The Death of My Doctor

'It's still Christmas Day, then how come it's probably the worst Christmas ever?'

The Doctor is bound and gagged, strapped upright to a trolley, whist Christina is tied to a chair nearby.

"Now then, I've got a planet to run." The Master begun, as he then addressed himself to the rest of the world aka himself. "Is everybody ready?"

'Everybody meaning yourself, since over the past thirty minutes… anyone but us two is yourself and it's really becoming too creepy especially thinking of the combinations of people as yourself.'

The Master, as Mr-Danes previously showed up on screen.
"Six billion, seven hundred and twenty seven million, nine hundred and forty nine thousand three hundred and thirty eight versions of us. Awaiting orders."

'Of course. A big number like that can give you anything… power, wealth – everything I ever wanted until I met my husband. Actually, perhaps I should have thought of this plan before the Master did?'

The screen changed to the Master, as the President now.
"This is Washington. As President of the United States, I can transfer all the United Nations protocols to you immediately, putting you in charge of all the Earth's defences."

Now to U.N.I.T. Nobody knew who this was supposed to be.
"UNIT HQ, Geneva reporting. All under your command, sir."

"And this is the Central Military Commission here in Beijing, sir, with over two point five million soldiers, sir!"

"Enough soldiers and weapons to turn this planet into a warship." The Master commented, before heading towards the bound-up Doctor, "Nothing to say, Doctor? What's that? Pardon? Sorry?"

'He does get pretty annoying at times, doesn't he?'

"Yeah… if you want to annoy both of us, you're going the right way about it." Christina said, as she answered for the Doctor.

"Oh, your woman's still kicking up a fuss." The Master complained.

"I'm prouder to be his wife actually…" Christina answered, as the Master was confused.

"YOU married HER?"

'Wow, and I've confused the Master? That's rich…'

"Good thing too, we fit together… me and him." Christina commented, as it earned a smile from the Doctor.

"Hush, now. Listen to your Master." The Master said as a phone ringed twice. Even the Doctor was confused. "But that's a mobile."

'Why would Donna call me now? Or, it could be from a different world.'

"Yeah, it's mine. I kept it. Let me turn it off." Christina said.

"No, no, no, no, no. I don't think you understand. Everybody on this planet is me. And I'm not phoning you, so who the hell is that?" The Master argued with her.

"It's nobody. I tell you. Probably giving me messages or adverts or something else." Christina tried to lie as the Master searches her pockets and finds a revolver.

"Ooo and look at this. Good woman!" The Master commented as he tosses it on the floor and gets the phone. "Donna. Who's Donna?"

"She's no one. Please, just… leave it." Christina continued to argue as the Master pressed the speakerphone option for both to hear the cries of Donna.

"Chrissie, don't hang up. You've got to help me. I ran out, but everyone was changing."

"Who is she? Why didn't she change?" The Master asks the both of them.

"Well, it was this thing that the Doctor did before he met her. He told me, something like 'the Metacrisis'. Christina explained to him, pretty much the information of what the Doctor told her.

"Oh, he just loves playing with Earth girls!" The Master groaned.

"Are you there?"

"Find her. Trace the call." The Master commanded as a scientist-Master obeys him.

"Are you still there? Can you hear me?"

"Say goodbye to the freak, wifey girl." The Master asked her.

"Donna, get out of there! Just get out of there. I'm telling you, run! FIND somewhere." Christina told her friend.

"She's on Wessex Lane, Chiswick. Open the phone lines. Everyone on Wessex Lane. Red alert."

"Donna? What's happening? Are you still there?" Christina kept asking her.

"They're everywhere. But, it's not just them. I can see those things again. Those creatures. Why can I see a giant wasp? And it hurts. My head. It keeps getting hotter, and hotter, and hotter, and hotter, and hotter!"

Then Christina heard some sort of energy surging from Donna, travelling along the alleyway. Donna then collapses.

'Well, the only other person on Earth apart from me is dead. That's a bit… tragic. Well, this HAS to be fixed.'

The Doctor is smiling, as he winks.

'Wait, why IS he winking at me? Please don't say that you're putting the moves on me NOW are you?'

The Master goes to remove his gag.

