
"Come in," I answer when I hear the knock on my bedroom door. Prim walks in with a smile on her face.

"I saw Peeta on his way out," Prim smirks, "He looked awfully happy,"

I laugh and lay back on my bed, "He got me a promise ring,"

"Really?" Prim says walking over to my bed, "Let me see," I extend my hand and show her my ring and she gasps, "Oh my god Katniss, that's so pretty,"

"I know right!" I squeal, I have to admit it feels nice to be this happy and in love.

"You really love him, don't you?" Prim asks as she climbs on the bed and lays down on her back next to me.

"Yeah I do," I sigh.

"You know, before you were here, I'd always wished I had a sister," Prim says


"Yeah, and I'm so happy with the sister I got," She says

"Me too," I say, "I know there's been a lot over the past years, and I'm sorry I probably didn't spend enough time with you like a sister normally does,"

"You probably didn't," She admits, "But I don't care. You've been there for me when I needed it and most sisters don't get along, but hey we get along great,"

"Yeah we do," I say, "So... any boys I should be chasing off?"

"No," Prim replies, but she's blushing.

"There is!" I exclaim, sitting up and turning to face her

"Okay...Maybe there is," She says, turning even more red.

"Who?" I ask her

"His name is Jacob," She says, "And he asked me out today,"

"What did you say?" I ask her

"I said yes!" She squeals, then sighs, "He's dreamy," I laugh and then she adds, "Well I mean, it's not just that, he's smart and funny and he's an amazing guy,"

"Good," I say, "You deserve to be happy with a guy who treats you right,"

"Being with Peeta has really turned you into a romantic, hasn't it?" Prim asks

I sigh and flop back on the bed dramatically and say, "It really has,"

I take a deep breath and look at Peeta with excitement. My mom, Mr. Mellark, and Prim look at us, anxiously waiting. Today Peeta and I got our letters from UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) in the mail and we're about to open them together. This envelope holds the fate of our college lives. This isn't the only school I've applied to of course but it's my top choice, Peeta's too. Our group of friends mainly applied to the same schools, we all seem to have discovered our hidden gifts and passions around the same time, it made senior year a lot of fun because we helped each other prepare.

If I get in, I'll be Majoring in Law and Minoring in Music. A lot changed for me, I kept on the path to recovery and discovered I have a passion in changing things. I want a lot to change, I discovered a lot about Foster Care, once I realized that's where I could have ended up, and I've seen the injustice of the world. I want to change that. I've always loved music so it made sense that I kept that going, plus I applied for a lot of scholarships and I got one for my music.

Peeta's going to study literature and art, he's always had a way with words and I know he'll do amazing. He has a beautiful art portfolio so I am confident in him.

"On three, we open the letters," Peeta says, I nod, "One...Two...Three..."

We both open our letters and I start reading.

Dear Miss Everdeen,

Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the University of California in Los Angeles beginning this fall...

I stop reading. I got in. I got in! I look at Peeta, pure joy on his face.

"I got in!" He says, I feel the smile spreading on my face.

"Me too!" I scream and I throw myself in his arms and he holds me tight. Our families cheer and congratulate us, I'm going to UCLA! I'm going to UCLA with Peeta!


"Annie Cresta... Acting in new series being released next Spring"

"Katniss Everdeen... Attending University of California in Los Angeles, studying Law and Music"

"Johanna Mason... Attending University of California in Los Angeles, studying Film and Production"

"Peeta Mellark... Attending University of California in Los Angeles, studying Literature and Art"

"Finnick Odair... Attending California Institution of the Arts, studying Acting"

"Madge Undersee... Marian College, studying Nursing"

Four Years Later

As the principal keeps going on with her speech, I look over at Peeta standing next to me, then Johanna standing on my other side. We did it. It hasn't been easy, Peeta and I broke up at the end of our first year here, we spent almost an entire year apart. I went on several dates, none really stuck though. Peeta had a girlfriend or two but that never lasted long either. The year apart was good for us though, it gave us space to grow and discover more about ourselves. When we got back together, we were stronger than ever and we've been going strong since.

