Alright, here it is. The last part. Like I said, it short. Very short.

A day and a half later, half of the attack force returned home with all of Sanctuary's gun. Most of what had been left of the Savior's fighters, had abandoned Sanctuary and attacked Hilltop, meaning there was almost no one left to protect Sanctuary while it was being repaired. So, trying to be more generous than Negan would be, Rick agreed to leave some of their men behind to protect it while it was under repair. But once it was repaired, Rick would leave only a handful of men behind and if anyone from the other communities wanted to join Sanctuary, they could.

For the next two weeks, they had patrols roaming the area, looking for pockets of resistance that they might have missed in the initial attack, but in the end, they hadn't found any more fighters. So, finally, they dispersed their small militia and sent everyone to their homes to rebuild. The Kingdom and Hilltop both, sent people to Alexandria to help clear out the walkers and repair the walls.

They had sent Simon to the deep depths of Sherwood's cell block, to be never heard or seen from again. He'd live what was left of his life, without any human contact, just four white walls with little light and no sound. His knee would eventually heal but if he ever needed to walk further than the three feet he had to move around, he'd have quite the limp.

Most of the non-combatants who'd gone to Sherwood, returned to their original communities, except a handful who seemed to enjoy living underground. Merle seemed to have also enjoyed his time in Sherwood and Rick let him continue to run things there. After a couple of weeks of dealing with Merle, Rick had come to realize that Merle had seriously mellowed out. He still had a big mouth and a short temper, but he'd become much more rational and was making good decisions with his people. Even Daryl seemed surprised with how well Merle was dealing with things.

Within a month everything seemed like it was starting to return to something resembling normal. Abby and Daryl had returned to their townhouse in Alexandria and immediately started preparing for their baby. At six months, Abby was officially forbidden from leaving Alexandria's walls. The only exception was made when she was to go to Hilltop to see Dr. Carson for her appointments.

As the months wore on and Abby began to show, Daryl's former anger had fizzled to almost nothing. Mostly, he'd become quite happy, although he tried to pretend like he was the same as before. Abby caught him a few times staring out the window or just off into the distance, looking deeply saddened and Abby knew he was thinking of the one they'd lost. She was just as guilty of thinking about it. She couldn't help but think that it'd be walking by now, starting to talk. She wondered who it'd taken after more, her or Daryl? A boy? Or a girl?


Abby walked down the stairs of their new house and into the living room, then frowned. Daryl and Deacon had just been there a moment earlier. She'd gone upstairs to change the shirt that Deacon had thrown up on and came straight back down. Her frown turned into a smile as she heard that familiar, heart stopping giggle. Abby walked to the front door and opened it to see Daryl sitting on the floor of their front porch with Deacon in his lap giggling while Daryl tickled him as Rick sat on the front step, smiling.

"I go out of the room for one second and you disappear with my baby." Abby said as she leaned against the door jam.

"Our baby, and I just went out the front door. Thought he needed some fresh air. I don't want our kid to be a home body." Daryl said, smiling from ear to ear as he looked up at her.

Seeing him so happy, made Abby happy and seeing him with their son, made her heart overflow with joy, pride and contentment. Abby finally tore her gaze from the happy scene to look down at her brother.

"Did you just get here?" Abby asked him.

Rick looked up from watching Daryl and Deacon to look at her. "We were supposed to go out on a run, but somebody got distracted." Rick said then pointed at Daryl.

"Give me the little monster." Abby said holding out her arms. "Duty calls."

Daryl picked Deacon up then handed him over to Abby. He kissed Deacon on the head then Abby on the lips. "Be right back."

When Daryl was out of earshot, Rick stood up and looked into the house. "It's really nice to see, you know. Him like this. After what he's been through, where he came from. He deserves this." Rick stepped closer to her and kissed her on the side of the head then looked her in the eye. "And so do you."

"Ready." Daryl said coming down the steps, carrying his crossbow. "Let's go."

Abby swayed back and forth as Deacon cooed while she watched Daryl and Rick walk down the street to the car that was parked in front of Rick's house. Carl sat on the hood of the car, waiting for them but when he heard them approach, he straightened up and walked around to the driver side door. He saw Abby watching and waved at her before climbing behind the steering wheel as Rick climbed in the passenger side and Daryl in the back. She waved as they drove slowly towards the gate then sighed as she looked at her son as he put some of her hair in his mouth.

"Well, my boy. Should we go see your aunties and help them clean the guns in the armoury?" Abby asked as she finally walked back into the house. She grabbed the diaper bag and walked out the door once more, to do what little she could for the time being.


That's it folks, we have reached the end! Thanks to all my constant supporters, seeing your comments, seeing those who follow and/or favorite my stories. I seriously appreciated it. There were a couple days where I started losing my drive but seeing those notifications seriously helped. I probably won't be posting anything new for a while, I plan on working on my writing. The sort that'll actually make me money. If I do, it'll be unlikely to be a TWD fic more likely Mass Effect or something else. Once again, thanks for all the love! I didn't expect for so many to like my writing but I'm glad you do!