"That's better. Hello." The Doctor said. "But really, did you think I'd leave my best friend without a defence mechanism?"

"Doctor? What actually happened to Donna?" Christina inquired to him.

"She's all right. She's fine, I promise. She'll just sleep." He answered clearly to not confuse her.

'Good… cause he doesn't have to kill people all the time. Now, how about all the other 6 billion'

"Tell me, where's your Tardis?" The Master asked him, in a quiet silly voice of his own.

"Like he would tell you… and NEITHER will I." Christina said.

"You know, you could be so wonderful." The Doctor said.

"Where is it?"

"You're a genius. You're stone cold brilliant, you are. I swear, you really are. But you could be so much more. You could be beautiful. With a mind like that, us three could travel the stars. It would be my honour. Because you don't need to own the universe, just see it. To have the privilege of seeing the whole of time and space. That's ownership enough." The Doctor rambled enough.

'Yeah, I'm not travelling with him. DEFINITELY not. Us two, we're fine enough. But unless he's locked up in the TARDIS.'

"Would it stop, then? The noise in my head?" The Master asked the Doctor carefully.

"I can help." The Doctor answered softly to him, trying to help him.

"I don't know what I'd be without that noise." The Master commented.

"I wonder what I'd be, without you."

'Oh lord they're gonna kiss, aren't they? Well… better break up the boy band romance somehow, perhaps by actually asking what the noise is that he keeps babbling on about.'

"I wanted to ask, about the noise you keep going about Master… what is it really?" Christina inquired, as the Master began to talk about it.

"It began on Gallifrey, as children. Not that you'd call it childhood. More a life of duty. Eight years old. I was taken for initiation, to stare into the Untempered Schism."

"What does that mean, the Untempered Schism?" Christina asked them again.

"It's a gap in the fabric of reality. You can see into the Time Vortex itself." The Doctor explained to her, "And it hurts."

"They took me there in the dark. I looked into time and I heard it calling to me. Drums. The never ending drums." The Master said as he looked around in his madness. "Listen to it. Listen."

'Wish I could if I was either mad or had two-hearts. Well actually, the Doctor has two-hearts and is from the same race, but I think he can't hear them… so it's been specifically made for the Master! Clever…'

"Then let's find it. You and me." The Doctor says as he looked like he could promise.

"Except. Oh. Oh, wait a minute. Oh, yes. Oh, that's good." The Master slowly realised as he stood up with more glee in his face as he knew more.

"What? What is?" The Doctor questioned him.

"The noise exists within my head, and now within six billion heads. Everyone on Earth can hear it. Imagine." The Master explained as he even started to smile at this new idea, "Oh. Oh, yes."

Then he laughed as his blue illuminating skeleton became briefly visible again.

'I thought that Gate would fixed him up… but no, still looks odd like the Ood.'

"The Gate wasn't enough. You're still dying." The Doctor commented as the Master was now slumped to the ground.

"This body was born out of death. All it can do is die." The Master complained, before he got right back up to torment the Doctor with more questions, "but what did you say to me, back in the wasteland? You said the end of time."

"I said something is returning. I was shown a prophecy. That's why I need your help. Both of your helps actually… I'm not sure on who it is yet." The Doctor reminded the both of them.

"What if I'm part of it? Don't you see? The drumbeat is calling from so far away. From the end of time itself. And now it's been amplified six billion times. Triangulate all those signals. I could find its source. Oh, Doctor. That's what your prophecy was."

Then he paraded around in front of the Doctor. "Me!"
He then slapped the Doctor.

'Yeah, can I slap you now… it's a personal vendetta… just let me and him out of this chair. You, are not leaving the room.'

"Where's the Tardis?"

"No. Just stop. Just think." The Doctor disapproved of the Master asking again.

"Kill her." The Master commanded as a helmeted guard goes over to Christina.

'There's something wrong about this guard… I haven't checked… but he doesn't seem like one of the Master's that are supposed to be the guards.'

"I need that technology, Doctor. Tell me where it is, or your wife is dead." The Master commanded again.

"Don't tell him… Seriously, you need yourself more than me." Christina told him.

"I'll kill her right now!" The Master shouted to him.

