Welcome! This is my first attempt at humor, so forgive me if it wasn't funny enough.

Let's begin!

Chapter 1: First

Uchiha Shisui. That was his name. He was the famous Shunshin no Shisui. He was awesome.

And apparently, he was reincarnated.

What the actual fuck? He screamed inside when he figured it out. And that was when he heard a woman screaming and the sensation of being pushed out. That was definitely not a pleasant memory to remember (he shuddered as he tried to erase the memory but to no avail).

To his horror, he was born to Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto, of all people! As their first son (oh no he took Itachi's place without meaning to)!

Shisui still can't wrap his head around that. Because that would make Itachi and Sasuke his brothers. That was just absurdly weird (in a good way).

He was perfectly happy with that though (hell, he considered Itachi as his younger brother). Just not the parents part (because he still can remember his mother's beatific smile).

He was still named Shisui, and for that he was grateful. And his appearance wasn't that far off from his original handsome looks, from the people that came visit, they said he greatly resembled Mikoto-san's. That was the only positive thing he can find. Because he was handsome before, and he couldn't accept if he looked like Fugaku now. That man might be handsome to some people, but not to him (it might be a petty anger because the man was the one who was instigating the coup). He can't wait to see a mirror.

Shisui wanted to enjoy his second childhood this time around. His past childhood was not that good, considering his mom died during a mission when he was five, and his father became an absent father after that. That was one main factor as to why he was already a Jounin when he was eleven. He simply trained all day and night, asking members of his Clan and even the Hokage of a new Jutsu. His hobby was being in the library and training. Because even when he was young, he never wanted to be around a father that would always try his best to ignore his own son's existence.

His father died due to a suicide mission when he was nine though... so it wasn't that bad.


And so he was reincarnated as Itachi and Sasuke's older brother. That means he was going to be considered the 'heir'. That was a no-no in his opinion. Thus, he planned to act as goofy and irresponsible as possible when in front of his newly acquired family. He was never going to be the heir, ever.

Shisui was going to enjoy his second childhood and no one is going to stop him from doing so.

Not even his new grumpy father could stop him.

"Awww, Mikoto, I didn't know you and Fugaku can make such a cute baby!"

"Why, Kushina, thank you." Mikoto's tone was full of sarcasm it made Shisui stare at her in bewilderment (can a normal two months old baby do this? Nah, he could care less).

Shisui glanced at the woman with a curtain-like red hair. He was taken aback by her beauty and the color of her hair, even though it was all blurry because of his newborn eyesight. He tried to grab her hair.

"Kushina, he seems to like your hair," Mikoto said, as she took notice of Shisui's interest.

"Really?" Kushina peered at Shisui, making Shisui blink. If Shisui could nod, he would. But he can't, so he resorted to smiling and not frowning.

"See, he said yes."

Kushina laughed as she stared at Shisui. "I'm glad I was here, 'ttebane."

"Well, I invited you because his birth was the same day as yours."

"Thank you, Mikoto."


"I think I found my second favorite person, dattebane." Kushina smiled softly as she held Shisui's hand.

Mikoto blinked as she knew that she was Kushina's favorite person (Minato was third or something now). "That fast? Oh... I almost forgot to ask you this." She closed her eyes and smiled softly. "I was going to ask you later but I feel now is the best opportunity." Mikoto intently stared at her best friend's eyes. "Will you my take care of my son if something happens?"

Shisui gaped when he heard that.

"Mikoto...?" Kushina almost stopped breathing so her voice sounded off, "But.. that would make me his godmother... Wasn't that usually reserved for one of the Uchiha? I-I'm not an Uchiha, 'ttebane!"

Shisui didn't hear the rest of the conversation but he was sure that Kushina lady was now his godmother. In case something bad happens, some Shinobi parents would make close friends or family to watch over their children, not necessarily as guardian or replacement if the parents were dead. Now that, wasn't something Shisui opposed. That lady had pretty hair after all.

Shisui was horrified. He had to be near Mikoto-san's breasts. A lot of times. To get milk. To simply stay alive.

He wanted to cry. He wanted to forget. He wanted to die, even (he already died once so twice wasn't so weird anymore). He wanted to protest.

