Mei slowly opened her eyes as she just laid there staring at the ceiling. Then it hit her, she quickly sat up and scanned the room, it was empty and she was the only one in there. Her heart started racing as she started to fear is was all a dream.

She closed her eyes she was alone again "Yuzu" she whispered to herself, then she smelt that sweet aroma of Yuzu's cooking her eyes shot open and she looked straight at her wedding finger. "It wasn't a dream" Mei started to feel tears running down her cheeks. She stared at the ring for a few more minutes, the diamond sitting on top shined brightly as the Sun started to rise and the sun rays started to come through the blinds.

Mei got out of bed and decided to see the person she always dreamt of. After she opened the door she saw Yuzu dancing and singing, probably to something upbeat and happy. She had her headphones on and didn't even noticed that Mei had entered the room and was now behind her.

"ahhh, Good Morning Mei!" Yuzu smiled widely as Mei gave Yuzu a hug from behind and nuzzled into the back of Yuzu's neck.

"Good morning Wife!" Mei felt a jolt of electricity surge through her body as the words left her lips.

"Mwah!" and how did you sleep MRS Aihara?" Yuzu's smile could light up the whole room.

Mei felt her face go red and the blush starting to make its way to the tip of her ears.

"I was sleeping amazingly until I woke up to an empty bed" Mei tried to give Yuzu a scolding look but the smile the blonde had on her right now made Mei melt even more.

"Sorry Wifey but I wanted to make sure I had breakfast ready, we both have big days today and I don't want either of us lacking in energy" Yuzu quickly made her way to the table as she dished to food out for Mei and herself.

"Are you excited Mei?" Yuzu asks as she pulled the chair out for Mei which made her blush "I am more excited for you Yuzu" Yuzu took her place across from her Wife.

Yuzu had finally got the promotion she had worked so hard for, her new title will now be Executive Fashion and arts designer, she had been working vigorously for the past 3 years to get the position they even had to cancel the honeymoon because Yuzu didn't want to miss a deadline. "once im settled in my new position, what do you say we finally go on that Honeymoon Mei?" Yuzu tried to hide the blush showing on her cheeks

"Its already been a month Yuzu and besides do you really want to ask for time off just after they give you this promotion?" Mei spoke back calmly as she started to eat her breakfast.

Yuzu just nodded and pouted for the rest of the breakfast.

With breakfast done both women were now dressed and ready for work.

Mei slowly opened the door to her and Yuzu's apartment "i'm home" mei said quietly as the apartment was in darkness. "Yuzu must still be at work, I should cook her something for her first day" Mei wasn't the best cook but over the years Yuzu had taught her how to make some simple dishes.

It was starting to get late and Mei was beginning to get worried, she rang Yuzu multiple times and sent numerous txt messages, she was considering calling the police when she heard the front door open then a 'crash'.

"Yuzu? Is that y-" Mei stopped mid sentence as all she saw was a VERY intoxicated Yuzu with some woman she had never met before laying on top of HER wife.

"What is going on here? and who are you?" Meis death stare was burning a hole in the womans head, she quickly stood up "Ahh im soooo sorry, she said she had the door but as she fell she pulled me down with her" the lady replied as she tried to smile at Mei. She had dark brown hair reaching just below her butt. She wore glasses and had the deepest shade of blue eyes that looked like they reflected the ocean. "I am Kushna Ngagi, I am Miss Yuzuko Aihara's personal assistant" she bowed politely as she waited for Mei's response.

"MRS" was all Mei said, Kushna looked confusedly at Mei "Mrs Yuzuko Aihara, we ARE married, I am Mei Aihara" Mei also bowed "Ahhh yes im sorry for that Mrs Aihara-san"

"ahhh Mei I love you!" Yuzu slurred out the words, Mei quickly tried to hide her blush as Kushna giggled quietly behind her hand. "Thank you Miss Ngagi I should be able to take it from here"

Yuzu slowly opened her eyes, her head was throbbing and the sun light that was coming through the blinds felt like knives stabbing her in the eye.

"Morning" Mei said cooly as she opened the blinds in one go "Ahhhhh Mei my head is throbbing and my eyes feel like they are going to fall out, Yuzu tried to cover her face but was quickly stopped as Mei pulled the pillow away from her and held her head in place with both her hands "Yuzuko look at me" Yuzu felt her body shudder as Mei spoke her full name. She slowly opened those Emerald eyes which locked straight onto those deep violets.

"What were you thinking getting wasted on your FIRST day? and on top of that do you know how worried I was? i tried contacting you all night, I was nearly going to call the police!" Mei didn't break eye contact once as she spoke.

"I know, im sorry Mei, its just that I was on a high from my first day then all the Bosses invited me out and said we should celebrate and I kind of lost track of time and my phone" Yuzu tried to look away but Mei was holding her in place.

"So you lost your phone? You know you cant handle your alcohol very well" Yuzu went to say something when a knock at the door startled both of them.

