Chapter Notes

Well, we've reached the end. Thank you all very much for reading this story.

Notes: I got the idea for Rory's career turn from the story "oh forget i said love, but also don't forget i said love" by JannP. JannP's idea about Rory's writing career was a true "aha" moment. If you have not read this beautifully written story, make it a point to do so.

The Huntzberger Media corporate hierarchy as well as Logan's job description was lifted from the News Corp website.

Enjoy and thanks again!

Epilogue: Sixteen Month Later

New York

August 2019

"So are you ready to face the crowd?" Rory asked Logan.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when they announce that I won't be taking the job as Co-Chair." He responded with a smirk.

"Everyone is so sure you will! The article I read in the Wall Street Journal yesterday was written like you already had the job."

"I know. I'm not sure if the news of these appointments is going to make this evening fun or unbearable. Really, we need to hatch an escape plan just in case it gets too much."

"Ok, I'll fake a migraine or food poisoning, or I'll call in a Hayden emergency and we can take off immediately."

"Better yet, we could just slip out quietly when no one is looking. It will add to the mystery."

"Ah yes, intrigue. Ok, but only after dessert. The Yale Club has excellent desserts."


Saturday evening in the Gilmore-Huntzberger household. Rory and Logan were in their bedroom, getting ready for the annual Huntzberger Media Group party. While the White House Correspondents Dinner was known as the "Nerd Prom", media events such as this was billed in the industry as "Homecoming". However, tonight was of particular interest as rumors have been swirling for weeks regarding major changes in the corporate personnel and structure the Huntzberger Media Group. The whole extended Huntsberger family was attending.

The shake-up at The Huntzberger Media Grop provided an ample amount of drama for Logan. After much consternation and a health scare, Mitchum made the announcement of his imminent retirement and the creation of the position of Co-Chair while he transitioned out of the daily business in a closed board meeting. While Mitchum's impending plans were supposed to be a secret, word leaked out, setting a buzz in the media world with all reports and rumors pointing to Logan taking over for his father. For the month between the board meeting and the party, Mitchum worked every angle to convince Logan to take the Co-Chair position, but in the end, Logan turned it down, stepping aside to let his cousin Darby take the helm. While angry and put off at first, Mitchum eventually relented giving his endorsement to Darby, which was immediately ratified by the Board of Directors. Logan was then promoted to Darby's role as Chief Strategy Officer, where (as his website bio explained) he "oversaw a dynamic team working on global mergers and acquisitions to further grow and diversify the company's portfolio while fostering innovation and synergies across HMG businesses." Logan was grateful for the challenge, happy that he was able to set his career goal on his own terms, and even more grateful that he had a job that interested him but was not so overwhelming that it took time away from Rory and Hayden.

"...So Jacqueline e-mailed confirming that she finished reading our latest draft. We start editing on Monday. This is not going to be pretty." Rory told Logan as she walked out of the bathroom.

"The process never is," Logan replied.

"I know, I just hope she won't be too draconian. I almost went off on her on the last round of edits."

"Jacqueline is one of the best in the business. It's not personal."

"I know, as much as I have been edited in my life, I will never get used to it."

"Now that I understand."

For Rory, life took an interesting turn as well as she was embarking on the journey of published author. It started when she and Olivia attended the closing performance of New Haven's The Cooperative Arts and Humanities School summer theatre program which was sponsored by the alumni of the Yale School of Drama. Lucy, Olivia and Rory's friend, served as a teacher and advisor for the marquee performance; a production of the graphic novel Drama by Raina Telegemeier. With Lucy's guidance, the students adapted, directed, and produced the play. Watching a production based on a story about tween life reminded Rory or her own childhood and her love of books and a good story. Likewise, Olivia became excited about the world of graphic novels and the possibilities of reaching new generation audiences through visual art. Together they decided to create their own novel, using Olivia's artwork and excerpts from Rory's unpublished novel about her life growing up with Lorelai. Within six months they had the first four chapters of Chronicles of Mary: A Coming of Age Story about a Smalltown Girl with Big Dreams. The story centered on the adventures of a sixteen-year-old girl named Renny Graham and her single mother Lauren. The story included best friend Keiko, grandparents Kelly and Edward, and prep school frenemy Geneva ("Congratulations and good luck on the novel. You know I will sue your ass if you portray me as unsympathetic." e-mailed Paris) and an array of supporting characters who helped inform her life. Rory and Olivia published the stories on their own website, spreading the word through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and various other social media outlets. Soon their stories were linked to other sites such as Sandee Says and A Mighty Girl, garnering them a following which eventually led to a book deal with Doubleday Books.

"Is Gigi all settled in?" Logan asked.

"Pizza, ice cream, every variety of flavored carbonated water imaginable and wifi access? Yea, she's good, in fact, she can't wait for us to leave so she can have the run of the house," Rory replied as she put on her earrings.

"I'm so glad she was available to babysit this weekend."

"Hey, I think she would have done anything to get out of the house. Dad has been laying down the law lately. We may see her more often."

"You think we can take her with us on our trip to Belize? It would be nice to have an extra set of hands. Maybe she could even bring a friend."

"Sure, let's ask her. I'm sure she will jump at the chance."

While career aspiration brought Logan and Rory great satisfaction, it was nothing in comparison to their home life. Almost a year and a half into marriage and Rory and Logan could not have been happier. After the wedding and a three-week family trip/honeymoon in Asia, Rory, Logan, and Hayden settled into the next phase of their family life. Although it had it bumps along the way, the adjustment to living under one roof proved to be smoother than expected. All in all, it felt great to be together; to be able to come home to each other after a long day, to be able to do little things like spending Saturday morning in their pajamas eating cereal while watching cartoons, cuddling together on cold nights, even spending an hour or two folding laundry. After living for so long with so much uncertainty and knowing that this was a life that could have possibly not have been, Rory and Logan were so thankful for every day they were together.

Rory stood in front of Logan holding up two dresses. "Which one looks good with a Chief Strategy Officer?" Before Logan could answer the alarm on Rory's phone went off. Logan and Rory looked at each other with great apprehension. Then Rory went back into the bathroom, returning a few seconds later with a pregnancy test in her hand.

"Well?" The nervous yet excited Logan asked.

Rory looked at him and smiled.