"Actually, the most impressive thing about you is that after all this time, you're still bone dead stupid." The Doctor commented. "You've got six billion pairs of eyes, but you still can't see the obvious, can you?"
"Like what?"

"That guard is one inch too tall." The Doctor said as Christina slaps the Master before the guard knocks out the Master with his rifle butt, then removes his helmet to reveal the green spiky head of Rossiter.

"The slap?" The Doctor inquired to Christina.

"He slapped you, sort of needed really…" Christina answered for him as she got out of the ropes very easily. "Oh, and I was waiting for a moment to untie myself."

"Oh my God, I hit him. I've never hit anyone in my life." Rossiter conveyed as his colleague Addams runs in.

"Well, come on. We need to get out of here fast." Addams complains as Rossiter releases the Doctor with some help with Christina. "Come on! We've got to get out."

"There's too many buckles and straps." Rossiter complains.

"Just wheel him."

"No, no, no. Get me out. No, no, no, don't. Don't! No, no, no." The Doctor started to complain.

'Okay. Now this is the best Christmas present of them all… The Doctor wheeled all along this bloody mansion. Looks like I'm going to be embarrassing him for a long time with this.'

"Which way?" Rossiter inquired.

"This way." Addams argued.

"No, no, no, no, no. The other way. I've got my Tardis." The Doctor argued at the same time.

"Hah. I'm going whichever way we can. I'm still not going to stop about this after we're done here." Christina explains.

"I know what I'm doing." Addams tells them.

"No, no, no, just just listen to me!" The Doctor screeches over her as he fights to get out of his wheeled-trap.

"Just, just stop and listen to me!" The Doctor kept crying out as the Master runs in with armed guards.

"Gotcha." The Master comments.

"You think so?" Addams inquires as she presses her wristwatch.

"Wait, what are you doing again?" Christina asks at the same time as the Doctor shouts, "No, no, no, no, don't!"

She, Rossiter, Addams and the Doctor vanish.

'Ahh, clever… and bonus points for not hurting my back.'

"Now get me out of this thing!" The Doctor complains.

"Don't say thanks, will you." Addams argues at him.

"Yeah, he's not that kind of guy…" Christina said as she trailed off before going to a nearby window.

"He's not going to let us go. Just hurry up and get me out!" The Doctor tells them.

"Wow… space. Never thought to see it from this far actually." Christina whispered to herself.

'I know… you want to say it, but it's a bit of a cliché really! Ahh well, space… the final frontier eh?!'

Christina was still looking at the view outside as everybody else was just arguing in the background.

"Come on!"

"All right!"

"Oh, get a move on."

They then finally get the Doctor free. He instantly zaps the teleport controls with his sonic screwdriver.

"Oh… what was that for then?" Christina asked him.

"I'll tell you later, Chrissy." The Doctor said as she slowly smiled after being mentioned by his nickname. "Now, where's your flight deck?"

"But we're safe. We're a hundred thousand miles above the Earth." Addams says to him.

"And he's got every single missile on the planet ready to fire." The Doctor mocks them as Addams tries to think of a counter-act to the argument.

"Good point." Addams says as she, Rossiter, Christina and the Doctor runs out.

"We've got to close it down!" The Doctor shouts.

"No chance, mate. We're going home." Rossiter argues.

"The hell you are… the Doctor's right!" Christina counter-acts him.
"We're just a salvage team. Local politics has got nothing to do with us. Not unless there's a carnival. Sooner we get back to Vinvocci space the better." Addams explains.

"We're not leaving." The Doctor tells them as he sabotages their plans with the sonic screwdriver to bust the flight controls. The whole spaceship then goes dark.

'Yeah, definitely right about the not leaving… but how the hell are we going to get back to Earth, since the TARDIS is there.'

The interior part of the spaceship makes a couple of sounds as everyone stands there and waits.

"Shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush." The Doctor emits as everyone keeps waiting.

"No sign of any missiles. No sign of anything." Addams notes, before letting her anger out. "You've wrecked the place!"

"The engines are burnt out. All we've got is auxiliary lights. Everything else is kaput. We can't move. We're stuck in orbit." Rossiter explains.

