Replies to Reviews

1) Augusthippie1993: Wow it's been a while! I hope your holiday season went well! Thanks for the review :)!

2) Mergana Allen: Yes I wanted to show that the bond between Joe and Barry has nothing to do with Iris and is entirely dependent on them, unlike how the show always tries to make everything about Iris lol. Exactly my point! I don't get how people don't consider them related when they're basically adoptive or foster siblings... It's like saying families that don't share blood aren't real and I don't think that's right at all. Tom Cav playing so many different Harry's is amazing! He has done a superb job. Hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for the review :)!

3) John (Guest): I'm excited about the crisis crossover but I actually need to catch up with the series first, I'm way behind at the moment. I completely agree with your timeline, I would put those events around there as well. The earliest that I would have brought their daughter in would be Season 7 or 8, not any sooner. A lot more storyline could be covered first. Thanks for the review, looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

4) manticore-gurl071134: Thanks for the review! Hope you like it x

5) Spring Raine: YES! Thank you! That is my whole problem with the newspaper, it shouldn't determine their future, THEY should determine their own future. I love those names! Those are adorable! Your son is very lucky that you vetoed your husband's suggestion lol :)!

6) KingNex C. Cabaelez: That's a great idea! Next chapter will be their date, so I'll do some flashbacks either after that or perhaps a few during their date :). Thanks for the review!

7) Guest: Thank you! And thanks for the review!

8) Eclectica737: I completely agree, they really did. But Lois, in my opinion, had more of a purpose and her character had basic skills and chemistry, whereas Iris has none of that. Yes! Honestly as much I ship Snowbarry and Karamel, I would not have been mad to see Karry/SuperFlash happen. Grant and Melissa have undeniable on-screen chemistry and they would have been inconic. Thanks for the review x

9) rpenny33: Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words, I hope you enjoy the rest of the story :)!

10) Katherine Marceline Queen: Thank you! Hope you enjoy this chapter x

11) CaraCBewulf: Enjoy the update and thanks for the review :)!

12) craterball32: Thank you so much! Really appreciate it, hope you enjoy the rest of this story :)!

Chapter 29: Bullets and Strangers

Barry walks into the room and kisses Caitlin's cheek. "They're putting him in a cell then they're going to Big Belly Burger for lunch," Barry says. "Big Belly Burger," Harry smiles, "That's my cue." He leaves to go find Cisco and Ralph. "I guess we're all alone now," Caitlin says. "Whatever will we do to pass the time?" Barry winks at her. "Get over here, you lovable dork," She rolls her eyes at him. Barry walks over to her and pulls her into a sweet kiss. "So Caitlin Snow, can I take you out on a date?"

Caitlin's phone rings. "Hold that thought," She sighs. She swipes the call icon and brings the phone up to her ear. "Hey, Caitlin," Felicity says. "Hey Fel. How are guys doing?"

"We're surviving," Felicity laughs nervously, "Okay that was lie. How do you get a bullet out of a person?" "We're on our way," Caitlin says, picks up her medical bag and nods to Barry who immediately picks her up and begins running to the Arrow cave.

A minute later, they arrive and see Felicity applying pressure to Laurel's wound. Caitlin rushes over to them and begins her work. "Where's Oliver and the rest of the team?" Barry asks. "They're on a mission and we couldn't get a hold of them. I tried to call Quentin but he wouldn't have made it on time, he's in Coast City."

"You know you can always call us," Barry reassures her and places a comforting hand on her arm. "So Caitlin told me that you guys are officially an 'us'… I am super excited, so is Oliver even if he won't say it." "Yeah," Barry says with a smile, "I'm super excited too."

"All done," Caitlin announces and they join her and Laurel. "Thanks to Felicity applying pressure, you didn't lose a lot of blood so it was an easier fix than usual," Caitlin smiles. "Thanks," Laurel smiles at Felicity and squeezes her arm gratefully. "But just to be sure, we'll wait with you guys until the team gets back," Caitlin says and they nod at her. "I'll go get some food," Barry says before running off to pick up some Chinese food.

Meanwhile with Ronnie and Patty

Ronnie arrives at the address Caitlin gave him. He looks at the brown door nervously and then knocks. Patty opens the door with a smile on her face. He wipes his clammy hands on his jeans. "Hi," She looks at him curiously. "Hi, uh," He begins nervously, "You don't know me but my name is Ronnie Raymond and I have something for you."

She raises her eyebrow at him. "Look man I don't know what kind of a game you're playing but I'm a cop. I don't care how unbelievably attractive you are, I will still take your ass down to the station." "You think I'm attractive?" Ronnie says. Patty rolls her eyes, "Of course that's the part you hear."

"Look I promise I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just needed to give this to you," He hands her a disc and a gold necklace. Patty looks at him shocked. "How did you get this?"

"My name is Ronnie Raymond. I'm a metahuman and we were in love on another Earth. You made me promise to find you on this Earth if I ever found my way back here and return this."

Patty blinks back tears. "You have no idea what you've done for me."

They watch the alternate Patty on the television screen and they talk for hours. They agree to start off slow, as friends. Patty bites her lip as she watches the stud on her couch rest. "I never thought I could find someone like you… I never thought I'd give love another shot after what happened last time. Thank you, Ronnie Raymond."

She kisses his cheek.

At the Arrowcave

Oliver and the remainder of the team walk in to find Barry, Caitlin, Felicity and Laurel eating Chinese food.

"What are you guys doing here?" Oliver raises his eyebrow. "Trouble in Central City?" Roy inquires. "Actually, for once, no," Caitlin says, a joyous look crossing her face. "But if you guys are all good here, then Cait and I should get going," Barry says in a rush. "Why don't you guys stay for some hot chocolate?" Laurel offers, "Please? She did just save my life after all."

Barry wanted to get Caitlin safe and home as soon as possible but once he saw how she perks up over the thought of hot chocolate, he can't possibly take her home now. She pouts and he gives in. "Yay," Caitlin says with almost child-like excitement. Her smile is contagious and pretty soon he's smiling too as they all head to Felicity and Oliver's place for some hot chocolate.

Author's Note: Hey guys, I'm back! Hope you guys enjoyed this x

The plan is to have their date as the next chapter and then a fluffy chapter before we come across some issues. I really want to thank you guys for sticking around and I would appreciate reviews telling me what you think as well as possible date ideas for their big date that I could incorporate into the next chapter.

Much Love