Thus, he wailed every time he was near Mikoto-san's breasts, even with his baby instinct screaming at him to latch on. He did after he was tired of crying... but still.

Eventually, his current mom started noticing that he didn't like drinking milk through her breasts. One day, with Kushina's suggestion, Mikoto started to use bottles.

Shisui sucked on the bottle that was offered to him happily to show he was happy drinking with it. From then on, his mother started using bottles to feed him.

That was when he was two months old. Two months of horror. Well, he didn't have a choice, so... yeah, he could do nothing about that.

He was now on his way to walk his first step. Now, he might not want the 'heir' position, but he wanted to be the ninja that he was. Even if he was still 5 months old, and too young to try walking (hey he can crawl now), he might be running by the time he was eight months. He wanted the freedom of running again (let it be known that Uchiha Shisui was an adrenaline junkie).

He didn't notice his current mom watching him with a smile from afar.


Shisui looked over his shoulder, stopping him in his track.

"Kushina-oneesan!" He shouted happily and ran to her. He didn't see her for nearly a year now. It was because of a mission or something.

He paused when he spotted a girl his own age beside Kushina. Maybe she was Kushina's daughter that she had told him about one year ago? He didn't really remember, but Kushina gave birth exactly 8 months after his birth. The girl was his age, apparently, but Kushina didn't have the opportunity before to introduce her daughter to him because of her missions.

Kushina took notice of his hesitation and pushed the girl forward.

"Uh... Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Uzumaki Naruto, dattebayo."

Shisui was shocked, to say the least when he heard the name and the verbal tick. In front of him was someone that should have been born around the same time as Sasuke. Maybe this was not time traveling, but dimension traveling?

Blah, who cared now anyway. Let's just take it easy and go with the flow. Anything is possible now that a bizarre mix of reincarnation and time travel is possible.

"Nice to meet you too! I'm Uchiha Shisui." He glanced around. "Let's play?" He gestured at the swings.

Shisui noticed that the girl was frozen in her place, so he grabbed her hand and pulled her along.

"I'll be here before sunset, alright?" Kushina informed them and walked off from the playground. Shinobi parents usually were quite lenient with their children, so it was not that odd to leave two and a half-year-old kids to play in the playground without supervision.

Shisui let go of Naruto and took the right swing, Naruto the left.

"Can I call you Shisui?" Naruto spoke up as she started to swing. "I hate honorifics."

Shisui blinked and looked at Naruto, "Sure. We're the same age, right? I will call you... Naruto as well." Shisui was certain that he had never skipped over the no honorific stage this fast. It was natural of him that he was quite hesitant to do so.

Naruto looked at Shisui with a look of comprehension and she grinned at him like he was an interesting discovery. "You're like me, aren't you?"

Shisui froze at the sudden question. Simply because the one who questioned him was the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki in his previous life, he held his breath. He sharply ducked his chin under his high collared shirt and stared at her with a guarded look.

"What do you mean?" His tone of voice came out like he accused Naruto or something. But he was too surprised by the question that he didn't think through.

"Reincarnation. Or more accurately," Naruto stated as she stared directly at him with a look of grim determination, "transmigration."

Shisui stood up so fast, the swing might be broken.

"Hey, calm down! I'm not telling anyone, dattebayo!"

Shisui frowned, as he started to breathe.

"You know more about this than I do, from the sound of it."

Naruto smile was bitter as she said, "You don't know the half of it."

Shisui plopped himself down. "I'm listening."

"Who said I was going to tell you anything?" Naruto herself plopped down to the ground, not caring about dirtying her pants in the slightest.

Shisui blew a raspberry. "Oh come on!"

"Maybe someday."

Naruto expertly ignored the attempts Shisui had thrown for her to explain that day.

Shisui's eyes were trying hard to memorize the person in front of him.

Naruto blushed when he was staring too long. "Stop staring at me! You're so weird, 'ttebayo!"

Shisui stammered out a 'yes' but he couldn't do it. So Naruto dispelled the henge that she had over her four-year-old body.

"Geez, was my grown-up self that disgusting or something?" Naruto folded her arms in front of her chest.

Shisui shook his head vehemently. It was the opposite. Naruto was, simply put, stunning. He quickly regretted the decision to ask her to show her seventeen-year-old form.

