- especially with heavy lifting…"

"I see, we'll tell Miss Nikos your response. Have a good day, see you at the pep rally later." With that the trio of students left the classroom. The whole room remained silent until someone towards the back spoke up.

"Oh. My. Gosh. I thought those were rumors but Pyrrha Nikos actually likes Ruby!" A female voice cried out.

The whole class erupted as most of them bombarded the crimsonette with questions.

"Ruby, why did you turn down the offer?"

"How did you get her attention? What did you do to get her to like you?"

"What's your secret?! Tell us!"

Ruby backed away from the crowd of students, overwhelmed by the amount of questions.

"I- wha- d-" Ruby kept scooting back. She stopped as she felt someone tug on the collar of her shirt, and soon after she felt herself being pulled from the crowd and out of the chaotic classroom. Whoever was pulling her along didn't stop until she was at the stairway.

"T-thank you." Ruby quietly said as she turned around to face her savior.

"No problem." Blake said as she opened up the door to the roof, "Maybe we should wait for things to die down before we head back."

"Hey, are we even allowed onto the roof?" The smaller girl watched the taller girl climb up the stairs.

"No, but it's not like they'll check here anyway."

Ruby was about to speak up but let the words die in her throat as she followed the ebony haired girl up the stairs. Once they arrived at the top, Ruby noticed a line of fences that surrounded the rooftop. She ran towards the fence and gazed across the campus as Blake leaned against it.

"Wow-" Ruby said as she looked across the campus. Throughout her years here she'd never gotten a view as great as this.

"I wonder what that was all about earlier..." Blake mumbled as she recalled the events that transpired in the homeroom, "Do all the popular students send other students to do their biddings?"

"Not that I recall, most are usually distant unless they're interested in something." Ruby spun on her heel and faced the ebony haired girl, "Oh, yeah! Are you going to the pep rally later?"

"I- don't think that it's a good idea to go..." Blake answered as she looked towards the exit, "I'm not fond of large crowds."

"Really? It's not that bad, every year they just throw a light show with smoke."

"It's- complicated... Ruby, I think it's best that you don't go either."

"Why?" Ruby raised a brow, "Blake, you're acting a little... off? I don't know, but if there's something wrong you can tell me."

"Like I said it's complica- you know what, just forget about it." Blake propped herself up off the fence and made her way towards the exit, "Enjoy the pep rally, but promise me this Ruby. Stay safe, okay?"

Ruby stood there more confused than ever, "Stay safe from what?"

Blake didn't answer as she left the rooftop. Ruby stayed as she tried to figure out what Blake had just said, but with no avail she went back into the building.


The gymnasium was packed with students as the they sat in the center. Chairs lined up in rows were filled with students as they waited for the student representative to come up to the stage. Ruby sat towards the side along with Yang and Nebula, and she scoured the room for the familiar shades of white and green and spotted them towards the opposite side of the room. The gym lights dimmed as spotlights illuminated the center of the stage.

Everyone was silently whispering until the door to the left opened up. Pyrrha walked out from the door and strode to the center of the stage, and the students hushed as they watched her stand at the podium.

"Hello, fellow students! Welcome back to Beacon, and to those who are joining us for the first time- I wish you a great year ahead of you." Pyrrha said.

Ruby tore her eyes away from the redhead as she scoured the room once more, and she hoped even with the dim lights that she could see Blake. To her disappointment, however, she couldn't spot the ebony haired girl.

"From this day forward, you all will be-" Ruby ignored the rest of the speech as she kept on glancing around- it was the same old speech that was recited every year. As her eyes wandered the room, she caught a glimpse of rose petals drifting above all the students.

"-nd with that a word from our principal, Mr. Ozpin!" The thunderous clapping echoed throughout the room as Ruby shifted her attention back to the stage. The white haired man stood at the podium and tapped the mic.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I am Mr. Ozpin- the principal of this esteemed academy. You are all gathered here today in hopes of-"

Static rang through Ruby's ears as she clutched her head from the sound.

"Hey Rubes?" Yang lightly nudged her shoulder, "You okay? We can go to the nurse if you want?"

"I-I'm, I'm-" Ruby stopped and looked up, only to see the students around her all turned their heads to face her. Each and every one of them had a blank expression as they stared at her. "Y-Yang?"

"Yes, Rubes?" Yang asked as she waved her hand in front of the crimsonette's face, "What's wrong?"

The smaller girl took one last look around as she noticed one thing from all the faces- each and every single one of them was focused on one thing-

"Me-" Ruby whispered before she answered Yang, "-Get away from me Yang!"

"Wha- Ruby you aren't making any sense, please tell me what's wrong."

"Stay away from me Yang-" Ruby stood up, kicking the chair back in the process. "-Please!"

The microphone screeched before it hit the ground. Ruby and Yang turned their attention towards the source of the sound and saw a brown haired girl step onto the stage. She had lightish brown skin and brown eyes, and she wore a white blouse with a large golden ribbon tied to the back.

"Everyone, please remain calm and enjoy the show." She said with a smile.

Smoke dispersed from the machines and lights danced around the room, music beginning to play from the speakers. The students around Ruby all stood up in one fluid motion, their faces unchanging as they faced the crimsonette. Yang stayed in her chair as she looked at Ruby with concerned eyes, but the smaller girl however kept stepping back as the students began to approach her.

