Hello, everyone. It's been a while. This is a story (and account) update. Things have been hectic and I just never got around to posting more chapters for this series.
However, fret not!
Summer is arriving (soon)! Which means free time and thus the age old question is asked to myself again.Will I continue writing?
The answer? Yes.
I love writing. It's tickles my creativity, and soothes my inner fanboy self. I'm trying not to write Weiss as a SI (self-insert for those unaware) because I thought of her as someone who actually transmigrated. But then again, good authors can only go so long before self-inserting themselves as some point, right? At least, that's my opinion.Anyway, I, along with the generous comments and messages of some of you readers have helped shaped a rough outline for this story at the very least. And it's a shame I'm nowhere near showing it yet. (T.T)
In my laptop, I've stashed away a half-completed chapter 12, raw and unedited. It hurts looking at it. Because when I first started making this story, the chapters were short. I think chapter 1 was 3k words. Then, in my enthusiasm, they each got progressively longer. Now, I believe 9k is the minimum I've set for myself simply because I wouldn't feel satisfied if I was a reader. It didn't feel right. With the exception of the club scene, every chapter fit into its own snug chapter.
And that's exhausting for me.
I have horrible time management. Its why I stopped writing for the past half a year. I simply didn't find the time to make it fit in. Not couldn't. Didn't. It's shameful to admit, but I just focused my attention elsewhere. And with my own pride for wanting a satisfying chapter, I simply lost motivation to keep writing.
So, where does that leave us now?
Recently, I have attempted turning over a new leaf. Trying new strategies to better myself, both mentally and physically. While I still have classes to take this upcoming summer, I intend to make time for writing as well. In fact, the reason I'm putting out this long author's note is to put myself on the spot. To throw myself right into the flames, if you will.
If I fail to update this story like I promised, please feel free to send me a message or say it in the reviews. Though I would prefer you spam my inbox, as that keeps my story reviews cleaner. It also feels more personal. I may find your messages annoying, but it will be a wake up call nevertheless. So, you have my promise that if I need to go for extended breaks I will notify you all through my author's notes. The same goes for if I ever decide to stop writing. It just seemed rude to not say anything.
Now, onto the actual schedule. With my silly-at-times dissatisfaction, it's going to be difficult pumping 10k chapters every week. (Though, then again it will be the summer, so who knows. I might make it happen.) The plan will be to pump out one chapter (unless said otherwise) every two weeks -CONSISTENTLY. These are big promises, but I want to try to make this happen. If I do need to change these conditions, I will let you all know.
I've said quite a bit, and I'm sure you're curious. When's the next chapter?
Two weeks from this Friday - May 10 - is the promised day. I'll be done with spring classes and have splenty of time to unwind and finish chapter 12. Speaking of which, I have a surprise for you. Here's a part of chapter 12 that I found awkward to leave it in there and figured it should just be in a stand alone chapter. Although, that means I will have to make up for the words I take out of chapter 12. But that's my problem.
Since this is a long author's note, I'll put it here. Granted, this is unedited, so I might come back in the future and change some details. It's a small section, so it should be fine.
I do have one more thing I want to say. Recently, I've renewed my obsession with Oregairu (My Romantic Teen Comedy is Wrong, as I Expected). This, along with its Season 3 announcement (Finally!!!) has peaked my interest in starting a Naruto x Oregairu fanfiction where Shikamaru takes the place of Hachiman. Before I even consider doing so, I wanted to hear your opinions.
Granted, if I do start doing two fanfictions at the same time, I will try to keep things from influencing each others' schedule. Meaning if it comes down to it, Oregairu will be the one with unstable updates while The Schnee Gamer takes precedent.
So what do you guys think? Does that sound interesting to you?
Well, I've bored you long enough. Here's what you've all been waiting for.
P.S. Journey to Neotopia will remain in hiatus until further notice. I just can't seem to write for it after the lost of my last laptop meaning the lost of my story documents.
Chapter 11.5: An Old Man's Headache
In the world of Remnant, there are many institutions where humans and faunus alike can go to train and become stronger and smarter. Among the multitude that exist, four stand prevalent and are globally accepted as the best of the best. In the kingdom of Atlas, formerly known as Mantle, there is Atlas Academy. In Vacuo, there is Shade Academy; In Mistal, there is Haven Academy, and last but most certainly not least, there is Beacon Academy in Vale.