"Okay, your turn, Shisui!" Naruto cheerfully patted his back.

Shisui grumbled and unhappily did the henge anyway.

This time it was Naruto's turn to freeze in her place.

Shisui couldn't keep the pride over his looks. He grinned so wide and enveloped the girl, although embarrassed to do such thing, in a hug. Now his body was temporarily larger, he could envelop her in his big hug.

"Gah! Put me down, Shisui!"

Of course, he didn't let go of her for the next thirty or so minutes. Who could let go such a squishy teddy bear anyway?

Naruto was happy. She managed to graduate at six! Almost like Kakashi-sensei, and like Ero-sennin! How cool is that?

But then a sour point was rearing its ugly head in front of her.

Uchiha Shisui waved his hand cheerily at her from the academy entrance. Her eyebrow's twitched when she saw the green vest that he wore over a v-neck black t-shirt the Uchiha commonly wore when wearing the standard Konoha flak jacket. She was irritated at the reminder that Shisui had just passed his Chuunin Exam a while ago.

"Naruto! Congrats on graduating!" Shisui chirped as he patted her shoulder.

Naruto took a step backward and responded with a bit distaste. "Ugh, thanks."

Shisui peered over her. "What? You're not happy I'm here? I know I'm not your parents, but as you know, they're away on an important mission."

Naruto huffed exasperatedly. "Why are you a genius when you're nothing but an idiot like me?"

Shisui blinked and grinned. "Ow, Naruto-chan, that hurts!"

"Cut that out! I don't like that coming from you," she hissed. "And basically, I just insulted myself, dattebayo. Oh god, I'm such an idiot."

Shisui chuckled and teased, "Well, only a special kind of idiot can graduate at twelve." He nodded to himself.

Naruto glared daggers at him in an instant. "Shut up! And, that means you're insulting Sasuke, dattebayo! He graduated at twelve, too!"

Shisui cackled, inviting some strange looks from the onlookers.

"I'm joking, Naruto." He chuckled lightly.

Naruto turned away her gaze from him.


Naruto was too happy when she found out that she was teamed with Uchiha Obito and Hatake Kakashi for a particular mission.

She almost drew the waterworks when her father introduced her to his team. Because... the two was someone she had personally known, unlike Shisui and Rin.

"So this is your daughter, eh, Minato-sensei?" Obito crouched down and eyed her. "She looks like that woman- I mean she looks like you, Sensei!"

Naruto wanted to hug Obito. And she did just that. The current Kakashi looked like he would maim anyone who would dare to hug him, so she avoided to do that. For now.

"Whoa! Sensei! It's, it's not me- stop glaring at me!"

Rin found that she liked Minato-sensei's daughter. In a way, she was like the perfect blend of Kushina-san and Minato-sensei. But she didn't understand why the girl kept introducing herself as 'Uzumaki Naruto' instead of 'Namikaze Naruto'.

"Um, Naruto-chan?" Rin asked when they were camping out after a mission, "Why is your surname Uzumaki? Minato-sensei is Namikaze, right?"

Naruto sighed like she was used to the question, but nonetheless, she answered, "I like Uzumaki more, that's all."

Minato shook his head, an amused glint in his eyes as he spoke, "Naruto convinced Kushina and I to change her name when she was five."

Kakashi looked sharply at Naruto. "Why do you not like Minato-sensei's surname?" His tone indicated that he was displeased.

Naruto shrugged half-heartedly. "I just don't."

Shisui snorted and snickered. "You said 'Uzumaki sounds more badass' that one time."

"Well, yeah! I think Dad should change his surname too!"

Kakashi stared at Naruto like she did something grave for the rest of the conversation.

"Kannabi Bridge mission?! Tomorrow?"


Naruto sharply inhaled, "I'm going."


"Hey, is that really the Uchiha Madara?"


"Looks old."

"That much is obvious, idiot."

"Hello, my honorable... Wait, my direct ancestor is Uchiha Kagami." Shisui put his infamous thinking pose. "That's it! Uchiha Kagami's first cousin was Uchiha Madara, so, you're my honorable cousin many times removed or something!"

