**Chapter 1**

On Namek the long awaited battle between Goku and Frieza was finally underway. The evil Frieza was already in his final form and Goku had just went to the fabled level of Super Saiyajin. Goku's friends had fought the evil fiend while Goku had been on his way here, but there was one warrior who fought that no one knew. She was the one who had fought against Frieza without even a flinch of pain. She was amazing and Vegeta was shocked. He wanted to know who she was, and how she was so strong. It wasn't that she was faster than Frieza, it was the fact that she could go to level 2. Vegeta wanted to know how she had achieved this power, so that he could achieve it as well. The only thing was that Vegeta was dying as well as she was, thanks to Krillin..as usual. The reason Goku was now fighting was that Michelle had been hit in the chest with a large blast from Frieza and was slipping away. Krillin had tried to get out of her way, but was unsuccessful in his weak attempt. Soon her body had disappeared and she was being transported to King Yamma's .

Since she had helped defend the Earth, she was allowed to keep her body. King Yamma looked at her and shook his head, "Michelle, how nice to see you again..go on up to Snake way." She shrugged and then walked past the desk and over to the transport vehicle. It took about 10 minutes for her to get to the entrance of Snake way, but once she was on there, it took her no time at all to get to King Kai's planet. She was the only one who could make it up snake way in only an hour. Not even Goku could do that, but she was really really fast. Once she had arrived on the planet she walked over to King Kai and bowed, "Hello once again King Kai." He looked at her and his antenna twitched, "Hello Michelle, I see you're back again. Also might I say that you look much stronger and more beautiful than you did the last time you were here." She laughed a little, "Thanks King Kai. So when do I start my new level of training?" He looked at her and then over at the three warriors who were still trying to catch Bubbles the monkey. She turned around and laughed, "They still can't catch that monkey?" He shook his head, "Sometimes I think that they couldn't catch a turtle.." She smirked and then noticed the small green figure over on the other side of the planet under a tree, and she leaned over to King Kai, "Who is that King Kai?" He looked over at the figure and then back to her, "That's Piccolo. This training is much to simple for him, so he's waiting." She smiled and King Kai caught a look in her eyes, "Don't try it Michelle, he has a massive inferiority complex, and he's mean and arrogant." Her smile only widened at his words, "All the more fun for me King Kai." He grabbed her arm, "Michelle I'm telling you not to bother him unless you want a fight on your hands." She looked down at King Kai and then ducked as the three fighters jumped over her from behind still chasing Bubbles. She stood up and clenched her fists, "King Kai can I catch Bubbles and hit Gregory and then get on with my training?" He looked at her and then hollered, "Ok boys that's enough!" Tien, Yamcha, and Chaozu stopped and walked over to King Kai. Tien and Yamcha looked Michelle over a couple of times and looked at each other and then smiled.

Only 4 people on Earth had ever seen Michelle, but she was beautiful. King Kai looked at Bubbles and then at Michelle, "Ok Bubbles, run faster than you ever have before." Bubbles took off in a flash and Michelle smirked. Piccolo, who was just ignoring them, now had his eyes open and was listening as King Kai said to run faster than ever before. He knew no one but himself could catch that monkey at its fastest speed. As soon as Bubbles took off so did Michelle and less than a second later Bubbles was in her grasp. Everyone on the planet had their mouths hanging open at what had just occurred. Piccolo got up from his spot under the tree and walked over to them. His movement had caught Michelle's eye and she watched him walk. He was handsome and she wanted him for herself. Tien and Yamcha caught sight of her gawking at Piccolo and began to get jealous. Piccolo paid her no attention until he was only a few inches from her, then he grabbed her shirt and lifted her up to his eye level. She only smiled at him, she wasn't the least bit afraid of him. He looked at her and spoke in his evil sounding voice, "Who are you?" She took hold of his hand and pried his fingers off of her shirt and landed on the ground and brushed her shirt out straight, "My name is Michelle." He looked at her and then growled a little in agitation, "How is it that we have never seen or heard of you before?" She only looked at him, "Well I kept my power level at 5 so that no one would know I was around." It made sense, but what was she doing here if she was so powerful?

He crossed his arms over his chest, "If your so strong then why are you here?" She could tell he was arrogant, and she loved every minute of it, "I was beating Frieza up and then this little bald guy got in my way and got me killed." Piccolo smirked and let out a low laugh, "Chrome Dome strikes again." King Kai looked at all of the fighters and then yelled, "Ok you three back to training right now!" Tien, Chaozu, and Yamcha got back to chasing Bubbles around the area and Piccolo started to walk off, but a firm hand grasped his. He stopped in his tracks and jerked his hand free and turned around, "What?" She walked closer to him and took hold of his cape and his turban and jerked them off and tossed them to the ground, "I think you look much more handsome without that stuff on." She said as she smiled at him. His eyes widened in shock that she had the courage to do that. Everyone once again had their eyes on them. She smirked at him and he lifted her off the ground again, his voice was harsh, "If you ever touch me again I'll be sure and kill you." Her arms slowly moved from her sides up his chest and over his shoulders and around his neck, "I don't see that happening for some odd reason Piccolo." He was beyond shocked at this and let her shirt go, and she fell on her feet. He pulled at her arms trying to get her to release him but it was of no use. He growled and then phased out and appeared behind her , grabbed her, then pinned her arms at her sides, "I warned you" He flew up into the air and prepared to skyrocket down to the ground and throw her into it.