Beacon is located at the easternmost part of Vale, and its campus is separated from the city by one of two rivers that flowed in the kingdom. The land it resides on is elevated high enough that residents in the other parts of Vale could always see the shadow of its tallest tower in the distance even on the cloudiest day.
This recognizable tower is also widely known to hold the office of one of humanity's strongest Huntsman and Beacon's current headmaster. Currently, said headmaster was seated in the comfort of his office chair. His coffee mug sat untouched at the side as he devoted his attention to his holographic screen. The room as quiet; the only noise came from the ticking of the gears overhead and the clicking of the keys on his mechanical keyboard and mouse. There just wasn't the same satisfaction from typing on a holographic keyboard in his opinion, so he reverted to this older setup.
Knock. Knock.
"Come in."
A soft click was heard as the Department Head of Combat Training and Vice Headmistress walked in with the clicking of her heels. Luckily, her riding crop was safely tucked away at her side. Not so luckily, she held a new stack of paperwork in her arms.
"Last minute applications." she succinctly explained.
Ozpin did not sigh despite the circumstances. Such reoccurring events were already expected. Still, the slight annoyance made him pause briefly before he return his line of sight elsewhere.
"Thank you, Glynda. Please put it here. Was there anyone noteworthy?"
"Yes, there are some. In particular, I wanted your input on two of them."
Ozpin raised an eyebrow before picking up the first manila folder as he assumed she organized them with the most important on top. The documentation revealed the countenance of a young woman with long black hair. Her photo revealed a face that would certainly attract the eyes of the younger generation. Ozpin's eyes, however, were attracted to the rather conspicuous bow she wore on her head. Further reading confirmed his suspicions.
"Her stats are up to par; she even has a LUCK value of 19. A faunus that hails from Menagerie and has the family name 'Belladonna'. I presume this is what worries you?"
"Yes, her features matches that of the previous leader of the White Fang and current chieftain of Menagerie. While I've never met nor seen photos of Ghira Belladonna's offspring, I imagine the chances are high that she is in fact his daughter and could have connections with the White Fang."
Ozpin flipped the page and read onward.
"Judging based on a name alone is insufficient. If you were so suspicious, you must have already run a background check. What bothers you still?"
"After combing through some police reports, I found her matching the description of some White Fang operatives in Vale."
"You consider her to be a spy? That the White Fang has set their eyes on our institution?" Ozpin questioned.
"Initially." Glynda confessed. "But that makes no sense. The four academies do not discriminate between applicants. This is common knowledge. I cannot decide whether she should be trusted or not, thus I came to you."
Ozpin took a sip from his mug. The drink had become lukewarm after being left untouched for so long.
"It is unlikely that she is a spy."
"Your reasoning, Professor Ozpin?"
"There was an incident a few weeks ago. The White Fang stole a train of Dust, but they spared the faculty this time. If she is involved like you say she is, it is possible she was there to contribute to their survival."
Glynda frowned.
"That's a bit far-fetched isn't it? How can we tell sure it wasn't a coincidence?"
"We live in a world where the supernatural is possible. I don't believe in coincidences. Besides, my impression of Ghira was far from unpleasant. I can't imagine he would fail to instill the proper virtues into his daughter. If anything, I imagine she is in the White Fang out of her love for faunus rather than hatred for humans."
Glynda wasn't convinced. Someone who crossed the line once could certainly do it again. The act only gets easier with repetition. What if she endangers the other students? Ozpin knew the thoughts stirring in her mind.
"People have always been susceptible to great change in the face of shocking events. Perhaps she has also experienced such a shocking event... or perhaps the burden of her sins was too much for her."
Their conversation halted. Glynda looked at Ozpin's eyes that hid themselves behind his dark spectacles. Was he talking about her or...
"...Nevertheless, I said that mainly to keep your mind open to the possibilities. You aren't incorrect in saying this is insufficient to draw a conclusion. Glynda, please arrange a face-to-face interview with Miss Belladonna. I will withhold my final decision until after I personally judge her character. Also, do contact her parents. If she is indeed their daughter, they can give us an extra opinion."
Glynda nodded.
"There is also another one I wanted your opinion on."
Ozpin picked up another folder. This one also had a familiar name in it.
"Jaune Arc? I wasn't aware he acquired the necessary qualifications."
He remembered hearing about the sensation that was the Arc's youngest boy. Awakening with an unheard of vitality and aura reserves. What a shame his WILL stat grew at a snail's pace. Too low WILL meant casting skills would be difficult, possibly even putting himself and others in danger should he try to. Unfortunately, proper skill usage is an integral part of being a Huntsman.