"Thanks to you, you idiot!" Addams shouts at him as she leaves.

"Well. I'm not on their side… you did good. And we can finally have some peace and quiet after the Master… now, on the other hand… how the heck are you gonna defeat the Master now?" Christina explained to him as he went silent. "Yeah, knew that was going to happen…"

'Of course, you would… so why even try?'

"I've had a wonder round… you get so lost in there." Christina said, before asking the Doctor. "So, what you trying to do then?"

"Just trying to fix the heating." The Doctor notes.

"You see, this is why I wanted to come with you. Sights like these! Oh, you always think the tallest places on Earth can give you something like that and they always lie…"

She then took a minute to think about asking him other stuff.

"My mother, god bless her… wonderful woman. She's been dead for about 5 years now. So it ended up being me and my dad. Since the Master took over everyone, does that count for a lot of people who are dead?"

"No, but I'm sorry." The Doctor answered her.

"It's not your fault really… she didn't die because of aliens. It was just stress in the end. She caused me to become a thief really. It was her death, backfired on me and changed me into a different woman. But heck, you don't want to listen to me… I'm not THAT old."

"I'm older than you." The Doctor told her.

"Well, of course you are… you're a Time-Lord. I wouldn't know how long your people go on for." Christina agreed.
"I'm nine hundred and six." He revealed to her, she immediately laughed.

'How long CAN humans live for?'

"You're serious about that number? It's not like you picked it out?" Christina asks.

"Yeah." The Doctor agrees.

"Nine hundred… so long and you've looked at us like ants." Christina tells him, as she looks at him differently.

"I think you look like giants." The Doctor disagrees.

"Listen, you know that gun I have… I wasn't going to use it on him. It was more for protection." Christina says as she offers her firearm to the Doctor.


"Fine… but you were told he will knock four times and then you die. Well, that's gotta be him, isn't it? The Master. That noise in his head? The Master is going to kill you." She said to him.


"Then YOU should kill him first."

"And that's how the Master started." The Doctor began to tell her, "It's not like I'm an innocent. I've taken lives. I got worse. I got clever. Manipulated people into taking their own. Sometimes I think a Time Lord lives too long. I can't. I just can't."

"If the Master dies, what happens to all the people?" Christina inquires.

"I don't know." The Doctor answers.

"Doctor, what happens? Please… tell me."

"The template snaps."

"Well… then they go back… no more Master, just humans. Then WHY don't you use it… to defend yourself, for me! I want you take the bloody gun… you don't have to kill him. JUST do something with it! You, are wonderful and that is the reason I married you and I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE!" Christina shouts as she conveys her inner feelings as she starts to cry towards him.

"Never." The Doctor says as they both pause.

"A star fell from the sky.Don't you want to know where from?Because now it makes sense, Doctor."

"It's an open broadcast. Don't reply, or he'll know where we are." Addams says.

"The whole of my life.My destiny. The star was a diamond.And the diamond is a Whitepointstar. And I have worked all night to sanctify that gift.Now the star is mine. I can increase the signal and use it as a lifeline. Do you get it now? Do you see? Keep watching, Doctor. This should be spectacular.Over and out."

"What's a Whitepoint star then? I don't get that part… does it mean anything to you?" Christina asked him.

"A Whitepoint star is only found on one planet. Gallifrey. Which means it's the Time Lords. The Time Lords are returning." The Doctor explained.

"Well, I mean, that's good, isn't it? I mean, that's your people." Christina says as the Doctor takes her gun and runs in to the engine room as the signal can be heard.

"What's that?" Addams inquires.

"Coming from Earth. It's on every single wavelength." Rossiter explained.

'Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door. Damn it, that's Guns and Roses...'

The Doctor then started rushing around, working on bits and pieces.

"When you kept talking about your people… you always did it in a past tense, why was that?" Christina inquired.

"Inside the Time War. And the whole War was Timelocked." The Doctor started to begin to explain, "Like, sealed inside a bubble. It's not a bubble but just think of a bubble. Nothing can get in or get out of the Timelock. Don't you see? Nothing can get in or get out, except something that was already there."

"Ohh! That signal that he kept talking about… Since he was a kid." She barked up when she remembered him.