A loud shrill echoed throughout the gym, and the students surrounding Ruby stood still as black shards erupted from their bodies. Their eyes glowed in a variety of colors along with the edges of the shards.

A handful of students rose from their seats as they tried to run out of the gym, but most of the black creatures took off after those selected students- with her included. Screaming enveloped the room as Ruby broke away from the crowd of abominations and took off towards the exit. She looked back to see only a few creatures behind her, and she slammed the side of her body against the door- swinging it wide open.

Ruby ran through the halls, taking every turn to shake off the pursuers. In desperation, she ran towards the entrance of the rooftop. She wrenched open the door and ran up the flight of stairs, the sound of footsteps echoing behind her as she closed the door once she reached the top. She looked around for the familiar taller girl but found nothing, and she was about to run back down but stopped as the door swung wide open.

Two of them stepped out onto the roof as Ruby's back hit the fence. Despite the shards sticking out of their bodies, she could still make out their faces as they approached her.

"N-Nebula? Dew? W-what are you guys doing?" She said as she looked for any way out.

"Ruby, why did you leave the pep rally?" Nebula's voice was heavily distorted as she stepped closer.

'Please forgive me for what I'm about to do'

Ruby ran straight at them, rolling past Nebula as the older girl tried to grab her. Dew attempted to do the same, but the smaller girl jumped to the side and bolted towards the exit.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dew said as she charged at her. Ruby spun on her heel and ran at Dew, and just as the taller girl brought up her arms she drop kicked Dew into Nebula- staggering the both of them. The crimsonette quickly recovered and ran down the stairs, locking the door in the process. Once she entered the halls, she stopped as more creatures stood ahead of her. She turned around and immediately stopped as she saw the same behind her, and she looked around once more for any exits.

'Nothing, there's nothing...'

The moment one of them laid eyes on her, every single student turned towards her direction and charged. Without any thoughts Ruby ran and shut herself inside the nearest room, quickly locking the door and stepping away while glancing around the room she locked herself in. It was one of the abandoned classrooms, where all the chairs were set on top of the desks and a layer of dust coated the room.

The door shook as Ruby ran towards the windows, and she grabbed one of the chairs and tossed it at the glass- shattering it in the process. The door was blown off its hinges as they stepped into the room, and Ruby jumped out of the broken window without hesitation. Her knees buckled under her as she landed, but she quickly picked herself up and started running towards the main gate. The ground shook from under her as the concrete shattered behind her- several creatures had followed her from the class and they were gaining.

She was just next to the gate until she felt a sharp pain to her right side. The next thing she knew she was sent flying, her body sliding against the pavement after she landed. One of the creatures strode over and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her off the ground.

"Why are you trying to leave, Ruby?" The creature asked, or at least that's what she could make out from the distortion.

She couldn't answer as her vision began to fade, and she could already feel herself losing consciousness. The grip on her throat loosened as she fell to the ground, and she clutched her neck and backed away from the abomination. When she looked up, she saw a tall girl with long ebony hair and a bow on top.

"Blake?" She asked, but the taller girl didn't turn around as more of the shard creatures approached the two of them.

"Ruby, listen to me. I need you to run through the gate and meet me by the parking structure near the supermarket. Don't stop for anything or anyone until you get there, okay?" Blake said in a stern voice.

"B-but what about you? What if-" Her attention shifted as she noticed Blake's arms- or more rather, what she was wielding. Blake was holding a one edged short sword that was completely black, from the blade to the hilt. That wasn't the only thing that caught her eyes- Blake's sleeves were torn all the way up to her elbows as her forearms were also black.

"Get moving Ruby!" Blake's shout snapped her back to attention. The ebony haired girl charged at the approaching creatures,and the crimsonette turned around and bolted straight towards the gate.

"Please make it back, Blake!" Ruby said just as she ran out into the streets. She heeded Blake's word and ran into the city. The scenery shifted from the suburbs and smaller houses to larger buildings and bustling roads. She was in sight of the parking structure before she stopped and leaned against the nearest wall. She let her muscles relax as she took a few deep breaths. Maybe Yang was right- she should've run track in the spring.

She pushed herself off the wall and looked behind her, sighing in relief when she didn't see anything following her. Hastily she ran up the ramp and into the parking structure, the parking lot surprisingly empty as lights dimly lit the parking lot. Her footsteps echoed throughout the room as she looked around.

'What is this place?'

Another pair of footsteps snapped her back to attention as she turned towards the source.

"Back so soon, Blake? I thought you were coming back later when you-" An orange haired man stepped out from a side door, wearing a white jacket with black pants along with a black bowler hat. His hair was parted, covering one of his eyes, however that still didn't stop the other from widening in shook. He froze in place as he saw the crimsonette, both of them standing there for a moment before the man pulled out a black cane. Similar to Blake his forearms were also black, but this time she could see that the white around his eyes had changed to black.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He said as he approached her.

Ruby threw up her arms in defense as she stepped back, "I-I'm here b-because Blake told me to meet her here."

"Yeah right you little-"

"Stand down, Roman." Another voice joined the conversation, causing both the crimsonette and orange haired man to turn towards the source. Ruby instantly relaxed as she saw Blake standing at the entrance of the parking structure.

Blake then looked at Ruby and said, "She's a Grimm, just like us."

I'm sorry! I would've uploaded this a lot sooner but I couldn't do much because I got food poisoning. I'll watch what I eat in the future, until then stay safe! ~SRFW