A.N Hey guys. I'm sorry I've been gone so long, I just lost all inspiration for this story and I had no idea where I was going with it. I've had another look at it, and I'm going to rewrite it. I have an idea of where I'm going now, and I know my writing style had definitely improved. Little pieces of plot will have changed but that is just to be expected. I have worked out who Portia is as a character now and little pieces of her, so you guys will be given a better picture of what she likes. I know this story isn't as popular as many of my other stories, but it was the first story I published on here, I had just published a couple of poems before this, and it's my first multi-chapter fic, so it and Portia are close to my heart. Thanks for sticking with me, I love all you guys so much. Kadme.