Mei openned the door "ahh good morning Mrs Aihara-san" Kushna bowed as she greeted Mei.

"Kushna what are you doing here? ohh and sorry for last night" Yuzu spoke as both women looked at her.

"Good morning Mrs Aihara-" Yuzu cut in "ohh call me Yuzu I already told you that yesterday and you can just call Mei, Mei. Right Mei?" Yuzu gave both women a smile as Mei just nodded.

"o.k then, thank you. Well I though that maybe you wouldn't be up to driving to work so I thought I would pick you up on the way. I also brought some pain relief and a hydrating sports drink" Kushna then held up a plastic bag which held the items she had just mentioned. "Ohhhh your the sweetest! thank you Kushna" Yuzu gave the woman a hug as she took the bag and started to walk back inside "Well as you can see im not ready yet, give me just 20 minutes, please come in and make yourself at home" Yuzu then disappeared into their room which left Mei and Kushna alone in the kitchen.

After what felt like the most awkward 20 minutes ever for Mei, Yuzu cam e out all refreshed and ready for work. "wow no one would guess that you were blind drunk last night, you look amazing" Yuzu smiled brightly back at the woman and Mei felt a piercing pain in her chest she didn't know what it was. "ohh i almost forgot here is your phone Yuzu. You gave it to me after your fourth drink, you said that Mei would kill you if you lost it" Kushna tried not to look at Mei as she handed the phone back to Yuzu.

"You are a life saver, thank you Kushna" yuzu then turned to Mei. "Dont worry Mei Ill make sure to message you all day" Yuzu gave Mei a quick kiss before heading out the door with Kushna.

As they left Mei started to feel lonely again, she couldn't explain the feeling but she felt anxious and nervous at the same time.

Mei then left for work "I will do something special for us this weekend" Mei said to herself as she sat in her Chairmans office watching the time go by.

Mei finally was home, she opened the door slowly then felt a smile reach her lips as she smelt Yuzu's cooking. She quickly took her shoes off she couldn't wait to see Yuzu after the long day she had. Her smile quickly faded when she heard Yuzu laughing as well as someone else.

Mei walked into the kitchen "Welcome home Mei" Yuzu placed a soft but quick kiss on Meis lips as she entered the kitchen.

"Welcome back Mei-san" Kushna smiled softly at Mei. Mei tried not to look annoyed at Yuzu. "I thought to thank Kushna for looking after me yesterday and coming this morning that I would invite her to have dinner with us"

Mei quickly excused herself to get freshened up, when she returned Yuzu and Kushna were sitting at the table waiting for her. Everytime Kushna would laugh Mei could feel anger wash over her. Kushna and Yuzu laughed for most of dinner 'how can Yuzu be so oblivious? she clearly likes Yuzu' Mei thought to herself as she quietly sat next to Yuzu and ate her dinner. "Thank you Yuzu, Mei-san" Kushna bowed politely "No need to be so formal, give me a hug" Yuzu gave Kushna a hug and Mei could feel like she was going to explode at any minute. After she left Mei made her way to her and Yuzu's room, she quickly closed the door behind her. She made her way to the end of the bed and sat down, trying to figure out the feelings she was having right now 'You have nothing to worry about, Yuzu would never betray you or your heart' Mei was brought out of her thoughts when she heard Yuzu enter the room "Mei are you ok? You were pretty quiet during dinner, i mean even more quiet" Yuzu waited for Mei to say something, but the response Mei gave put Yuzu in shock. "Yuzu do you have feelings for her?"

"What?! What are you talking about Mei?" Yuzu made her way over to Mei, she truly didn't know what Mei was talking about. "Please be honest with me Yuzu, I mean I cant make you laugh like she does or smile" Yuzu started to feel anger come over her 'Does Mei really think I'm like that?' Yuzu knelt down by Mei all her anger washed away as she grabbed Mei's chin and turned it so that she could look Mei in the eyes, she she turned Mei's face she was met with watery violets.