"If they can follow the signal, they can escape before they die." He continued her barking up.

"Well then, it's a celebration then. You talked about your people like they're wonderful. I bet they'll like us." Christina said.

"That's how I choose to remember them, the Time Lords of old. But then they went to war. An endless war, and it changed them right to the core. You've seen my enemies, Chrissy. The Time Lords are more dangerous than any of them." The Doctor explained his distrust.

"Time Lords, what lords? Anyone want to explain?" Addams asked confusingly.

"Right, yes, you. This is a salvage ship, yes? You go trawling the asteroid fields for junk?" The Doctor inquired in a fast motion.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"So, you've got asteroid lasers!" The Doctor roared at the top of his voice.

"Yeah, but they're all frazzled." Rossiter reminds him as the Doctor throwed a lever and two gun alcoves open on either side of the flight controls.

"Consider them unfrazzled. You there, what's your name?" The Doctor ordered to Addams. "I'm going to need you on navigation."

"And you, get in the laser-pod." He continued.


"Yeah?" Christina inquired.

"Laser number two. The lady thieves got one more battle." The Doctor said.

"This ship can't move. It's dead!" Addams complains.

"Fix the heating?"

The Doctor then throws two levers forward, and the ship powers back up.

'Oh… that's why the heating was fixed! Honestly, I think Adelaide might have broken him with that janitor comment back on Bowie Base One.'

"But now they can see us." Addams continues to complain.

"Oh, yes!" The Doctor convulses, like a football fan at a match when the winning team scores.

"This is my ship, and you're not moving it. Step away from the wheel." Addams tries to command him.

"There's an old Earth saying, Captain. A phrase of great power and wisdom, and consolation to the soul in times of need." The Doctor explains to her as he turns his head to his beloved.

"What's that, then?" Addams asks him.

"Allons-y!" The Doctor and Christina both roar together to show their love as he powers the spaceship down towards the Earth.

The spaceship dives through the atmosphere.

"Come on! Come on!" The Doctor kept shouting.

"You are blinking, flipping mad." Addams complained.

"You two. What did I say? Lasers." The Doctor reminded the other two still around.

"What for?" Rossiter inquired as Christina rushed over to one of the pods.

"Because of the missiles!" The Doctor mocked, "We've got to fight off an entire planet."

"We've got incoming." Addams shouts as a lot of missile icons came up on the navigation system.

"Look at this one! Oh, my God!" Rossiter screeched as he his nerves got to him.

"Ahh, come on!" Christina shouted to get her frustration out.

"You two, open fire!" The Doctor said as he skims the ocean, dodging the missiles.

Christina then shoots down a missile.

"Oh hell yes… I wish my mother could see me defendin' the EARTH!"

"And there's more. Sixteen of them. Oh, and another sixteen." Addams said as she huffed with the numbers.

"Then get on the rear gun lasers! You two, open fire! Now!" The Doctor shouts again.


"Well done!"

"No, you don't!" The Doctor says as they keep destroying missiles. "Come on! Fire!"

Then the front window gets blown in from some missiles.

"How are you doing up there?!" Christina asks.

"Yes!" Rossiter screeched.

"Lock the navigation." The Doctor commanded.

"Onto what?" Addams inquired.

"England. The Naismith mansion." He continued as he rushed through the British Isles.

"Fifty kliks and closing. We've locked on to the house. We are going to stop, though. Doctor? We are going to stop?" Addams asks him as the rush of anger was now staring him in the face.

Christina rushed in to help him.

"Doctor? Doctor, you know that you said you were going to die, right?" Christina asked him, as his anger said nothing to her.

"He said what?"

"But is that all of us?! I won't stop you. But is this it?" She asked him again as he pulled the spaceship's nose up at the last moment, then opens a hatch in the floor and, with the revolver ready, smiles at his wife as he jumps down through the glass dome.

'Yeah… should have told him that we could park the spaceship instead of let him do that… but that's his decision.'

He lands hard on the marble floor. He cannot hold the revolver and he cannot stand up.

"My Lord Doctor." The Lord President of the Time-Lord hierarchy, Rassilion began. "My Lord Master. We are gathered for the end."

