Gym (Part Two: Aftermath)

Everything felt like a blur, I could feel the air drift through my new wing-like appendages of fur, while the shattered pieces of stone almost rumbled under my paws. Digging my claws into the arena made a satisfying gouge in the solid surface beneath me. I lifted my gaze to watch the Lucario charge towards me again, her movements sluggish, as the dust settled slowly behind each step she took as I simply watched.

I felt a small pressure against the back of my mind, but blocked it without a second thought as I charged a small Shadow Ball, no larger than the Lucario that was rushing me, and set it on an intercept course with the fighting steel type.

Her reactions slow, catching the simple attack with a guard at least, but even as the explosion ripped through the arena, throwing up even more dust and debris I could easily watch as she jumped back to a defensive stance before her trainer, her heaving breath telling me that my attack was almost too much for her.

Such is a pity.

I glanced back towards Mark, who was swiping his arms through the air trying to gain a clear view, and as I turned back to face the others Zephyr was doing his best to clear the arena too, his slow flaps in the process of creating a small whirlwind as I watched each pinion vibrate as his powers coalesced. I closed my eyes and took a moment. What had caused this? Why did everything feel so slow? Why would I want to live any other way? A smirk grew as I noticed two figures perfectly lined up. And who was stopping me from being victorious?

Channeling my power once more, a Night Slash this time, I continued to push more power into my blade, feeling the usual low hum turn into a manic screech. Hurling the attack towards the Lucario I didn't bother trying to feint which direction it was coming from. She knew the attack was on its way. But she didn't have a choice. Either catch the Night Slash that was coming through the dust, or let it hit her trainer.

Had I put too much energy into my blade?

Of course not.

But it would leave a mighty big scar on her if she didn't at least deflect it. As my attack tumbled through the air, Lucario glanced behind her to confirm the trajectory before summoning enough of an attack to deflect the blade. A small Aura Sphere was all she could manage in the short window she had. But as she moved her hands out, she twisted the energy into a solid surface, putting enough of a shield up to deflect the blade off her chest.

Slicing cleanly through her spike.

A loud shriek of pain echoed out before the blade struck the arena back wall, slicing through several of the metal rows before detonating against the wall.

I simply stood, watching as Lucario fell down to one knee, holding herself up with one arm as the other rest across her knee. Another feeling pulled at the back of my mind, but I shut it out as I almost laughed. Drops of blood falling to the ground beneath her as her free hand felt towards her chest, before another cry of anguish and rage, as Lucario pushed herself back upright. Taking position as she started charging another Aura Sphere.

It really is a pity.

I took off to my right, skipping over the ruined battle arena as Mark shouted something from behind me that I diligently ignored. As I bounded past the halfway point Lucario finally threw her attack, an Aura Sphere just larger than her body as a whole. The orb turned towards me, tilting upwards as I threw myself over the attack, coming down to land on the beaten Lucario. She was struggling to stay upright, laboured panting the only movement she made as I charged another Night Slash.

This time, I wouldn't miss.

As I came to land, slashing deep cuts across the Lucario's body with my claws, I saw a tear forming in her softly glowing eyes, the faint point in the back of my mind opened as I heard a single word from her.


As I threw down my blade the attack barely reaching her before I was thrown back across the arena in a bright flash of energy from the stone hanging from my chest all the power I'd felt was stripped from me in an instant, as I rolled back across the arena barely staying on the platform. But I was drained, I couldn't move. My eyes searching wildly as I stared at Maylene, on her knees above her Lucario, holding the broken fighting type with one arm while tearfully shouting and pointing over my form as a high-pitch ringing deafened me from everything but my own heartbeat.

What had I done?

Everything from the last five minutes of the fight came back to me, my heightened senses, the almost limitless power, the desire to do nothing...

But kill.

I tried to force myself upright, but my legs wouldn't respond, a pain in my chest started as I felt another phantom punch hit me in the gut.

Breathing hurt.

With each beat of my heart I felt nothing but agony, I couldn't cry out in pain because I couldn't get enough air to breathe. But laying on the ground just before me, was the stone Mark had given me before the battle had begun. The fibrous loop that had held it around my neck was ripped apart. And I couldn't be happier to have it off me.

"-ereby disqualify Pokémon trainer Mark under section five of the Sinnoh League Council battle rules. Finding one Absol named 'Luyo' banned from ev-"

That voice… The… Judge?

"Fuck announcing the rules Anthony! Call the Pokémon centre and take that monster and get out of my gym!" Maylene shouted back, picking up the limp Lucario and carrying her towards the door she arrived through.

I kept gasping at the air, while Mark lifted my form off the ground. I was powerless to stop him, but as I rose I had a better view of Maylene's side of the arena, noticing a pool of red, right where Lucario was laying.

