'Red, blue, purple, green, yellow and brown. That's almost the full colour wheel,' Midoriya thought to himself as he inspected his pale bruised body. There were even some small burn marks around his wrists and on his shoulders. He flinched when he touched any of the marks. The olive haired male sighed, feeling helpless to himself, as he's felt this same feeling before. Time after time again. But he never really knew what he was supposed to do.

Back in college, Midoriya had confessed his romantic feelings for Bakugo. The blond couldn't take the other teen seriously at first, but after a lot of convincing from Deku, Bakugo finally got the picture. Katsuki didn't necessarily hate the other boy, but he didn't like him either. That's how it always was. But after spending more time with the smaller boy, they had slowly turned their relationship into a friends with benefits kind of deal. Neither of the males expected it to last 3 whole years. The green haired boy had eventually moved in to the older boys apartment that he lived in, rather than a dorm room. Bakugo couldn't stand the thought of rooming with someone he hated, but Midoriya was different. Over time, Deku fell more in love with Katsuki, and Katsuki fell more in love with having something to control. Or someone, in this case being Midoriya.

Bakugo became more controlling and more abusive as the months went by. When Midoriya would fight against a villain and jump in front of large and strong attacks, Bakugo would get angry and yell at Midoriya for acting so wreckless and weak. Bakugo would even grab the smaller male and throw him around to prove a point. Midoriya understood that the blond was upset and why, but he also knew that the other male went too far a lot of the time. He knew he meant well and tried to give the blond male the benefit of the doubt. But there was always more to it. Midoriya was restricted from hanging out, and even talking to any of his friends. He was forced to delete phone numbers, he had to decline outings with his classmates after class was over and eventually he couldn't go anywhere without Bakugo at his side. And Bakugo never wanted to hang out with anyone from class. So it was always just the pair. And soon after, Midoriya felt like he was all alone.

Deku hadn't seen some of his friends in a couple years. Ochako, Iida, Todoroki, Asui, Shinso and even All Might too. He had honestly missed them all so much. They were his support system, and right at this very moment he was really in need of his support system. But Midoriya knew that if he had figured out a way to contact any of them or even thought about trying he would be in more of a world of hurt than usual. And if Midoriya tried to argue or fight back, it wouldn't be too pretty either.

Tears streamed down pale, freckled skin and dripped onto the tile floor below. Deku couldn't remember how many times his tears stained the same bathroom floor for the same reason. It was always late at night, or when Bakugo was on his shift. Those were the only times when Midoriya didn't have to fake it.

There was a hitch in the boys breathing all of a sudden. He felt a panic attack coming on again. Swiftly, a plain white T-shirt covered the marks on his chest and abdomen, leaving the handprint marks on his wrists exposed as well as some thumbprint bruises on his upper arms peeking out from under the sleeves. Midoriya didn't care to cover them like he usually would, not if he was just going to go out for a late night stroll. Who would see him anyway?

Midoriya snagged his phone, tossed on a pair of sneakers and slipped out the front door, careful not to wake the beast.

He instantly felt better to walk outside and breath fresh air, without someone watching over him the whole time. He felt like his own person. He felt free. Almost like he could do anything.