Addams grabs the controls.

"Turn this thing around! I don't know how you do it, but turn it." Christina commanded over Addams.

"We are not going in there." Addams said.

"I am never going to leave that man on his own. Not even today… and trust me, married life is harder than you think." Christina said as she convinced Addams to turn the spaceship around.

"Listen to me. You can't!" The Doctor argued.

"It is a fitting paradox that our salvation comes at the hands of our most infamous child." Rassilion emoted.

"Oh, he's not saving you. Don't you realise what he's doing?" The Doctor asked all of the Time Lords.

"Hey, no, hey! That's mine. Hush. Look around you. I've transplanted myself into every single human being. But who wants a mongrel little species like them, because now I can transplant myself into every single Time Lord. Oh, yes, Mister President, sir, standing there all noble and resplendent and decrepit. Think how much better you're going to look as me." The Master explained the next stage of his plan as the Lord President holds up his metal gauntlet. It glows and everyone who looks like the Master goes through the head blur thing again.

"No, no, don't. No, no, stop it! No, no, no, don't!" The Master disapproved as everyone on Earth restored to themselves.

"On your knees, mankind." Rassilion commanded, as his voice boomed to everyone as they obeyed.

"No, that's fine, that's good, because you said salvation. I still saved you. Don't forget that." The Master reminded himself.

"The approach begins."

"Approach of what?"

"Something is returning. Don't you ever listen? That was the prophecy. Not someone, something." The Doctor corrected the Master as his rival was in an array of confusion.

"What is it?" The Master asked him.

"They're not just bringing back the species. It's Gallifrey. Right here, right now." The Doctor explained as a big burning planet appeared close to the Earth.

Most of the people rushed out of the way from the room.

"But, I did this. I get the credit. I'm on your side." The Master said as Christina pushes her way in.

"Come on, get out of the way!" Christina shouted as she asked about his location. "Doctor?"

A technician is hammering on the door of his locked glass booth.

"Help me, please. Somebody, please!"

'I've got a choice… stay here and let that poor man die… or help him. But, who's gonna get me out? Oh well… I know how to break the glass.'

Christina then goes into the open booth as she unlocks the other booth and the freed technician runs.

"But this is fantastic, isn't it?" The Master asked with happiness. "The Time Lords restored."

"You weren't there in the final days of the War. You never saw what was born. But if the Timelock's broken, then everything's coming through. Not just the Daleks, but the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child, the Could-have-been King with his army of Meanwhiles and Never-weres. The War turned into hell. And that's what you've opened, right above the Earth. Hell is descending." The Doctor explained for him, as the Master became oblivious.

"My kind of world!" The Master said.

"Just listen! Because even the Time Lords can't survive that." The Doctor told him.

"We will initiate the Final Sanction. The end of time will come at my hand. The rupture will continue until it rips the Time Vortex apart." Rassilion explained.

"That's suicide."

"We will ascend to become creatures of consciousness alone. Free of these bodies, free of time, and cause and effect, while creation itself ceases to be."

"You see now? That's what they were planning in the final days of the War. I had to stop them." The Doctor said.

"Then, take me with you, Lord President. Let me ascend into glory." The Master requested.

"You are diseased, albeit a disease of our own making." Rassilion denied him, as he aimed his gauntlet at the Master and the Doctor, "No more."

The Doctor is on his feet, aiming the revolver at the Lord President.

'Now, I can see where your aiming it at… who ARE you going to kill?'

"Choose your enemy well. We are many. The Master is but one."

The Doctor then turns and aims at the Master.

'Maybe the Master? I don't know… that bloke that you were aiming at before looks more important than just the Master.'

"Oh, the link is inside my head. Kill me, the link gets broken, they go back. You never would, you coward. Go on then. Do it." The Master tries to convince him.

"Get out of the way." The Doctor says to him as the Master smiles at his plan and moves and the Doctor shoots the diamond in its gizmo. The link explodes. "The link is broken. Back into the Time War, Rassilon. Back into hell!"

"You'll die with me, Doctor." Rassilon tells him.

"I know." The Doctor says.

"Don't…" Christina whispers as he aims his gauntlet at the Doctor.