"He didn't. His papers are forged. In fact, they're copied word for word from his father's."
Glynda adjusted her glasses.
"I rejected him of course."
It was natural, Ozpin supposed. Beacon was a prestigious academy. It was only natural they had strict application requirements.
Ozpin hummed lightly as he flipped through the document.
"But you bring this up anyway because you think otherwise?"
"It's a shame concerning the circumstances revolving around the young Arc son. I won't say I wish to give him a chance as I sincerely don't believe he qualifies."
Her voice lashes out mercilessly about the teen.
"But," she continues, "I do believe in his father's judgment, however biased it may be."
Such confidence she had in the man who may have forged the papers himself. Ozpin decided bringing up their past history would be an unwise decision.
"You have spoken with his guardians, I assume then?"
A nod of confirmation was given. That would explain the uncommon leniency from his deputy. While she might not outwardly show it, she had a soft spot for old comrades. No, perhaps it is because Jacob Arc was her former teammate that she is willing to shamelessly reject the application out of concern for his son's safety.
"Why don't we give the boy a chance?"
Glynda's lips pursed with dissatisfaction.
"Your reasoning, Professor?"
"The world could always use more Huntsmen and Huntresses. Our academy's purpose is to create an environment that facilitates the growth of aspiring Huntsmen. One such individual knocks on our door with obvious determination for this goal. Seeing as he is not likely to be a spy, I see no harm in granting him permission in attending the entrance exam, at the very least."
A soft sigh escapes Glynda as she foresaw this happening. Although she wanted this result deep down, she couldn't help worrying anyway. It wasn't uncommon for applicants to lose their life, after all.
"As you wish."
"Also, do look into the details about a girl named Lilac Luminary, would you? Send her an invitation to apply as a Beacon first-year if she isn't already taken."
Glynda looked at him in confusion.
"I don't recall ever hearing about this person. Why the sudden interest, Professor?"
In response, he revolved the holographic screen for her to see. It showcased a recording of two teenage girls duking it out in a night club. One was someone Glynda recognized as Taiyang's daughter. She was familiar with Yang's abilities for multiple reasons. The foremost being she was a prime candidate for first-year applicants. Thus, she was shocked to see the battle unfold like it did.
"This casting speed. It rivals that of professionals! And that instant casting of Elemental Explosion...A semblance?"
It was too logic-defying. The girl wasn't level 20 yet. That meant she would at most qualify for a Tier 1 Battle Mage. That a Tier 1 Battle Mage could cast skills so quickly was too nonsensical. Not to mention, she was fighting on equal if not superior terms with a Mid-Tier 2 Berserker. A Battle Mage had weaker skill effects than other classes that specialized, so that fact alone testified for her strength.
"Perhaps." Ozpin contemplates. "Or perhaps she has a powerful blessing."
The insinuation was not lost on her.
"I understand."
"How goes the rest of the preparations?"
"All the details concerning our guest have been taken care of. As for the supplies for initiation, they should be arriving later today."
"Excellent. Do double check everything when they arrive. It would be a shame if we lacked the materials one month from now."
With a gesture of goodbye, she stepped out to complete the rest of her long list of arduous tasks. Ozpin looked at the recording once more. It was taken from one of the many hidden cameras that were installed across the kingdom secretly. Their existence were known only to him. Even Glynda assumed the recording was from Ozpin abusing his authority to tap into public security. Their locations were scattered among key locations to serve as reliable sources of information in addition to what his informants told him. They served as confirmations and occasionally as scouting material; Ozpin generally only reviewed these footage in his spare time.
Upon hearing the recent police report about one of the top clubs being destroyed overnight, he had pulled up their camera footage out of curiosity during one of his breaks. However, he found nothing. Their public footage was erased. Suspicious, he opened his own records. The rest was spoken for.
Ozpin leaned back in his chair before glancing at the large stack of files. He pulled out a stamp and got to work. Centuries of experience told him that procrastination never solved any of his problems. That certainly didn't make it any less irritating though. As the time ticked by, his arms moved at a lethargic pace. The task slowly but surely were completed, signifying the approach of a new term. Now if he could just solve his minor headache that's arose since earlier...
Announcement: Update needs to be delayed to tomorrow. Today has been busy for me and I wasnt able to do the writing I planned to do. Probably will be posting late tomorrow afternoon. Sorry everyone.