"Mei? Whats wrong? dont cry" Yuzu kissed Mei's tears away, their faces were now only centimetres away, before Yuzu could say another word Mei crashed their lips together in a rough but passionate kiss which Yuzu happily returned. Yuzu now moved Mei up to the pillows of the bed while she expertly took off Mei's top and bra "ahh…mm…Yuzu" Mei could feel her heart beating faster with every second that Yuzu was touching her. Yuzu started to make her way down Mei's beautiful pale body, kissing each inch as she went lower. Yuzu then slid off Mei's pants and underwear in one swift motion, Mei then tugged at Yuzu's shirt with pleading eyes. "Someone is needy tonight" Yuzu gave Mei a sweet smile while Mei had the biggest blush all over her face. Yuzu quickly took her shirt, bra and pants off. Both women took in the sight of each other, Yuzu ran her hand along Mei's body which gave her goosebumps. They shared another deep and passionate kiss, Yuzu's hand trailed down to Mei's pussy. She slowly inserted 2 fingers which released a loud moan from the raven haired woman. "ahhhh…ahhhhh Yuzu, make love to me"that was all Mei had to say. Yuzu quickly started thrusting harder and faster as Mei moved her hips to match Yuzu's. At the same time Yuzu was kissing and sucking Mei's neck and moving to her breast and sucking then lightly biting the nipple, leaving marks all over her body. Mei could feel the climax coming she wrapped her legs and arms around Yuzu, Yuzu could feel how wet Mei was, Meis' juices were running down her hand to her arm. "Yuzu more, give me more" with that Yuzu doubled her efforts knowing that her wife was nearly at her limit, with one final deep thrust Mei was over the edge "ahhhhhhhh…mmmmmmm" Mei arched her back as her whole body was tingling. Yuzu quickly moved her hand then wrapped her arms around each of Mei's thighs to hold her in place, Yuzu then shoved her tongue inside Mei. "ahhhh Yuzu I cant take much more" Mei was still trying to recover from the last orgasm, her whole body was shaking "mmmmm….ahhhh…. Mei you taste so good" Mei blushed at the sound of Yuzu in-between her legs. Her back arched again, her toes curled and she moaned uncontrollably "Yuzu…." Yuzu finished licking up the rest of Mei's juices. Yuzu then sat up as she brought her 2 fingers that were also in Mei not to long ago and licked them clean. Yuzu went back up to Mei she looked intensely into her Wife's eyes "I love you so much Mei Aihara" Yuzu kissed Mei with all the passion she had, Mei then turned the tables as she rolled Yuzu onto her back and was now straddling Yuzu by the hips. "it's your turn now 'wifey'" Yuzu laughed at hearing Mei using slang wording. Mei went straight for Yuzu's weak spot, she sucked hard on Yuzu's neck then lightly kissed the mark that was already starting to show 'there that should do it' Mei then started to kiss and suck on Yuzu's breast's "ahhh m…Mei please" Mei looked at Yuzu, she knew what that meant. Yuzu was already winded up from teasing and making love to Mei. "i need you" Yuzu stated in a low husky voice. "And you have me" Mei replied as she moved her hand down to Yuzu's pussy, without hesitation she slid 2 fingers straight into Yuzu. "ahhhhh…yes Mei" Mei instantly started to thrust fast and hard, Yuzu was meeting every thrust. Mei kissed Yuzu as her thrust's deepened. Yuzu could feel herself reaching the end when Mei quickly removed her fingers. "Mei?!" Yuzu could feel frustration starting to take over. Mei smirked as she licked her fingers clean. "I want to taste all of you too" Yuzu's eyes widened, Mei did the same as Yuz, wrapping one arm around each of Yuzu's thighs. Yuzu could feel Mei's warm breath tickling her pussy "ohhhhh…ahhhhh" Mei slid her tongue inside Yuzu, she thrusted deeper, Yuzu arched her back and let out a small cry "ahhh Mei" Mei felt warm juices run down her throat she kept licking until she knew Yuzu was done. She sat up licking her lips. Yuzu wrapped her legs around Mei and pulled her down to her "Yuzu" Mei giggled as the blonde had both arms and legs wrapped around her now. "So are you gonna tell me whats wrong yet?" Yuzu held Mei close as she spoke.

"I honestly don't know what i was feeling" Mei quickly grabbing onto Yuzu's hand and intertwining them. "Do you think that maybe you were jealous Mei?" Mei squeezed Yuzu's hand. Yuzu then turned Mei around so they were facing each other. " Mei I know I might laugh a lot and smile a lot when I am around Kushna, but you are what keeps me smiling everyday" Yuzu wiped away a few tears that were falling down Mei's cheeks. "It hurts for me to think that you would think I would leave you so easily like your not important to me" Yuzu then grabbed Mei's left hand and brought it to their faces, she kissed the ring on Mei's finger. "I told you didn't I Mei? I will never betray you. I meant every word, I married you because I choose you out of everyone in this world, I choose you." Yuzu took a deep breath as she looked straight into Mei's beautiful violet eyes " And I want you to know that I will keep choosing you everyday a-" Mei quickly cut in "even the bad days?" Yuzu cupped Mei's cheek as she gave her a soft and loving look "Especially the bad days. These rings represent a promise we have made to each other, to love each other every day, forever. You are all I want Mei and you will be all i ever want or need" Yuzu leant forward and gave Mei a soft kiss. "I'm sorry Yuzu, its just that I get scared sometimes, i know I can be difficult to be with and try not to be jealous but-" Yuzu place a finger over Mei's lips. "Mei you dont ever have to feel insecure because" Yuzu then moved her and Mei's hand over to where her heart is "Can you feel it Mei? My heart only beats for you, no one else. We are married now, so your stuck with me for life weather you want to or not" Yuzu gave Mei one of her signature smiles.

"I love you Yuzu, you opened my eyes to this world and I will never let you go" Mei then cuddled into Yuzu's chest as Yuzu wrapped her arms and legs around mei and they drifted off into a deep sleep.