Finnick and Annie broke up at the end of last year, it was really upsetting and the media didn't help. The show was a success, and soon Annie's name was common around most teenagers. However, Annie's character had a love interest and the actor developed actual feelings for Annie and he kissed her when there was a camera around. Of course they only published the kiss and not Annie pushing him away. It wasn't like Annie's relationship with Finnick was a secret so it made for a juicy story. Finnick saw the photo before Annie had a chance to talk to him and they got into a huge argument and Annie admitted there had been a kiss before that one. I think the distance got them, originally the show was going to be filmed in L.A so Annie would be near by us, Finnick's school is only half an hour away from L.A. However, it got changed to San Francisco. There was never any public announcement of Annie and her Co-star dating to I'm assuming nothing happened.

Johanna had a steady boyfriend all through college, I'd never seen her happier. She truly loved him and we all though he loved her too, we were wrong. He loved her, just not as much as she loved him. He broke up with her about two months ago, we never found out why exactly since Johanna refused to talk about it. She really closed up, then she started going out and staying out all night, and she was falling behind on her classes. Peeta and I took to helping her back up, we never asked her to talk about him, I knew it hurt too much, she'd never loved or trusted someone like she did him.

As for Madge, I don't really know, nursing school takes up a whole lot of her time and we stopped seeing her. We don't blame her, the pressure to succeed in her family is really high, we haven't talked in quite a while. We became those friends who lost touch.

I'm brought back to the present by my fellow graduates preparing to throw up their caps. I reach up and grab my cap, and throw it up along with everyone else, joining in on the cheers. I catch my cap and place it back on my head, I move the tassel to the other side. Then I turn to look at Peeta but he isn't standing next to me. I look around confused and start to walk in the direction he was at.

"Well don't step on me," His voice says and I startle, the voice came from below me, I look down to see Peeta down on one knee. I gasp as I watch him pull out a velvet ring. We've gathered the attention from the people around us, they watch anxiously to see what happens next.

"About four years ago, I made a promise," Peeta starts, "I promised you that I will always be here and I will always love you and I meant it then and I mean it now. I love you more than I could possibly explain, but I'll try. The first day I met you, even then, I knew there was something different about you. You had a spark, you had this fire and determination and you were fiercely protective. These past years that I've been able to spend with you have been amazing, I know it hasn't always been easy, we've gone through a lot together and some separately, but even then we came back to each other. When I picture my future, you're in it, always. There is no one else I'd rather be with. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Katniss Everdeen, will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?"

I can't stop the tear that falls, I feel myself nodding frantically. "Yes," I say with a watery chuckle, Peeta's smile grows wide as he slides the ring onto my finger. I throw my arms around him and hold him tight, whispering, "Always," as the people around us cheer.

Five Years Later

"Katniss calm down," Johanna says, "Take a deep breath,"

"How long has been?" I ask her nervously

"It's only been a minute," She says, "Just two more minutes,"

Peeta and I got married a year after the engagement and we still been living in L.A. Peeta's been writing a book and he commissions art pieces, I'm a volunteer for Foster Care Organizations and I've been working along side a woman named Callie Foster-Adams. Peeta and I put off having kids, we wanted to focus on our careers and we've traveled and gone out and just truly enjoyed ourselves. This wasn't part of our plan right now. One week ago if you'd told me I've be sitting on my bathroom floor waiting for a pregnancy test, I'd have told you you were crazy.

Our wedding played matchmaker for several people. Finnick and Annie got back together, and Johanna and Gale got together. I was completely baffled at first, but then I saw that they were both happy and, well I accepted it.

Prim is in Nursing School, and she's happily engaged.

"Okay," Johanna says, "It's ready,"

I take a deep breath, but I don't reach for the test, "I can't do this Johanna,"

"Yes you can," She says, "Do you want me to look at it?"

I want to say yes, but I can't. I have to do this, I shake my head at her and reach my hand out for the test. I pick it up and brace myself. Positive. It's positive. I'm pregnant.

"I'm pregnant," I whisper. I'm going to be a mom, Peeta's going to be a dad. A dad. I wish my dad were here for this. And with that thought I start sobbing. Johanna wraps her arms around me and lets me sob, she understands what's going on through my head right now. She was the one who held me when I cried before my wedding because Dad wasn't there. I miss him so much, and I really wish he was here. He would have the perfect advise for me, he would know exactly what to say. He would wrap me in his arms, but he can't because he's dead. The thought makes me sob harder.