"Get out of the way." The Master repeated his earlier words as the Doctor steps back and the Master attacks the Lord President with his energy. "You did this to me! All of my life! You made me!"

"One! Two! Three! Four!"

Rassilon is then forced to his knees.

The Time Lords and the Master disappear in a bright light and Gallifrey fades away from the sky.

"I'm alive. I've. There was. I'm still alive." The Doctor breathes as then, in a split second… they begin the repeating knocks of four and he turns his head around to see his beloved stuck in the box.

"So, they've gone then… I… accidently got myself stuck in this box doing a Good Samaritan deed." Christina says.

"Yeah." The Doctor agrees.

"There's a bit of noise… starting to bug me." She complains.

"The Master left the Nuclear Bolt running. It's gone into overload." The Doctor slowly explained to her as she sat down.

"And that's bad, is it?" Christina asked.

"No, because all the excess radiation gets vented inside there. Vinvocci glass contains it. All five hundred thousand rads, about to flood that thing." The Doctor explained.

"Right… you could get me out then?" She asked.

"Except it's gone critical. Touch one control and it floods. Even this would set it off." He silently explained, as he twiddled his sonic screwdriver.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come in…" Christina says.

"Sure." The Doctor huffingly breathed.

"Look, just leave me. If it's between life and death."

"Okay, right then, I will. Because you had a choice, and you had to go in there, didn't you?" He inquired as his anger rised to her, "You had to go and get stuck, oh yes."

"Don't shout… there REALLY is no need to! It's fine, I've had my time." His wife argued against him as she banged against the glass.

"Well, exactly. Look at you. Not remotely important." The Doctor told her, as he kept going on, "But me? I could do so much more. So much more! But this is what I get. My reward. And it's not fair!"

"Don't you dare, Doctor… DON'T… LEAVE ME ALONE!" Christina cried out.

"Christina, it's my honour. Better be quick." The Doctor told her as he quickly goes into the open booth and unlocks Christina's side.

Christina runs out and red light floods the Doctor's booth as he curls up into a ball. Then the power shuts down. After a few moments after thinking that he had changed, the Doctor gets up.

"Hello there…" Christina answered.


"Are you still with us? Like… yourself." Christina says.

"The system's dead. I absorbed it all. Whole thing's kaput." The Doctor explained, as he opened the door to a sort of relief. "Oh. Now it opens, yeah."

"So, you look worse for wear… heh, usually it's me. I think we should get those fixed up…"

The Doctor then rubs his face and the cuts vanish.

"What? How…" She asked, very confused.

"It's started." He revealed as his wife hugged him, for the best and worst to come for himself.

And it was worse, she could see him deuterate little by little as he walked to the Tardis and started his 'reward' journey. First, he saved married couple Martha and Mickey from a rouge Sontaran. That was strange, seeing a baked potato go down like that.

Then it was a small little save from Christina to Sarah Jane Smith's son, Luke as he recognised them too from an unknown previous adventure. But Sarah knew the sadness of the Doctor as he waved one of his old friend's goodbye.

Next was Captain Jack, as the Doctor had to explain about the 456 incursion that had happened recently with the children and how he had to sacrifice his grandson to save the world because the Doctor didn't want to be involved as it was a specific Torchwood matter. But he wanted to fix something or someone with Jack to get him involved. And who other than old 'Midshipman Frame' to get him together.

But things were getting harder for the Doctor, so some planned trips had to be concluded to get the real person he had wanted to see.

Rose Tyler…

"I'm late now. I've missed it. It's midnight. Mickey's going to be calling me everything. This is your fault."

"No, it's not. It's Jimbo. He said he was going to give us a lift, then he said his axle broke. I can't help it."

"Get rid of him, Mum. He's useless."

"Listen to you, with a mechanic. Be fair, though. My time of life I'm not going to do much better."

"Don't be like that. You never know. There could be someone out there."

"Maybe, one day. Happy New Year. "

"Happy New Year! Don't stay out all night."

"Try and stop me."

Rose Tyler turns when she hears the Doctor grunt with pain.

"You all right, mate?" Rose inquires.

"Yeah." The Doctor agreed.