She panicked for a moment and then smirked, he caught sight of it and knew it wasn't a good look he saw in her eyes. What she did next made everyone's heart skip a beat and stop breathing for a moment. She twisted her head up then back and caught his lips with hers, pushing her mouth hard against his. At the sudden action his grip loosened on her, she turned around and wrapped her arms around his waist, opened her mouth and moved her tongue into his mouth. Caressing the insides of his mouth. He tried not to react and then roughly shoved her away from him, shock still written on his face. Everyone on the ground was in complete and utter shock from what they had just seen. She only smiled and then licked her lips slowly, "That...was wonderful." Piccolo floated back away from her and growled slightly, "Next time, I won't let that simple trick fool me." King Kai looked up at the two warriors and then shook his head, "Michelle get down here." In a moment Michelle was on the ground, "Yes King Kai?" He looked at her, rather annoyed, "Michelle, you must concentrate on your training. Do NOT let me catch you around Piccolo again. Do you understand me?" She sighed and then nodded, "Yes King Kai." Piccolo looked at her and noticed her annoyance with the request. He wondered why she wanted to be around him of all people.

Piccolo's thoughts were cut short as Michelle suddenly screamed, he whirled around and saw that Vegeta had arrived on the planet as well and had her against a tree with every ounce of his strength. Tien, Yamcha, Chazou, and King Kai were in awe at this, but Vegeta looked angered, "Tell me how!!!" She struggled in his grasp, she was helpless unless she could power up, but it was of no use to try. Vegeta only snarled and slammed her against the tree again, "I said tell me!!!" She cried out as her body hit the tree again, "Tell you what?!?!" Piccolo had his fists clenched and had a low growl in his throat, he didn't know why he took such offence to Vegeta beating her up. After all he couldn't wait to get his hands on her again no more than five minutes ago, but now he wanted to save her. What was wrong with him? On the ground Vegeta again slammed her against the tree, this time harder and he added a knee to her stomach. The other warriors wanted to help her, but knew that they were no match for Vegeta when he was this angry. Michelle doubled over in pain, but Vegeta pushed her back up, "If you don't tell me what I want to know, I'll kill you." With that he slapped her in the face a couple of times. At his last slap, her hair covered her face. Then suddenly she turned her head back to him, her lip was bleeding and her eyes held so much evil at that moment that it made Vegeta gasp. She let out a scream of anger and her body was caught up in a golden aurora, her hair turned from black to golden, and her beautiful green eyes turned blue, unlike the others did. The force from her body knocked Vegeta backwards and he hit the ground with a hard thud. Everyone was amazed at her power, even King Kai was shocked beyond words. Piccolo floated down to the ground behind Vegeta and picked him up and then glared at him, "You will leave her alone...or I will kill you myself." Vegeta only smirked and started an unseen attack. Michelle's senses picked up on it and within seconds Vegeta was on the ground with Michelle on top of him, her arm raised back with a very powerful ki ball ready and waiting. Piccolo's mouth hung open and so did Vegeta's. The saiyajin prince was shocked beyond words at how anyone, especially a woman could be so powerful. Her eyes pierced into him, "Do not ever, and I mean ever, try to harm any of my friends again, or you will be killed in a way so that no one can bring you back from the dead." With that said she lowered her arm and got off of him and powered down to normal again.

Vegeta got to his feet and smirked, there was one thought going through his mind, 'She must be mine.' She turned to Piccolo and walked over to him, "Are you ok?" He looked at her, shock written on his face again, "I'm fine.." She smiled softly and all of the fighters could see what Piccolo could not, she loved him. Vegeta was angry that she would love a Namek and not the prince of all the saiyajins. This couldn't happen to him, but it was and there was nothing he could do about it. Tien and Yamcha looked at Piccolo and then Yamcha spoke to him, "Hey Piccolo, can we talk to you???" Piccolo turned his attention to them and then walked over to Yamcha and Tien, leaving Michelle behind him. Yamcha and Tien took Piccolo away from the others and then Tien spoke up, "You do know she likes you don't ya?" Piccolo wrinkled his nose, "What of it?" Tien and Yamcha laughed, "We know you aren't the type to have a girl friend, and anyway you're so much older than her." Tien said and Yamcha finished up for him, "So would you mind us hitting on her???" Piccolo looked at them and then growled, "No.you will not hit on her." With that he walked back over to Michelle and she smiled at him. Piccolo smirked a bit and then his face became serious again. King Kai was very irritated by now and he yelled, "OK EVERYONE BACK TO TRAINING NOW!!!!!!!!!" Tien, Yamcha, Chazou and Vegeta went to chase Bubbles and Michelle walked over to a tree and sat underneath it and closed her eyes. Piccolo watched her, she was meditating, and that was one of his favorite things to do. He picked up his cape and turban and put them back on, then walked over to her and sat down to her right. They sat and meditated together for hours until King Kai yelled to the others to get inside and eat something.

He looked over at the two stronger warriors and shook his head. They were both impossible, neither of them would have nothing more than water to keep themselves in top shape. Finally he walked into his small home and watched the other warriors devour the food, all the way down to the very last grain of rice and drop of tea. After they were all full they walked back outside and prepared to catch Bubbles again. Michelle and Piccolo were both under the tree meditating, she opened her eyes and took out a small bottle of water and brought it to her lips. She tilted her head back and drank some of it, then placed the cap back on it and put the bottle away. Piccolo also took a bottle from his cape and brought it to his lips. As he drank, some of the water ran out of his mouth and down his face. Michelle was enticed by this, she watched his every movement. His lips were so full and kissable, and the water running from his mouth was all to amazing to her. She reached out and wiped a little of it away, "That water running down your mouth is very enticing Piccolo." He almost choked and then glared at her, "Shut up." He said icily as he turned his attention back to putting his water away. Suddenly a shadow loomed over them and she broke her eyes away from him to look at King Kai, "You will need more than water to keep training." As if on cue both of them spoke, "I'm fine.." They stopped and looked over at each other, King Kai watched them with interest. This little meeting was bound to lead to something more, and he knew for sure that it would.