And that's how Peeta finds us, me a sobbing mess and Johanna holding me, unsure of what to do.

"Katniss? What's wrong?" Peeta asks me as he takes me in his arms. He picks me up off the bathroom floor and carries me over to the bed. I clutch a pillow as I try to control my sobs, I can hear Peeta's and Johanna's voices from the bathroom.

"What happened?" Peeta asks her

"Uh," Johanna says, "Here,"

"Wait...what?" Peeta asks confused

"She's pregnant," Johanna says softly

"Oh," He says stunned, "Wow,"

I don't here what else Peeta says as the exhaustion takes over and I fall asleep.

When I wake up, Peeta is the first thing I see.

"Hey," He says softly, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," I say quietly, my voice hoarse. Peeta hands me a glass of water, I drink greedily, not noticing how thirsty I am until now. He takes the cup from me and sets it on the nightstand, then he climbs in bed next to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Peeta asks

"I'm pregnant," I say

"I know baby," He says, "Why were you crying?"

"I started thinking about Dad," I say quietly, "How he's gone. He would have known the perfect thing to say, I miss him,"

"I know you do,"

"I don't know how to be a parent Peeta,"

"No one knows how to be a parent, but we can help each other figure it out," Peeta says

"What if it grows up to hate me?" I ask

"Every teenager hates their parent at some point, but we won't have to worry about that for a long time,"

"What if I can't love it?" I whisper

"You will,"

"How do you know?"

"Because I know you, you'll be a great mom,"

"And you'll be an amazing dad," I say

"So we're doing this?" He asks, "We're having a baby?"

I take his hand and slide it over onto my stomach and say, "We're having a baby,"

"Becky, can you take this to daddy?" I ask her, handing her Danny's towel, she nods and bounces off to the bathroom. I sigh and yawn. Becky's full name is Rebecca Willow Mellark, she's five, dark hair and blue eyes, obsessed with music and dancing. Peeta was right, I loved her the moment I felt her growing inside me. I cried the first time I felt her kick. She's a total Daddy's girl, she loves painting with him and follows him everywhere. She's stubborn like me and has Peeta's smile. Danny's full name is Daniel Peeta Mellark, he's 2 and a half years old, blonde curls and gray eyes. He's a Momma's boy and he has my scowl, and he's absolutely fascinated watching Peeta bake and sometimes he even "helps".

Prim has a four year old daughter named Rose, Johanna has a three year old son named Jake, and Annie is 7 months pregnant with her first kid, they want to keep the gender a surprise though.

Peeta was right, we're not perfect parents but we're figuring it out together. I love sitting on the porch with Peeta watching Becky dance around as Danny tries to follow along with his chubby legs. They see the world as innocent and beautiful. One day we'll have to explain it to them, explain my past and warn them of the dangers.

Peeta says it will be okay. We have each other. We can make them understand in a way that will make them braver. But one day I'll have to explain about my nightmares. Why they came. Why they won't ever really go away. I'll tell them how I survive it. I'll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pleasure in anything because I'm afraid it could be taken away. That's when I make a list of every act of goodness I've seen someone do. It's like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious after all these years.

But there are much worse games to play.

The End

Hey guys, well that's it. The end of Hidden. Sorry for making you wait three weeks and yes I'm publishing this at 2am! Wow it's been quite a chaotic and weird story. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the story and if there are any unanswered questions, feel free to ask and I'll happily answer them! That last paragraph was almost entirely copied from the Epilogue in Mockingjay, so all credit for that goes to Suzanne Collins. If you stuck with me through this story then thank you so much! I'd love it if you reviewed! I hope you were happy with the ending and if not and you want a better epilogue then feel free to review and say so and if you guys want that, I'll work something out.


District12Greenie, B Dizzy, AGK572, Brittany. , Sweetlife12304, thebruners, rian2001, 32sheshe, and imagionationheartlove, Thank you for reviewing and of course thank you to the Guests who reviewed and that one Anonymous, thank you to you too!