

It's the first thing he sees when his eyes flutter open and it causes a lazy smile to spread on his face. Warmth takes over his chest as he stretches lightly, careful not to move the mattress too much.

She's laying there beside him. Both arms up hugging the white pillow beneath her head, red hair splayed on his sheets. He can count every single golden freckle on her face beneath the soft morning light that filtered through his glass windows. He doesn't shut the drapes much these days because she likes waking up to the morning light, and as a result his mornings now are tinged in a soft golden hue that add on to the surrealism of waking up next to her. But he knows he's not dreaming. His eyes follow the path of freckles down her back watching them fade into pale skin and further down until the sheet that drapes over her hips interrupts his gaze.

It's the second Sunday he gets to do this. The second Sunday of their not yet two week long relationship. He wakes up before her for a change and his reward is time to gaze at her peaceful unconsciousness beside him and just bask in the awe of how beautiful she is. Breathing slowly, face half buried in his pillow, pink lips and eyelashes resting on her cheeks. She's insanely pretty.

On weekdays, Donna usually wakes up before him for work. Usually. He smiles to himself thinking about how he's already so used to their little morning routine he can't imagine ever living without it again. Or understand how he could've gone so long without it. Twelve years of missed opportunities to be this happy stings a little, but it's hard to feel anything but bliss when she's lying naked beside him.

She usually wakes him up with kisses on his shoulder, chest, cheek, lips… until he can no longer pretend to be asleep, defeated by the need to wrap his arms around her, to bring her closer, to kiss her fully.

Sometimes she's still lying beside him when she does it, so he can happily roll on top of her, kiss her slowly and tease her endlessly. Other times she's hurried and already dressed for work as she leans over him in bed to wake him up, so he has to use some persuasion tactics. The one where he holds her hips, pulls her body on top of his and slides his tongue along her neck is especially effective – he had been able to slip her out of the dress she'd just put on at every attempt so far.

But as it seems to be the start of a habit, he woke up before her today. This Sunday is shaping up to be like the last one and there's nothing he wants more in the world.

His hand touches the nape of her neck softly, brushing off a few strands of hair to the side and off her back. He slowly slides his fingers down her spine until they reach the small of her back where he decides to let his hand rest, lightly massaging her skin, attention focused on the two dimples there. The sound of her soft humming makes him gaze back up to find out she's smiling lazily.

Harvey leans and places a few kisses on her shoulder blade, grinning at the sight of goose bumps over her skin and her shoulders flexing as a shiver runs down her spine.

"Good morning," she murmurs.

"Morning." He parts his lips from her back and lies on his side, but keeps a hand caressing her cheek and the crook of her neck.

"What's that face?" Donna asks as soon as she opens her eyes, noticing the soft and undeniable grin on his lips and just something about his eyes.

"What face?"

"That silly grin that makes you look like a teenage boy who has just seen a naked girl for the first time. And got to skip school. And got some ice-cream."

Harvey laughs hoarsely. "I am looking at a naked girl, there's no work today so I guess that counts as skipping school and I'm sure we can trade ice-cream for whip—"

"Shut up."

She moves to her side and places her body flush against his. Soft breasts smashing against firm chest as she wraps her arms around his neck and gives his a lazy good morning kiss, letting her lips slide against his. She hums into his mouth in content and opens her eyes for a second to gaze at Harvey's closed ones and expectant lips that draw a grin, waiting for her mouth to meet his again.

His arms wrap around her waist, squeezing her tighter against him, feeling her stomach press against his as she seductively hooks one leg over his body. She stops their kiss with sweet pecks and raises an interrogative eyebrow. She's still waiting for an answer.

"Oh. This face. Right." He furrows his brows, feigning concentration as if he really had to think about it. "I guess it's my happy face."

"Nope. I've seen your happy face lots of times. That's not it."

The way she says it, slowly and with a smirk on the corner of her lips, makes him double take her until he realizes he's being teased. She obviously already knows exactly what that face means.

"Okay…" He chuckles and concedes easily. "This is my completely, unequivocally, happiest-man-on-earth face."

"Ooh, yeah!" She acts as if struck by sudden realization. "I think I recognize it. It's been around a lot for the last… What? Eleven days?"

"Yeah, it's kind of making my jaw hurt. I'm not used to smiling this much. We need to make it stop."

"Not gonna happen, Mister." She delicately caresses his jaw then, before moving her fingers to the base of his head and letting her thumb run smooth circles behind his ear. "But if you need some exercises to stretch your jaw muscle, I can help you with that." She places her open mouth on his, hungrily kissing him and he instantly responds, devouring her back in a long wet kiss.

She feel his hands reaching lower on her body, finding a way between her thighs and can't contain a whimper as what until that moment was simmering low on her stomach reaches boiling point.