"Too much to drink?" Rose asked him, as he had to lie to cover up the real reason.

"Something like that."

"Maybe it's time you went home." She gave him some advice before getting happy at new feelings again, "Anyway, Happy New Year."

"And you. What year is this?" He asked her, his head full of questions, answers and lies.

"Blimey, how much have you had?" Rose mocked him, as she remembered. "2005, January the first."

"2005. Tell you what. I bet you're going to have a really great year." The Doctor wished her good luck as she ran off.

The Doctor staggered painfully back towards the Tardis, feeling the ever most pain in himself trying to make it to his home. Christina went outside to gather him up as they paused to see Ood Sigma standing in the snow.

"We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending, but the story never ends." Ood Sigma promised as he faded away with a eternal song ringing in the Doctor's head.

'For once… I can thank an Ood. Thanks Sigma, thanks for the help.'

They both walked inside of their box as he set the TARDIS going, they both knew it… and he allowed her one more chance to kiss their relationship goodbye.

"Erm… well, I'll see you then. I'll help you when you're down and out…. Ahh, you know me by now! I'm your killer, and I bid you farewell." She gave her final words as she started to well up inside as golden energy streamed from his hand.

"See you on the other side, Chrissy… we both deserve it." He uttered as the energy roared up his arms and face before starting a lot of fires in the Tardis.

It was kind of radioactive in there. And she was becoming more distraught as his hair grew in colour and length as it finished with one flick over his eye and most of his face changing too… no more of that ridiculous stubble or luscious brown eyes. It was a new him, now if she had his power or was in his place, how would have felt to see a different person in the same place as the original?

This new married man looked at his legs, as it was sure that some of the brilliant clothes he was wearing had stopped to fit him.

"Legs. I've still got legs. Good." He began, as he looked all around his body to check. "Arms. Hands. Ooo, fingers. Lots of fingers. Ears, yes. Eyes, two. Nose, I've had worse. Chin, blimey."

"The chin's the worst part yet…" She butted in to make a quip at his expense, he sort of chuckled it off, the old one never did that… was this all actually him changing his face to succumb to her instead of treating her as a traveller.

"Not yet, Chrissy! Hair. Wait a second, i'm a girl! No. No. I'm not a girl." The Doctor continued his new check-off rambling list.

"You're still a man… you haven't grown the 'pair' yet." She corrected him as he smiled easier at her.

"And something else that I think we're missing here. Something important. I'm, I'm, I'm…"

"Married to me of course?"

"It's not that! I know that you, you scrumptious thief." He commented as she blushed, was this really the Doctor, chosen for her as he was able to flirt with her easier in these new thirty seconds that they had both been reintroduced to each other as the Tardis banged as she was trying to now plot a course somewhere. "Ha! Now I remember! We're crashing!"

"Of course we are… we seem to be heading back to Earth. You want to do something about it?" Christina asked him as he didn't seem to care.

"Let's laugh in the face of this new danger! Geronimo!" He shouted as he clung to the console of the Tardis during the commotion.

'Geronimo? Blimey we have some work to do.'

'I know we do!'


TO BE CONTINUED: (again… I know.)

Author's Note:
Well, this didn't take two-three weeks this time! I'm on a roll for my last fiction!
So, I shall reveal my plans for what I'm doing for SERIES FIVE.

First off, The Doctor and Amy are going to seem a little different than their TV counterparts, as you have seen above, The Doctor's become a bit more flirtatious against Chrissy, and Amy's gonna have a lot more feelings towards her as well. Amy's reveal will… err, break your heart.

Numbero Two, I have a list of which episodes won't be written this time. And here's my explanation for them.
- THE BEAST BELOW, boring… drab and basically is a very poor story overall.
- HUNGRY EARTH/COLD BLOOD, that will be revealed when I finish THE ELEVENTH HOUR next time.
- THE LODGER (I might change it though…), I despice James Corden and the episode overall is just horrible.

No. 3, All the episodes will be changed in some way… so no one episode will be the same (the most likely version is Victory of the Daleks, but I have to include that due to it being a Dalek story.)

4, I do have plans for SERIES SEVEN, and they will be big… but I tend to end the story in one place or another…


June 29th, 2018