As Mark carried me out of the arena, it was then that Saria arrived at my side, and it didn't take her long to return me to my ball.

Everything was dark and peaceful. I felt at ease just laying in my Pokéball. The inward pressure I felt from just being inside was a welcome change as it helped ease the pain. But it didn't help with the memories.

From the moment I was transformed, I had just lost control. The power was nothing I'd felt before, and I never wanted to feel that power again. It drove me insane, I was nothing but a bloodthirsty killer.

I'd tried to attack a trainer. I solemnly realised. I'd willingly put another pokémon at death's door, because if Lucario hadn't deflected the attack it would've struck Maylene.

What kind of protector was I? I brought nothing but shame to myself and my race… Not that there are any more Absol out there. I was a monster. I deserved nothing more than to stay in my ball for the rest of my life.

I felt myself jostled around as my ball was passed from one hand to another, I opened my eyes to see that Saria was standing behind something tall and white, before my ball was placed down for what felt like a moment, then picked up and returned to Saria.

To my immense surprise and utter shock I was released onto the cold white squared stone floor. I shouted out in agony as I couldn't hold myself upright, slamming the left side of my head against the rock hard surface as the breath was driven out of me and I failed to draw it back in.

"Oh my, that's much worse than the scan said. Chansey, get a cart and some sedatives, stat!"

"What? Why? What's wrong with her?" I heard Saria from above me as I felt her soft touch support my head.

"I don't know for sure," the same human from the pokémon centre moved out from behind the white wall. "But if she's having this much trouble breathing then we need to move fast."

"Do you want me to sedate her now?" I heard a Chansey from behind me. Followed by a swift affirmation from Joy. "Alright, I hope this helps you Absol, try to hold-"

Darkness, just pure black was all I could see. I rubbed my eyes just to make sure my vision was clear, but that didn't change anything.


I spun around to the voice behind me, seeing nothing but the endless void.

And here I thought you'd learned something.

I was struck with a Thunderbolt in my side, throwing me off my feet, rolling to a heap on what felt like grass. I forced myself upright, turning to face where the attack had come from. "Well come on out then and teach me!"


Another bolt of electricity struck me, this time it felt like I was hit by a boulder. Tumbling away I dug my claws into the ground, steadying myself and bracing for another attack, only to see a pair of bright piercing yellow eyes staring at me.

Is that all you've learned? I watched as the Luxray walked closer to me, his eyes remaining the same intense yellow against the darkness. Why did you do it Luyo? Why did you kill that poor Lucario?

"I-" I turned away, the glare overpowering my own vision as everything was now the same yellow as his eyes.

Come on then. I felt a slash across my face as I fell to the ground. Fight me, show me what you did to her.

"N- Nion, stop!" I shouted back, covering my face with my forelegs.

Did you stop attacking when she'd given up Luyo? Another bolt of electricity ripped through me, as I lay on the ground, unmoving. What about me? Did you accept defeat when you were down? Or is death the only victor whenever someone battles you?

"I- I didn't mean to."

And yet here we are! Well, there you are… I don't even know where I am. But that doesn't matter to you now, does it?

"Tha- that's not what I wanted…"

Oh, so it is all about you, what you wanted, how you feel. Another Slash ripped across my back. Do you feel better now? Now that you've taken another-

"Stop it…"

Or what? What are you going to do? I started to feel the pain in my chest return, each breath I took, every beat of my heart. What else can you do to me? Come on! Another wave of electricity only making the pain of each heart beat worse.

"Nion please-"

Or what Luyo? What will you do-


I gasped awake to a near blinding light, a wide pink mass to my right side. "Easy, Luyo. Calm down, you're going to be alright." A Blissey spoke as my eyes darted around the room, slowly coming into focus with absolutely nothing that would draw attention. "Do you feel alright? Do you feel any pain?"

I took a deep breath, hitching halfway through and coughing over the dryness of my throat.

"Here, have some of this." A small bowl was held before my maw, and I lapped at the liquid eagerly, not caring what it was, but water was exactly what I needed. "There, is that better?"

As I finished drinking I took stock of the rest of the room, noticing the door on the left side closed as I saw Saria laying down with Syne asleep on top of her. "What happened?" I turned back to the Blissey. It was obvious that I was at a Pokémon Centre, and in that instant I remembered everything I'd done, that I didn't deserve anything they did to me.

"Well, it's actually a miracle you're still alive, thankfully we have good connections with Lumiose City in Kalos otherwise we wouldn't know what to do." Blissey took the now empty water bowl from me and placed it on a metal tray behind her. "Are you in any pain?"

I took another deep breath, uninterrupted this time, thankfully. Only feeling a dull throb from my chest. Manageable, but not pleasant. Taking the time to clench each paw I felt little resistance with each motion, craning my neck around noticing no issues there either. "No, nothing noticeable. It's manageable."