She suddenly stops the kiss, panting a little, trying to push against his chest to get some distance, but his arms tightly wrapped around her waist don't allow it.

"We need to get up."

His eyes widen. "What?! No, we don't."

She opens her mouth, ready to argue, but it only makes it that much easier for him to bite on her lower lip and silence her next words. He grabs the back of the thigh she has over his hip and pulls her body on top of his. Donna kisses him again, hair falling around his face before he can tread his fingers through her mane and hold it back, delicately caressing her face on the way. Their lips lock sweetly this time.

"If we don't… get up… now… we never will." She manages to formulate an argument between kisses.

"It's settled then. We'll never leave this bed."

"Seriously," she giggles into his mouth, "we really should do something today. We can't just stay in bed all day every Sunday."

"Who says?"

"I do."

"Okay." He stops kissing her for a second and pretends to think about it. "Do you want go boxing with me? I think we've proven it's useful." He would suggest going mudding if it meant she would refuse to and they could stay in bed.

"Oh, sure. Are you doing yoga with me, too?"

His answer is more than enthusiastic. "Absolutely! I'm very interested in some of those positions. I hear you do it on mattress…"


"…so we can start right now."

For twelve years they have been bound together. A string of loyalty, repressed feelings and overlooked desire hitched them to each other. But it took literally being tied to one another to make them realize that's how they always wanted to be.

He lowers his lips to her collar bone, sucking on her skin, and as he hears soft moans mix with her laugh he knows he won. They're definitely not leaving the bed today.


After the arrest, Harvey and Donna gave some preliminary depositions to the detectives at the scene before Jessica's driver could take them home.

Harvey sat at the front, leaving the backseat to the two women. He barely listened to Jessica's explanations about how she had contacted the police, and how they were able to find their location, or how the senator who ordered their kidnapping was now under investigation and in preventive arrest. Didn't even hear her explain how that helped prove Leonard Bailey's innocence and that his verdict was about to get overturned. It was all background noise.

They had their windows down, Donna having said something about already being locked up for too long, and he could see her behind him through the wing mirror. The entirety of his attention was focused on the way the wind messed with her hair and how she smiled softly. He was willing to bet she was also not listening to a single word that came out of Jessica's mouth. After all, he was feeling pretty lucky.

The car had barely stopped in front of Donna's place when he got out to open her door, not wanting to risk that their driver could do it first.

Harvey walked her to the steps of her building, slowly and silently. Awareness of both Jessica's and her driver's gazes fixed on them from inside the vehicle making him ridiculously self conscious.

When they got to the building entrance Donna stopped and faced him. She appeared to be extracting some kind of amusement from his uncharacteristic but very obvious shyness.

He desperately wanted to invite himself upstairs with her, and the coy grin on her face made him believe that she wouldn't oppose the idea. But she deserved more. More than desperate, rushed, exhausted, showerless sex. He wanted more. He wished he could at least kiss her goodbye. He still felt the ghost of her lips tugging at his before they were interrupted and it felt so good he could be convinced it was a dream if not for the very real police interrogation he had to deal with after.

The way he pressed his lips in a thin line and raised his eyebrows at her made her chuckle. She knew he was inwardly cursing the two pairs of observant eyes on them.

"I'll see you later, okay?" He said grumpily, and Donna nodded, still smiling.

She watched him take a few steps towards the car before turning to get inside her building, but his voice then called her back.

"And by 'later' I mean I'll pick you up at seven. You better rest quickly, cause I'm not waiting any longer."

She laughs, shaking her head at him.

"We've just spent over thirty six hours locked together. Are you sure you want more?"

"I want a lot more."

His tone was serious. She felt herself swallow, eyes locked on his.

"See you later, Harvey," were her only words before entering the building.

He got back into the car feeling like the happiest bastard on the planet, but used all of his poker skills to keep an impassive expression.

"You're an idiot," Jessica told him with what she thought was a knowing look as soon as he sat beside her.

For the first time in his life Harvey could confidently tell her that, in fact, this time, he wasn't.

He pulled his seatbelt on and let his stupid grin take over his entire face.


That's it, guys! The end. Not going to lie, I miss it already. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope this was able to bring some much needed happiness to your Darvey shipper hearts.

I want to thank everyone who was wonderful enough to review this, everyone who shared it on twitter and told me how much they liked it. Writing is hard work and it's a lonely work so hearing back from you guys is what makes it all worth it. Thank you!

Speaking of that, this one wasn't so much of a lonely work because I was lucky enough to have AlternateShadesofBlue by my side. Thank you Blue for being so supportive and generous with your time, with your writerTM knowledge and with your always incredibly kind words. This fic (and this writer) wouldn't be the same without you.

Also thank you to Etty and Ali for being amazing cheerleaders and for all the support.

Last one for the road: I would be super happy if you could leave me one last review