Naruto facepalmed as her temple throbbed all of sudden. "Oh my god, you just didn't..."

Shisui's cheeky grin as he severed the connections between the Gedo Mazou and Madara made Naruto's day as she successfully sealed the bastard with the horrid black ink known as Black Zetsu together with a seal that even made Kurama whimper inside Kushina's seal for some unknown reason.

Shisui was the first to propose. And it was at the balcony at her Chuunin Exams. He just had the gall to blurt out, "Marry me." In front of everyone with no care whatsoever, no less.

"... are you out of your mind?" Naruto gulped a considerable amount of orange juice that she had in her grasp down her throat as she stared incredulously at Shisui. "We're Eight! What, what the heck?"

Shisui's voice was calm as he spoke his next great sentence, "I don't care."

It was silence for a few seconds until Naruto chirped up a, "Okay!"

Minato, who was there with Kushina, had to be restrained as he watched his daughter get dragged by the Uchiha Boy after she finished with her match.

"She's not, she's not old enough yet!" Minato protested for like the thousandth times. He wanted to use his Hiraishin to snatch his baby daughter away from that Uchiha Boy but Kushina's Chakra Chains restrained his chakra to even perform the basic Kawarimi.

Kushina's glare was venomous as she uttered, "Minato, if you don't shut up, I'm going to beat you up, dattebane."

That was enough for Minato to quietly ate his dinner without complaining.

Not that he was going to stop complaining. His daughter was eight for Shodai-sama's sake.

He can't let that Uchiha Boy steal his daughter even before her twentieth birthday. She never drank alcohol before and she was proposed to by someone he didn't know before she was an adult?


Uchiha Fugaku wanted to kill himself. Now.

"So yeah, I proposed to her and she said 'okay'!"

Itachi looked at his brother with respect. "That's admirable, Onii-san."

The ever polite Itachi was giving his blessing. Mikoto couldn't help but said, "You choose well, Shisui."

Fugaku kept silent but he nodded robotically.

Shisui took that as an approval as he continued eating with a victorious smile on his face.

Fugaku could already imagine the headaches the Elders would bring the next day simply because his son was stupid enough to propose to a girl, not even an Uchiha, in public.

Uchiha don't do public.

Except for Uchiha Shisui, the heir of the Uchiha Clan. Fugaku snorted, ignoring his wife concerned look as he did so. He loved his family but this was absurd.

Shisui was eight for Kagami's sake. Had common sense flew out of that boy's head or what?

Jiraiya never met his god-daughter simply because he didn't want to.

He wanted a god-son.

What? He can't pass his teachings to a girl.

A girl can't be taught to peep at the hot springs, can't help him with ideas, and stuff.

(He couldn't admit it to himself that he was scared of Kushina if he somehow managed to corrupt the little girl but oh well).

But he found out his god-daughter had found herself a fiance at the tender age of eight from the spy he had in Konoha.

He was ecstatic (because he now could 'accidentally' corrupt his god-daughter without repercussions). And so he planned to visit Konoha to meet his student's daughter.

Sandaime Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, stared at his best friend as he gravely sighed.

"Are you out of your mind, Danzou?"

Danzou glared heatedly. "Of course not, my friend. I simply thought it was best to do this. We can't jeopardize the village over one clan."

"Danzou, we can't just be offing an entire clan, which is part of our village anyway, just because you thought it was dangerous."

"The heir of that clan just proposed to one of the Uzumaki members in the village!"

"And how is that dangerous?"

"Do I need to remind you that the Uzumaki was basically the Senju but without the name? Oh, and the Uchiha Clan's Curse of Hatred Tobirama-sensei spoke of might influence the village on a greater scale if this keeps up so I made a plan to..."

Hiruzen was listening but he was done. He was so done the next day he dumped the Hokage job to the first person he could think of.

"Huh?" Kushina was dumb-founded by it she asked Hiruzen to repeat. "Sandaime-sama, what are you...?"

"Uzumaki Kushina, from now on, you're the Yondaime Hokage."

It was the beginning of a new era.

Author's Note: To be continued! I hope this story has reviews and the likes... you know, it's like reviews are an author's fuel to continue. Or something. Whatever.

See you~

-Tonegawa Rie

Edited: August 20th, 2018