"That's good, at least. I'll have to go get Nurse Joy because she has some questions for you." And without another word, Blissey started pushing the metal tray, leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Leaving me to my thoughts as I watched Saria and Syne sleep.

How long had I been out? Why were they doing this for me after what I'd done? Did I deserve anything other than death?

Not a moment later the door re-opened. And the usually happy Joy stood at the end of my bed holding a small wooden board. A scowl on her face certainly set the tone for the conversation. Moving in behind her was a Chimecho, assumedly to translate for me since Syne was still sleeping. "So, I want to know a few things before I begin, just to make sure you haven't suffered any damage while you were out.

"What is your name?" She asked.

"Luyo." I responded.

"What is your trainer's name?"

I glanced towards the two sleeping forms near the door. "Her name is Saria, but she's not a trainer."

A smirk made its way onto her face. "Well, it seems like your long term memory wasn't affected. What can you tell me about the battle you had against Maylene?"

I closed my eyes and thought back. "I remember being sent out against her Lucario, after having watched Rathe take out her previous two pokémon." My eyes snapped open. "The Lucario! Is- is she alright?"

"That is not my position to say. What do you remember of the battle?"

I took a deep breath, feeling the niggling pain in my chest once more. "I- We were trading equally, I'd taken a hit from her Extremespeed, but I caught her leg with an attack of my own. Then…" I paused remembering the overwhelming superiority. "Something changed. I changed. And I lost control."

"You lost control?"

"I… I don't know what happened. But I became a monster… Or was I a monster all along?" I simply rested my head against the bed. I wedged my eyes shut as I tried to stop the tears.

"I know this may be hard," her voice softened. "But I need you to tell me exactly what happened."

I took a deep shuddering breath, trying to compose myself. "I did the one thing I swore to never do. I tried to take her life. Not Lucario's, I knew she could stop the attack… But her trainer. It was hard to see, I couldn't see anything. But, I could sense everything. I could feel everything. Every movement, every breath, like it was in slow motion." I paused, looking up at her. "There was so much dust. But I threw the attack anyway. If Lucario hadn't deflected that Night Slash, then her trainer…"

"It's okay. What happened after that?"

"Then… Then Lucario… She- she tried to talk to me… I didn't hear a word she said, because I was enjoying it. I had just cut off her chest spike, and all I could do was laugh. She was beaten, I should've stopped there… I wanted to stop there, but something within me wanted more.

"So I readied to strike again, only for her to charge another Aura Sphere. She wanted to end the battle, putting everything she could into the attack. But I saw it coming, I used Detect to dodge her final attack, before…"

I looked down at my forepaws, my usually pristine white paws holding a faint shade of pink as I remembered ripping down either side of her body.

"Before what, Luyo?"

I heard a stirring to my side, as Syne had awoken, his gem glowing, but I didn't hear a sound otherwise. "Before… I slashed her open. I was standing over her charging another Night Slash, about to throw it at her. While she was laying there, helpless. I was going to kill her… And as I threw the attack, everything went white, and I was thrown across the arena." I felt another set of tears emerge, as I didn't try to stop them. "Is- is she alright?"

"As I told you, it is not my position to tell-"

I forced myself to a standing position, the pain in my legs only now making itself known as I struggled to hold myself upright. "Just tell me she's alive!" My body was failing from the effort, as I collapsed onto the bed again in a heap. "Please." I simply wheezed out as Syne jumped up onto my bed.

I heard Joy sigh heavily before putting down the wooden board. "She'll survive. But that's all I'm allowed to tell you. Now take some rest, your body needs just as much time if not more to recover than she will."

With Syne's help, I managed to roll back over onto my side. "What? But she didn't land a great hit on me."

Joy stepped towards the door, opening it slightly. "Mega Evolution puts an immense strain on a Pokémon's body. Almost like the pokémon from the Kalos region have a slightly different DNA strain to accommodate the changes. That itself is enough to put even the strongest pokémon out of commission, but those with underlying health conditions? You've lucky to be alive." I watched her step through the door, closing it behind the Chimecho as I heard footsteps down the hall.

"Luyo. You're awake!" Syne spoke, opting to lay against my back, grooming the top of my head. "I was so worried about you."

"Syne, stop." I forced myself back over, putting Syne before me. "Why were you worried about me?"

He simply blinked, twitching his ears at my question. "Why? Because of your condition. Nurse Joy told Saria that you shouldn't do any strenuous activities for extended periods of time, and you'll have to take medication every day."

It was my turn to just blink in response. "What?"

And so here it is, the next part of the story where I ruin characters I love..

If only it didn't take a global pandemic to allow me the free time to write the thing, eh?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed that... I'll see if I can get another one done soon~ish