Day 1 - Colours

Erza picked up the shirt - Jellal's shirt - from the floor, and put it on. The sundress she wore last night had gone to her requip space. She could change into it again in a second, of course, but Jellal's shirt felt comfortable to be dressed in. And it smelled nice, too.

She walked to the windows and pulled open the curtains. She couldn't help a relieved sigh when seeing that the rain that had been falling since day one of her honeymoon vacation, had finally stopped. Although the sky was still a little bit cloudy, it would not stop her from spending the day at the beach at last. She couldn't wait to put on her new swimsuit - a tailor-made one that she specially ordered from Heart Kruz for her honeymoon, once Jellal and she had decided to pick Caelum's famous tropical island as their destination.

The sound of the bed sheet ruffling drew Erza's attention away from planning the activities of the day, and told her that Jellal had probably woken up. She didn't turn around to watch him. After several moments, she heard him yearning and the sound of his bare foot touching the wooden floor.

"Good morning, Erza."

Upon hearing his greeting, Erza finally turned to meet Jellal with a bright smile.

"Good morning, Jellal."

Jellal grinned. Erza watched him standing up and getting into the briefs left on the floor last night, before approaching her. She turned to look outside the window again and felt his pair of strong arms wounded around her waist.

"You are up early today." Jellal spoke softly against Erza's ear, before giving her a kiss on her cheekbone.

"Only a little bit earlier than you." Erza chuckled. "The sunlight that was missing in the past few days has called out to me this morning."

"I see."

Jellal gathered Erza's hair to the side with one hand, and began leaving kisses along her exposed neckline. Erza closed her eyes and relaxed against Jellal, relishing in the gentle touch of his lips against her skin. He left one last kiss at where her neck and shoulder met, when further advancement was not possible without pulling down his shirt from her shoulder, and raised his head.

"Look, Erza!"

Erza opened her eyes. The view outside the window had changed and she gasped in delight.

"A rainbow!"

From the left side of the resort, the colourful arch began from the surface of the deep blue sea, extended towards and across the pale white sky and ended at the greenish hillside at the other side of the establishment.

"This is beautiful." Erza whispered, and heard Jellal hummed lowly in response.

"And this is the first time for us to witness a rainbow together." His body warmth was sipping to her through his t-shirt as he pulled her closer to him.

"It is." She smiled, and raised her head to the side to give Jellal a peck on his lips. "And I don't think I have seen a rainbow as bright as this one before. It's like…...each of its colours is competing to stand out from the others."

"So, which one is your favorite?"

Erza turned around in Jellal's hold and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her gaze landed on his hair while her fingers played with its' end, like she was thinking deeply about the question. When her eyes found Jellal's, they were sparkling with certain desire and her face was dusted with a light blush.

"I like purple the most."

"I see." Jellal chuckled and Erza could actually feel the vibration of his chest through their touching bodies. "The colour that is a mixture of red and blue, huh? I like it too."

"I have dreamed of…" The shade of pink on Erza's cheeks turned darker. "Giving birth to purple haired babies. They were so adorable."

"They must be. But I'm afraid it's not how genes work on hair colour." Jellal laughed softly, and swirled a few of Erza's tresses between his fingers. "And while purple hair is nice, I would prefer our children to inherit your hair color."

"I don't mind if they have your hair colour instead. You have gorgeous blue hair, haven't I told you before?"

"Yes, you have." Smiling, Jellal looked into Erza's eyes with an intense gaze that spoke of love and gratefulness, before leaning forward to press his lips on Erza's. He deepened the kiss with his tongue sliding inside her mouth when Erza weaved her fingers into his hair. They unwillingly broke apart when feeling short of breath.

Having found his breath after a moment, Jellal kissed Erza's lips one more time, before whispering a question into her ear. When Erza nodded, he picked her up from the floor and moved to the bed.

There was only one way to find out which of their hair colour was the one preferred by their children.